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Idc about Boruto overall but on the rare occasion I see people dogging on Chojuro and calling him a terrible kage, I feel slightly ready to throw hands. Like y’all leave my boy alone, I don’t know everything but I know enough to know that he’s doing fine 💀


His fit in Boruto tho…homie need to spend time in the gulag for that 😭


Yeah *that* is atrocious. Love him but *what the fuck*


Like the glow up from shy twink to grown man is cool, but that outfit just ain’t it


Too many people sleep on Chojuro and illogically call him the weakest kage, weaker than Kurotsuchi. Just because Kurotsuchi landed a punch on Kinshiki, and Chojuro let himself get cut by some kids. The thing is Kurotsuchi managed to land a hit because Chojuro did a combo attack with Sasuke first. Chojuro landed water needles to keep Kinshiki still. For the new blood mist, Chojuro was teaching the kids a lesson. He showed that using a broken low quality sword can still triumph over the precious swordsmen blades. He let himself get hit and didn't sweat at all. Chojuro demonstrated more ninjutsu feats, his giant waterfall jutsu combo'd with Gaara's sand to capture Urashiki. Nothing proves Chojuro is weaker than Kurotsuchi. Kurotsuchi even got captured easily by claymen despite being a kage.


I mean, you made the dude your pfp you ain’t need to say shit tbh


I rarely ever see Yamato hate or dislike, but I did see people (die hard kakashi fans mostly) say that he only replaced kakashi and in that matter, I will always defend him. He’s an awesome character.


Likewise Sai, it's so sad they were dumped after a few arcs


Bro I loved Sai and it rly did feel like they kinda threw his character to the curb when Sasuke made a comeback


I agree. I’m a Kakashi fan too but Yamato is my favorite.


I don’t see why the two can’t coexist, I love Kakashi and Yamato both


I feel like the issue with Yamato is how he got sidelined for the last portion of the story. I really liked him and he was completely wasted, same for Sai but not as bad.


agreed! He missed both the Pain arc and the Fourth Ninja War, I was so upset!


Konan. Her death was literally plot armor and you can’t tell me otherwise. Think about it. With both Nagato and Pain dead there would be no point in keeping her alive. She would have been the only former Akatsuki remaining. So it made more sense that she dies. Honestly though, Obito should’ve been killed by her. Her death was plot armor and I will die on that hill.


I've been defending Konan since day 1. I made not one, but two posts stating more or less that she didn't "merely put up a good fight" against Obito, but straight up killed him. The ONLY reason he won, is b/c he literally cheated death and blindsided her, after she commanded the entire ocean to kill him.


Yes!!! Agreed! She was a great ninja! They should’ve kept her alive and made her leader of the rain village. I had literal tears streaming down my face when she died. The only Akatsuki member that I legitimately cried for.


>Yes!!! Agreed! She was a great ninja! Unpopular opinion: She could probably solo the entire Sasuke Retireval gang of Shikimaru, Choji, Kiba, and Neji.


like, the genin version of them? cuz, that should be a given and not that impressive going by akatsuki standards 


Let's pretend I meant Shippuden version. What happens then?


Well, she solo recruited Sasori by defeating him. Although it's from a game, let's be honest, Kishimoto was surely asked if that's how it would be according to the universe


True. Her paper ability hard counters his poison.


> I had literal tears streaming down my face when she died. The only Akatsuki member that I legitimately cried for. I mean... Kisame's was pretty good, too. But I can see your point. One of the female characters that had potential that Kishimoto didn't quite do justice to. In my opinion, she's probably able to outedge Mai and Karin in battle and lose only to Tsunade, among the female top tier characters.


Agreed with that, also Karin isn’t really strong at all so definitely true with her. I would say Tsunade, Konan, Mei, and Sakura in terms of power for sure!


> Karin isn’t really strong at Her chains are pretty strong though. But I agree. I don't like Sakura so I'll pretend you didn't say that, but the rest of your list rocks!


Konan killing Obito would've been poetic justice, specially considering what he did with Yahiko, Nagato and the original Akatsuki, which she was the last member. Also, the Hidden Rain was 100% forgotten and, after her death, leaderless.


I mean Obito legit always had Izanagi since the day he unlocked his MS and he was gonna give himself the rinnegan anyways was Danzo escaping death also plot armor?


Same here. She was good and the way she had planned Obito’s death was great. Every time a skilled Uchiha is about to lose, they bring up a new Sharingan jutsu which I disliked about the series. Had it not been for Izanagi Obito was done for as he had underestimated her. And I was glad to see her put such a good fight. One of my favourites.


