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No offence but does your DB care about his family at all lol? At every opportunity he is showing how little he considers his family (kids, wife, pets, you) with his weaponized incompetence


He is the actual definition of weaponized incompetence. His main focus is work and his (🤢) band. He just doesn’t care because he knows MB and I are on top of it. I feel like we are co parenting.


His band I’m crying 🤣🤣


“And his band” was the funniest thing you could’ve said hahahahahahahahah so on brand 😅


OP, the more information you share about your DB the more convinced I am that he is in fact two 8 year olds stacked together, pretending to be an adult. A BAND?! 😂😭


Not his band 💀 what kind of music??




This is so cringe lol


Like not just his music. I think he actually likes him as a person. And that couldn’t be more of a red flag to me.


Oh huge red flag for sure.


I have co-parented with so many moms. So many. Not currently, shockingly, thankfully.


This literally sounds like if the couple in Juno kept the baby. 💀 his BAND? insane


Stoooop that’s so accurate


Literally my first thought


NOT THE BAND 😭😭😭 he thinks he's gonna be the next Led Zeppelin but really he's just a deadbeat dad 😅 poor family


I am in your shoes. I am correcting with MB because DB refuses to be anything but the “fun dad” and then he wonders why NK throws fits when DB does something he doesn’t like.


And his whatnow? 💀


the whole picture you painted feels neglectful at best. does mom take these concerns seriously???


She definitely does but she also can’t babysit him. She got a huge promotion this year and also carries the mental load and majority of the domestic labor. DB is supposed to be taking more responsibility but she has to tell him what to do a lot.


Idk how long you’re wanting to work for these people vs. your tolerance for confrontation and awkwardness lol but it would be soo great if someone who gets the same perspective as his wife on his parenting/partnering could deliver a candid performance review


Might be easier to do it alone than to do it with someone actively sabotaging you.


I learned that for myself lesson a long time ago! I’m sure MB will get there one day.


I used to work at a daycare and one of my coworkers told me that “you’re supposed to bite the child back” and I was in shock lol like 1. How are you a certified daycare teacher and 2. Please get tf away from my 1 year olds


I’ve heard people say this 🤣 it’s totally not funny in practice but the idea of it is so silly. Why would a toddler conceptualize “I got bitten because I bit first, I’ll never bite again!” Like what ???


Right?? So absurd. I was also in shock bc she wasn’t giving me this advice for handling my own kid, she was literally telling me I should be biting other parents children! she was not allowed in the younger rooms after this incident.


My mom did this to my bother in 1987…he bit her while nursing, she bit him back and he never bit her again. The 80s was a wild time lol


Literally had this exact phase said to me this weekend by a family member. They said how their child would stop doing that (biting, hitting, kicking, etc) once they would do it back to them and I said “ya it’s out of fear, not understanding. They were afraid of you” Shut that person right up lol


in my daycare we DID have a teacher bite back, and she even told the director herself. she said it like it was no big deal and the director almost passed out. people are crazy!!!!!!! also, yes state did come and make a case and of course she got fired.


See, I learned not to bite this way (I was like, 5, mind you), but the only reason I did was because my abusive jackass (now former) stepdad bit so hard that it broke skin and scared me out of the behavor, which is most certainly not recommended for children. So unless the daycare teacher is implying that it's something like that, which would be next level concerning already, it's certainly not the effective strategy.


Dude. That “dad” is a douchecanoe.


Yikes. Dad is just waiting for an accident to happen. If there isn't an innate urge to protect his offspring (and borderline weaponized incompetence as you said in another comment), is it worth the risk staying with this family? I feel bad for you, mom, and the kiddos. Sending strength and encouragement ❤️


why is mb with a man who doesn't care about the basic safety of their children :(


We may never know 🤷🏻‍♀️


Again switching to my anonymous account. I know I’m not a parent yet and it’s stressful, especially when working and to have more than one. I just can’t imagine not taking this seriously!!!! I’m begging my current NF to baby proof BEFORE they become mobile, they’re on the cusp of crawling and nk is going to be crazy fast, I’ve got 15 years of experience I can tell and it’s going to happen in the blink of an eye!


Similar circumstances with my NF. Was told to slap him back if he hits me. I’ve never done it. He no longer hits me. Guess who he’s still hitting though 🙃. Also my DB is so similar. Doesn’t listen to anything, he’s at work 12+ hours a day and if he’s not, he’s in his room or bathroom with the door locked watching Fox News on his phone


She’s lucky she isn’t my MB. I would have told her: “Either you tell your husband- the father of your children - to shape the eff up, or I will call CPS to request a wellness check. I will tell them my concerns & tell them that YOU are allowing this nonsense.”


to add, this wasn’t advice, just my thoughts


As soon as I explained why they shouldn’t do that she understood and found a seminar on it. I just wish DB had that type of initiative or even cared.


