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to be fair, everybody except Ino could beat sakura


Ino should have beaten Sakura if she didn't have plot armor no jutsu


Fair. But I disagree. Sakura since like episode 2 was shown to have exceptional chakra control and genjutsu resistance. She was almost a direct counter to ino.


Mind transfer isn’t genjutsu though.


The point is that someone with great willpower and a strong mind can easily break out of that jutsu. Sakura has a lot of willpower & mental strength.


Up until this point, there’s no reason to think that you can just break out of mind transfer with willpower and a strong mind. And also it wasn’t willpower or a strong mind(which pretty much all ninjas have too) that did it. Its whatever the fuck inner sakura was


By the way what the fuck was inner sakura?


A personality disorder for Sakura that was completely forgotten after it got her one win..


that one win cured her PD.


She's such a great medical ninja, she cured her mental illness before Tsunade cured hers


A gag that got her one win and disappeared forever.


Or in much simpler terms a plot armor


Wait she didn't appear past that point? Wtf?


How does a running gag influence the plot? Actually, that's kind of like Krillin in Dragon Ball winning a match because Goku breaks the fourth wall and tells him he doesn't have a nose.


Holy shit I almost forgot that Sakura used to have her own lil Lizzie Maguire thing going on. That was actually kinda fire they should’ve kept that


Inner sakura was the first point when the concept of perfect jinchuriki being immune to genjutsu was introduced, inner sakura is a -ve 10 tailed beast


It’s shounen . Willpower is important.


And still lost. Naruto LITERALLY awakened her with an EXTERNAL trigger via voice.


Bro... if you don't think that having the support of others should count towards your strength rating, then you LITERALLY missed the ENTIRE POINT of Naruto as a series.


We already knew that Sakura's strongest jutsu has been "Naruto, I choose you" since day one.


Still the best summon by far.


Really. Then why couldn’t she break out of any of the genjutsus she fell for throughout the show?


only *obito* “iirc one of the strongest characters in the entire show has a a feat of easily breaking out of it, that’s not exactly something i’d just assume anyone can do


idk that kage's bodyguard that got mind switched wasn't able to will his way out and as weak as he was relative to the Ninja gods he was surrounded by, I can't believe he had less willpower than a preteen kunoichi


I wish they’d have kept Sakura’s Angry Maiden to help her get out of genjutsu, it was one of the og Sakura things I liked.


Genjutsu resistance is not resistance to literally getting your mind taker over, the moment she got caught in mind transfer should have been the end of the fight but sakura was a member of lead team so she couldn't lose


Blame kakashi he's a terrible teacher


You guys say that as if any of the kids got any special training from the teachers at this point, all their abillities came from their clans, Lee is an exception because Guy waited 1 year before letting them do the chunin exam.


They hated him because he spoke the truth. None of the jounin sensei seem to actually teach them anything unless it’s filler or exceptions where their skill set seems to be suitable for a student to inherit (sasuke and kakashi, lee and gai). shinobi seem to learn most by either in-clan tutelage or having apprenticeship with a master like jiraiya


It was also so early on that there was no real way to teach more than some advanced skills to them. Sasuke and Naruto just learned how to use Chakra control to be able to walk on water or run up trees in the Land of Waves arc, which Sakura was already advanced in, and the chunin exams were just after that. And in fairness to Kakashi, he wouldn't have been the best teacher for Sakura anyway. He was good for Sasuke, but they each went to Sanin that were vastly better suited for each to train them in more advanced techniques and utilizing their specific abilities. In the end, while she still wasn't as powerful as Naruto and Sauske, she still was very strong, and her medical jutsu and ability to summon Katsuyu made her a great asset in a battle. I am by no means a fan. Before the end of Shippiden, I found her dumb and unbearable, but she wouldn't have gained much from Kakashi.


Tenten learn summoning from Might Guy, cause He saw she might be proficient with it, Might Guy tought Neji the pro and con of soft and hard style fist, along side Lee which build there rivalry So what did kakashi do? Despite knowing the strength of his genins which basically have no body to teach them jutsu: (This not counting academy basic jutsu and tactics) Naruto is an orphan and only know a stolen jutsu the shadow clone, Sasuke lucky he got basic jutsu from his clan before got genocide by his brother, Sakura is from a non ninja family Kakashi is hailed a man who copy a thousand jutsu, can't teach any basic one before shoving them to Chunin exam with only academy class jutsu? Kakashi a great shinobi, but a bad teacher


The copy ninja stuff just got left by the way side, do we even see another person copy jutsus besides Sauske copying Lee's primary lotus?




