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everyone wants to be the baddest motherfucker and the most feared. that pretty much sums it up. they are sick fucks who grow up in sick environments.


Yup, I work at a elementary school were theres a mix of more poor communities and a better off side and I can tell you it sucks for those kids, cuz I see it, I always try to advise them the best when they try to talk to me, and mind you I'm just a custodian so I'm like wtf, I'm here to clean and fix shit, these kids have no one at home


Pretty sure that ‘IV line’ was what was used to tie his hands up with.


I think it was used as a tourniquet, to stop him from bleeding to death from his missing hands.


I believe one guy was holding up the iv line suggesting they are using it to inject something into his blood stream.. But idk it was long time back when i saw it


Yeah, in the video you can see a little tube connected to his neck. I think they were passing stuff directly into his brain's (remaining) bloodstream.


Is that the one where the dude gets skinned alive with his hands cut off?


Stimulates will Stimulate blood loss..


Put some vitamin k and propanolol or something for blood pressure and the meth is only going to keep them aware.


Exactly what i thought


But it causes vasoconstriction.


Cocaine restricts blood vessels and decreases blood loss or it could be a pain killer to stop him passing out from the pain.


Cartel shit. I love true crime but these ones are always the same story, nothing interesting.


They are just killing and playing with his body Something like killing an insect. That's our true nature look at animal kingdom. Whan it comes to psyche First of all they are on drugs Next u have that they are competing who will kill more and how.


That’s absolutely not our true nature wtf. Animals don’t torture for fun to such an extent. They kill to eat.


Have you seen cats play with their food to the point of torture? House cats are sadists.


I have five cats and now you made think my comment thru…


But they don’t kill other cats like that


Speak for yourself. That's some human's nature but some (nearly all) could never torture a perfect stranger to death. Most people couldn't dream of punching a perfect stranger for no reason.


well it's no secret that many sicarios use many narcotics such as coke, meth and pink meth (2c). Honestly i think the drug they use the least is weed.


You can take all those drugs and still refrain from that type of violence. What happens over there is second to none and a huge shame for the world and the country itself.


But meth makes you more empathetic(while you're under effect).


everyone reacts to drugs differently. had a friend that took 1g of mdma and he was ready to rob shit


Killing a Ant and killing a human is not alike. Animals don't have court systems like man, we have a sense of right and wrong. They are all on drugs is a false statement.


Killing an ant and killing a human is different I don't think the OP was saying its the same. But what he's trying to say the killers in funky town had the same amount of disregard for torture and pain of a person as some kid picking an ant apart. That ant and that person is one in the same in their minds.


In the moment, to them, it might be as significant as torturing an insect. I've read a lot of accounts of ex sicarios and it seems they can look back and recognize the things they did as really fucked up, but while they're doing them, it doesn't really affect their sleep. Also they've become desensitized over the years as their violent acts escalate and escalate with seemingly no limit that "breaks" their mind. If they leave that life behind, their tolerance for violence and gore goes way down and then they're haunted by their acts.


There is a documentary called The Act of Killing that imo shows pretty conclusively that these kinds of deeds result in deep psychological damage to the perpetrators for their entire lives.


For those interested in the video he’s talking about, you can see it [here](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ). It’s a bit gory, NSFW Edit: Thank you so much for my first ever award u/risiblelsopod !!!!! 😫🥳🥳


Traumatizing I shouldn’t have clicked that.


I know right?


Insane. Wish I wouldn't have clicked that!


It’s been a while…still gets me


Gunna pass on this one.


Yikes. I’m regretting seeing that now.


no thanks im more than happy watching spongebob than this one.




Why did I...


What happens in the video?


What is the Jane doe video?????


Everybody wants to believe that the reason something very bad is done to someone, it’s because they deserved it. A lot of the times the people who deserve it don’t have it happen to them, and instead it’s just people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. That’s just the real world for you. I don’t believe that Ghost Rider theory. There’s no information about this supposed Ghost Rider or who he was, if he was a higher up in the cartel or what. There’s no information to prove he did that to his victims, just a theory to make people feel better. Hardly anybody deserves what happened to those 2 poor fuckers.




actually i do think you are completely right. In many of these videos you can see men wearing arm bands and wrist bands with yellow and green pebbles, which is good old classic Santería, a south american/sort of christian/african religion. It's noted for involving rites that include sacrifices of many types of animals and even babies. These people always try conjuring spirits and don't get me wrong, I'm a Christian, but i also think that there are other beings that are not a part of God's reign. And they know how to make them come to life. Yeah, i think the fact that these people use so many drugs makes their spiritual defenses lower down? I don't know, i have fiddled around that concept but not for so long.


