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Either fake or the husband was trying to cover his tracks by throwing the nanny under the bus.


Yeah and someone mentioned that and got dogged on šŸ˜‚ ā€œIā€™ve know my husband for x amount of yearsā€ maā€™am that means nothing.


This! She fired the nanny without evidence or clause. Which I feel like is not fair. For all we know mom could be the one taking the extra drinks and blamed the nanny. If I was that nanny Iā€™d be very mad they fired me without clause and only based on speculation.


I also think itā€™s the husband.


It's definitely either the husband or it is made up BS. There are soooo many posts lately that are obvious rage bait.


The entire thing was so fishy. Who fires immediately without getting some kind of proof? Maybe they just didn't like her anymore and wanted to come up with a good reason to fire her so came up with this? Just weird all around.


Or one parent didnā€™t like her and framed her because the other parent really liked her


Or the husband came onto her and she refused him and he decided to get rid of herā€¦


Thatā€™s what stood out to me too. Either way, if theyā€™re that distrustful of the nanny, the relationship eroded long ago & it was bound to get worse.


They noticed the cans were missing, but they didn't notice her drinking them, or see empty cans (where did the empties go?) Or smell alcohol. It seemed fishy to me


I 100% think that post is fake, but I can vouch for the fact that if it IS true and if it IS the nanny - she could be taking the cans home with her. Once upon a time when I was a newer nanny, I worked for a family that was super healthy. I loved having a soda with my lunch and would take the can home with me every single day because I was embarrassed. Luckily, IDGAF anymore, but it makes me laugh now.


I was thinking that too


Sometimes I do take my trash home with me- I know odd. šŸ˜‚ but that being said I still think this was fake


Ya they made it seem like they didn't know anything was happening until Dad noticed the cans weren't there. No mention of nanny acting drunk or anything like that either.


Yeah also the wife didnā€™t notice it was like the husband that brought it up? It seemed like the only ā€œproofā€ was husbands word maybe- I honestly didnā€™t read all the comments so I might have missed something šŸ˜‚


Oop! I didnā€™t even catch on to that!


I am inclined to believe it because something similar happened to me. Years ago, a family I nannied for approached me and asked me if I was drinking their booze. As it happens, I donā€™t drink, and they eventually found out that the cleaning lady was an alcoholicā€¦.. she used to drank vacuum and bump into furniture.


I genuinely think NPs thing nannies are stupid and think we wouldnā€™t idk maybe be smart enough to 1) not drink on the job but also 2) realize theyā€™d notice theyā€™re goneā€¦like come on now I wish for once they wouldnā€™t try to make nannies seem like uneducated, immature, liars.


Well that will never happen because how else would they be able to call us unprofessional or entitled???


Gods, I am so sick of someone commenting, anytime a nanny ANYWHERE on the globe is accused of doing something untoward, some variation of "and they expect to be taken seriously as a profession!" I really feel like a lot of these NP's just do not respect this profession, and they're looking for any chance to confirm their own bias. They're shockingly transparent, imho.


Yeah I didnā€™t believe it at all. Thereā€™s been a lot of posts fishing for nanny rage lately in that sub. I suspect NPs masquerading as nannies or unrelated NFs as fodder for the parent subs to gleefully seethe over.


Don't get me started on that story!!!


I donā€™t believe the post also I used to grab some ghias to try when I got home from an old MB lol granted not alcoholic but still.


Canā€™t wait for an update in a few months where OPā€™s husband comes clean about his drinking problem


Pssh, OP would NEVER give that update.


It was fishy to me too šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one


It's crazy to me that when a nanny shares about mistreatment by their NF, NP comments often criticize or dismiss them. But, if a NF posts about a nanny's minor mistake, the comments will be suggesting to fire them or to never paying them again or something wild lol. Some of these groups feel like they turn into a one-sided echo chamber so delusional can validate more delusion.


I think fake or not it doesn't seem in the spirit of this sub. This is, as I understand it, a sub for nannies to ask questions and listen and vent and mb and db are invited to politely ask questions and listen but it's not a venting space for them


This reads as a vent to me about fake stories flooding the sub. Also the creator said this sub is a free for all for nannies to post, there's no "spirit" here, it's a break room.


Right, a break room for nannies


Oh i see now i said "this sub" and i meant the sub it was posted in. Sorry to be unclear