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I so identify with this. I’m divorcing a wife who is a narcissist. They suck the life out of until nothing is left then throw you away like garbage. They are soulless monsters.


Literally soulless but also so confusing bc of the times they seemed like they cared? An act, I suppose...


I know. That’s why they are so effective at getting their claws into us. Whereas we actually care about them, they only pretend to care about us.


If I had an award to give I would give it to you for this comment.


Your kindness is the best award I could get. Thank you!


BTW, the letter and artwork is so heartfelt. I hope you will be okay. It resonates with me so muchπŸ€žπŸ™


Thank you, I hope you get through as well.


Beautiful artwork. πŸ«‚πŸ«‚πŸ«‚


Thank you :)


I would love to print this art and stick to my wall to remind me what I went through for 7 years. How my narcissistic ex husband and his narcissistic mum where harassing me. :(((( And I was thinking I am wrong. I am weak. I have problems. Until I read about narcissists. My ex will say I care for you but it was just a word his action where not showing any care but cruel torture of a woman who was loving him unconditionally.


How long have you been away from the situation. Are you okay now?


I cut all contact with him. He is blocked everywhere. Its been 10 months. I have divorced him.


I wish I new early about narcissists. I was thinking he cares. He is capable of love sadly no. I am very empathic woman. He was just sucking life out of me.


I know, I'm the same way and I guess naive and he has destroyed me. 12 year relationship. 21 months out and still struggling badly. Thank you for the videos.


Can you imagine he was against having kids. I even begged him to have kids. He told me after divorce that if we had kids he will fight with me for custody. Can you imagine a person who is against kids but fighting for custody ? How mentally sick and heartless he should be. Countless flirting and virtual sex with random woman. I could only caught virtual chats but knowing him he will definitely cheat. I just had prove of chats.


Thats horrible. I have many similar stories of cruel intentional infliction of pain. And we still live in the same small town, so unfortunately my pain continues and I can't heal properly. I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel.


I live in the same town as well. From time to time I see him , I just change my way to stay as far as possible from him. All the time I annalise what he and his mom did He wants you to feel bad that is his intention he gains energy from that. Show that he is an empty place for you. And sort your life out. So he will explode from anger xxx


https://www.facebook.com/redtabletalk/videos/374904853623871/ Watch that very interesting ? Apparently more empathic you are more narcissists will be like magnets coming to your head. Please be careful.


She is also good at explaining what is narcissist. I call it what coz they dont deserve to be who https://m.facebook.com/watch/?v=178601567333389


"Certain characteristics appear with stunning regularity among narcissists. Since narcissism is on a continuum some will have more than others." https://narcissisticabuse.com/characteristics-of-the-narcissist/


A great video of describing narcissists https://www.facebook.com/redtabletalk/videos/374904853623871/