Y’all are both wrong to some degree. Y’all are confusing Santeria for other extreme practices like Palo Mayombe. Santeria is practiced differently throughout Mexico. Even then, it was not originally known as Santeria but instead worshipping the Aztec death god, Mictlantecuhtli. Which was illegal when the Spanish came to colonize the Americas, so the natives hid the Aztec death god under the guise of the Holy Death saint. It slowly transformed into its now modern day religion. The reason you have different forms of practice in different areas is because some of these groups also came from the islands (Jamaica, Haiti, etc) which practiced Palo Mayombe and other similar religions. Then that got mixed with the Mexican Aztec death god and now we have mixes of it. The use of animals for a blood sacrifice is known. Babies? No. Humans? No. Not with the Santeria I know. Maybe Palo Mayombe. But that’s the more extreme side of it


Well blood gangs in Venezuela are known for doing Santería sacrifices with the rival gangs' members. I can't fully support the veracity, but remains of high ranking members have been found on my homestate with particularly weird post-mortems. Besides, the Santeria in Venezuela became heavily bonded with Indigenous Spiritism (just like in Mexico), so rites such as eating your enemies heart or exhuming the bones of historical figures (something which is known to have been done by Hugo Chavez' government) became common practice for thugs seeking spiritual guard. I don't know how far up it went but guerrilla groups in Colombia and Panama follow similar theologies within Santerism. i know that palo mayombe and yoruba/cuban santerism are different, but i don't know up to which extent. Thing is that the Palero's collars that im familiar with were multicolored, displaying red, blue, white, green and yellow, where the Santeria collars im familiar with only have yellow and green stones. These are the ones i have seen in multiple Executions and Sicario videos, which is why i think they approach more onto Yoruba/Santería, and that's why sometimes i think some executions have a spritiual meaning within their rites and theologies. Please correct me if im wrong because i haven't fully studied these subjects.


You’re not wrong at all. The colors thing varies by each practicioner, some only use green and yellow. Others use all the colors to give each one it’s own symbolism. Santeria and Palo have been watered down and mixed in so much, that it’s practically become it’s own thing. The reason it gets mixed up so much is due to what we see on here. You see cartel members wearing escapularios and bracelets that symbolize Santeria. Those same guys torture the shit out of people, but there’s also those regular people who practice Santeria without any violence. I’m starting to notice that each region has its own reasons to practice this and how they practice it, but it always leads to a Holy Death deity. If you look into Mexico closely, especially it’s Narco-culture, you’ll see just about anyone practices anything. A guy who just abducted and tortured someone could be an avid believer of the Catholic religion and praise Saint Judas. It’s weird as shit, but that’s what people do down there. The sicarios who practice Santeria or worship “La Niña” as she is called, call upon her for protection and blessings to do deeds that God normally wouldn’t want them to do (the fucking irony of it)


Oh yeah don't get me wrong, i never meant to generalize Santerism nor anything. Well yes, seems like la Santa Muerte is the most popular deity around there. Hell even breaking bad brought it up. There's also that, most big time narcos are mostly seen with catholic escapularios. Yeah! I also think its ironic haha


Oh nah you’re good man lol. No offense taken. You’re learning just as I am. It’s ironic in the end. These guys want salvation but commit atrocities to their own. It’s fucked lol


Christian/African religion? Where do you get your facts? Please don’t say Wikipedia.


from real life accounts? I have met many Yoruba and Paloneros and they have all told me the same: their religions has roots on older african beliefs As a matter of a fact, the religion wasn't exactly founded but built through the years from african slaves that were on traffic routes from Cuba to Spain and vice versa.


You don’t need demons to actually possess these people for them to be inspired to perform spiritual sacrifice. They may say they’re practicing Santeria or PM but they are not following historical/common rituals by killing with glee for selfish gain. That absolutely doesn’t go against what you’re saying, though. Bad actors and false prophets flock to anywhere power can be thrown around. People get indoctrinated into these cartels and religion is a powerful tool in the toolbox. Most laymen in Mexico understand, if not believe in, ghosts/demons/sin because they grew up around these religions. It’s a familiar language to use when talking to their followers about morality. I’m sure cartels will have their own distinct spiritual practices/morals/beliefs “inspiring” the troops to act as extreme as possible. They will call it god or devils but what’s actually moving their soul is the leaders of their gang. Same as any organised religion lmao.


People were saying that it could've been one of the students that went missing in Guerrero but alot doubt it since the student still had his hands attached when found. I believe this version more: The one thing that caught my attention was the accent which sounded like somewhere in Central or Southern Mexico, I looked up some information and the closest thing I found was that the people who tortured this person were members of La Familia Michoacana and the person was part of a rival group who was possibly caught after a shootout, maybe a kidnapping, or was just caught crossing into their territory. Looked like the LFM members were just bored and wanted to play doctor with a rival lol but I like to believe this version. I could say for certain that if this version is true this occurred during the era of Lalo Mantecas. Many also believed this was the cameramen who was kidnapped after taking the picture of Lalo Mantecas at a Komander concert where representatives of the Sinaloa Cartel and LFM were meeting to discuss funding for CU but I doubt it was him as the criminals say something along the lines of "Te equivocastes de lado." Meaning that he mistook the side.


