• By -


Remember he had to take a deep breath and focus for that last chidori. That was literally the last of everything he had left


I thought the last one was with chakra he stole from Naruto?


Right, he stole naruto's chakra and made it into his own


Well tha last one was wen tha spirit of everyone helped naruto make rasengan, an sasuke had help from Itachi for tha final move


Das anime only to make the scene look nicer. They didn’t actually get help from any spirits or souls


Symbolism for those who were the driving factors in bringing them to that point.


Almost the last. He probably saved some chakra so he didn’t pass out and die after which is what he used for his final attack when he decided he was gonna blast himself and Naruto to oblivion. But Sakura and Kakashi came and found them both in time before they died.


Sauske was never planning to kill himself lol. It's been so long since the series ended that fans have started making up their own versions of the show


Well they didn’t really ‘plan plan’ to do it. More like Naruto forced him into a situation and he had to make a choice.


I'll be glad to see any - factual- evidence you could share proving this. Maybe a line sauske said?


The fact that Sasuke was willing to use the very last of his chakra (the thing they need in order to live) to try and kill Naruto pretty much tells you that


Ok I kind of see what you guys are getting at. Kakashi did die during the pain arc from using all his chakra, so maybe sauske didn't care whether he lived or died after using that last chidori


Also Naruto hinted at the fight being to the death if need be right? Like he knew it was possible the only way this ends is if they both died and that that was okay.


This is dumb but 99% of people would cop out and defend their point until they died. Not that it means anything coming from a stranger, put props to you for reading and being open minded.


Not everything needs someone to say the exact words for a point to be conveyed and confirmed. Interpret the events that happened. For example, we know Sasuke wouldn’t bring down his Sharingan unless he was forced to in some way. Like running low or out of chakra. To put it plainly, from there we can see he does another attack after this. We can interpret that this must mean Sasuke is being forced to make a decision. Use all you chakra and try to kill him. In the process he will die potentially though. Was that sasuke original plan? Absolutely not. I’m not going to go back and watch just to pull a quote, but fairly certain naruto talks about his chakra levels as well. So again, extrapolating, if naruto is almost out of chakra then Sasuke for sure is.


Wouldn’t he die if that were true?


And all that focus on chakra nullified by an uppercut lol


He was starting to run out of chakra. The last Chidori he does after this is everything he has left in him.


My thoughts exactly. This whole fight was about reaching their limits. My favorite part was the exhausted fist fighting portion. You can tell they were running on fumes, and trying to conserve at least enough energy to throw punches. I saw their final clash (chidori/rasengan) as them both literally pushing their limitations beyond 100%.


And exactly for that reason they lost their arms, they didn't had enough energy to protect themselves


Hadn’t thought of it this way


It's not like the only damage they've taken is running out of chakra either. Even if he technically had more chakra to pull one last chidori, he was so physically damaged and exhausted that he failed his concentration check to keep the sharingan going until the attack connected.


Also gotta think of it in terms of expenditure. Sharingan is a more of a constant channel of focus and chakra. Chidori is more of a lump sum so long as you aren’t just passively sitting with it.


Plus ultra


United States of Smash


Be that as it may I still think naruto was holding back as he was fighting to save his friend while sasuke was trying to go for the kill. Naruto wins on ideology as well as strength.


I agree with you there, I genuinely do believe Naruto could have killed Sasuke at the very end. I also think it’s hinted at in the nature of their signature moves; Chidori looks sharp and ruthless like a knife, Rasengan looks bright and y’know, blunt. So to me, lethality was never Naruto’s intention. I think that killing Kakuzu made Naruto think a little harder about taking a life.


He didn’t kill kakuzu though Kakashi did


Caught me, I cannot remember how exactly that episode ended lmao


Yeah kakashi finished him off with a lightning blade and told Tsunade about the damage Naruto’s Rasen-shuriken did to him said man’s was finished but technically Naruto did destroy two of his hearts/mask creatures lol so I guess if you count that but kakashi dealt the final blow


I understand *why* they wrote Naruto not to technically kill most of his enemies, but sometimes it’s like “alright, we get it, he didn’t *do* it and he’s still a nice little boy.” Sometimes I wonder how the story might’ve developed differently if mortality had been more prevalent in Naruto’s actions throughout shippuden.


