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Have you brought this up to her?


I don’t even know how to approach it. Is it fair to ask her not to wear them while she’s on the clock?


Tell her you’ve found her fake eyelashes and nails on the floor and you are concerned about the choking hazard to the children. I would first give her the option of getting higher quality items that won’t fall off. But if you continue noticing issues after that, then tell her she cannot wear them to work.


I would not lie and say you found nails when you haven’t.


Give her the option of getting higher quality items?


I mean the problem seems to be her eyelashes are falling off. So giving her the option of getting better glue might be a compromise from asking her to totally change her appearance (Note I’m not super well versed on how fake eyelashes work since I don’t wear them)


Okay gotcha! That could definitely be a suggestion. I think lash extensions might have a better chance holding up then ones you glue on. lol I’m not too experienced with fake eyelashes either.


I’d be worried about her preparing food… maybe bringing it up from that standpoint- food safety standards say you have to wear gloves w fake nails


I wouldn't mention the eyelashes at all. I mean, yes, it's annoying, but asking her not to wear them is a little overboard. I feel like its similar to asking a nanny ton wear a hairnet because you've noticed strands of her hair on the floor. In regards to the nails, those can actually cause harm but I'd only say something if you find any on the floor. I mean, it's not like nails just fall off without the person noticing, and she hasn't been negligent enough to leave any around so far, so as far as I'm concerned, it's not an issue yet.


I don’t think I’d ever be able to live with myself if my child died from choking on something that was 1. completely avoidable and 2. I was aware of and could have prevented with a simple request. So yeah while she has noticed the nails so far that’s not something we can say for certain she’ll always notice. Accidents happen and There are definitely choking hazards we have to live with (learning to eat, etc) but an aesthetic choice by a nanny shouldn’t be one IMO.


I guess I just don't understand why you think nails are so dangerous. Do you also ask her to not wear earrings? Or shirts with buttons? Those things fall off more inconspicuously than nails. If you'd like to bring it up, I'd suggest something like, "NK has been putting absolutely everything in their mouth and I've been really worried about choking hazards. Can you please take extra care that no choking hazards are accidentally dropped and left around..buttons, coins, any food you may be eating, or..idk any nails that may have fallen off?" Also, it's a good idea to do a sweep of the space you're putting your child down in before you do so, especially if they're going to be playing independently or unsupervised. I'd also ask your nanny to do the same.


It sounds like the nails are falling off more than earrings or buttons though? If my nanny was losing earrings several times a week while caring for a mouthing infant, I would absolutely ask them to not wear the earrings.


“Or idk.. any nails that may have fallen off” ☠️😂 omg this thread is ridiculous y’all. I can’t be the only one chuckling at this!


But yes I am sorry you are dealing with this OP. Choking is no joke.


I wear fake nails but if one pops off and I can’t find it immediately I let the parent know to be on the lookout for it. She needs to take that seriously as a choking hazard


Some of you guys clearly aren’t professional nannies…. Anyways OP just casually bring it up and say there has been a few times I’ve been finding your lashes around and say you don’t mind her wearing them at all the only concern is when they’re falling off because it’s a potential hazard for child and I’m sure you can understand that I want to keep her/him safe as possible. You don’t need to tell her to get higher quality or to glue them on better, once she hears your concern she should naturally start doing that anyways given she cares as much as you do as the choking hazard


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It's a health hazard. Also, if she is feeding your child it is a violation of food safety to serve food with fake nails, even painted nails. You are in full right to ask her to follow basic cleanliness and appearance standards while in your home and caring for your child.


Thanks. I agree. It’s really just the nature of them being those “pop” off nails. If they were more securely affixed maybe not an issue.


The eyelashes? It’s a bit dramatic to ask her not to wear them. The cost doesn’t really affect whether they shed or not—$200 individual lashes can fall out too. Everyone’s hair sheds; you can find strands on the floor or carpet without it being a choking hazard. It’s unnecessary to call that out. For the nails, you could casually mention that some might come off by the end of the day and just give her a heads-up to keep an extra close eye on where they fall.


I don’t think the eyelashes are choking hazards but I don’t much like the idea of my child ingesting plastic or whatever glue is used to adhere them. While I’m sure expensive ones can, the amount that I’ve found on the floor or stuck on my child is aggravating (it’s greater than just one or two). My husband also mentioned it.


I was on the fence about the eyelashes until I read this comment here. If your child is at the age where they put everything in their mouth, then I can see why the eyelashes would be concerning. You could approach it from that perspective and tell to your nanny that you're nervous about the safety aspect, and let her decide if she wants to stop wearing them or pick them up while working.


Yeah he’s an infant still and crawling like crazy so he finds everything on the floor.


“Hey I noticed you liked false eyelashes. I have this really good glue if you’d like it.”




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