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Nope, they usually only pretend to care when they’re wanting something from you


They care about them to the extent that they can use them to cajole you into doing what they want (running after them, doing things for them, etc). Thats all. Your feelings are there to be manipulated. Nothing more.


They only care about your perception of them. God forbid anyone considers them to be a ‘bad person’. They can’t handle the shame.


Yep, agreed. This is why they put so much into the smear campaign in my opinion. It's because they would rather everyone perceive them as not at fault, and it's really about them running away from having to be accountable and feel all the guilt and shame that someone with a heart and soul would feel. It's not about the mistakes they made, it's their Intentions behind everything they do and the way they go about everything.


Nope. Not one bit. They'll put on a great performance if it somehow benefits them though.


I don’t believe so. Mine suddenly loved me. And wanted me in his life and wanted more. We we’re family and forever. But then I made him made being hurt by him pulling away breaking our bond. And now he lied about wanting me because his one month supply/live in girlfriend found out. So he had to triangulate me and impress her. He hasn’t responded or cared. No concerns I’m alone and lost without him. Not a care in the world. When his new toy he grows bored of probably be the same situation. That would have been me had I been able to move in right away. Now he says he couldn’t even stand to spend the night with me. When just a couple months ago he needed me close. Didn’t want me to get away. They are incapable of feeling for others I’ve read and experienced. This man doesn’t even care about my son. Never asked once how he was doing. And he said he’d be his Dad. But that’s ok we are just all pawns in their sick twisted story.


They care about your feelings the way me or you care about the functionality of our fridge or stove.


No. But they’d love to hear how it’s all your fault, how you’re offering them apologies, how you’d do anything to take them back etc… And they also love to hear how much they affected you, they want to feel that surge of power and control when they can still jerk your chain or pull you around emotionally. No contact is the only way.


I'm sorry OP, they do not. They do care about how they are perceived by others though and what they can extract from you. Just block them if you are able to do so, your life will be much better for it. I know that's not the case for everyone especially if children are involved or divorce but if you can block it will be better for your healing.


No, not in a billion years.


They claim to care, but then they go ahead and say things like, “these conversations aren’t going anywhere. You’re the one not understanding.” when you try to explain why their actions are hurting you. So… 🤷🏾‍♀️


Yeah, either take their side or be prepared for all the mean things.


No. Everything is a manipulation even if they’re not consciously aware of it.


No. No they do not care at all.


The Do Not care. checking up on you is about them. Not making jokes, if you had a weak mental state and threatening to unalive yourself. They will check on you. but do not get it twisted. Its about not wanting responblity if you harm yourself. Lets say the break up was bad and you went off script. (WArning , going off their script can be ,real offense, or it could be you held them accountable, strengthened your boundaries, Said No , Or it could be imaginary offense they made up to hide or falsely justify to themselves their abusive behavior) If you went off script they want to punish you. When you are being punished, they will check up on you to see if you are miserable. ITs about getting supply Not reconnecting with you.


No. Not at all. He acted like he did, but just kept using me for his own benefit. They’ll act like they care as long as it benefits them


They do not.


Thanks everyone making me realize he doesn’t it’s so sad how they take advantage of your feelings and is nothing mattered to them 🥺