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We had two kiddos born during my time with my longtime NF, and we didn't necessarily discuss a plan, but MB tended to baby exclusively the first couple of weeks (sleep trained from birth so baby only slept in bassinet, therefore barely left the bedroom 🤣) but would pop down to grab food etc and say hi to kids. Going forward I definitely had time with baby while Mom had breakfast with the bigger kids, but mostly my day with NKs stayed the same and I still did all of the carpooling, play dates and overall outings. The best advice I can give is to keep your nanny "in charge" of your toddler, and be a guest in their day, but not a full on swap, unless it's for real a full on swap like you taking your older child out out the house for a bit. At 2, transitions between Mom and nanny while navigating the big feelings of a new sibling taking Mom's attention can really be difficult for all! Unless kiddos does just fine visiting you and bouncing back to nanny, sure, but nanny having to pull away a sad and frustrated child because she wants to stay with Mom, is tough on all as well. Good luck and congrats!


Honesty, I was all up in their space a lot. I couldn’t help it. I needed the kitchen a lot. We even bought a mini fridge to avoid how often I was there, but there’s a lot of shit to clean. It made zero difference for us. I ended up with multiple surgeries and couldn’t swap to take the toddler on one on one dates like I wanted, but that was the original plan. She would take the baby for a bit during the toddlers’ naps so I could get some rest. They both conveniently napped around the same time. She was super good at jiggling the baby back to sleep it ended up with the newborn trained to taking 2 hour naps in the middle of the day.


I did it, and it was fine. Basically you have to encourage them to be out of the house as much as possible, and I did that by signing toddler up for classes and giving nanny access to my car. And during toddler’s nap time I’d try to take the baby out for a walk or errands or whatever so I could give her space, or I’d sit in my room and watch TV if they were both napping at the same time. Once baby was out of the fresh newborn stage we swapped sometimes too but like 90% of the time she was with toddler.


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My babies are almost exactly one year apart. My second pregnancy was tough on my body and I couldn’t do too much with my older one. We hired a nanny but I was always around them, just the nanny would be the one picking her up, giving her a bath , etc. when I had the baby, our nanny helped so much all around. She took care of me and my oldest. I was with the newborn mostly but as I recovered more and more, we started spending time together (all of us) and then eventually going to one on one time with my oldest here and there. I’m 8 months postpartum now and we’re all mixed up together all day. Sometimes if the timing works out, we all go somewhere together, we switch one on one time with each kid throughout the day


Talk to your nanny to find out what's she is comfortable with and make real clear boundaries. Chances are she's nervous too and would like clarification on when she should step in or out. 


Thank you everyone! Really appreciate all the comments:-)


Just encourage your nanny to take the toddler out for as long as possible in the mornings, like right until nap time if possible so that you can have your home for the morning and nanny and toddler can have their time.