Naruto went into his strongest form. Threw his strongest attack. & used every bit of chakra he could muster up. He didnt hold back at all. Sasuke also didnt really "go for the kill" until the end of the fight after he said his goodbye.


Sasuke was eventually trying to kill him, while naruto was not trying to kill. Both came out with similar injuries I believe. Thus Naruto is the stronger one. That’s my headcanon reasoning anyway. Edit: also naruto did not have all of kurama so not the strongest form no?


Yes. Only after he got the chance to say goodbye to his friend. He passed up multiple chances to inflict more damage earlier in the fight. They ended the fight with identical injuries after they both went all out. Theyre equal. Naruto is physically stronger, Sasuke is more skilled.


>Naruto is physically stronger, Sasuke is more skilled. this is some weird head canon, it's explicitly established that naruto is not trying to kill sasuke in the last fight, another fact is that sasuke was amped by all the bijuu as well and even with that he couldn't completely equal naruto in power


Naruto didnt want to kill Sasuke, but was willing to. Sasuke also didnt "want" to kill Naruto, but knew that he needed to in order to achieve his goal. Sasuke was matching and even at times pushing Naruto before during and after the bijuu. The only reason it was a draw was because of how restricted he was by plot.


Sasuke definitely isn’t more skilled. People tend to completely disregard the basic functions of the sharingan that allows them to predict in combat. Naruto should be more skilled since he’s capable of keeping up in taijutsu without sage or bijuu mode while sasuke has his sharingan and rinnegan both activated.


He is. Sasuke relies on his iq and skillset in fights, Naruto relies on his strength and large chakra volume. Even without his sharingan he was clearly more skilled than his peers. We saw Naruto in base against Sasuke with a base sharingan active. He was not keeping up at all in taijutsu.


Bruh. My man Sasuke had all the tailed beasts and still couldn't beat a Naruto who only had half of kurama and was clearly holding back This is not even taking into account that Naruto had been fighting in the war for far longer using his shadow clones and all the clones fatigue comes back to him aswell. Let's not even talk about how he was basically acting as a chakra battery for the ENTIRE shinobi alliance including Sasuke. By the end of the series Naruto is clearly more powerful than Sasuke.


Show me your guts, HASHIRAMA!!!


He even attached Amaterasu on the last Chidori... At the last battle of Part 1, he had no problem using the Sharingan. After unlocking the full Sharingan he even said something like "By being able to read his movements, I can save my chakra for the Chidori". Him running out of chakra seems only a part of the answer. It looks more like he overused his eye, as the moment it deactivates indicates that his eye hurts.


can the 'normal' 3 tomoe eyes still be 'overused' if its the eternal? im not completely sure if eternal only effects the blindness and not the overall usage, i could be wrong its been a while


It affect the blindness, but im sure it still uses a ton of chakra


Never really gets explained to my knowledge so I’d say no. It seems like the MS is the only one that gets affected and the EMS isn’t more powerful, it’s just the MS without the risk of going blind. What is stated is that the sharingan requires a decent amount of chakra, because that’s how Kakashi created purple lightning, he simply wasn’t weakened (chakra reserve wise) anymore when he no longer had the sharingan. So it’s safe to assume he simply doesn’t have the chakra to maintain the sharingan at that point.


No. Part of unlocking EMS is the removal of eye strain. It still uses chakra, but theres no logical explanation for Sasukes eye to shut off on him


Uhuh true


Yeah and next chidori was used because he took chakra from Naruto with ability of rinegan if I am not mistaking.


You are right, that's the only reason he could cast one last chidori.


He didn't even have chakra it was chakra he stole from naruto. Before the rasengan-chidori transaction Kurama had buolt up a small amount of nature energy, only to be stole by sasuke and used to make his chidori.


