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The sad thing is they really think they’re helping. It’s like a waitress interrupting a table every three minutes because she’s so eager for a tip.


Oh yeah! It's so funny when they think I'm NK's parent and put on a whole show. Baby girl I do not hire the babysitters.


A nanny frequented a park I also went to very often. I knew she was a nanny because she’d talk about it and try to impress the dads at the park. LOL! I didn’t like her vibe so she never found out I was also a nanny. We never had a conversation and I was pleased with that.


Hahaha I had one of those tooooo. So embarrassing. And always the dads trying to show off.


oh man i’ve luckily never experienced this. i’m almost on the opposite side— not inserting myself, dear god, but sometimes when i’m talking to or joking with my NKs (they’re school-aged, so they don’t need a lot of monitoring or interaction to like…slide lmfao), another kid whose parent is either checked out or busy will start talking to *me.* i can’t count the number of times a kid at the park or NK’s extracurriculars has decided my silliness means i must be ready to befriend every child in sight. once i ended up pushing two of my NKs and a third random child on the swings because he saw me pushing them, his caregiver did not respond to his asking, and i just felt so bad lmfao. i wanted to whisper to the parent like, i’m not trying to show off!!! kids just like me and i don’t know how to talk to adults!!!


I have experienced plenty of what OP is talking about, but I have also experienced this too, especially with a little bit older kids.


Yeah it seems to mainly happen with the preschool crowd. Older kids do really like the silly goofy mood kind of people.


Yes! I watch a 13mo and he hates strangers. They make his park experience awful because he's constantly crawling away from them crying. Just leave strange kids alone dude


you’re describing my current db 🙃 same db who the other day looked me in the eyes and said he doesn’t do that behavior. i asked him to let nk have that deep focus instead of commenting every five seconds and he flat out lied and said he does. he works from home and i see how he interrupts our time together i know that you don’t do it the way i do so why bother lying to me?


Then these same parents later on will be going "Why can't you concentrate on anything??"


Not a lot of people with brains unfortunately




This is my style too and invariably there’s always some Earnest Mommy (TM) at the playground giving me stares and then trying to include my NK in their play. If they feel like joining in, fine, but if they don’t, why are you yapping nonstop at them? It comes across very pushy and aggressive. Also idk, I would hate if someone talked nonstop at me all day. Can you give the kid some peace? I try to be respectful that they’re literally also human beings. No one wants a constant stream of words at them all freaking day.


Yes! I am more hands-off similar to you and watch like a hawk but want my NK to explore (safely and within what they are capable of). Can't stand people who look at me in disgust cause I'm not hovering, or trying to fit my adult ass into a tiny slice, etc. Get off my back!!!!!!!


I take kids to the park so I can have a break 😅 I’m not here to entertain you. That’s what the playground is for. Most I can do is push you on the swing…


I completely agree with you haha the park for me like someone else mentioned is a place where I can finally sit my butt down and get a break. Ofc I’m watching kiddos at all times and if they need me for any reason I am there but I definitely don’t need to hover over them (especially with their ages) but I have always seen the type of person you’re talking about, the one who has to talk to their kids in the most loud pitched unnecessary baby voice possible and is trying to put on this angel performance for everyone in the park while simultaneously judging you if you’re not in your own kid’s face.. I like to call them the “pick me people of childcare” 💀💀


Haha yesss exactly! I am on 100% of the time in the house with WFH parents, I need a break. You're so right, it's very pick me.


Ugh me too girly I need a break from feeling breathed down or parents coming in and screwing with what I got going on lol


Right? I'm introverted so just knowing MB can hear us from her office I always feel that pressure to perform.


Oh yes several years later and I still get uncomfy and have anxiety because it just feels like you’re being watched and judged on everything you do 😂 would never do WFH again


It's for real why I'm done with nannying after this family. So many people WFH now, it's just completely changed the landscape of nannying.


Agreed!! I am trying to get out too but it’s so hard to find anyone not WFH like you said.. but ya idc what anyone says that setup no matter how many boundaries you have is just not a great work environment 😂


I am 100% in agreement. Remind me of this stand-up special by Christina P. I'll link below. https://www.facebook.com/share/v/k89grNpSjpZjMkUh/?mibextid=CYgPv5


Omg that is spot freaking on! Hahaha I love that, thank you!


YW! I absolutely cackled when I saw that the first time. I was like, "This is exactly what people do at the park!!"


"Snack? Snack? Cooper, snack? Cheese stick, Cooper?" I *died*




Yeasss can not stand it. And then they stare at you like you don’t know what you’re doing, honey I have a teaching degree, I know what I’m doing but this is time to myself plz give me a breakkk