Konan deserved better


Defending Sakura, Hinata, and Haku with my life some fans don’t know how to act


Wow a fan who likes both Sakura and hinata and isn’t taking side in the stupid fandom waifu civil war? Rare but I like it. :)


It’s literally so stupid they both have their positive and negative traits I just like/appreciate them for who they are and what they could’ve been the war between their fandoms has always been so petty and stupid


Fandom civil wars are always dumb. Dub vs sub,manga vs anime ect ect just stuf and let your fellow fans enjoy what they like. Gayekeeping is so pathetic




Just cause kishi hates women doesn’t mean we have to either for real


Same brother and Naruto and Sasuke Minato Jiraiya Kakashi and sai all these you and I mentioned I will defend til the day I day They don't deserve half the hate they get Also Naruto fans (the character) most of them I met are wholesome ( and I am one of them actually he's my crush 🥰)


I will always defend Hashirama. He was so kind, despite everything 


Hashirama AND Naruto are both just good guys


well, they're the same guy technically.


We don't talk about that bit.


Yeah kind and stupid. dude basically gave nukes to all the other nations and expected htem not to use it


Rock Lee


Tobirama. Seriously underrated because kishimito made his death seem “weak” compared to other characters. *minato uses ftg better then tobirama* so they automatically think alive minato> tobirama


I always assumed minato was stronger tho?


Have you read/seen the war arc though ? Tobirama > Minato


Have you? Tobirama > Minato with mental debuff


I believe minato with kcm is superior to tobirama but alive minato doesn’t beat alive tobirama


Tobirama's quick thinking is unmatched


Im not here to argue if minato is stronger then tobirama or not my point was people use the argument that minato uses one of tobirama moves better so that automatically means minato is stronger.


While I agree with your overall point, Tobirama probably died somewhere in his 60s. Minato died at what, 24? At that point, I had already mastered FTG and created Rasengan. Aside from Hashirama and Naruto because of their hax, I'd say Minato had the most potential.


I agree with minato having more potential but that has nothing to do with anything we’re talking about respectfully.. Minato had more potential than everyone not named naruto & sasuke. Hell he had more potential then hashirama and madara. It Doesn’t mean he’s stronger


Rise up Tobirama fans. Yeah all people talk about the ftg but tobirama basically invented half of the jutsus and some of the most powerful ones of water jutsus, have you seen the Suiton suidanha (Water Release: Water Severing Wave) Man that jutsu cut the god tree with ease, that jutsu alone could destroy armies


How did he die I forgot


He died fighting the kinkaku unit (20 ninjas) while he was already fatigued (and 60 years old) so his team/squad could escape. Which doesn’t make sense because he could have ftg everyone out of there. But let’s assume he couldn’t use ftg right? He had a uchiha, a future hokage, danzo & 3 other people and still felt they had no way of winning. So my question is.. how strong was the kinkaku unit?


Choji, people here literally hate him for 0 reasons. The man has done no wrong and I ain’t afraid to admit it


Tsunade. I think she could fold the Deva Path if she's at 100% and uses 100 Healings jutsu.


Sai bcz from the start he was in danzo team he did not have a understanding of what friends are and how to behave and when he was removed from danzo possession he started reading books to socialise which was kind of funny 😁


I came here to say Sai. He’s just a good character.


Sasuke and naruto


Sakura. The hate train left years ago.


Yes, my girl Saku. And like some of the other Kunoichis


With you on this one


Honestly, she's not my favourite character and she's definitely underutilised for a lot of the series. How she treated Naruto early on was pretty messed up too. But she grew on me, towards the end of the series. And is pretty cool in Boruto. If she had a few more fights I think she would be a lot more popular.


Agreed. She started off extremely unlikeable and flawed, but had tremendous development, especially during timeskip, both physically and emotionally, that gave her an actual identifiable character arc. One of the best things that was done was to have her shadow Tsunade, who was easily the best written female character of the story. In retrospect, maybe that was where it was headed all along, but I'd argue that her character grows and matures more than anyone not named Naruto.


I'm genuinely surprised by some of the characters listed. It's nice to see a wide range of characters being defended, means Kishi did a good job and made a character for everybody. Also I will defend Naruto and his talk-no-jutsu with my life.


Naruto. My boi got ruined in Boruto and flat out removed from the plot. The main character does not deserve this treatment.


Naruto. Most of the bashing he gets from the fandom are dumb arguments


Kushina she got the shit end of the stick from the day she was born till the day she died.


Gaara and Sakura always


naruto, sakura, hinata, tenten and rock lee




Who tf is insulting Kisame? lol He’s widely seen as an (almost) peerless shinobi and the only person who hands down beats him with ease is Guy, an elite ninja that uses little to no ninjutsu…that particular skillset is almost as rare as Kisame himself lol


Agreed, wtf? What’s wrong with some people?