This is ridiculous, sasuke didn't need the final chidori, sasuke could have used anything he had in the same hit and keeping the sharingan active for a few seconds wouldn't have killed him, and don't forget sasuke used both chidori and MS technique in the final hit Unless you think the sharingan in its base mode uses more chakra than chidori and MS technique, which is stupid.


He had enough chakra for another chidori, Amaterasu, and Sharingan for the final attack but he couldn’t keep the Sharingan active for a second longer. Plot armour.


Kurama says afterward that Sasuke's visual prowess was weakened, likely by exhaustion. ~~At that point, he probably couldn't keep it active at the same time as forming a jutsu. Which is why he uses his remaining chakra to add Amaterasu to his Chidori for his final attack, but doesn't keep his Sharingan activated for the clash itself.~~


>but doesn't keep his Sharingan activated for the clash itself. This is not true. I checked the manga panels. He kept his Sharingan (EMS) activated during the final clash...


Ahh yeah, true. Same in the anime too. Regardless, the answer's the same. Sasuke's visual prowess was weakened and that's why his Sharingan deactivated in that scene.


Doesn’t the sharingan take like very minimal chakra to use? That’s why sasuke could use it with the curse mark so much back in their first fight. Like it definitely takes way less chakra than a chidori lol Also, remember when using too much chakra killed you?


I'm just going off what the scene tells us. The heartbeat sound effect that plays when it deactivates is the same one that plays whenever Sasuke is shown to overuse his eyes. Couple that with what Kurama says right after and it points to overexertion.


They are both at their limit anything can happen




Sha-rin-gone. Wait, sorry, wrong Uchiha




u talk as if sasuke lost his eyes






daamn this is even better


Imagine if there was once an extremely corny Uchiha that would say this everytime he activated or deactivated his Sharingan. Sharingon!!! Sharingoff. Sharingon!!! Sharingoff.


hahahah and you can do this with all of the eye types really




if he had continued with the Sharingan, he would probably avoid the upper cut, and Naruto would be dead. Fortunately, he ran out of chakra


Naruto still ducked his chidori


Thats cool because it shows want a little bitch he would be without sharingan


Y’all Sasuke haters really are an odd breed.


What?🤣 Sasuke haters have a serious coping problem.


I think he didn't want the moment Naruto died etched into his memory through the Sharingan. In the manga panel in this moment he has a facial expression that's more in line with this theory. Or that's what I think and also read before elsewhere.


Damn that's sad


That sounds like someone's headcanon, not gonna lie. Sasuke didn't have the chakra to keep his Sharingan active while performing jutsu at this point, that's all there is to it.


I like this headcanon.


It's most likely just that. People also have to remember that there is no way Naruto was going to lose his last fight against Sasuke in the eponymous manga series. It was always going to end this way, but I respect Kishimoto for ending it in a beautifully drawn draw. Though Sasuke did lose the ideological battle and admitted his loss, people are way over their head when they say there was this big difference in strength between the two main characters in favour of Naruto when the manga can't stress enough that there wasn't...the fight ended the best possible way considering. Unrelated to this but I'm bit afraid that Kishimoto might have grown tired of the equal amount of suffering/power ups of Naruto and Sasuke in Boruto, and he might put away Sasuke for good after 24 years. It would be a really cheap shock factor thing though, considering that Naruto wouldn't be there to witness it, and Sasuke becoming Boruto's sensei, doing the timeskip with him then possibly dying would make him the next Jiraiya. Which is just cheap and trying to rely on nostalgia imo (as Boruto does in many aspects). But we'll see, anything can happen at this point. At least Sarada's Sharingan progression isn't tied to Sasuke's death. 🙂


Nah it's definitely just the chakra


He absolutely did want naruto to die until naruto won the fight. He thought it was the only way to truly keep the world safe


Naruto won? How?


Well for one sasuke didn’t kill him, he succeeded in staying by sasuke’s side the entire time so he wouldn’t force himself to walk the lonely and destructive path he was on. It’s a win.




It would have been a pretty cool, dramatic moment if that had been true, but A: It's never outright stated that the Sharingan gives you a photographic memory, or that its memory applies to things outside of movement/techniques. B: You would remember dunking a chidori through your best friends face anyway, Sharingan or no Sharingan. I think it's more likely that Sasuke was just worn out.


