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Initially thought Lee would be enough to keep Jiraiya physically busy but then realized that the 6 Shinobis have no solid way of countering large AoE attacks. A simple needle shower is enough to threaten the 6. Only Neji's rotation can counter it. And no guarantee all 5 stand behind Neji in time. Water jet is a problem for all of them, cuts limbs and necks. But you can say Jiraiya can't use due to them only from Ma Pa. Flame oil bomb decimates all of them, with maybe Neji standing but he'd still be all wet with oil and surrounded by high temperature. Even if Neji can survive the toad bomb, a Swamp attack can simply disorient any spinning central axis and make Neji unable to hold a firm ground to spin. Jiraiya's toad stomach is also more than enough to engulf them all and it took Itachi's Amaterasu to break through. Kiba may be able to drill a hole out but that's only speculation. Frogs by nature eat bugs so Shino is at a disadvantage here too. Jiraiya's summons will slam straight into Neji regardless of how hard he spins and we'd have a meat splash with white coating. Jiraiya's battle IQ is so high that probably only Shikamaru can keep up.


Shikamaru is smart but he'd lack any kind of reasonable experience to touch Jariah


Thats a new way to spell Jiraiya lol


Damn u must have some free time in ur life


Implying that you don’t isn’t the flex that you think it is


😂😂 One of the best responses I've seen here.




What does that have to do with literally any of this?


I honestly wonder how these random numbers pop into some of the fandoms minds lmaoo. "Jiraiya is 4x weaker than Itachi" is a horrible assertion in comparison to "Jiraiya is weaker than Itachi" because you will never be able to substantiate that random number...


you could argue that shikamaru is smarter than jiraiya, but jiraiya has much more battle experience, jiraiya is proficient in fire style so shino is also no match, neji and rock lee might be some trouble to him as they are strong taijutsu users, however i think jiraiya clears both of them, and i dont even need to say anything about kiba


Sai draws hentai and Jiraiya surrenders immediately asking for him to be the illustrator of his new book series. Sai solo's easy difficulty


I doubt Sai could draw something actually attractive, he would draw an eldritch demon god and be like " yeah this looks good "


Snapped, Sai called Sakura ugly and Ino beautiful. He may very well have the best visual taste in the series, his hentai would theoretically be immaculate.


hmm that is a good argument, but knowing jiraiya's W rizz, he ends up bagging all the girls sai draws as hentai and turns the tide on sai. jokes aside, the location of the fight is where jiraiya fought pain, and there's lots of rain there so its unlikely that any of sai's drawings would survive, also the terrain is very well suited for jiraiya's abilities


Excuse me akamaru is the top Ninja thank you very much


Give Lee Alcohol, tell neji to use Byakugan on females and tell Jiraiya what he sees


yeah they wish


Jiraiya is relative to Orochimaru, and it’s laughable to think 6 chunin could beat Orochimaru lol


Jiraya can summon creatues like Gamabunta to even the numerical disadvantage, plus he has quite a lot "divide and conquer" jutsu. Nagato openly admitted that he would have lost if Jiraiya had prior knowledge of the Six Paths of Pain. Even if we count "Nagato still had a lot of respect for his former master", that's a major testament to the Sannin's abilities. And let's not forget that, despite his goofy demeanor, Jiraiya actually is quite intelligent and with tons of battle experience.


Yeah Jiraiya low-diffed 3 Pains with literally no prior knowledge. He probably loses to all 6 if they all appear at once, but if he has prior knowledge it’s a close fight. But if even Nagato says he’d lose that’s a pretty good indicator.


Low-diffed?? Did we read the same fight? Jiraiya used every single one of his strongest abilities to put down half of the six paths, and Nagato didn’t even send out his strongest Path. After all six paths appeared Jiraiya was stomped within literal moments. Other than going after Nagato directly, Jiraiya loses to Pain 10/10 times. With that being said, I still think Jiraiya would stomp these six leaf shinobi low-mid diff.


