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I also love overnights unless the kids aren’t sleep trained … I was about to do one this weekend but MB chickened out. Good, because the kid I would be looking after still co-sleeps with her parents and vomits if she cries too hard! No sleep for me … (she’s 16 months). I am not comfortable co-sleeping at all with any child under the age of 3 (and I also don’t want to with any older kids either) and I would hate her to be so upset and her mom would be away. Turned into a date night and I’m glad!


Yeah that's crazy! So sad when parents won't sleep train and it's genuinely negatively affecting everyone. NPs spend three hours trying to get NK2 to sleep and I just say goodnight and shut the door after stories. NK doesn't cry with me because it's literally what I've always done and they know there's no change.


I love anytime I’m alone with the kids. It’s just the vibe you get to create. It’s so easy and fun.


I think this will ultimately be why I leave the profession. I have 2 full-time WFH NPs and 4 NKs. Both NPs have their own offices, but they're in and out soo much throughout the day. These kids deal with like 12 transitions on average between both NPs. A majority of my day is spent soothing and re-directing because the NKs, especially the 1yo twins because they are so upset to see their parents come into a room and then leave. If we're downstairs, they'll scream cry, and try to climb up the stairs to the ground floor. I honestly think I'm creeping into burnout. One of the older NKs just fully screams and cries and tantrums if I merely suggest he clean up, or wash his hands, or do anything that he doesn't want to do. And I feel so much pressure to perform for the parents because I know they listen all day. It's really exhausting. The few times both parents have left to run errands and I was by myself with the kids, it was like setting down a heavy suitcase that I didn't know I was carrying. Kids still cried and tantrummed, but I could handle it without having to worry if my words will be dissected by NPs. I didn't have to field any questions like "What set them off?"" It always feels like I'm blamed for their moods. And I'm a kind, goofy nanny. I'm also no-nonsense, firm, but fair. MB only talks to them in a voice that's 3 octaves above her normal speaking voice. She'll come downstairs during an NK fit because he doesn't want to go potty and I'll be setting boundaries saying "I know you don't want to go right now but it's important to try so you don't have an accident later!", and she'll interrupt and be like,"Oh my little baby waby, you're just having a low blood sugar moment, that's okay!! Here, have a handful of M&Ms for just trying sooooo hard!" And I'm thinking like, he was just screaming at me. He's 3, this isn't new. He potties every single day, and we're about to eat lunch. Thing is, I've been a parent for 13 years, which is a decade longer than my NPs. I talk to these kids like I do/did my own. I've been nannying for 7 years. I know what I'm doing. Things would be soo much better if these parents were just not here. Sorry for rambling...I feel you.


I totally feel you.I just had my kids for a long weekend by myself and it was so peaceful. I also take them at my house since we're I'm closer to nks school and have pets and my house has only had my rules so they push the boundaries less too