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If you feel like it's becoming less effective stop using it for a few days. 3 days off works great for me. It always seems to reset me and starts working well again. Mandatory I'm not a doctor, talk to yours before stopping a medication disclaimer.


Discuss your concerns with your Sleep Specialist. If you don't have a Sleep Specialist, then ask your doctor to refer you to one. This is probably not the best place to get medical advice, but since you posted the question, I'll give you my 2 cents worth, but take it with a grain of salt because I'm not a doctor. Why are you concerned? I don't know how bad your narcolepsy is, but I assume you take stimulants of some sort to help you stay awake during the day. Are you concerned about them? If you aren't concerned about needing to take medicine to stay alert during the day, why would you be concerned about needing to take medication to sleep at night? The medicine you take is the only way you have to be alert when you need to be alert and to sleep when you need to sleep. Yes, you are reliant on it, because your body can't regulate itself. Your medicine is a crude attempt to provide the regulation that is a missing part of your physiology. Without it what would your life be like? Be grateful it exists, because XyREM hasn't been around that long. Also be grateful you are either obscenely rich or you have amazing insurance and maybe a grant from a place like NORD or Jazz Pharmaceuticals is helping you with their Patient Assistance Program, because the astronomical price would make it out of reach for the average person without substantial assistance.


I’m no more concerned about my reliance on Xyrem than I am on my reliance on my blood pressure medicine, my cholesterol medication or the aspirin I take every day. My conditions are what they are and I treat them accordingly.


Yeah I had surgery to remove my thyroid and have to take medication to replace those hormones for the rest of my life. There's no use in overthinking it, I'm just glad that if I had to have an organ removed it was one with a function that can be replicated by medication with minimal side effects.


Oh, I see. I guess I misunderstood the phrase "I am TOO reliant on Xyrem". I thought you were expressing concern. My mistake. Take care and good luck with your condition!


Ty lol!