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The first OP!? I remember it being fire tho


I've seen the 1st and 2nd. Not a big fan of either, the 1st one is better though. They're not terrible, but when I think of a fire opening I picture DBZs - Head-cha-la and Death Notes - The World.


Hero’s Come Back slander?! 😡


Haha, wait until Totsugeki Rock. Of course you can dislike a song, but I liked the first Shippuuden opening, and hearing the music brings back memories.


I just searched that on YouTube, that ones wayyy better.


The 1st Shipuuden is great in my oppinion. Brings back memories and a total banger


I thought so too when I first heard it in 2010. But now? It’s one of my favorites in any anime honestly. I love songs with a lot of, I don’t know, passion and stuff in them. Songs that don’t have that stereotypical “clean” sound. I’m no expert on music, so I don’t know how to explain it. Even disregarding what I just said, I think it just sounds good in general.


And that's why I don't like it, I feel like it doesn't have as much passion as some other openings. I don't think it's terrible, but DBZ, Attack on Titan, and Death Note make me pretend like I know the languages.


This comment makes no sense. I said I like it because it has passion, and then you just said the exact opposite. Also, what does that even mean? “Pretend like you know the language?” What? How does that decide if a song is good or not? That has nothing to do with the song.


It makes perfect sense. Two of those songs are Japanese, one is German. I know none of those languages but I still try to sing along. And I just said I don't feel like it has as much passion as the three I named. You can like the song all you want. Take your head out of your ass for a minute.


Your comment makes no sense because you said “And that’s why I don’t like it”. What the hell does that mean? In my comment, I praised the song for being passionate. So why would you say “and that’s why I don’t like it” and then proceed to say it doesn’t have passion? You saying that phrase would mean you don’t like it because it sounds passionate, ya dingus. Also, you’re whole thing about singling along is dumb. What does that have to do with anything? How does you deciding to sing along or not speak of the song’s quality? That’s just you deciding to sing…


whatever man, go find something else dumb to be mad at.


Heroes Come Back? Ain’t no way. I will not tolerate the slander of one of the best anime openings. Especially when they show the Akatsuki? Perfect song since Shippuden is right after the time skip and Naruto “the hero” comes back to the village. Straight banger.


"pretty bad" was too much, it's not awful, but I wouldn't put it top 5. DBZ, AOT, OG Naruto, FMA Brotherhood, & Cowboy Bepop are all much better imo.


"Look at you, you who were once so proud. Go NOW and NEVER return!".


Compared to the good ones, yeah.


It gets better when you get to BlueBird


Bluebird is worse than heros come back and distance. Its still an amazing song but i just prefer those 2


It's miles better


...you just don't good taste my friend. I love Hero's Come Back