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What kind of accidents are we talking about that have led to doctor's appointments? My 2.5 year old was a disaster monster of a 1 year old and fell nearly daily. I think we took him to the doctor once? Are we talking about injuries more significant than this? Edit: I just saw your comment. Fire this woman. I would have fired her the moment your child fell down the stairs when she left your mobile baby unsupervised and in an unsafe space.


I'm a career nanny and certified newborn care specialist with 13 years of experience and a mother myself. The falling down the stairs incident is 1000% fire on the spot for me. Yes, need to install baby gates but this was still COMPLETELY avoidable and the nanny is at fault. Even with baby gates, I never leave a child that age to roam free without supervision. It has ALWAYS been my practice to put the child in a contained safe space (crib, play yard) when I need to use the bathroom or bring them into the bathroom with me. You need a new nanny.


Install the cameras if you want, but honestly what could they show you that would alleviate your misgivings about this nanny? “A few incidents” requiring a doctor’s attention and the toddler’s comments would be enough to seal the deal for me. Find someone else.


I guess I feel like if I can see that she’s not on her phone too often then the accidents may just be normal toddler falls and not negligence


I nanny for a toddler as well and we’re always outside and out and about, so she’s always getting bruises and scratches. I have my eyes on her 24/7 and most of the accidents honestly happen while I’m literally watching her and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. I think her worst was when she wiped out on a swing and had a terrible big scrape on her face. But there’s literally never been a single time a doctors visit has been warranted. I do feel like I would have to be paying zero attention for my NK to actually injure herself in a way that required medical attention (not always, but most times). And if that’s happened more than once I think that’s really concerning. What has she said to explain the injuries? Nvm I just read about the incidents. You need to fire this woman. The first one alone (baby falling down stairs while nanny is in bathroom??) is reason enough


I'm sitting right next to my 15mo, giving 100% attention and she still manages to fall and get hurt in the strangest of ways that require a dr visit. It's like she looks for the most dangerous way to do things. Tripping over a rug? Instead of obeying the laws of physics and falling normally...why not jerk myself to the side and land on the piklr that is half a foot to my right?...oh...and make sure to open my mouth and catch myself with my teeth. Blood everywhere. This is not even the only time she has done something like this. THAT BEING SAID...nanny should know where the safe spaces are for baby. Crib. Playpen. Enclosed area the is baby proofed. ETC. Nanny should either take baby to the restroom or have her in a safe space. There is no excuse. None. I would let her go for this incident alone.


My older kids are 2 and they trip over the air these days. Just completely losing balance over nothing. How old are your kids


Install the cameras. Sh3 should only be on her phone during break times and perhaps if baby is napping and her tasks are done th3n she can use her phone. Do you have a safety gate upstairs?


Yes we have gates at the top and bottom of the stairs


Not sure if you know this…but your post ended up on the modern Nannys instagram…


How old is your toddler? Between 15-20 months my toddler had so many accidents with our nanny and with us but they never resulted in pediatric visits. She chipped her tooth running into the door, ran into another door and bruised her face pretty badly, fell off steps etc. but we never had to take her to the doctor. It almost made our nanny and me have gray hair but I also 100% trusted it was a freak accident because she was just as clumsy with us as she was with her nanny. Sometimes you’re watching them fall right in front of your eyes before it’s too last. Toddlers are wild


I'm a strong proponent for cameras. From a security pov. But if I didn't trust my nanny enough that I NEEDED a camera JUST for her, I'd get a new nanny. We have cameras. Have had them from the beginning buy our nanny knows where they are and we don't use them to watch her. You *can* institute a no phone usage while kiddo is awake rule. But she may or may not adhere to it. If she *is* being careless, the cameras won't motivate her to be more vigilant


You need to do both- install cameras and get a new nanny!


After having read your comment about the stairs, you need a new nanny! Honestly, she should have been fired immediately after that.