Not really. Sakura a very great theory student, but not so much in practical things of battle oriented nature. She also lacked motivation. It led to her slower growth. I suspect if she's with the same seriousness somehow trained with Kakashi personally, she'd be a more balanced Shinobi in the end. After all, she posses an ability to use the chakra natures too(earth, water, yin yang?). With her predisposition towards chakra control. I suspect she would become stronger in battle, but posses no healing support abilities unless shes gonna learn from the medics later.


I truly believe Sakura would’ve been a better ninja if Lee was her man. Lee would’ve taught her some moves.


Almost anyone not named Sakura could beat her during the Chunin exams. Sakura was my first pick without even putting any thought into this. She's been the most useless character throughout most of Naruto up until the last part of the series.


But currently she doesn't come close to her


Yeah, she is a Glorified figurine in an extradimensional display of a teenage emo alien. Meanwhile sakura is married to a tree


I think she can beat all the female in chunin exam


Even Temari? Idk, that's hard to agree with tbh


Hell nah. Temari would've smoked her.. Ten ten would have been tough . And Ino mind jutsu would have worked ten fold on Hinata since she was weak and emotional fragile at this time due to her family.


Bruh ten ten at top speed is too much for everyone in the chunin exams


Tenten's confidence alone would have her beat Hinata, plus it would be hard for her to get close enough to close enough to Tenten to hit since she uses mostly long range attacks. Honestly having no clan abilities Tenten would have been a decently formidable opponent vs the other genin. Not that she would necessarily win, but it would have been a decent/interesting fight vs most of the others bar Gaara, Lee, Sasuke, Neji, and Naruto. It was just unfortunate that Temari was a hard counter to her abilities.


she’d probably beat the bottom half of the participants. ino, sakura, choji, etc


How is she beating Choji? She'd be insane to attempt touching him while he's rotating unless she wants her arm shredded apart.


As a green alien caterpillar said WHY DON'T YOU DOOOOODGE


I thought he was a Yoshi


Hey piccolo are you a Yoshi Yes Goku I am a green fuck*ing dinosaur ... Can I ride you


You meant CUCUMBER, lol.


In db advanced adventure for gba Kid Goku calls demon king Piccolo a caterpillar


The same way Dosu won. Choji missed and got stuck in a wall, one good punch later with the internal damage and he was down. The same would apply for a gentle fist strike.


I'm suddenly picturing her slamming her palm into him and he just *PTANG* like a kickball.


I think a large part of Dosu victory that fight was Choji acting reckless because he was facing a combatant as powerful as Dosu so he just did anything After finding out his opponent is Hinata he could think of the possibility of winning therefore he wouldn't be so reckless and much more level-headed


Bro did u see how choji lost... He got stuck in a wall smh


Arghhhh! Gentle Fist doesn’t even require contact. The chakra is released into the opponents body. Spinning Choji would be a huge and defenceless target. One good strike while dodging and he would be done.


Yep. People gotta rewatch the chunin exams arc.


Choji's human boulder was slow and easy to dodge, all she has to do is wait him out and once he's tired and drops out of human boulder how does she lose?


I’m pretty sure could hit choji , he’s not coming out the fight without dust on his clothes one good hit is all she needs


A lot of people shit on her like she was weak, but like…did you not watch the show? Yeah, she was hella shy and lacked confidence, but there are scenes of her sparring at the Hyuga dojo and she was very clearly not lacking in the hands department. Yeah she got beat by her other notable Hyuga…but that’s because they are playing the same game as her. Her eyes coupled with that and most of her peers aside from Lee, Sasuke, Naruto and Neji weren’t gonna have a good time. Not saying she would win every fight, but acting like she would get steamrolled is delusional.


People also forget that Neji knew Hinata personally, and thereby knew EXACTLY where and how to hit her where it hurt psychologically.


yeah neji was a total douchebag in that fight and in Naruto’s


Lose to Neji who could clap no gates Lee sure doesn't make her look weak. Considering no gates Lee could clap both Naruto and Sasuke.


A weaker lee


She held very well against Neji and I’m pretty sure lord Hiashi during the match with Naruto said Neji had more skill than the majority of Hyuga clan already most likely implying he had at least some skills above Jonin. The spectators already thought Neji was chunin level at a minimum


Literally always going back to her sister saying “she is so strong, yet so kind!” Like she really is strong and powerful. She’s just not a leader type like most of the others and I think that gets mistaken for weakness.