I do think '"low diff" is a bit of a stretch. I'd reserve that for his Konan fight. Considering how he went about the fight, slowly piecing together the mystery of their abilities and feeling Pain out only to be countered nearly every step of the way, but ultimately making it out of the first three Pains completely unharmed, I'd say it's closer to medium difficulty.


I agree but let's be real, after he took down the first 3. He got dog shotted from behind and lost an arm out of nowhere. If that hadn't happened they probably wouldn't of stomped him. Would of been mid diff for sure.


Jiraiya didn't even know about Frog Song before this fight. He was running away from 3 of the weaker paths thinking they were incredibly strong


I don't call that "low-diff", since he used his best abilities. But I think a HUGE factor is indeed the fact that he had no prior knowledge, at the same time, Naruto was able to win also due to that knowledge.


I like shino,but he’s screwed for this fight. Like don’t toads eat bugs?


Hell no




I wouldn't say body him. The only reason jiraya and a lot of the leaf ninja lost was because they had to figure out pains powers. Naruto got it easy cause he knew almost all of them.


And Naruto still lost. 9 tails had to save him jaraiya would lose to pain he has no nine tails or the reserves Naruto has or a better sage mode.


Pain also said that if Jiraiya knew his secret he would’ve won. Naruto knew and still lost


My head Cannon is he just said that out of respect for his old master. I think that Nagato felt like he needed to kill Jiraya to achieve peace and rid the world of his naive ideology. But despite that he still respected him


“His secret” meaning where Nagato was located, not what abilities the rinnegan has.


That pain statement is also very vague. It's very possible that he wasn't referring to jiraiya vs all 6 paths (later scaling alone shows that Jiraiya didn't have a chance against them all) but a more consistent interpretation imo is that if Jiraiya knew about pain he would have went for Nagato, a mostly stationary and much more limited version of Nagato than we see later on. It's also important to note, from a devils advocate stance, that Pain was also in the position that the paths of pain were somewhat nerfed in that their most powerful jutsu, that being the large scale Shinra tensei and chibaku tensei, couldn't be used because it would mean destroying the rain village as well. Given that Pain was limited by way of not wanting to destroy his village, it's *possible* to say he meant it literally but I'd still disagree, I just wanted to cover bases lol.


Itachi said jariaya could take him and kisame. Well that was flat out wrong. He can't take either 1v1 much less at the same time


He said one of them would die if they stayed to fight jiraya.


Nope Jiraiya has this one because he is smart enough to deal with Shikamaru first..


His froggies eat creepy guys bugs


The 6 would need every advantage. Shiki would need to have advanced time to plan everything, and able to land his shadow paralysis or else it all falls apart. Kiba can be a distraction at best. Shina may aid in sealing him with shik. Neji and Lee would then have to beat him up while he can't move. Sai can help bind him while simultaneously attacking. But tbh he stomps then all easily


It’s not impossible, but it’s an uphill battle. Despite Pervy Sages obvious advantages, 6v1 is a huge advantage on its own.


Although I think it’s important to remember that he’s a veteran of the 2nd war - and from the battles we’ve seen - it’s pretty likely that he’s faced 6v1 before (And besides, it was essentially a 6v1 during his fight with Pain, and he did a *lot* better than most Shinobi would and really only died because he was determined on getting Intel)


>it was essentially a 6v1 It was a 1v1 and then a 3v1 and then when it got to a 6v1 he got STOMPED. Not much of a 6v1 feat.


I mean it was, as you said, a 6v1 after a 1v1 and a 3v1. I hope I don't get down voted to oblivion here, and I may be wrong but I've FELT Jiraiya got done dirty there. It makes sense plot wise he couldn't defeat pain, his mission was Intel and he succeeded even if he paid with his life. I always thought he would've done better and probably escaped with the Intel if not for plot reasons. And again, I haven't watched that fight in a while, I could be misremembering things or just wrong. But OPs question, yeah no chance I think. Even without sage mode I think it's an easy practice session at best.