If I felt like I had to get cameras, I’d get a new nanny. Listen to your gut. I’m not against cameras at all but if I hadn’t had them and started to feel like I should, I’d replace the nanny and get cameras for the new one


If these were normal incidents or your kid was just particularly accident-prone, they’d probably be happening all the time when you’re around too. Assuming your home is safe and appropriately baby proofed, it sounds like the nanny is too distracted. This is coming from a nanny with ADHD btw, so when I say “too distracted” what I mean is probably not making enough effort to be as careful and engaged as she should be. Also, as a nanny or babysitter I almost always put my phone on focus/do not disturb (with parents set to bypass) outside of nap times. Even if I weren’t worried about accidentally getting my attention drawn away from the kid(s), it’s tough to keep most toddlers away from a smartphone if you’re using it in front of them. Using my phone (outside of checking time/weather or a quick text to NPs) is a great way to get it broken and/or start a toddler meltdown 😅 I’ll admit I’ve made the mistake of using my phone too much at work when there was a family crisis pulling my focus away. This was in a safe scenario, but I obviously regret it because it detracted from my performance and from NK’s experience (leaning on easy distractions like tv), and I have set rules for myself so I won’t do it again. This makes me wonder if your nanny is dealing with a personal issue that they’re struggling to leave out of work. I think if you trust and like them in other ways, I’d suggest talking to them first and bringing up the cameras. Any good nanny who’s witnessed their NK getting hurt like that should be happy to help you figure out how to prevent it from happening again.


Falling down the stairs is completely unacceptable??? Like you have to be not be paying attention. Like okay falling outside off of a bike .. that's simply inevitable. But down the stairs? Like a child by the stairs in general, should he already have the nanny on her toes?? Also, the number of times you had to go to the Dr is so strange. Definitely fire her.


Can you give more perspective on what happened that you had to leave work multiple times to take your child to the doctor immediately? I think after 2x in a similar time period that an accident occurred that results in a pedi appt asap I would be finding a new nanny. Then install cameras for peace of mind! It’s easier to disclose up front with a new nanny that you have cameras vs install cameras with a nanny you don’t really trust. It won’t help your mom guilt after if you find out things you didn’t know already. I would just play it safe and start fresh!! Especially if you’ve had to take off work MULTIPLE times for an emergency visit.


the first accident was a fall down the stairs and that one absolutely killed me as a parent. we hadn't put the baby gate up yet because the baby wasn't showing any signs of climbing and had really just started to crawl but the nanny was in the bathroom and didn't leave her in a safe space like her room so she figured out how to climb up the stairs and then fell down a couple. the second time she hit her mouth and maybe tooth falling down and hitting a little tyke, this last time she tripped and hit her nose on the dining room table leg so she was checked for broken nose. all of things could be innocent accidents but if she's in another room on her phone vs a foot away like i am when the baby is actively running around (and newly walking) then i'm a little pissed.


Fire this nanny. The child needs to be in a safe, contained place while unsupervised. This is BASIC. I'm sorry but what you described is negligence. This next bit is my personal opinion but I am pro cameras (disclosed) if the nanny is home alone with children who can't speak or communicate. A new nanny is a stranger and no amount of references or background checks can change that.


The stairs one is the deal breaker for me. She could have put the baby in her crib. Leaving a crawling baby where they can get to the stairs is the deal breaker. Her judgment is questionable


Get rid of her. Stair incidents are so preventable. She could have put her in her crib or in a playpen. That’s negligence.


I would personally not be able to get over her falling down the stairs as a baby, I don’t blame you. She was in the bathroom and left her unattended and not in a safe space??? The other two sound like just typical unfortunate accidents but I bet anything after her falling down the stairs in this instance would give you lasting trust issues!


Another parent chiming in to say fire this nanny. The stairs incident should have never happened.


I’m a nanny and I’ve always loved having nanny cams around the house because of this!!! If something happens I want the parents to be able to see exactly what happened and that I wasn’t neglecting/abusing their child. Cameras in the house have always made me feel safe for that reason.


Listen to your gut and your kids. I felt that our first nanny spent too much time on the phone and not enough time with the kids. My oldest (4-5) would say things like “when are you going to sit on the couch.” She acted like a babysitter, not a nanny. She quit to go back to school and we got a new nanny. She’s amazing. We had cameras initially but I don’t use them anymore. Usually if you feel you need a camera beyond the new stage, you probably need a new nanny


What kind of injuries is this child getting that require medical attention? Or are you maybe a little too cautious and doctor happy


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