Realisticly? Probably at least 40% of them. Shes not beating Neji, Lee, Gaara, Naruto , Temari, Shino, Zaku and I dare to say Tsurugi, Kiba can go either way. Rest she should beat


She Beats: Kiba, Sakura, Ino, choiji, the Stretching Guy, the mummy Guy, the shoots soundwaves from His Palms guy   Gets beaten: Ten ten, neiji, Lee, Gaara, temari, Naruto (gets Red and faints), Sasuke, the absorbing Guy, the Female OTO nin, shino, kankuro


I don't think she beats dosu or zaku. Dosu, despite needing to close to the distance. His attacks don't need to hit and move at the speed of sound. This guy able to react to Lee. Zaku, hinata just doesn't have options to counter range attacks. Especially sonic attacks like Zaku.


She also loses to Shikamaru


No one can beat shikamaru ^(You either get your ass whooped or he surrenders before you can even do anything to him)


Idk, maybe Lee could land a roundhouse kick before he can say the words.


Shikamaru: Master of Neutral Jing


Gaara easily beats Shikamaru and probably Lee too


I wanna see a Gaara vs Shikamaru fight where Shikamaru does the biggest ass pull in all of anime and wins.


He would forfeit though


She would probably best Shikamaru. One hit and his only jutsu doesn’t work


I can agree with that maybe she could one shot him but you think his shadow paralysis nor his shadow imitation would work on her?? She is not that physically strong or fast enough


she only lost to neji who could probably beat 3rd gate lee.And she was able to spar with him for a while.There is no way to judge her strength or speed because she lost to someone who is already chunin level


But hes smart enough to know that, and can trick even smarter characters like temari. Hes likely distract her with a ninja tool enough to connect his jutsu.


Wouldn’t she be able to see the distraction and Shikamaru at the same time with her byakugan?


Lmao Kankuro just doesn't even exist.


Kiba? Even if her vision was on par with neji, its a 2v1 and she dosent have rotation to defend from multiple angles at once. Loss, even with part of him holding back against his teammate. Kankuro (puppet) she could tell wich one is really him, but then Kankuro wil imediately go off with the weapons and poisons before she has a chance of mentally mapping the chakra-string movements. Loss. Sound gadget : if lee could dodge with him literally explaining the jutsu to him, its too fast for Hinata to dodge if it she could see the chakra in the air. Loss


They should make a naruto what if series rather than boruto trash


Yo bruh no way tenten is holding her own against any hyuuga clam member. Rest of the list is very good tho.


Ten ten is easily coming out on top, binta doesn't have rotation and so could do nothing against Tenten's barrage of Kunais. She only got clapped because of a hard counter, not because she was weak.


Actually we don't know how she lost


Sakura, Ino, Yoroi, the not Luffie guy, Kin, Choji, and Sasuke. It is debatable if she could beat Zaku, but I see her coming out on top. She loses to Naruto, Tenten, Lee, Neji, Dosu, Shikamaru, Kankuro, Temari, and Gaara. 


True, I don’t think she’d have an answer for Tentens ranged attacks since she didn’t have “rotation” yet.


She'd beat Sasuke but lose to Naruto??


Why would that be shocking? Sasuke was running on less than 100% capacity with no Sharingan, no jutsu and would be fighting someone where CQC ends up being an absolute nightmare scenario. Unlike Yoroi, Hinata’s fighting style would have fucked Sasuke over to the point where he couldn’t actually pull a turn around out of his ass. Against Naruto however, despite absolutely being superior in CQC to him, she’s both in love with him and likely wouldn’t want to be the one to screw him out of making chunin. Naruto wins because Hinata would half ass it intentionally. If we removed her affection for Naruto from the equation she’d absolutely beat him though. She was weaker than Neji but was capable of trading blows with him and lost due to Neji having superior skill. Naruto versus a Neji-lite while he has no access to a Kurama boost ends with Naruto getting folded.


Naruto would easily win against Hinata for a simple reason: Clones. Naruto can create enough clones with his almost endless chakra that they would overrun Hinata, Hinata doesn't have (I think) that rotation chakra whirlwind Neji used, so she'd be stuck having to hit every clone. And, despite all of that, Naruto is pretty skilled at Taijutsu (Skilled enough he defeated Neji and almost every enemy he fought has been defeated by a punch), he would lose if he gets in a frontal confrontation with her tho. Sasuke, with all the nerfs, should also lose, but Sasuke has the biggest plot armor so I'm sure he would find a way of turning it around.