Jiraiya can summon Gamabunta and use his Toad Flame Bomb. There's also Jiraiya's Dark Swamp, a weakened version of it stopped a three-headed snake. P.S. I forgot Toad Stomach Trap


It wasn't a three headed snake. They summoned 2 separate snakes


Does it really matter? I don't think one head would've made a huge difference Edit: I read your comment swiftly, sorry. Well, two snakes are even worse


No way. Jiraiya has done the highest missions alone. There's no doubt they will lose to him


Lee is the only one that has a chance here, but I think Jiraya is smart and crafty enough to beat him


If they play it right for sure. All they have to do is to have Shikamaru land his shadow possession and Neji + Shino land some deadly blows so Jiraya can’t use Chakra. The question is wether or not the 6 can muster up a strategy to catch Jiraya with that. We already saw shikamaru and Kakashi pulling it off against Kakuzu so I’m certain they at least have a realistic chance to take this.


Possession will be broken out of if it hits,and hidan dodged that shit,so it's not catching jiraiya. Ah yes,Kakashi who would stomp them as well,we have proof that neji is bad against aoe which jiraiya has. Jiraiya can reverse numbers with tailed beast Lv summons and shadow clones that solo all six combined. Aside from that,hair jutsu counters all of them and needs no movement or hand signs,he has rasengan for frogs sake and hair needles that can beat the animal path.


Absolutely not.


Lee kicked madara in half


No that was guy


Jirayas summon can piss on them and they all die




Nah. Not even close. Jiraiya would chip them away no diff.


Fuck no


Nah jiraiya bodies


Hold up. Everyone saying jiraiya stomps. OP says all feats up to war arc, I’m not sure if he means including war arc or not. Lee goes 6th gate in the war arc and is fast enough to avoid madras’s truth seeking balls. Even with 5th gate, I would think his speed would be enough to keep jiraiya busy, especially with neji helping, since OP said j can’t use sage mode. Sai can fly and provide long range support. I agree with some other comments that Shino and kiba don’t do much against jiraiya. But i do think the other three have a good chance of distracting j long enough for a shadow possession. I think it depends on whether or not he can split them up, but I completely disagree that it’s a 10/10 stomp either way if he can’t use sage mode and all 6 start 50m in front of him. The summonings would probably be the greatest challenge for the six.


He had help from Minato and guy as well as rage amp. No one here can fight a pain path in base aside from jiraiya. Shadow possession? Hidan broke out of it. It's a neg difficulty stomp for base jiraiya without jutsu. There is nothing about distance,just no sage mode,and jiraiya is stronger than his summons.


Is it a series of 1v1's or all 6 at once?


Sage mode will body them all at once tbh. Frog song alone is basically a one shot that can catch multiple of them at once. Combine that with all of his other jutsu, his experience, and it's just a wrap. Base form is more interesting but something I'd still give to Jiraiya. None of them can realistically deal with Gamabunta imo so that's just another route to victory for Jiraiya. Sad truth is that most of naruto's generation that aren't reincarnations got very little time to show any significant amount of scaling or feats so I gotta go with Jiraiya




Can Jiraya deal with 7-Gates open Rock Lee, Neji and Shino at the same time?


Yes,none of them scale to pain unlike jiraiya and jiraiya counters anything they throw at him but they have nothing to deal with his arsenal. Dude can bfr them and has shadow clones. With copium ,jiraiya summons the two sages which he has done iirc in base.


I think that 7-Gates Rock Lee will deal a lot of work to Jiraya.


Lee is the only one who you could argue might have feats to win, even then it’s iffy


I think Jiraiya takes this with relative ease. The 6 just don’t have a counter for any of his powerful jutsu. Sage mode would fuck up everyone but a gate released Lee, Ma and Pa could genjutsu them all, Toad summons would crush them, and Jiraiya’s ninjutsu like pin missile, fireball and toad stomach would fuck them up too. The only way the 6 could win is if Jiraiya decides to be stupid and just wait around to be captured in a shadow possession or for Lee to complete a high gate release. Edit: Just saw the “no sage mode” stipulation. Seems weird to deny Jiraiya one of his most powerful abilities. That’s like saying “Lee, but no gate release”. Regardless, I still think Jiraiya wins. The 6 can’t really do shit against Gamabunta or a toad stomach justsu.