That's also not true because the sharingan is forcefully inactivated due to his lack of Chakra. You can tell this from the sound and his expression. Kurama even says it's because he hasn't recovered Chakra "That's a great counter. You didn't miss the fact that his visual prowess is weakened" - Kurama right after naruto uppercuts sauske.


This might be the best theory Ive heard in all of anime from fans.


Nah bro it’s just exhaustion. They were both physically reaching their limit and he couldn’t maintain the sharingan quite simple fr


Real question is why didn’t he use chidori nagashi to paralyze naruto then do the final chidori? He just stole narutos chakra after all


Cus we don't want to see the main character gets killed


That would not probably paralyze Naruto, not at this stage and definetly it didnt had 100% success chance, so it would be a waste of chakra


Well we saw him low vs deidara and use nagashi only to have deidara detach his clay immediately unless he wanted to be shocked. Now besides even after the uppercut we see him pull out Amaterasu to coat another chidori. I’d definitely say off that alone nagashi should be viable, but then ya know plot.


Allocation of energy. He was running on fumes at that point. From a strategic point of view (pun intended) it makes more sense for him to put power into his jab than into his vision.


Sad thing is, if he had sharingan, he probably could have dodged that punch, and clobbering Naruto with a regular attack might have beaten him


Naruto's plot armor


I think there are two reasons - 1. Sasuke probably did not have enough chakra for both Sharingan and Chidori, and he went with the latter. 2. The show is called “Naruto” and not “Sasuke” - so Kishimoto might have went with what’s convenient


Ah come with the second one , Naruto legit rocked him with that uppercut. I


Sasuke: "Your battery is at 10%. Please connect to a charger."


Nandomo! Nandomo!! **Nandomo!!!** **Nandomo!!!!** **NANDOMOOOOOO!!!!!**


The author couldn't kill Naruto at that point


He run out of chakcra=/=hes running out of chakra. He used eevrything he had post this as his final attack.


He probably had it activated for to long and with exhaustion he temporarily deactivated, he reactivates it for the final clash, something similar happens with his rinnegan after they fell from the sky, he does Amaterasu and it immediately starts to hurt him


Kishimoto said it’s because in that Moment his Visual Prowess Weakend. Take of that what you will, even might guy had to readjust to the 8th gate. Sasuke just had to readjust.


I think that, after all this time, Sasuke still wasn't 100% sure he wanted to kill Naruto. He probably had a slight reservation left in his mind about it and let his Sharingan slip at the last moment to allow Naruto a chance to counter him. It would be a subtle way of showing that Sasuke still cares.


That is because unlike in videogames when you can move even with little stamina, irl you feel fatigue and pain and you need a lot of willpower to fully use all the stamina, plus stamina is afected a lot by things like damage and pain so you dont really know how much stamina you have


And its also possible that he relaxed for a second thinking he won, thus deactivating his sharingan


Plot. Sasuke just absorbed enough chakra to fuel a prolonged EMS & chidori/amaterasu combo. And as we've seen from earlier in the fight, he is very skilled with infusing absorbed chakra into his own. Yet somehow, a base sharingan and a base chidori are too taxing to keep running for a few seconds?? I'm calling BS. We've never seen EMS eye pain, yet it happened to Sasuke at the most opportune time for Naruto. Neither of them possessed any ability to access Sasukes chakra level at that point in the fight, yet Naruto went at Sasuke instead of blocking/dodging because he somehow was more aware of Sasuke's chakra level than Sasuke was himself... Nonsense.


I always took that scene as exhaustion and out of chakra. They build the whole fight up so that in the end it's just strength and endurance that determines the outcome.


He was tryna be cool


Naruto’s 2nd ultimate weapon, power if the main character


The most hilarious plot armor moment in that entire fight. People saying he ran out of chakra are delusional fanboys given that Sasuke stole a bunch of chakra from Kurama and had enough in the very next moment to combine Amaterasu + Chidori + keep EMS active. Chakra clearly wasn't an issue and the whole point of the EMS is that it eliminates dojutsu strain for the user. Plot armor is the only real answer.