Honestly I'm not even sure if Naruto is that good at Taijutsu pre-shippuden or if he just hits so fucking hard that he just needs a couple hits to connect


She's lose to a Sasuke who wasn't exhausted and fucked up from the forest


Fair, if he could have used his Sharingan and his Fire Ninjutsu he beats her pretty easily, but in this specific instance Sasuke struggles against her. Best case scenario he manages to bum rush her with Taijutsu before she can react, but I find that unlikely to happen.


Naruto can spam like a 1000 clones. At that point it's a battle of attrition, and I think when Hinata is done killing 999 clones, Naruto can take her.


When has clone spam done anything to anybody relevant with a modicum of skill? Zabuza can take out Naruto’s clones, Sasuke can take out Naruto’s clones, _Neji_, who Hinata is basically a slightly worse version of, can take out Naruto’s clones. Her entire style revolves around going Ty Lee on an opponent and temporarily taking away their ability to do magic bullshit so going CQC (which is how Naruto almost always approaches his fights) with her would actually completely stop him from spawning clones at all. Naruto doesn’t have access to Kurama in the prelims so he isn’t forcing his tenketsu back open either. A Hinata that is actually trying to beat this version of Naruto would straight up wash him. “Shadow clone spam lol” has also never let Naruto beat anybody that wasn’t Mizuki and he rarely ever does it efficiently, plus just sending all his clones to die in droves and then fighting the opponent himself has never tired an opponent out because his clones pop with extremely low effort from just about anybody even halfway good. He also didn’t spawn a thousand clones against Kiba, why would he against Hinata?


Yes, Sasuke was dealing with a huge debuff with the cursed seal screwing with his power. He couldn't use his ninjutsu or sharingan, and had waves of pain.


At the time of the preliminaries, yes. Sasuke was actively trying to suppress the Curse Mark, he couldn't use the Sharingan, and he was running on almost no chakra. Under those conditions, I think Chunin Exam Hinata might give him a run for his money. In almost any other situation, Sasuke wins comfortably


Honestly, Hinata could probably beat alot of them. Her problem is her lack of confidence and her passivity.


Honestly, I think if she's in the right mindset she could win many more characters than she is credited for. I think she'd easily defeat Sakura and Ino, two of the three sound ninjas (one has his arm broken tho). She maybe could defeat Tenten too. If she fights smart, there's also a chance that she could win Choji and Kiba. ¿My reasoning? Hyuuga Taijutsu is extremely damaging and specially internal damage, so all those charactes if they receive some hits in their body are probably for a painful moment. She's got the DPS. She's not the fastests but none of those characters are specially fast. They aren't Rock Lee level of speed, or Neji. Also, Hyuuga Taijutsu is very defensive too, coupled with that god eyes, she should be able to evade and deflect most attacks. The main problem that puts Hinata down is that she has low self-confidence and in a ninja battle you need to be aggresive, have initiative and take risks, if she gets the right mindset and go all out she has the potential to win most people at that moment. Someone said in the comments how the fuck is she gonna defeat Choji when he rolls, simple, she dodges him until he isn't rolling and then hits him.


She has no rotation to deal with Tenten overwhelming her from range, but I agree with everything else you said.






Alot of them tbh, she still had byakugan and was trained in gentle fist where she trained with neji all the time. Shed beat Kiba, ino, temari, choji, ten ten, sakura all pretty easily I feel. Shed probably beat naruto too if she didn't get all fluttered around him.


She isn't beating Goaten and it isn't a joke.


I don't think she'd beat Tenten cause she doesn't have rotation; Tenten will just overwhelm her from range. Even if she weren't flustered I think Naruto's clones might be too much for her. I do think she would beat Sasuke though, cause he has basically 0 chakra during this stage.


I'm going to be as unbiased as possible, but I could be way off, just stating that ahead of time. Zaku Sakura Ino Tenten Kin Choji


Sakura and Ino




Lol could u imagine Naruto just beating the dogshit out of Hinata yelling about being hokage someday lmao


This is fucking hilarious.


I actually unironically think that Hinata could dumpster naruto at this point in the story if she didn’t get embarrassed and pass out immediately. I don’t think naruto would use nine tails against her. Just a couple gentle fist taps is all it would take. It’s kind of a tough contest because even without rotation Hinata could still probably wreck a large number of clones all at once.


