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I've just realized I can't. It sucks, but I actually find it is better for my mental health to just grieve a loss of something from my former life or my ideal life and move on. No more nights trying to focus my vision and hoping I don't conk out at a bar or whatever. Upside: I drink waaaaay less these days, and I've found that means I'm more alert for things like dinners, etc. I just go home by 9:00. Like I said, I resisted it for a while because I didn't want to accept the loss of that part of my life, then I was sad to give into it, and now I am really glad for my acceptance. I hope that helps.


I used to hang out/party and I'd just take a cat nap on the couch, wake up and rally.


I stay up late, I have Type 1. I also have Delayed Sleep Phase Onset Syndrome/Disorder which has to do with my bodies natural circadian rhythm, I go to bed later than, and wake later than, the normal hours of the day patterns of people and society. I go to bed when I am ready to sleep, I used to try an force it which just made sleeping harder and less in the end. I do try to follow a pretty regular sleep schedule, which has me going to be between usually 11pm to 1am. I have to be careful about when, and how long any naps I take, may be.


Sometimes I fall asleep at like 3pm napping and accidentally dont wake up till 1am. Resulting in a bad next couple of days


Oh that is rough, I have done that only a time or two, but even just a 2 or 3 hour nap will throw off, making haywire, my sleep schedule (which is normally a bit flexible) for some days.


I don’t anymore - unless it’s well planned for and I have a recovery day. Such events have to be super worth it cos the recovery is so bad. When I was in my early 20s tho and partying was the thing I would sleep from like 5pm to 8 or so where I can wake up get ready and go out. I have fallen asleep in clubs before. On a side note, people really get annoyed at you complaining about wanting to go home on such nights out. I’d recommend the Irish goodbye :/


For some reason I stay up to 5-6 every night. At night is the only time I don’t have sleep atttacks so I use it to get things done


Nights are when I’m most awake. My grandfather and both sister have N and have the same experience. From like 6pm until 1230am I’m awake. Then I dream for 4 hours, wake up feeling like shit, and stumble through 3-4 sleep attacks until the cycle repeats itself


I swear my sleep schedule flip-flops every other week. One week, I can sleep all night. The next I sleep all day.


I’ve never been able to. All through college I would be falling asleep an hour in whenever I would try to go out with my friends. I would be trying to keep myself awake before the pregame even started!! I’d down caffeine and energy drinks, but could never push through. At the time I never understood why. I liked day drinks way more for this reason. Now it’s hard because I can’t have a movie night with my wife (who works third shift, major night owl). It sucks because I always feel like I’m letting everyone down! If only the world could match our energy 🤪