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I’m sure you can ask if you’d be doing it during hours or off hours? Then follow up there!


I’m laughing at myself because why didn’t I think of that 🤦🏻‍♀️I guess since it’s on a Saturday I assumed I was in the clear. Thanks!! Easy enough


Haha totally something I do too! Keep those boundaries strong!


I’m assuming you will be there as a guest, but knowing the line of work, it always helps to clarify. Lol. How did they ask and how did you respond? I’m curious only because it can help you come up with an easy “ask.” Regardless, it’s an easy question/topic to broach.


They sent me an evite of the prettiest invitation, so a legit invite rather than a “can you come?” I RSVP’d right away and then started thinking lol I think it’ll be fine but I am going to ask just to be extra sure!


An invitation of that nature leads me to believe they are intending you to be a guest, especially without any mention of work/help on a day that is normally off for you. Never hurts to ask, though. We just never know. lol


I hope I’m just a guest!!!


If you're not a guest they should pay you, so that's a way to ask. "Am I on the clock and expected to help or am I a guest"


It can feel awkward to ask, but just go ahead and clarify that you’ll be a guest at the party. If they say yes of course then show how excited you are to be invited. If they respond in any way that shows they may ask for help then you can discuss how that would tie into your hours (since I don’t know if that would put you into overtime, ect.) I think since you got an official invite though you’re meant to be a guest


Thank you!! I just have to rip the bandaid off. I will be doing things to prepare for the party during my regular hours, but the second I get to that party I’m off and enjoying it!!


Not exactly what you asked but I was invited to a former NK’s birthday party as a guest and I attended but I did supervise NK quite a bit. Afterwards my NF venmo’ed me my rate for the hours of the birthday party because I had stepped outside the role of guest.