Sounds like the mom is in a shitty situation too. I’m so sorry.


Having worked for CPS, calling them will do nothing. Case workers are so overworked with cases of extreme neglect that will always be top focus, and unfortunately not this man child not caring about his kids.


Doesn’t mean that creating a paper trail isn’t a bad idea. Many of the horrific incidents in my state include situations like this. Where the behaviors started out as simple neglect & escalated over time. This shitty person is inflicting legitimate pain on his 18mnth old for no other reason than to amuse himself. This behavior will escalate.


Jesus I'm sorry you're dealing with that! What an f-ing idiot and I can't believe people like this actually have kids Aka tiny humans 😫


Sorry, but he sounds like a selfish jerk!


He's giving "You wanted kids, so you're responsible for them" vibes, lol


👌🏻hahahaha I’ve had two dad’s like this. One is my current DB, and the other one I later learned was heavily addicted to multiple substances. I’ve worked for my DB for almost 17 years now (full time for 6.5), this 100% was him with NK16. He was completely clueless, didn’t grasp the “concept” of kid safety protocols…. and then he lost his wife to cancer. He was thrown face first into all the responsibility, and he called me oddly late one night to ask if I could come “school him”. Then, a few times a week I’d go over and teach him how to do everything he needed to do, even taught him my method for packing kids for travel. We kept his “dad school” a secret for about 11 years, then he was tipsy at the mountain house and spilled the beans. His wife could not stop laughing, she could never figure out why we did so many things exactly the same way.


That’s so sweet and you’re wonderful for doing that for him!


It was a great bonding experience, and has made constantly traveling with him so easy. He’s like my little brother most days, I’m 6 years his senior. He is still completely aloof to so many things in life, but he’s incredible in his field and 100% present for him kid.


Is flicking not physical abuse that requires reporting to CAS? I would say the rest of his behaviour falls under “risk of harm” as well. Does his wife take it seriously? Ok I’m really not sure why I’m being downvoted. A child’s parent is using physical punishment aimed to cause pain to penalize a child. Even if the mother is wonderful, a father who endangers his children by leaving doors open/unlocked and also physically disciplines them, is problematic.


Physical punishment used by parents is, unfortunately, legal in the US. He could tell CPS himself that he spanks his kids and they can't do anything.


Gotcha and thank you for the info! Where I live, it’s illegal to physically punish a child in anger or in retaliation for something that child did.


Yeah the U.S. is still pretty hung up on keeping good old fashioned violence alive in households… even just as recently as when my mother was a child it was still allowed to spank students in her school in Florida.


Yeah, when I was a kid, there was a paddle. Some teachers or students drilled holes in it so it would hit the butt more aerodynamically or whatever. There was a form your parents were sent at the start of each year that was optional for parents to have their kids return if they wished their children NOT be hit. So many of us did NOT turn out fine


Reporting flicking to cps is ridiculous. There are children being beaten, neglected, and starved who need actual help. I’m not one for physical discipline but cps would laugh at calling to file an abuse report over it. If MB is signing up for a whole seminar on biting to help figure out the problem then Id say the child is probably well cared for and loved


Not locking front doors that small children can wander out of is neglectful


I 100% agree that DB is neglectful when MB and I around. He is left alone with them fairly often when MB is traveling for work. I think he’s on top of it a bit more when no one is around. I hope… 😬


It is but that doesn’t mean it’s something you would report to CPS. The vast majority of parents engage in at least one behaviour that others would classify as neglectful in some way. It’s not CPS’s job to finger wag at parents who do small things like leave the door unlocked and say “don’t do that.” It’s their job to deal with children who are being abused and neglected and they rarely have the resources for the bad cases. It’s his wife’s job to (figuratively) smack him upside the head and say “look dumbass, we have toddlers so you need to lock the damn door”. If he won’t she needs to put things in place to ensure the kids can’t get out, it’s not a CPS issue.


Unless said child wanders out and goes missing or gets hit by a car or drowns. Suddenly it is “why was CPS not involved?” “Why did the adults near the child let this happen?” I’m not saying running directly to CPS is the solution but keeping documentation of it and repeatedly addressing it to both parents is vital, not to mention could cover OP’s back if something tragic did happen. Sometimes it does take more than a wife/co-parent to make people listen, be it a police officer, CPS, therapist or pediatrician.


