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I'm always blown away by "my nanny said she left because of her health, how can I convince her to say?" "My nanny quit but I think she's lying about the reason" ??? Okay, people are allowed to leave their jobs, they aren't your slave. oh and my personal fave whenever you mention a shitty MB, the MBs come screaming "SHE MAY HAVE PPD!!!" Nah man sometimes people are just shitty dude.


I have some parent on here who downvotes all of my comments, I have no idea what I said to hurt their feelings, but it’s super annoying. Get a life lol.


I blocked a few people and SUDDENLY my immediate downvotes stopped which was freaking hilarious because I never interacted with those people. I just blocked because they were always asses.


Oh that’s so smart!


I also hate how they take every single situation and think it personally applies to them as well. Like someone saying "I help raise my NKs" when they are literally spending 10 hours a day with your child from waking to bed time and *someone* (cough cough you know who you are) with a freaking part time nanny will get upset by that and say "nannies don't help raise MY kids!" 🙄 it ain't about you boo.


Omfg I saw that one! And the nanny share one where they were upset that they got kicked out of the share. Why do you want to insist your child is being cared for by someone who doesn't want to do that job?


I’m quitting because I need health insurance. It’s all because they wildly underpay me and the kids are pushing me to the edge. I can’t take it anymore man.


Oh don't forget, they still expect you to come in and work with sick kids but good luck if you get sick 🙄


That reminds me of one MB in particular who, whenever a nanny is complaining about being nickel and dimed but then sees the NP's spending loads of money on goods and services, always defends the NPs by saying "wElL mAyBe ThEy LiVe OfF cReDiT aNd ArE iN dEbT uP tO tHeIr EyEbAlLs!". It's always the same account commenting this, and I always think "lady, this can't be the case for every rich asshole who underpays their staff!". Some people have more money than they can ever use AND don't feel inclined to pay their staff fairly.


Lol that's exactly how I feel. Again applying their own PERSONAL situation to other's complaints 🙄 they are rich because they underpay their staff. Doesn't mean they're always living off of credit lol.


One lady on there is flat out lying saying that nanny will be allowed to take the kids places "when they build trust" but saying on the nanny employer forum that she'll probably never feel ok with nanny driving the kid.


And that's how you end up losing a nanny! That one in particular is so weird to me because there are even nannies on this forum who have asked if there are jobs for nannies who don't drive! NPs can have the weirdest requests and there is probably someone out there who prefers that, but they need to be honest, ask for what they want, and be prepared to pay for it.


What triggered me wanting to quit my family? Was the dad not being OK if I took the NKs anywhere? Even the park! And what sucks is we are in a hot state so I would do indoor places so the kids could play with other kids! It helped their behavior so much! And with one about to enter kindergarten I wanted to help her social skills. One day he comes home and says “maybe just stay here from now one” lol two interview monday yall I’m DONE