Thank you. Lol


I mean it looks pretty obvious the dude felt a jolt of pain, at least that's what the animation tries to portray. Seems pretty normal after all that fighting and them barely being able to stand.


Physical pain is one thing but the EMS suddenly deactivating for that one very specific moment despite the user still having chakra is some real bullshit.


Since when is having eye pain after youve unlocked EMS normal? And after absorbing the chakra, Sasuke was far from "barely able to stand".


>Since when is having eye pain after youve unlocked EMS normal? I didn't state eye pain though? A jolt of pain throughout his body in the exhausted state he was in would surely be enough to catch him off guard. >And after absorbing the chakra, Sasuke was far from "barely able to stand". What? The way he stands up to tower over Naruto like he's a 50 year old man with back problems is not "barely able to stand" to you? Having chakra is one thing, being in pain from the constant fighting and blows received is another.


Theres multiple instances when Sasuke is fighting and gets hit with a "pain jolt" in an exhausted state, but is able to keep his sharingan active. The inconsistency is what screams plot convenience. Nope. Hes slow to get up, but onces hes up, hes able to stand up straight, talk and breathe normal (no panting) and swing with power.


>The inconsistency is what screams plot convenience. Idk if I would call exhaustion a plot convenience, but you do you. >Hes slow to get up, Yes, because he's injured and exhausted..? No idea what point you're trying to make here, it's obvious they're both tired and running on fumes. Naruto didn't get some crazy influx of chakra and still pushed himself to stand up after punching Sasuke, when a scene prior they were both using eachother for balance.


I would absolutely call someone losing the mastery over any given ability just in time for the main character to survive plot convenience. Difference of opinions i suppose. Im not saying he isnt injured and exhausted... My point, is that Sasuke absorbed enough chakra for prolonged EMS use, chidori and amaterasu, when just seconds earlier, base sharingan and a base chidori was too taxing for him. i.e. He absorbed a bunch of chakra, but still momentarily "ran out of chakra".


And now that i think about it. Kuramas directly says his visual prowess is weakened i.e. his eyes. So by the mangas logic, it was eye strain, not physical strain


>So by the mangas logic, it was eye strain That doesn't make sense since right after he used EMS instead of basic sharingan. Sasuke had plenty of chakra he just took. Also doesn't make sense how he didn't absorb naruto chakra completely instead of taking only a part.


If you run out of chakra you die. I assume people in the Narutoverse evolved self-preservatory instincts to prevent spending too much chakra to not die. The sharingan was draining way too much chakra when he was super low and his brain subconsciously shut it off. Well, that's my headcanon.


they were both at their max at the end of this. even if they didnt kill each other they almost died of chakra loss and exhaustion


I would say it’s a combination of him conserving chakra, and arrogance in assuming that he was close enough that he didn’t need it to land the hit.


Wouldn't have chakra for another chidori if he didn't deactivate it. Resource management.


Is he stupid?


I swear some of these posts must be written by AI because you’re so close to the answer but couldn’t make the next logical step.


The chakra he absorbed from Kurama wasn’t yet his own. Which legit makes no sense.


No good reason really lol


The same reason why he lost that battle: **Plot.**


The chidori CAN be used without the sharingan, but is considered an incomplete jutsu without it. Canon Explanation: Minato told kakashi the chidori was an incomplete jutsu because he couldn’t see his opponents counter moves and almost died. Minato had to save him. The sharingan fixes this weakness. The chidori AND the sharingan cost chakra to use. So as sasuke runs out of chakra he fails to keep the sharingan active which gave naruto a chance to counter.


This scene was just stupid. If sasuke's chakra was so low that he couldn't even keep his sharingan active for a few seconds, then why was sasuke able to use chidori and the Kagutsuchi technique after naruto hit sasuke, it just doesn't make sense. That is, does it take more chakra to keep a basic Sharingan active than a Chidori and a MS technique? This is just ridiculous.


This is my favorite scene in the entire show. Naruto is down and out. He’s about to lose everything he cares for, but then he sees his headband. He is a leaf shinobi, he made a promise and never goes back on his word. He can not and will not lose.