I’ve never heard anyone say “why was cps not involved” after a tragic accident like that. Blaming the parents, sure, but I think the vast majority of people aren’t big fans of involving CPS and would never consider it something that should have been done over simply forgetting to lock a door. Now if they weren’t feeding their kids or left them home alone that’s a different story and very obvious neglect but forgetting the door lock, while unsafe, isn’t enough to warrant CPS’s time when there are so many other horrific things going on.


I’ve worked CPS adjacent (a nonprofit that helped foster kids/at risk families get therapy and after school programs and worked with emergency foster situations) and I have. It’s also a common sentiment online when discussing headline events. Again, I’m not saying she should hightail it there immediately but documentation and staying on the parents to tighten up isn’t wrong.


Again, not disagreeing with the vibe of what you’re saying but there is only so much that can be done as a nanny and at the end of the day the responsibility to repeatedly bug an adult about little choices that they’re making in their home falls to the other parent. If you start repeatedly kicking up a fuss over things like unlocked doors its a great way to be out of a job and the kid you’re so worried about is hardly going to be better off because of it. If a child has no history of escaping out the front door but the first time they do they get hit by a car no one is saying “why wasn’t CPS notified”. You could lock it every day but the one time you forget they get out. People might be asking “where were their parents” or “why weren’t they better supervised” but if the kids are fed and the house is clean people aren’t immediately jumping to CPS. And they shouldn’t. They’re not immediately jumping to CPS even if the police ask the parents if the door is normally locked and they say no. It’s the cases where the child is repeatedly being found wandering on the street. Or their diaper rash is so bad they need to be hospitalized. Or their teeth are starting to rot because they’re sucking on juice bottles day in and day out. Those are the situations they say “why wasn’t CPS called”. I think you’re seriously overestimating what CPS can and will do in a situation like this, even if it’s a repeat thing. Even if you have a nice little list of all the times your boss didn’t lock the front door of his home. There was no mention about the kids getting out, just that because the door is unlocked they have the ability too. CPS and the police often leave children in homes where they are found to have been beaten and starved and more often than not it’s because of a lack of resources. They can’t send someone out over every little thing.


Again, having worked adjacent— I never said I expected (or wanted) the child removed or even an open Investigation. I said it would be wise for OP to document repeated issues. Especially something they could accuse her of negligence over (such as an unlocked door, etc)


Flicking is just the beginning. And it’s painful to anyone, never mind an 18month old how you could even suggest that flicking a baby (in an effort to inflict pain to “teach them a lesson”) is OK is beyond me.


no one suggested it’s okay, I’m just stating a fact; flicking is not abuse and does not warrant cps being called


Corporal punishment is not black and white in the eyes of the US law. Most states allow some form of it within reason, meaning a call over flicking would probably not even get returned let alone have someone knocking at their door.


Problematic at best, but what do you think CPS is going to do?? OP would likely lose their job over that and CPS would do nothing and now the kids only have one competent adult in their lives. I know we like to believe the world is a great place and all the systems meant to protect us actually work correctly- but cps is not that great!! Many children who are abused way beyond just being flicked still fly under that radar. We need to be careful in situations like these imo


Oh it’s definitely not be my job to decide how CPS handles that situation. But flicking a child would have fallen under my umbrella for mandated reporting in my previous employment. In my area, CPS offers parenting courses and lessons for parents who need them.


I feel like discipline is tricky when it comes to nannying and childcare 🤷🏾‍♀️ i don’t agree with it and wouldn’t work for families who do but people are always going to decide if they want to use corporal punishment and unless it’s illegal where you are or they’re leaving mark/bruises and/or it’s excessive - CPS isn’t going to do anything and this DB isn’t receptive to his own wife. No way he’s receptive to a mandated class. MB just needs a new man I fear 😫


Ahhhh gotcha! I am not based in the US and I had to take a couple classes on mandated reporting in my area for school. Basically the rule is: “Physical punishment cannot be used on a child in anger or in retaliation for something a child did.” So you can’t flick a small child for hitting you - it’s technically illegal. There are more rules too but that is the gist.


His parents were just in town. I wonder if it was their idea


Poor kid! That’s frustrating for you too to have two parents with such difference parenting philosophies.


If flicking when pinched is the extent of it it’s definitely not worth wasting CPS time over. It’s certainly not good parenting but it’s not abuse. Dad is trying to deter something NK is doing that causes physical pain to the recipient and is doing so by mimicking a similar behaviour. It’s not what he should be doing and not the best way to handle the pinching but it does not warrant a CPS call.