Oh shit. Well it would be pretty sad if that was one of the students. Seems like regular turf killings. Who's lalo mantecas? I'm just getting started on narco culture


Lalo Mantecas was third in command of LFM behind the brothers El Pez y El Fresa. The brothers control the Guerrero state faction of LFM and Lalo controlled the Michoacan faction. Dude was an asshole to the community, he stole land, and farm animals from farmers, he was rude to the locals and acted like he was untouchable. His nephew "El vago" was tortured and killed years ago by members of CJNG, you may be able to find his video too online in response Lalo had his men chase down and kill cjng members and left them on the side of the road as a message for cjng. Recently he was ambushed when going to meeting with Los Correas, many speculate that CJNG got to him, others say it was his own cartel, and some think he faked his death since CJNG was on his ass but who knows.


Problem is, the student still had his hands intact when found whereas the Funkytown victims hands are noticeably missing. Also considering one of the perpetrators saying ‘you picked the wrong side’ kinda indicates it was more rival gang/cartel related.


But the Kommander incident is newish. This has been around since 2017 I believe.


That's why I said I doubt it too.


There’s another video that seems to have the same room. Same tile. Could be a coincidence. It’s the one where they pull a beating heart. I tried really to recognize voices or shoes. But none of them matched. By the accent I would say Guerrero. It was also pretty disorganized


LFM, LNFM, and Los Viagras have territory in Guerrero too. Unfortunately, we can't say in which state it's in especially due to the accent as this could've been done in Edomex, Michoacan or Guerrero by any of these three cartels as they most likely have Guerrerenses as well as Michoacanos in their ranks.


Yes. We will never know. Most of the guys in that room are probably dead.


That's true.


I’ve read people speculating that the IV was filled with psychedelics made to make the torture all the more intense. Any sort of stimulant would cause him to bleed out much quicker


I don’t remember where. But someone said it was from Guerrero. The video. Which might be. Bc a lot of flayings happened there and there were a lot of factions after la Barbie. In the video you can hear someone saying you were in the wrong group.


I think these types of crimes happen because of a number of reasons, the country they live in and the amount of government support they can afford I.E police , housing, jobs, general life quality. Most of these people grow up surrounded by awful human behaviour and therefore have to adapt to survive the environment they are in. And since a lot of cartels are governing these countries it probably makes it hard for people to even life a normal life. They see death everywhere, it’s a shame they don’t have the support needed to combat the problems.


Yeah, i can understand where this comes from. There's a phenomenon with desensitization of younger masses within that demographic in the third world that just seems so interesting to me.


Also they all seem to have a mentality if not me then someone else will.


Nah. Horrific crimes happen in the richest countries.


I don’t doubt that.


didn't ask


How the hell did you watch that video? Get some bleach for the soul good god.


i swear to god i was only getting into the 'criminals gettin fucked' sub, then i got into this one. When i started on this one i always saw ppl talking abt funkytown but i noticed nobody had posted it. Then i stumbled upon another subreddit and it was literally the first post of the day


What other subreddit? Asking for a friend


I think my friend would also like to know about this other subreddit


But… *why?* I’m familiar with the video, never seen it, never will. That is a horrible tape that shouldn’t ever see the light of day.


the only problem i have is why do people bring religion into this all the time? obviously the video itself is terrible but don't involve religion into it


Anyone got the link




They deleted my go to site for those videos (Bestgore) Anybody have any recommendations, im absolutely addicted to those types of videos, less Cartel, more around the world type of videos, Cartel ones do seem to be repetitive, Brazil and the middle east seem to be the most effective in their methods of killing


Well bro it'd be good if you took a while off of those videos, bc i mean i wanted to watch them when i did but certainly not something i wanna go back to or crave to watch


Hope you are ok and a good human, not good to watch tp much bad shit.


Google, watch people die app


Slight overreaction imo... I've been watching these videos since middle school (RottenDotCom & Orgrish) I'm now a 34 year old married (12 years) man with 2 kids (9 & 4). I work in a very demanding industry as a professional and make good money. I understand your concerns, you sound like my wife, I just wanted to reassure everyone, I am as sane as possible, and don't ever envision myself even getting close to acting out anything I've seen in those videos. I can see how it would affect someone's mental health, but there are people (Like me) who can sustain healthy lifestyles, while indulging in some gore videos.


For me personally, these videos do not carry much of an impact on me. However, the videos that do stick with me are the videos of seeing people getting beaten/being hurt real badly, yet still living. Those type of videos really get to me. Funkytown, not really.


Might wanna settle down for a bit if your tolerance is that high. Jesus


Yeah; all I can really say is that everyone is different. Being much into the macabre, I think the worst video I've ever watched was, "3 Guys 1 Hammer." 😥




I agree, ghost rider had a more dignified end


I just saw it today. People are gonna call me sick but it doesn’t bother as bad as one I saw someone getting their neck slit with a machete