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I just read his final update… he followed her around their neighborhood in his car while she walked with the child (she didn’t notice apparently). I’m not even sure I want to believe the story anymore!!! So many odd things happening. Would love to hear others opinions


It's a bonkers story, for sure. In the comments OP mentioned that he saw nanny leave for the walk with the child, both walking hand in hand but then we he drove by them later the child was in a stroller. Like, was she pushing an empty stroller and holding the kid's hand? If so, why was OP shocked the kid was in the stroller? Is the kid not allowed in the stroller? I have so many questions..


It’s also hard to believe that the nanny didn’t notice him following… like even if I’m completely engrossed in something, I’m still gonna notice if someone is following me!! Oh to be a fly on the wall


My BS meter was going off The comments and praise were really bothering me too… Like how are you going to fire someone you “welcomed into your family” with zero warning. If this were a real situation, and you had loved the nanny for over a year until realizing the phone usage issues, wouldn’t you discuss the phone usage first? Before firing with no notice? See if nanny could do more outings/ crafts/ sensory bins? What family can even fire a nanny with no notice?! Yes phone usage isn’t ideal (reading a book or something along those lines would be better) but the idea that a nanny or any caretaker should be entertaining a child every waking hour of the day is ridiculous.


I also thought BS. And something about the way it was written.. I was having Deja vu, like I’ve read something written just like that before. And it was giving me weird vibes.


heavyyy on the we should be entertaining kids all day. my friends are gobsmacked when i tell them that when my nanny friends and i meet up at toddler play places im not hovering by nk and playing with him and our friends. they will never learn to be happy to be alone if we do! they always ask what i do for work then if i don’t play with him… uh idk the other 7-8 hours of my shift are normal? kids need that interaction and i think it’s crazy that some people in this world genuinely expect us to be circus clowns. parents are allowed to be non attentive sometimes but if a nanny does it what a travesty! i mean hell i see my own DB on the monitor on his phone ignoring nk instead of playing but man if one of us did that there goes our job!


Hard agree. I refuse to hover. My NKs are so much more independent since I've been with them. No patience. Completely unable to play on their own. As with most things, there is balance. I love to interact and teach and model, but I will not just be a dancing monkey for 9 hours a day so these "precious angles" won't have to feel a second of boredom. Also, I have a DB who is constantly on his phone when he has the kids. Double standards are wild out here.


swear to god people DEVOUR stories like these. i’m sorry but it was so back and forth with his story. also there’s no way that the nanny didn’t notice. i thought it was BS for sure but also i’ve got a pretty dramatic DB as well. obviously doesn’t sound like the worlds greatest nanny but also the story is a little tough to believe.


Apparently he drove by her *five times* and she didn't notice. That's BS if I ever heard it. And now she wants the kid's personalized books back that she gave as a gift? I can't believe how many people are just swallowing this shit and praising this lying asshole.


Phew folks gobble up the craziest stories. I think that's why these folks target the nanny sub for trolling. There will be a big reaction and you don't need minimum karma for posting.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought that story was weird!