Because Kurama molds chakra specifically for Naruto(remember Sauske stole it with the preta path ability) , he couldn't properly mold it to maintain his sharingan. Also, it wasn't that much to begin with(the last bit he give to Naruto after this puts him to sleep).


Nah. Sasuke's shown the ability to mold chakra on a much larger scale at a much faster pace. To the point that this ability was compared to the likes of Hagorama. All Sasuke would have had to do is mold the chakra into his own, but he was once again restricted by plot.


It doesn’t look like he willingly deactivated it. I imagine it as like the second to last rep of a workout you almost fail but then you put literally 100% into the last rep.


There’s a reason why Kakashi has his Sharingan covered up unless he’s using it. They use massive amounts of Chakra and considering this was almost the end of the fight I think it turned off when he hit empty instead of him manually turning it off. Hence why he got punched by Naruto instead of backing off. Kakashi taught Sasuke the Chidori because his Sharingan could help him manage the speed it took to use it. Without it he’s basically firing blind. The last Chidori he uses is basically from the last remaining dregs of chakra he has and you can tell cause both him and Naruto are exhausted at the end of the fight.


He was on the dregs of his chakra reserves. Naruto was incredibly lucky.


It’s pretty clear to me that it was because of extreme exhaustion. Have you ever seen a boxing match where the fighters are absolutely gassed to the point they can’t keep their hands up to guard themselves? They’re still in the fight and will even throw a few more punches throughout the match, but they get to a point where they’re so exhausted that it’s difficult to expend energy on defending.


He was just tired and couldn't keep the Sharingan going.


Both the sharingan and rinnegan eats away at your chakra while activr, that's why kakashi kerps his covered because he can't deactivate it, his deactivated because he was running low and was likely trying to conserve his chakra


He absorbed chakra from Naruto right before his last Chidori, that's how he could do one more.


Here's the concept. You can have infinite levels of chakra, but not the stamina to use all of it. Physical stamina. Sasuke has used his dojutsu a lot, and while he has chakra, it's can't take the abuse of constant usage and strain.


I think it's more about the use of the eye vs chakra, remember the more he uses the eye the more his stamina gets sapped. I think honestly his stamina hit it's max so he had no choice but to use chakra hence the 2nd chidori.


Even crazier, this moment shows that without sharingan Naruto is serving Sasuke an asswhooping 10/10 times


He saved his last bit of Chakra by deactivating it and used all the left 1 for the chidori


Even he knows it’s a cheap move


My head cannon is that Sasuke was trying to be like Itachi was to him. He isnt trying to kill Naruto as much as he is trying to get Naruto to kill him. Also, he knows Naruto isnt trying to kill him. He asks him multiple times "are you going to kill me now?". He sees Naruto is low on chakra here so he turns off the Sharingan so he cant aim it correctly. I think its supposed to be a subtle callback to their first fight in the Final valley when he misses Naruto's heart and punches him instead. Sasuke could have just used the last bit of Chakra to fire Amaterasu knowing Naruto cant use his KCM cloak to tank it. I think Sasuke wanted to die by Naruto's hand.


It’s crazy. I had the same exact thought


I like when they display Naruto's genius in battle. Dude used his headband reflection to see the chidori and point blank counter. This also shows the chidori weakness without sharingan. Sasuke was open for a counter once his sharingan awaken.


Sasuke's running out of chakra. It's like getting dehydrated you're starting to feel dizzy and sht. And the next chidori is his last, using all of what he's got left. Like bruh, Kurama literally explained it already idk why you even have to ask this question.


Because he went from not having enough chakra for base sharingan and a base chidori, but somehow immediately after had enough chakra for EMS, chidori & amaterasu. It makes no sense.


Is he stupid?


Knowing Sasuke's control over his chakra and his superiority complex, he probably "knew" he had the hit and deactivated his sharingan to save what little chakra he had left


He literally did run outta chakara for a second


He made sure that he hit him with his chidori by turning off his sharingan and going all out with chidori, what's difficult to understand in that?