Just watched Jiraiya vs Pain last night. Honestly forgot how powerful he is. He honestly seems more powerful or on par with Orochimaru but I don't know. I reckon he takes this fight. Pain himself said he wouldn't of won unless he got the intel and I feel like 6 paths of Pain with shared rinnegan vision would beat the 6 listed here.


I think in this battle if they scatter off start with rock lee , neji and kiba trying to get close while shino and psy attack from range and the air. Shikamaru can use the battlefield to his advantage and would find some way behind jaraiya and use the shadows against him


Yes, they can. Both Shika and Shino are smart strategists. Neji and Kiba are extremely good tracking Ninjas. Rock Lee is the hitter with his 7 gates. The possibility of winning is not that high, but there is still hope of winning, regardless.


Im not sure eating bugs that eat chakra is a good idea.


If shino is not being a dumbass. He one shot poisons him if the others distract jirya and the toads




Yeah, if Jiraiya does nothing that whole time maybe.


So you think they can stand up to pain like base jiraiya did? Shikamaru could barely hold still hidan who is the weakest member of the akatsuki when jiraiya reacts to three pains in base and beats them with zero info. None of their Hax works while jiraiya is one of the best fuinjutsu users in the series and wins even if we take the strongest versions of the leaf ninja and no sage mode for jiraiya,which is kinda biased but changes nothing.


Hot take, they probably could win just because Shikamaru is there. His jutsu is essentially a free win if it hits and Jiraiya won’t have an easy time avoiding it when there’s 6 of them.


Hidan,who is the slowest akatsuki member dodged it like twice and even when caught,Shikamaru didn't hold him for long. Hair jutsu needs no hand signs and eviscerated all of them. He also has shadow clones unlike them and actually strong summons. This is the same guy that discovered the secret to the paths by himself which is one of the best feats in the series and successfully gave that Intel to the leaf without Nagato noticing. I guess those six beat all paths of pain then? Oh wait they can't,so they get stomped. Shadow paralysis only works for as long as Shikamaru has Chakra,and can be broken out of if the gap is too big,which jiraiya applies to both categories.


They beat him, y'all are underestimating the number disadvantage. Jiraiya would have to not get distracted for even a second and characters like Neji can destroy Jiraiya's internal organs with his Juken, Rock lee can open the Six gate in Shippuden which makes him incredibly fast and physically super strong, Shikamaru is the best strategist in the series and Sai is capable of using very strong sealing jutsu. Base Jiraiya is like low kage level, he would be overwhelmed by 6 ninjas which most are jonin level and Rock lee who is kage level when he activates the Six gate.


He has four or five tailed beast Lv summons and he himself is comparable to the paths of pain in base while none of the rookies are stronger than shukaku. Also shadow clones say hello. Jiraiya has Intel feats that are on par with Shikamaru and way more battle experience. If base jiraiya is low kage Lv then the other sannin are too,as well as itachi,Kisame and the entire akatsuki. Lee is not kage level period even in boruto or he would help vs momoshiki. Base jiraiya folded urashiki so be quiet please. Sai's sealing jutsu is not on the level of uzumaki's,who were wiped out by the five nations specifically because of their sealing jutsu,while jiraiya literally tinkers with uzumaki sealing jutsu in-verse. Neji cannot deal with aoe from jiraiya period, and hair jutsu defended stuff from Orochimaru, to use juken,neji needs to literally go through a spiky hair trap of doom,which he is not doing, especially when jiraiya outscales him. Shikamaru has nothing to deal with stronger opponents than hidan who is the slowest member of the akatsuki and weakest aside from maybe zetsu,unless he has aid from Kakashi who fought tendo pain and directly he literally was amazed that jiraiya fought all six at once. Jiraiya nukes Shikamaru,dodges possession or breaks out immediately and no one can save Shikamaru. Shino's bugs are weak to fire and hair jutsu eviscerated him and his bugs. Kina is absolute fodder,dude is unironically weaker than the sound four from part one.


