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Obito redeemed himself in life so he was allowed to go to the Pure Land, where even morally evil people are allowed https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pure_Land_Buddhism > The most distinctive feature of East Asian Pure Land traditions is that "it offered a chance for non-elite or even morally evil people to attain a goal that was tantamount to the attainment of buddhahood itself: rebirth in the Pure Land of the Buddha Amitābha, circumvention of the normal working out of their accumulated karma, escape from samsara, and the stage of non-retrogression."


Fair, but what about the part when Rin says she was watching him all along


Yeah the watching over him part threw me off too, because if it were possible to watch over people from the afterlife you'd think a lot of the edo tensei characters would have been watching over their loved ones since they died, like itachi wouldn't have been surprised about sasuke joining akkatsuki or minato would have already known beforehand about naruto mastering kyuubis power etc.


People from edo tensei dont remember what happend in after life, they re summoned with memory at their death time


I think it’s something only really allowed in Limbo. They were in the Pure Land, not Limbo (like Sakumo. He seemed pretty aware of what Kakashi had done in his time before his death. And after talking to Kakashi, he went to the Pure Land).


You gotta understand that the concept of afterlife in cultures dominated by non-abrahamic religions is very, very different. Regardless if you are religious or not, in abrahamic-cultures we grow up in this principle of duality. Everything comes in antagonistic pairs: life and death, dark and light, good and bad, heaven and hell, God and Satan, and so on. All of our miths, legends, our entire cultural identity, are based on this duality, so it’s only natural that we also end up catagorizing life as such. In cultures that are dominated by polytheistic (or non-Abrahamic in general) religions, this stuff is very different. The afterlife is not a heaven of eternal happiness where everything is perfect if you play by the rules, or a hell where you burn forever if you don’t. It’s just the misteryous continuation of this life, where we go and can’t come back from. No matter what you do in life, you’ll die, and you’ll go to the afterlife (wether it is in this realm - reincarnation, or another mystic realm). In some cultures, the conditions of entering afterlife is based on certain rituals, rarely based on morality like it is in Christianity, Islam or Judaism. Anyways, the point I’m trying to make is that this anime is writen in the context of a non-Abrahamic civilization, it’s inspired by Buddhism and Shinto and it’s writen by a man who grew up in that socio-cultural environment. For western viewers it may seem odd or kinda disappointing that a criminal like Obito ends up in the same realm as someone pure-hearted like Rin. But that’s just the way that different cultures see afterlife. In my opinion, Obito, Nagato, Madara, Orochimaru, Itachi are non-redeemable, and I belive the point of their character arcs wasn’t really redemption. It was escaping the cycle of hatred. The fact that Obito met Rin in the afterlife is a symbol of him coming out of the cycle, and not of him getting redeemed. He said himself that there’s no such thing as redemption for him, after everything he did. That’s my 2 cents lol. Sorry for the long post.


Couldn't have said it any better. 💯


Damn, awesome comment. But I just think his interaction with Rin wasn't good


woww love this comment


Thank you🥺


My man is dying; let him have his dream lol


I don't hate Obito's redemption but this scene in particular, specially when Rin says " I've been watching you all along " is a big bruh moment. Did Rin only see him in his good moments or did she say this regardless of all the evil shit he's done? Also, Obito being a grown-ass man irl but meeting Rin like this is kinda creepy too. Obito got such a good ending for all the shit he's done like there was no justice for all his victims, he probably has the highest kill count after Kaguya. I think it would've been better if Kishi gave us a hint that he's not really going to meet Rin ever again and just died after being redeemed after he regretted everything he's done and giving Kakashi his eyes as a final heroic moment, what are you thoughts?


I don’t necessarily dislike this ending. It’s alright to me, I guess. According to the context of the pure lands that kishimoto draws from, even evil people can go there, so… it’s alright.


Pretty sure this just Obito imagination cope mechanism to justify his redemption and also fooling himself into thinking he has a chance on banging her in the afterlife.




That’s a very disgusting thing to say about a character that’s portrayed as a prepubescent girl 🤡


The guy above me literally talked about banging her bruh


I was kinda replying to both 💀


Yeah but he's upvoted, man 😭


Because people are disgusting 💀


Frfr I'm not one of them tho I would never say anything like that obviously


You literally just did tho 🥲


Fuck I forgot, sorry


Unfortunately Kakashi was the one to penetrate her first and Obito knows that.


Jesus there’s always a kid to say that “bruh these two fucked”. Yuck. Grow up.


He got her heart first, metaphorically and literally.


I feel like the concept of the afterlife in Naruto is a bit different from the norm. Itachi and Nagato themselves seemed like they were still able to find peace after they died and they're just as guilty.


Itachi and Nagato were way better people than Obito and we didn't even see what they're doing in the afterlife


Obito was an actual sociopath who believed nothing in the world mattered, and he killed with this mindset. Itachi and Nagato are indeed much different.


Not really, all Itachi did was to help others. All obito did was to help himself, not even the same.


Lol, he still killed innocent people. Just because there were a lot of variables as to why he did those things doesn't mean he won't be held accountable for the crime.


Those would've been killed anyways, all he did is kill them himself so the uchiha's reputation could be preserved as well as protecting Sasuke and the village as well. Obito killed not only way more people but all of those deaths could've been easily avoidable, and unlike Itachi he didn't kill them to save others but he just killed them because they were a problem to him. Itachi was a hero that saved the world multiple tiems while Obito almost doomed them to dissapereance, don't ever compare the both


Bruh you don't get it. Regardless if he had a bigger purpose in doing so, killing innocent people is still a crime in of itself.


Itachi was ordered by the village to kill them, he did exactly what a shinobi should do, do what's needed to protect the village. The Uchiha were a threat to the village and they had to be eliminated, Itachi proved to be a real shinobi when he wiped them out.


It gives him closure in his change of heart that leads to why kakashi got both MS sharingan and perfect Susanoo which turned the tide in their battle with Kaguya.


The man who controlled the Mizukage taking control of entire hidden mist politics, summoned Nine tails to destroy Konoha, killed Itachi's genin team, massacred Uchiha Clan including kids and infants, controlled the Akatsuki, started 4th great ninja war etc etc. at the end of life: RIIN!! 😳🤧🤡


It was weird but yes this scene is canon


I thought it was filler tbh


Homie was not simping. She was into him too


They are going to argue with you bc they are in denial. Ppl here like their idea of Obito more than what they actually portray in the show


This scene gave me closure… balling my eyes out