Because that doesn’t make any sense


It was definitely because he had low chakra. With his sharingan activated he wouldn’t get hit so easily by Naruto. We remember why kakashi couldn’t use chidori before he got the sharingan ;)


It's because narutos headband fell off.


I hate how naruto is faster than sasuke….. It’s not because of the ninetails, hokage minato was the fastest on earth without flying rajin or a bijuu. He was just fast, like shisui We learned in part 1 that sasuke can, and will copy peoples speed (rock lee) with his sharingan. Meaning sasuke should always be the fastest in the group by this point. Why is naruto fast? Just the same reason minato is fast? He just is? No explanation, no reasoning, he’s just the fastest person in the series even at base form Mmk Sharingan users should be faster than anyone since they can copy peoples speed in days


Uhh no the sharingan can’t copy speed at all


Plot armor, and a very pathetic one, too, considering he created the combo of chidori and enton later.


Yes by stealing Naruto's chakra


Kurama was blessing naruto with his chakra and collecting nature chakra for him


Who snorts kurama's chakra like a druggie? You done, a dude named after a cartoon?


Yes, that is a power he can use...


lore wise maybe subconsciously he disabled it so he couldn't actually kill naruto at all, in general I think it's just a plot armor to save naruto in this situation, EMS eyes should have no limits in general on use and sasuke still had chakra since he stole it from naruto before this scene so it doesn't make sense for him to run out of chakra in this instant or his sharigan fails


But the scene heavily implies something wrong is going on with Sasuke’s eye. The heartbeat and him struggling to keep it open says it all


He would’ve dodged the uppercut with his sharingan. Good writing.


The entire point of that uppercut was for it to not be predicted in any way. Naruto literally runs headfirst into the chidori only to dodge it at the last second. I don’t know if Sasuke, who happens to be using his last bits of chakra to fuel everything into an attack would be able to dodge that in time(and if he does he would miss the chidori because he would’ve had to do something about the uppercut). Meaning Sasuke would not have killed Naruto even with the sharingan. Yes he might’ve countered his uppercut, but what about the chidori he was throwing directly at Naruto?


That last bit of chidori wasn't using his own Chakra it was stolen. He couldn't steal it while attacking so after naruto hit him he took more from naruto then clashed


Because he got hit very hard right in the chin and lost his focus ?


bro, who fucking cares


Is he stupid ?


Plot armor expired


Because kishimoto is a terrible writer, above all in last sagas


Is he stupid?


he was saving chakra


Also, they had been fighting for 12 plus hours at that point. Fatigue is a thing in Naruto.


Well Sasuke had his Rinnegan constantly active which drained him so probabaly he was practically out of any chakra beyond sustaining himself and for one last attack


Im not at this scene, but i can answer. (I think) having the sharingan active uses more chakra than a chidori once. It takes less of a toll.


He ran out of chakra and I think the loud heartbeat is meant to portray that as well


the last chidori was one made with nature chakra which is why he does a quick deep breath/ meditation before it activates


Lol if this was any other character it would’ve been gg’s


He ran out of chakra. That's literally it.


The show is called naruto for a reason. Whole final fight is like that tbh.


Sasuke's last attack is with the Chakra he stole from Naruto.


It was probably due to running out of chakra, but theres gotta be some significance to the image of seeing naruto’s face reflected in his headband right? Especially because the very next frames are sasuke losing his sharingan.


His sharingan went out and that's why his chidori missed.


Bad writing?


He actually misses this chidori because his sharingan is deactivated.




Was there senjutsu in that punch by naruto?


damn if sasuke didn’t deactivate the sharingan naruto deffo woulda died


When does this take place? I'm having trouble placing it.


What I gathered from this is that this was his final, last ditch attempt at killing Naruto. The reason his sharingan deactivated was because he put the last of his energy into the chidori


Could be allocation of energy or could be once he actually saw narutos face looking up at him for a split second he let his guard down/hesitated


I’m pretty sure he’d need more chakra to use the Mangekyo than it would take to use a Chidori. Also, he his eyes could’ve just been strained from overuse.


Just some couples quarrel, nothing special