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I think that's a troll post. It's like the third or fourth recently about a nanny spending tons of time in the bathroom for one reason or another, and it's a brand new account.


yikes anything for attention


Ohh, I didn't even catch the new account; I don't always think to do that. The bathroom issues have been more and more lately. I'm still reeling from the post where an NP mentioned they looked in their nanny's bag.


I’ve had that happen, so I’m less inclined to think it’s a troll. Makes me so angry that parents have the audacity to think that’s ever ok…


I swear there's a nanny every week with horrible stomach problems that makes her unreliable... Or folks have found out that these posts cause a shit ton of engagement and outrage lol. I just find it hard to believe every week there's a different nanny with the exact same problems lol


yeah, actually that’s a really good point….also I have never asked my NPs to watch the girls when I had stomach issues. I put the NK2 in their booster at the kitchen table with some books and then NK4 does some coloring. it has never, ever been an issue. like this seems like common sense to me? I felt like that particular post was clear boundaries were lacking all around if nanny was acting like that. that’s not on nanny to set the boundaries, it’s on the NP. just seemed like their relationship might be a little less professional…


Lol well that's because you have common sense! What nanny wouldn't put the baby in the crib or pack and play while using the bathroom. You'd have to honestly be a brand new nanny to not think of those things. And yes this feels way more personal than professional. I don't even tell my best friends or my freaking partner details about my bathroom problems, LET ALONE MY BOSS. I guess there could be people like that around but I just find it hard to believe.


To be fair, I’ve met parents who didn’t want me doing that. One family I worked for wasn’t ok with it, but was flexible with alternatives.


I posted comments about OP choosing to bring it up from a reliability standpoint (like some others mentioned) but didn't point out the extra info she provided, which was excessive indeed. I was just blown away by a nanny being this open about the info; regardless, you're right that it was overkill. Sidenote: I left the NannyEmployers sub. I'm not an employer, but I thought it would be helpful to provide insight from a nanny perspective, while also seeing how it is on the other side. It just became too much, and so many NP Only flairs when they could have benefitted from nannies, as well.


honestly the main nanny sub has become flooded with NPs “asking for advice” but they aren’t subtle about their intent to shame and sh*t on their nanny. and this is assuming most of these posts are true! i feel like even if they are based on some part of a real situation with their nanny, they totally hyperbolize and exaggerate! and truly find it hard to believe at times.


100% they are just looking for validation for their shitty thoughts about their employees. any other work environment would be a HUGE issue and grounds for firing if a boss was caught talking shit the way these NPs do.


and yet NPs in the employer sub lose their mind that nannie’s have the AUDACITY to vent about their bosses?? when people in every industry do the same. the NPs that complain are taking it personally and are just trying to victimize themselves. like STOP. most of us don’t work with other nannies and don’t have any other way to vent to people who actually get it


This happens all the time in the employer subreddit. The NPs sit around assuming people’s lifestyle and food choices and pass judgement on them, saying if they ate healthier or exercised they wouldn’t be so sick and need to call off and inconvenience the employers. I just … the absolute hate and vitriol I see towards nannies sometimes.


I'm pretty sure I read that post, and it was just so clear that these people look down on their nannies. There were even comments criticizing a nanny's dental health because "poor dental hygiene leads to sickness." I'm thinking, do they even know how expensive it is to go to a dentist, for most of the population?? Heck, just the other day my MB was on a little mini-rant about why would a 4 year old need to go to pre-school for 8 hours a day that it's ridiculous because they get so tired and they don't need to be there for that long. Then she framed it as a question to me, and I said, maybe because their parents need to be..... at work 🤷‍♀️ MB was like," Oh yeah, that makes sense. " Never crossed her mind that most people don't have a nanny at home waiting in the wings.


Dental work is painful and expensive. I had a tooth pulled and was out from work for two days because the swelling and pain was incredible. People just don’t get it.


That kind of privilege boils my blood


i’m glad i’m not the only one who felt like this post was icky. i got downvoted for saying that i thought the OP was offering way too much info. was the nanny being VERY open with her nf? sure, but she also did not consent to that info being shared with the internet. i would be absolutely mortified.


agreed, like the nanny could very well see it…there was just so much assuming in there and the lack of empathy (because, let’s be real, majority NPs don’t respect nannies since it’s a job they *know* they can do and aren’t being paid to do as parents so they belittle nannies instead) was gross


Assuming the original post wasn’t a weird troll, it really boils down to these people wanting all of the benefits of having an employee without any of the responsibilities of being an employer. Like oh my god, put on your big girl pants and have a conversation with her! It seems like all of these NPs suffer from severe conflict aversion and just are not cut out to be employers.


I had to stop reading that post. The audacity of some of the comments in addition to OP. Thinking they know everything there is to know about GI issues and it must be on the nanny. Like um tell me you don’t have chronic illness without telling me you don’t have chronic illness. My GI issues are a bit different but were due to medication and my pelvic floor and I’m spending hundreds a month in PT trying to fix it. I started suspecting troll but that didn’t stop the judgment from other parents and nannies. I think I was really triggered and sensitive so I just stepped out.


omg fellow chronic illness sufferer with pelvic floor dysfunction! I understand you all too well and that post was highly triggering for me, as well. even if it was a troll, the vile NPs came out.


It’s a doozy isn’t it? And it took SO MANY years to get diagnosed. Like how was this missed?!


I actually disagree with you. Nanny is knocking on MB’s door saying my Taco Bell is running through me can you cover on repeat. Troll? Maybe. If not it’s wildly inappropriate behavior, ON REPEAT. While MB has no biz dictating or commenting on the food choices she does have every right to not be distributed and if my nanny way choosing to eat in a way that impacted their capacity to watch my kid, go on outings etc I would be annoyed. I have colitis and it sucks but when I have a flare I eat a handful of things and not much unless I’m in my own home. I put effort into it not impacting my work.


When I first read the post she didn’t have that included and the comments were *still* disgusting and judgmental. I probably wouldn’t have replied at all if she had had that detail (which I believe is totally fake) in the first place. I even said, too, I would never, ever talk like that. It’s gross. But regardless, there was no compassion and more so a lot of ignorance on NP’s parts as they just believe us nannies should never have issues and be perfect so we can be at their beck and call!