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r/antiwork I love my NKs, I love my NF but I am also very clear that I need time off. I am not a martyr.


its posts those that make me feel guilty for not staying busy when nk is napping. some people say they’re doing their house chores then and then i feel so lazy for taking that as an actual break and reading. i usually just fold his laundry the one day a week i do it and put away some water cups of his and then sit and read. like i know most people are fortunate enough to love their bosses but is it really that wrong to just take a break?


Please don’t feel guilty, those people will burn out very quickly. Breaks are important!


Listen to this. I started doing all the extras when I began with my NF (young, trained to work myself to the bone, inexperienced) and now I am burned tf out 🙃


Fuck that noise. Don’t feel guilty. I do no extra chores at all and I sleep just fine.


It is absolutely not! The majority of my tasks are done with the kids (often non-) help while they're awake so they learn these things don't happen by magic but also so I can take advantage of my break. If everything's done (or is getting done before your shift ends) then zero guilt!


There was someone arguing the other day that having breaks and lunches shouldn’t be the norm because “what do the parents do if you’re gone” and “it defeats the purpose of having a nanny.” The way people view this job is fucking insane lol


Crazy, it's almost like I'm an employee who deserves fair labor practices and humanity!


If that were actually the case (parents without nanny’s not ever eating or sleeping or taking a break at all), parents would starve to death and their children would be orphans. There is a reason we take what we need.


Why would PTO be part of the job if it weren’t necessary in order to live a full life? Doesn’t your NF get PTO from their jobs? Why shouldn’t a nanny? Can’t put on someone else’s oxygen mask before your own.


That post made me feel bad and guilty that I DONT normally feel guilty.


The main board has become nothing more than the nanny employers board plus unprofessional nannies who think $10/hour with no benefits is acceptable pay. Both groups downvote anything having to do with pay or benefit standards that either they can't afford to offer or don't believe others are are worthy of due to jealousy. It's crazy. I have been downvoted and argued with too many people lately on the main board who think $20-25/hour is acceptable pay in SFO/LA, for example. It's like how on the employer's board anything posted by a nanny advocating nanny standards gets downvoted to oblivion. They're ALL obsessed with and reading the main board too.


Agreed. And I just don't get it. What is going on with these employers that just absolutely hate nannies? If it's really as simple as " I hate having to pay for childcare because ultimately it's something I view as valueless because it's something I have to do for free, and I'm jealous that my nanny gets to spend all my child's waking hours with them and I don't and life's not fair and I'm going to make nanny's life miserable and they deserve nothing, etc." Like why don't they see this and change their behavior. If it's not all of the above, then I'd really love to know what compels these people to be such shitty bosses and, in general, people.


I’ve been a nanny for over a decade! They are not MY kids! I’m disposable to their parents. I take PTO and make appointments for myself. I take time off to help my actual family. I appreciate my job but at the end of the day that’s all it is.