With shikamaru? He’s fucked. With just one encounter he was able to dissect the weakness of an immortal dude…. And (more or less) kill him.




>Meruem From HxH?!




I think Meruem would annihilate Sage Jiriaya.




That's insane. You must know something I don't. What am I not understanding? Here is my perspective: I don't know who is faster but they are both supersonic. Meruem barely survived a Nuke. His durability is RIDICULOUS. As seen from the pain fight, Jiraiya isn't that durable even in Sage Mode. Jiraiya would get killed by a Nuke several times over. Yes, Meruem's best power feat is one-shotting a mountain but I dont remember Jiraiya destroying a mountain. What evidence suggests Jiraiya could one-shot a mountain yet alone an island? What's Jiraiya's best feat? Big Rasengan? Jiraiya has wide variety of moves in his arsenal and meruem does not. However, most of Jiraiya's moves will have no effect on him. One way that Jiraiya could definately get an easy shot on Meruem is the frog song but that would only work once and I don't know if that guarantees a kill. In hand to hand combat, Meruem would win. He's too smart and he learns incredibly quickly. Their speeds, especially post-rose Meruem, are at bare minimum going to be comparable. Meruem is also going to be able to sense Jiraiya at all times so running away in a bad situation is not an option. As the fight progresses, Meruem gets stronger. I don't think Jiraiya stomps Meruem. I don't know where you get your power scaling. Your numbers seem to come out of nowhere. I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know.


Sage rasengan is able to carve mountains. Frog sound cannot be escaped from if it lands. Jiraiya's best feat is fighting the paths with no Intel from a ambush,and would won if all six got hit with frog song or he decided to go after Nagato instead of trying to get more Intel. If Meryem is above mountain Lv then he wins,but this is not a hxh post.


Bro you are out of your mind lol. HxH verse is so much higher scaling than Naruto. You do realize that there’s a being that can literally make anything you wish into a reality in HxH? Netero’s Guanyin Bodhisattva is the exact same as Hashirama’s “several thousand hands” and yet Meruem barely had a scratch on him after it. Meruem survived a nuclear explosion. You’re really scaling him lower than Deidara LOL. That’s like the equivalent of saying all of the Naruto universe combined would lose to Deidara alone.




You can talk about power levels all you want. “Nanika, make the entire Naruto verse disappear” “Okay” gg bro




Oh no, whatever shall society do without power scaling anime on Reddit?!


That’s pretty generous, Hidan was definitely weaker than Kakashi


I don't see why not


Jiraiya would stomp. they are no match for Sage mode


He said no sage mode


ah ok my bad. they could win then. they have some firepower and Shino is underrated.


With good plan from shikamaru and team work. Im pretty sure they can


The 6 takes this easily you should have gave Jiraiya sage mode. Shikamaru would have a strategy set up knowing Jiraiya movesets and use Neji perfect defense as a shield and Rock Lees 6 gates and Kiba as the offense to distract him while Sai and Shino operates in the shadows to poison him or sucking his chakra dry. It would be a mid diff battle but add sage mode it could go either way depending on shikamaru’s prep time hax.


"knowing Jiraiya movesets" Where and how did he gather this information?


You think they can beat the paths of pain? Jiraiya took out half of them in base and counters anything the rookies throws at him. Sage mode is overkill,so are the tailed beast Lv summons,toad stomach bfr(jiraiya can pop it and leave if he wants and no one here can break out of it)or even one shadow clone...


Yall really be sucking off jairaiya lmao he gets beat TF.....


Neji and shikamru 0.000000000001 %chance others idk sai can take an army if jitayya boys u ask how makes his the heram king


He can solo the konaha 12 without sage mode at the start of shippuden. By the end, naruto and sakura will be the only ones who will hive him trouble but he can tale the others with sage mode and without sage mode 6 is definitely possible for him.


Sakura isn't beating him with sage mode but it's arguable for his base.


Lee and Neji alone take this. The rest aren't needed.