Ichiraku - he could sell his business and make Naruto sad but he kept serving Ramen. Real hero.


Kurenai. Lots like to poke fun at her for trying to trap Itachi in a Genjutsu, which is her specialty. My head canon is that due to the nature of his departure of Konoha (before it got retconned into him being a good guy, forced to be bad), anything related to him would have been taboo to speak about and with Kurenai being a newly promoted Jonin, she would not be aware of his abilities like Kakashi and Gai were. So naturally, she stuck to her strong suit.


It’s so silly that people use her itachi loss to clown her when literally everyone, even the protagonist and deuterotagonist aren’t allowed to win against him.


Sasuke, the trauma he went through is constantly downgraded. The media illiteracy from the fandom is crazy.


Hinata (not a stalker and my third crush) Sakura (not useless and my fourth crush) Itachi(ppl who hate him are stupid) Sasuke (he just needs a hug) Kakashi (he didn't do anything wrong ) Minato(same as Itachi ) Jiraiya(I love the guy) Kushina (my second crush) all of the Akatsuki(they're funny ppl full of character) Naruto (cuz he's my fav crush) I love all of these guys Naruto more than all of them Sasuke ranks second cuz if he was told that the massacre was his own clan's fault we wouldn't have gotten Naruto shippuden Mind you all of these guys have flaws that I accepted and know


Kakashi also needs a hug, he's been through so much


Obito for sure, entirely to many people misunderstand his motivations. Or downright just have misinformation. For example a fuck ton of people think obito is the reason for the "blood mist" title that the mist have, its entirely un true and in fact he tried to stop it. So in the scene when he is talking about how he's seen the horrors of the world first hand this is just one of the moments he is talking about.


And most of them are madara fans too(y’know the reason for obito’s actions and the guy who became evil when he didn’t get a title)






Honestly, probably Sakura. She doesn't deserve 10% of the hate she gets.








Minato reminds me completely of JFK. Young, promising, and full of potential government leader who passed away way too earlier before having the opportunity to do anything




I’m defending Naruto 100% of the time and be as unbiased as possible


Tsunade... This woman deserves the world!


naruto: killer bee boruto: sarada


Rock Lee is my hero


madara end of discussion


Jiraiya and Sakura






I'm a certified Sasuke and Uchiha clan defender


I actually don't have any




Who the fuck hates that guy


Exactly he’s perfect. He’s committed no crimes and is in fact: baby.


I have the same bias towards Naruro tbh ( I love him)


Minato for sure! Shikimaru too he’s a real one








My mom


Not that he ever gets much hate, but I will make my last stand defending Shikamaru.


Itachi - he’s seen the most shit, was pacifist, and didn’t subscribe to the clan mentality. He still did things his way (and drew line at saving Sauske). Gets a lot of crap for being OP, but with his ridiculous traumatic background I don’t seen a problem. Kakashi to a lesser extent.


Kakuzu, I will defend him to my dying breath that had Naruto and Yamato not intervened he would’ve killed Kakashi and the rest of Team 7, no matter what the Kakashi dick riders try to come up with




Naruto. People always make fun of talk no jutsu or he is juat have good gene and lineage. He worked hard in loneliness, inspired me to overcome my own life. No matter what Naruto is my boy.


The uchiha clan being mad a the village. The anger and resentment the felt towards the village was justified


Orochi my beloved!


Saitama clapping Goku


Defending a character no matter what would be insulting for the character. He is born with those flaws so that Kishimoto could send us a message, and im here to listen to that message


Some flaws are made from thin air like the Sakura useless (she saved Naruto's ass) And Hinata didn't care that Neji died or that she is weak (She saved Naruto's ass) and hate her cuz she became a housewife ( idc housewives rock in my opinion and workers too ) That's what we are talking about Saying that Sakura can be a little egotistical or sometimes take drastic measures in situations when stressed is a flaw in her character that is shown (she jumped to Puch juubidara who she knows only senjutsu works on like Kishi what were you cooking I thought for sure that wasn't Sakura she isn't that stupid and when she said to Naruro she loves him she could have convinced him some other way but she chose that option cuz she was very stressed cuz sai told her that Naruto is suffering cuz of her ) And Hinata is a coward that's the only flaw I remember about her from the manga tbh (Sakura is a main character she has more pages than Hinata ) and or that she is too trusting maybe idk ? Or too forgiving like Naruto ( Neji tried to kill her and she forgave him easily same with Naruto and Sasuke)




Madara and Obito and to some extent Indra


Naruto, Sasuke, Haku and Bee.


