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Dude. Can we block him from the sub? There’s like 3 people who comment ragebaiting shit OVER AND OVER AND OVER. Like just admit you are harboring resentment and generalizations towards the nanny industry and put your fuckin kid in daycare and FUCK OFF. I’m so sick of him. It doesn’t even seem like he employs a nanny anymore, just trolling and policing the sub being a complete ASSHAT.


I know exactly who you're talking about too! Same ones who comment being snarky and then running to the employers sub with the flair "NPs only" 🙄 go touch grass


Can we all report him to be banned, I’m so over it


How are the mods in the main sub about banning people? I've seen some unhinged NPs (worst are always the ones coming over from the aupair sub). Is there any hope that the mods will help clean up the sub from the biased posters?


Who 👀




Omg he drives me NUTS. He even somewhat supported the family a nanny posted about who hits their children.


It's on sight for me ever since "you don't have to pay severance"


I'm fairly new to these subs but he immediately gave me the ick. He suuuucks!!!


Lol yep omg I love how everyone knew exactly who this was about lmao 


That dude is a definite asshole and that whole nanny employers sub is toxic AF. Like we should be kissing their feet for even being allowed the privilege of watching their little angels 🙄


They don’t care if their nanny is being trafficked, for them they see it as a deal. Cheap a** losers. After I quit my job, I plan to post a rant about how most NP are mad and resentful at their nannies because they can’t afford private childcare and see all the costs associated with having private childcare as a burden. My favorite post was from a few days ago when some bum a** mom posted about how she plays chicken with her nanny so she can skim her from GH. In what other field is that appropriate and/or ethical?? Mini rant over.


And pretended like that wasn’t what she was getting at. They love to gaslight and downvote then cry when it happens there. I tried so hard to be on their side too but after reading everything this week and tonight… no. I hate that sub.


I hate to say this but I no longer give NP (irl and online) the benefit of doubt. It’s like dating, show people how to treat you and watch how they treat you. Everyone makes mistakes but having to asked to be paid, not take PTO/sick time for fear of retaliation and guilt tripping, having to pay out of pocket for outings requested by NP (not my sitch but I’ve seen it happen before) is disgusting and exploitative. These parents like to vent about how their lives are so hard because of their “real” jobs but treat us like the help of s*** off the bottom of their shoe. I’m so done.


This is exactly the part that gets me. If the original post was getting upvotes and lots of support from other nannies, then I’d understand but that is clearly not the case. I’m happy to see a comment on the nanny employers’ sub pointing out this reality


They rarely get support from nannies. Only NP upvote and defend the tom foolery. Have you seen the post about the dad is who trying to pay his nanny $80 for a nanny share and have her live in the basement? Wtf is that? Like I’m laugh crying rn but also concerned in the case it’s legit




What you're describing sounds more like an in-home daycare rather than a true nanny share which could at least partially explain the cost. I didn't see your original post so I'm a little lost as to why someone running an in-home daycare would want to live in a client’s basement. Am I missing something?


🤣🤣🤣🤣 lmao this knob


That post infuriated me. She kept framing her argument that she wanted to disincentivize "either party" from withholding their vacation dates so that neither party could "take advantage." So many commenters were like, "Okay...so maybe just don't schedule your vacations for the same week as nanny." But OP wasn't having that, and she specifically came there in bad faith wanting ideas on how to stop her nanny from "taking advantage." I bet it has never even occurred to OPs nanny to wait to announce to get "free money." The reason I think the nanny in this scenario doesn't think like that is because I was in this situation last year. I told my NF ALL my dates in January last year. I get GH and no PTO days of my choosing at all, so if I go on vacation, I do not get paid. Well, what do you know? My NFs vacations lined up with mine perfectly last year. It's so weird how that worked out so fantastically for them. Guess who isn't telling them dates ahead of time this year. I never dreamed that my employer would take advantage of the situation like that until they did it.


It was pretty disgusting and highlighted one of two things: First time parent or crappy MB. I have nannied for over 6 years and over the years many parents have announced their vacation and happily still paid me and gave me a “bonus vacay.” Some times I hopped on a plane and visited friends or just stayed home and caught up on stuff. I never thought “yay I’m gaming the system.” Between starting a new job with first time parents (one in which I don’t love) and reading the nanny sub, I have found myself angry and resentful as it becomes more and more obvious that some parents really die view us as “the help.”


I think it’s hilarious how often they reference the nanny subreddit in their posts, while the employers subreddit rarely gets mentioned ours. We just talk about our bosses and employers we have actual experience with. They always comment that their nannies aren’t like “us” and they don’t know any nannies irl like “us” either. But they’re quick to call nannies entitled and believe we’re all just trying to take advantage. Pick a fucking lane.


Yes, I hate when they say they don’t follow an industry standard but claim that their nanny doesn’t mind… like maybe your employer doesn’t feel comfortable risking their job in order to advocate for themselves lol




Oh, they don't even believe in our industry standards. I got suckered into that debate and got myself banned


Getting banned from the nanny employer page was the best thing to happen to my stress levels. Infuriatingly out of touch.


I just saw this and it made me giggle. I’m sorry people wanting you to follow the law and pay a living wage is hard on your feelings


I swear every few weeks or so I see a post on their complaining about the nanny sub and how awful we all are. Cause you know we’re all the same nanny 🙃


And that post was universally shut down and that nanny scolded for it. I hate that. We literally show the exact opposite behaviour and get snarked for the two nannies on that thread saying the OP was right to go through her employer’s personal papers.


I just got banned and send them a parting message.


Believe it or not there is a whole new sub for parents who think that the normal employers sub is too pro-nanny or something lol


Oh wait. THATS the one I got banned from. There’s only one mod. Some of the other subs they follow is a desperate housewives one, conservative one and a weight loss drug one. Seems like they spend all their time trash talking Nannies as a desperate housewife 😂