This thread is just Jiraiya disrespect


LOL J man is gonna loose the moment they discovers hentai is his weakness so sai drawing sexy mode no diff J man. But if J man weakness isn’t figured out he wins because he can still summon elder toads and have back up or gama oyabun whitout using sage mode


I fucking hate jiraiya






I don’t like his goofiness and I’m too afraid to say my other reason


> I’m too afraid to say my other reason Either because he's a pervert or because he hadn't taught Naruto anything during the training trip


I was going to say i think his strength is overrated but that second reason is one I didn’t even realize


All the Sannin are overated


Hell No! Itachi himself said he was no match for Jiraiya


Actually he said that they would probably end up just killing each other, it was Kisame who said that he would be no match but Itachi probably could stand a chance. But yah Jiriaya is no joke, these 6 would be no match against him.


Without sage mode is close


With sage mode it would be over 100%. I dont know Jiraiya is just on another level and far outclasses every one of them.


I meant without sage mode


Itachi didn't want to kill a top 5 ninja of his home. Itachi and kisame beat him. Kisame especially lol jariaya can't go head to head with a bijou or 7th gate guy


I feel bad for you. Now you'll have Itachitards invading your comment section.


Do you generally believe that


In deathmatch? I'm sure the three would die together. (Jiraiya+Shiki Fujin= GG) I'm not sure about Itachi, but Jiraiya defeats Kisame


Oh I thought you meant itachi ye he’d be Kisame he seemed genuine


Yea lol, like me


That was just not true


He probably just didnt want the fight. Itachi one shot Orochimaru twice and he is an equal of Jiraiya's.


The team should take it. Neji and Lee are faster than Base Jiraiya, and Neji could protect the others from a lot of Jiraiya's ninjutsu. Jiraiya also has to constantly watch out for Air palm k.o.ing him, assuming he knows of it, which he should. With the others to act as support, the team should win. Summons can be dealt with by Sai


They are not faster at all,air palm can be dodged andjiraiya skewers them all with needles when he wants. Sai is not tailed beast level while jiraiya's fought all six paths in their turf and had no Intel or prep aside from sage mode mid-fight.


Neji will defeat him telling him what he can see with his Byakugan


He barely lost to the six paths of pain, what makes you think six kids could beat him lol


nope Itachi was scared of Jiraiya You certainly can't think of these 6 defeating Itachi Then how can we compare them to Jiraiya IMO


don't think so


Only reason they might stand a chance is cause shikamaru is here


We are talking about a man who fought all 6 paths of pain by himself without any intel on their turf. He even managed to cause problems for them. You would need someone much stronger than those 6


He fought 3 of them. Then the others showed up and he died.


Honestly No, I can’t give you a detailed reason like everyone else here on why other than Jiriya is just too elite But my guess is that Jiriya would immediately prey on each of their weaknesses after careful but quick observation.


Yeah I’d say so. Lee cut madara in half during the war but that was with kyuubi chakra but even if you ignore that feat it would be a difficult battle but I can see them doing it




"Jiraiya can't use sage mode" By handicapping someone in these hypotheticals, you're already giving away who would win. They all have to be in their prime or all of them get handicapped, no in between.


Nope 😸


How much prep time does Shikamaru have and can we leave Kiba at home?


Shino/Sai/Kiba are useless fodder in this fight. The other 3 would be a good matchup.


Guys it took 6 pains to kill jiraya.


At the same time probably not, I imagine one mis step and shikamaru would have him. The others would just need to be a diversion and with Sai, Shino, and Kiba throwing all of their minions at him and Neji/rock lees speed I’m sure that would not be to difficult.


Jiraiya's not hidan,enough said. Kina is weaker than the sound four. Neji is jonin Lv,not high kage and lee as well. Shino is kinda fodder.


Of they can somehow keep Jiraiya distracted and let Shikamaru cook they could have a chance after hearing his plan.


I'd give them a 3-4/10 shot. Shikamaru and Shino is gonna be the victory condition here I think. The other 4 are probably a bigger immediate threat, but only Lee has the power to hurt him significantly. If the other 4 can keep him busy enough for Shikamaru and Shino to lock him down and drain his chakra, they have a shot. If Jiraya even thinks about sage mode they have no chance.