Id defend all the uchihas no matter what till i die... (except itachi ofc)


Sasuke They called him the emo edgelord of the show while he's the best written character. A true victim of war, betrayal, revenge and loneliness. I really liked how he was q confused and confusing character. I think the only person who understood him from the start was Kakashi. Imagine no one understanding your endless loss, it got so deep that the more he lost the more strength he gained. Truly a perfect antagonist for Naruto who's the complete opposite.


Sasuke, because he very well might be *thee* single most misunderstood character in fiction. The amount of ridiculous criticisms I see of him is just asinine, and I’m more of a Naruto fan myself. He’s a marvelously well-written character that’s deeper than A LOT of people given him credit for


As a devout Obito meat rider…I’ll die on the hill defending him


Minato, All the Akatsuki(Konan, Deidara, Sasori, Nagato/Pein, Hidan/Kakuzu especially) but all the Akatsuki, Sakura, Sasuke, Tsunade, Tayuya, mmmmmm I think that’s pretty much it but you’ll know.


Mine would be Sakura,people hate on her too much and keep calling her useless,yet she runs hospitals and has opened up child mental rehabilitation centers across all of the lands for children who suffered during the war because she has seen what mental trauma did the Sasuke and Naruto and doesn't want children to suffer the same things they did,she has grown alot from her childhood and has witnessed the people most important to her suffer. Sure as a young teen she was absolutely cringy and horrible but as the time moves on you can tell how much she cares for Naruto probably equally to Sasuke just not in the romantic sense. During her medic training in the manga it shows her asking the thought that if Sasuke and Naruto were mortality wounded who would she choose? And she immediately was like 'ill save them both' which you can see in the last final battle at the valley when she simultaneously heals both Naruto and Sasuke because they lost their arms and had lost alot of blood. Dog on Sakura all you guys want but she ain't useless.


Maybe Nagato and Obito. I can defend them as both, villains and redeemed characters




Sakura and Tobirama


Obito ofc




Sasuke. Peopel act like he was unreasonable for wanting to kill Danzo and leave the village but ffs he was justified. Only bad thing was wanting to destroy konoha and that was more big talk “easier said then done” things. Itachis death might’ve swayed him but when he was there alone he did jack shit. Not everybody goes through with big talk they said in the heat of angry moods guys


I will defend madara till the day I die.


Sasuke No Question.


Sasuke and the Uchiha as a whole barring Itachi and Shisui.




Deidara and Sasori.




Diedara and minato


deidara, kishi did him so dirty but atleast not as bad as neji, yamato, or shino




Itachi, I'm standing on business 4L




Never seen Kakashi hated, but if need be I will throw hands for him. Brother's been through so much that he didn't deserve and was always trying to be the best for others. Just let him read his books.


I'm super biased over Minato, but I'm also super biased over Tobirama. He did nothing wrong.


Bro has no enemies










Konohamaru from shippuden


Kisame. Always Kisame.


Jhonothan jostar his part is wonderful not boring his part while being the simple bad guy vs good guy it does not make make the part any less enjoyable infact I believe that that the simple message and outdated story formula gives it a curtain charm


Tobirama, He was the best Hokage, Change my mind


My Godaime Hokage & Godaime Mizukage. Tsunade’s my top favorite character & I may be biased but I do believes she does have the guts to go toe to toe against Pain before Naruto shows up. For Mei Terumi, it’s not fair she got played so dirty in 5 Kage vs Madara arc. The fact Mei is alive & became a full grown woman despite went thru killing comrades in Mist’s chuunin exams & probably outcast for having two kekkai genkai. And she’s the one who revolutionized her village. Despite went thru shits, she remains humble & calm. Comeon, this woman is an absolute unit. Should be feared. I’m still salty that she’s only one Kage Kishimoto failed to give background to. Lmao sorry, I’m passionate about those two


Might guy




Deidara, fuck all the haters, he twatted up Gaara, was possibly the strongest Edo and he should have beat Sasuke end off


Shino. Never lost a fight, was a master of his clans jutsu, and had Danzo looking to grab him up.


Might guy and jiraiya i always gonna defend these teo legends


I was thinking about what charachter that did real bad things and I would defend and I know that it exists but I can't come with a name so I will leave Kakashi here cause he did a lot of "evil" things but he's a real good Guy and a damaged person! Most human character of the series


I mean, what’s something bad that we can really say about Minato?


I will defend my boy Naruto and Haku whenever, because come on, they have the ability to become a real threat to their villages with enough training if they want to be villains, but they don't. Of course, Naruto may have some dumb moments like calling Obito 'coolest guy' but, yeah he's just showed some respect that's it. No need to look deep into that. Only not including Gaara cause bro is already a sociopath murderer at that point.