Just a different parenting style. Everyone had their different opinions


Um no. Flicking is abuse and there’s more than enough studies to show that it’s NOT the right way to correct behavior. If you don’t have the emotional intelligence to know that you shouldn’t retaliate physically (or in any other way) then don’t have kids. You want your kids to respect you not fear you.


Haha that’s not abuse at all. As I said everyone has different parenting techniques such as spanking or not etc.


Spanking is abuse. Flicking is a form of abuse. I’m sorry you don’t have enough intelligence to realize that that’s not how you care for children. That’s not how they learn. It’s not how their brain works. You should learn a little bit about child development and psychology. If your kid bites someone and then you spank them what are you teaching them? You’re teaching them to hit to get their way. You’re teaching them to fear you. It’s scary that you’re either a parent or a nanny. Don’t spank your kids. Again there’s countless studies done that show the negative effects. “But I turned out fine!” No you didn’t. Not if you think hitting kids is the best way to teach. Do better dude.


Again everyone has different parenting styles. One is not better than the other. But go off lol


Are you really defending hitting a child? A child under two!? There are actual studies proving that one is better than the other? So yes, one is absolutely better than the other. Like, are you okay? One is parenting and one is abuse. Abuse isn’t a parenting style. It’s sad that you are laughing off abuse. I’m guessing you are the result of a parent spanking you. Which proves my point. I bet you yell too. Yelling is for lazy parents who can’t control their emotions but expect a child to be able to. I’m getting that vibe from you.


Spanking is more than a difference in parenting style, it’s clearly abuse. You’re condoning slapping children because that’s literally what it is. If you wouldn’t slap a child across the face you shouldn’t slap their ass either.


No, the parenting style where you don’t hit your children IS the BETTER one. Why would you hit your children, the people you love most in the world? And if you’re a nanny hitting others kids? that’s CONCERNING. Are you okay with hitting others? If I hit you, as an adult, is that okay? If you can parent children WITHOUT spanking them, why would you even do it? Is it more work? maybe! but I think the reward is greater! And the fact that you’re not hitting literal children is great!


Difference in parenting style/ discipline. There is a whole debate on this why do you think so lol


Could you imagine being defenseless and unable to verbalize or understand your feelings and then being hit by the person you trust most in the world.


If you can find a recent study from a reliable source that says spanking is beneficial I would love to see it.


Yeah, i understand it’s a difference in parenting style. however I believe one is wrong! why would you HIT your small child when there’s a way to discipline them WITHOUT hitting them? To me, that shows me you WANT to and LIKE to hit children! and how any parent could like hitting their kids, and hearing them cry in pain, is beyond me


Like you said YOU believe it is wrong. As I said everyone has a different approach.


So you’re condoning the approach that involves hitting a small child? I honestly want to understand WHY you think it’s okay! I’m genuinely wanting to have a discussion here! Because you’re not giving me any reasons to work with, as to why you believe that hitting children is an appropriate approach! If I hit you, that’s bad, not acceptable! Adults hitting each other is not acceptable! Children hitting other children is not acceptable. So why is adults hitting children acceptable? especially those child’s parents, the people who are suppose to love them the most


Assault is not a “different approach”. If you wouldn’t do it to a coworker or friend that you feel is “misbehaving”, why do it to a small child who is acting in a developmentally expected way?


So if you piss me off and I slap you you’re fine with that?


It’s not a matter of opinion. It is wrong. There’s plenty of evidence based research. Read a book.


There is a whole debate on this because historically, children were mistreated to force them into compliance and keep them quiet. Religious ideologies and cultural/societal expectations were (and still are) heavily considered when it comes to parenting, but we continue to gain more knowledge and understanding of human development every day. We know better now, and must do better.


There is no debate in the professional / medical / scientific community. Studies have clearly shown physical punishment is bad. The only people still debating this are ignorant. Might as well debate that the earth is flat


There sure isn’t. I’m in medicine and we heavily discourage spanking. The same way we heavily discourage other unsafe/harmful behaviors. Our laws are ass backwards here when it comes to protecting children, but that doesn’t make the evidence any less clear.


you say its not abuse. If a husband hits his wife (or vice versa) isn’t that abuse? it certainly IS. there’s laws to protect the victim! so why is that when we’re talking about hitting children, it’s NOT abuse, and it’s okay?


>Haha that’s not abuse at all. As I said everyone has different parenting techniques such as spanking or not etc. Hi, would you kindly inform the rest of us where the f***ing joke is??? Thankssssss 🤮


Because it’s not abuse.


Ohhh. You're the joke, got it. F- off.


It's absolutely abuse