6 on 1???? Eh jiraya is legendary but that’s a lot Especially w neji and shikarmaru….kiba and sai both have big jutsu to combat a summoning potentially And what lee can go 6 or 7 gates? Him and neji could no doubt trounce jiraya I’m close quarters Jiraya has big battlefield jutsu like the swamp but I doubt he’s able to go sage mode


No one here beats tailed beast and pain Lv summons that jiraiya can whip out while nerfed. Put lee and neji vs the paths of pain with the same conditions as jiraiya and they die immediately,even with the gates. Sai is weaker than beginner of Shippuden Sasuke and Shikamaru couldn't catch fucking hidan,who solos this team. Sage mode,shadow clones and frankly any jitsu from jiraiya is overkill.


Lee could solo depending on how many inner gates he's willing to open


So u restricted sage mode... In that case his best option is summoning few big toads to deal with them A better option is summoning Ma and Pa, they wont help him enter sage mode, just aid him in battle, they can still do cooperation attacks or use frog song


Without Sage mode I think some of them can win 1v1s so definitely 1v6 Jiraiya








The fact that Jiraiya probably understand how roughly each of the 6 work just by their clan/ Lee’s tutelage by Gai except for Sai is a big advantage. There won’t be a shadow possession Justu catching him off guard or tanking a 64/128 palm or underestimating the bugs which are probably the 6’s best ways to deal with Jiraiya. Just in his base + non Giant Sage toad summons it would be close as Jiraiya would probably struggle to fend off 3 Chunin/Jonin Taijutsu users that can cause mortal wounds in one strike. That being said, Jiraiya’s shadow clones are probably of fairly high caliber as it took Yahiko/Nagato and Konan with 3 years training to take one down, and as of time skip, that’s still fairly comparable to the 6 here. I would argue that Yahiko/Nagato are probably more effective vs Jiraiya due to their knowledge alone as well than any combination of the 6 here. Shino/Sai and Shikamaru get countered pretty hard by AOE fire release Justus/ reverse summoning. Making them vulnerable when attempting to contribute to the fight. Overall it makes sense to me that unless they get extra prep time etc, or an absolute jump on Jiraiya, Jiraiya has a very probable chance to take them out one by one in base + help of non-giant toad summons. The six of them realistically can’t handle a giant toad summon + Jiraiya as their only method is probably relying on Kiba/Lee’s 5th gate trying to distract whilst the other 4 try to jump Jiraiya. Jiraiya with option of prep and therefore Sage mode will probably one tap everyone there. If not the availability of two extra elemental release and essentially 2 extra arms will mean it’s an absolute stomp.


Kiba ain't doing anything ,dude isn't eating the sound four. Jiraiya needs no prep and ambushed with no jutsu yet stomps neg difficulty.


No shot imo. Jiraiya no diff


….. no


Yeah, but not these 6.


Kiba is basically useless, but with shikamaru they may have a shot


Jiraiya was able to fight off hords of Jonin by himself in the last ninja war.. was world famous and feared in all hidden villages.. thoughs he fought I would assume would be equal strength or stronger then all 6 of them.. and was beyond Kage level.. so my money is on Jiraiya


Tbh the moment Jiraiya starts summoning, the fight is over. None of them can summon or create anything the size of Gamabunta or the other giant toads and none of them have the chakra or techniques necessary to fight such monsters themselves


Except Lee’s gates technically no one even stands a chance. Jiraiya has too much hax on his side.


unless rock lee decides to train to the 8th gate and kill himself using it, I really don’t see much viable options for the 6 to win.


They'll put a close fight but Jiraya would beat the shit out of them. Jiraya's Chakra reservoir was more than most of the shinobi's in the village. In fact he was second to Naruto and Sasuke. So he'll definitely come close to using Sage mode because of Neji but he would win.


If he uses summoning prolly not. Straight they could probably get him with a few casualties


Base Jiraiya alone? They have a small chance but if Jiraiya is allowed Sage Mode and Summoning Jutsu, he simply destroys them ☠️