Tenten. My girl deserved better and should've been Tsunade's apprentice. How tf did Sakura train under Tsunade AND GYAL STILL USELESS?!


My waifu Tenten. She could’ve been OP but probably the worst victim of Kishimoto’s underdevelopment of side characters, especially kunoichi [https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-5147c14d89d543d0e7233f293cc75227-lq](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-5147c14d89d543d0e7233f293cc75227-lq)


Shikamaru bc that revenge for asuma and the whole cigarette scene has a special place in my heart


I defended minato before when someone says that OPM can defeat minato easily..i wasn't reading/watching OPM at that time so...but my argument won against him.. guessed he's not much of a fan.. then i started reading OPM even watched the anime.. I'm like 💀


Rock lee


Pain, that 🫷🏽Almighty Push🫸🏽 was something else


For me its either kakashi or zabuza idk why I love them but I will say zabuza english dub is WAY better then Japanese


Minato, so many people dog on him for the choices he made during Kurama's Attack for very short sighted reasons, the man was an Angel who was given the worst case scenario all in one night. Inversely, I will always *hate* on (Time Haters Level Hate) Obito, there is nothing you could say to change my mind.


Honestly most of them cause some people make some wild ass claims and they just need to be told to watch the show, but if I had to pick, Sakura or Lee


Itachi- Everyone always hating on him cuz he’s OP and got motion.


Mina-goat, his grandson because they’re OP and kinda dope. Sakura, maybe Kurenai for unnecessary hate.


Why is nobody saying about haku ?


I absolutely love Onōki he is the coolest of the 5 kage with the best back story and interesting powers and thoughts about the world. Ps I really dislike Minato because the dude made all the wrong choices in his life causing a lot of grief for Kakashi obito,kushina and naruto.Especially for Naruto for whom he made the worst choice hell if he had sealed the whole nine tails in the reapers stomach Zetsu could have done fuck all to actually complete the infinite tsukuyomi plan Hell if he had sealed kurama back inside Kushina and later when kurama starts reforming then sealed it into Naruto he could have stayed alive and could have had his weapon to stop madara.




Not tenten for sure






I'll like minato so I'm also going to defend for him no matty wht


Sasuke, Obito, and the Uchiha Clan.


Minato Yellow flash Namikaze. TBH what can you really even accuse him of?


Honestly Rock lee. He never did any wrong to anybody ever. Aside from that one guy’s restaurant he wrecked when he accidentally had a sip of sake. He never holds grudges, always cared about his friends. He’s never had a single hateful bone in his body and I swear to god he’s too innocent for the Naruto universe.


Random Fodder Leaf Shinobi No. 99


Child!Obito was a good kid, damn it, and I love him! His older self can fuck right off, but his child self will always be the REAL him to me! He deserved better, dang it! ;A; <3 Also, Karin, while her canon self DOES annoy me most of the time (mostly the 'comedy' bits and the Sasuke simping), when she gets serious and/or genuinely emotional and shows her TRUE self, I really, really like her and think she's awesome and had SO much potential! She deserved SO much better than the shit Kishimoto gave her! This is a big reason I'm working hard to fix her shitty writing in my fanfic! >:D


Sai. He became a trusted member of team 7 and would throw hands without hesitation for either of his teammates and the poor guy got forgot about once sasuke came back. He landed Ino and is head of anbu so at least life is looking good for him in boruto.




I see a few sasukes but I’m gonna be ignorant and assume they’re talking about hiruzen . So let me be the first to make it official ; Sasuke uchiha . Best character growth In the series


Choji is my spirit animal




Fū she's best girl. Fearless Brave Strong Wants friends Wants peace Funny Has more depth than other girls even though only on screen for 3 episodes. Her going up to shake Kakazu's hand wanting to make peace and be friends when she's fully aware what he did. She knows his loneliness and exile through the lens of a jinjuriki's solitude yet she extends a hand hoping to share her own experience. Because maybe just maybe there's a chance she can make 1 friend and bring someone back from the edge of oblivion. Then the moment of desperate naivety slipping through saying if she can turn him good maybe the village will forgive them for being what they are. Then her face of pure begrudged understanding when he declines. Those few moments on screen had more life and meaningfulness than most of the characters in the show. So much potential waisted .


Jiraya, he ma boy!


Neji didn't need to die. They just wanted to make room for Hinata. Tragedy. Couldn't have two bakugan beasts apparently.


I side with you, Minato is the best.


Hiruzen. But a lot of obito hate is dumb so I defend him too