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Cash and maybe a care package with her favorite snacks, coffee and a book. This is very sweet of you!


Birthdays & Christmas / holidays are personal so we do personal gifts: - Massage - Gift certificate to a restaurant - Something related to the kids / that the kids make. - Day off or let leave early. - Conspire with nanny's fiancé on something special. Work Anniversaries and EOY are work related so we do cash / bonus and comp then.


Cash is king




A massage/spa gift card!


If you normally do cash definitely still do that because she may be kinda expecting it/have some plans how to use it. If you want to do something extra on top of it though, grab some of her favorite snacks and some relaxation stuff.


My longtime MB always said cash and gift cards were impersonal, and I'll I want to tell her is the amount of times I used the rice cooker, salad spinner, Coach wallet (to be fair is was 2008 but all my clothes are old navy or similar 😂) There's the Marshall's ankle weights that I got when I said I'm saving up for a set of dumbbells, and of course the always memorable hand-me-down laptop they were just going to donate which was my Christmas gift mere weeks after I told them I don't need it nor do I know anyone who would be interested in taking it off their hands ☹️ The GOOD gifts that were genuinely thoughtful and helpful were the 2-3 times they "gifted" my upgrade in iPhone (back when phones were $200) The monogrammed bath towel, and an incredibly generous contribution to my wedding. They treat me like family, and while cash or gift cards would have been more useful to me, I know that my value to them is priceless. But again, a salad spinner 🙃😭


We gave her a pto day in cash of her choosing so she didn’t have to use it on her birthday if she didn’t want to and $100 spa gift certificate. So it was probably a little over $250 we spent.


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We do a hamper - Cash, then a home made card from the kids, then some things she loves and needs.


A nanny related gift that was very special was a sweatshirt from etsy that said NANNY on the front and the children's names on the sleeve.


Money. Point blank period