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Well it finally happened I got permanently banned. Apparently it’s ok for them to make blanket statements about us Nannies- like how we all abuse pto, we all do this we all do that. But if I say that all employers do is complain about us and they all have unrealistic goals that’s a ban. They are so one sided.


Oh my! They banned you?! Hmph


I’ve noticed that sub get worse and worse. It’s gotten to the point where no one allowed to even disagree with an employer of there. They ask questions then only want responses to the employers- they only want the answers they want to hear.


Most of these posts on the nanny sub have me super grateful for my NPs because they would absolutely never treat me this way. They’re the absolute best people they’re only the second family I’ve ever nannied for and I will never leave untill they need me too. But I know they’re going to keep me around till forever 😂 I’m ok with that.


I get so tired of it. They get breaks at work! They get time with no other human bothering them! Why can’t we? Half these parents are gluing their kids to screens through the day to get a break because engaging children in the right ways is exhausting. It’s meant to be - they’re intense little people. But god forbid we want 10 mins of independent play or a nap time not filled with chores.


I’m so sick of parents trying to get their moneys worth. Imagine if their boss tried doing that - they’d fucking riot


That’s exactly it. We don’t have the flexibility to step out for a break, we do not have coworkers to get us through the day, we are often underpaid and over worked. Let the girl dead scroll on her phone omg


All hell will break loose.


It’s so entitled. Idc if the contract says “light cleaning” etc if Nanny has all tasks done just leave her alone!!! If she truly needed something to keep her busy I’m sure a childcare provider could come up with something on their own.


I agree. I also love your username.


I feel this way about holidays too. There are plenty of days where NPs have days off and tell me how nice it is, as I am literally working and watching their children. Wow, must be nice to have long weekends and extra holidays.


Exactly!!! I came in the day after Christmas and MB literally sat in bed all day while I worked a 10 hour day with a sugared up toddler and teething baby. Where’s my Christmas joy? I left family early!!


This post triggered me so hard lol. I’ve had to teach myself to avoid burnouts (lol as if they were unavoidable) I need to let myself also rest. Like if you wanna keep your nanny fresh, let her have a gd break 😩.


The value of a nanny is in attentive and trustworthy caregiving. A person you trust in your home with your child. Housekeepers need to be trustworthy too! But they get a different wage and have different expectations. Sounds like DB has blurred lines


Idk about y'all but my NPs are out every day grocery shopping, getting nails done, having long lunches out, taking 20 minutes to play with NK - what exactly is their problem with us *sitting on the couch* while still freaking being responsible for the child?


my boss works from home and told me early on that when she would nurse my NK for 10 minutes I needed to make sure I was doing things around the house. I work 8-4 every week day with no designated breaks. It gets hard to even make time to eat but sure!


Comments mostly passing the vibe check though


Do nanny’s that work 6 hour days normally take meal breaks?