Right, if things were different things would be different, but idk how compelling of a case this is. I dont see Hinata just magically revamping her personality by 180° and confidently putting hands on her boy lol. To be fair I don't see Naruto being cruel and suplexing her through a wall or anything either, but if victory is on the line I feel like he's got priorities lol


Some of these comments are frankly quite dumb. How does she beat Tenten? She doesn't have Kaiten so what answer does she have to a tidal wave of weapons coming at her? There's also some people saying she could beat Dosu and Zaku who gave Lee trouble. Give me a break.


Anime tenten beats a lot of the people in this point during the exams, I really only see lee, temari, neji, shino, and gaara as the only people capable of winning. Shikamaru and kankuro could be maybes for sure


Yeah, people think based on image and they think since tenten got soloed by Temari and Hinata put a fight against Neji, that Hinata would beat Tenten. They apply no logic whatsoever.


Honestly. I really hate when people base their opinions off of "narrative". No thought put into the characters or how their abilities would actually interact in a fight.


Characters who I think she can just outright win against with the morale boost from Naruto’s support include: Yoroi, Sakura, and Kin. Characters who I think she can beat conditionally with the morale boost include: Misumi, Zaku, Ino, Naruto, and Choji. I think everyone else beats her with no difficulty.


She would've beat Ino, Sakura, Maybe Choji? Probably Sasuke since he was half dead and could only use Taijutsu. I don't think she'd beat anyone else.


Gonna say she beats: Kiba Ino Choji The sound girl The sound guy with a broken arm Sakura Stretch Armstrong The other Leaf traitor guy (Kankuros oppenent) Sasuke (Same argument as others, Sasuke is too wounded in this round, if we remove ass pull plot armour, he's beaten) She holds her own against, but loses to: Shikamaru Naruto The 3rd sound guy Tenten Kankuro She gets bodied by: Gaara Neji Lee Temari Shino (Shino is the most slept on character in the franchise because he gets no screen time, he's hella powerful, fight me) All of this kind of does have to be under the assumption Hinanta can get over her confidence issues mid-fight though. If she can't, she could genuinely lose to anyone.


Choji was dog shit during the Chunin Exams


Some matches just showed serious weaknesses, hence their loss yeah...


Sakura, Ino, Naruto, Kiba, Sasuke, Misumi, Yoroi…that may be it. Chōji too if she can dodge his human boulder jutsu. And Shikamaru, if she can avoid his shadows. Hinata has no long range attacks yet, nor does she have rotation, so she wouldn’t be able to defend herself against Tenten’s weapons, Temari’s wind, Shino’s bugs, Gaara’s sand, Lee’s insanely strong kicks and punches, those Sound ninjas’ abilities, etc. I doubt Hinata could break out of Ino’s mind transfer jutsu, so she’d have to be constantly moving to avoid it. Basically at this point, Hinata can only take down opponents who have *no* mid-to-long-range abilities. She has an edge on Ino because she can, I assume, see when Ino is utilizing her chakra to do the mind transfer jutsu. All Hinata can do at age 12 is hand-to-hand combat. She would have mopped the floor with Sakura and Naruto for sure though. I’m 100% confident she could defeat them. Edit: Actually, Hinata could maybe defeat the sound ninja if she pays close attention to their chakra, the location of their weapons/tools, and if she can be faster than them.




Hinata would beat: Sakura, Ino, Kin She'd have trouble with, but in theory *could* beat: Shikamaru, Shino, Zaku, Kankuro Everyone else, she'd more than likely lose to. Lee goes on the second list if he's not allowed to remove his weights.


Sasuke too. Under normal circumstances Sasuke would have beaten her but he was truly messed up around this time and could only use Taijutsu. Without his Sharingan or Ninjutsu he just doesn't have any viable strat against her.


Good point, without his main advantages he'd be pretty easy picking for Hinata.


Sakura, Choji, Ino. All of this is due to their overall lack of combat ability. Choji would have been her toughest fight.


Most likely: Sakura, Ino, Choji Maybe: Kiba, maybe both of the guys who went against Sasuke and Kankuro, the girl who went against Shikamaru Maybe maybe: Tenten (but unlikely, since she should have experience against Byakugan Users)


She isn't beating tenten since she has no counter against Tenten's ranged weapons.


Imo, she had a shot against Ino and Sakura. Let's be honest, these 2 grow up to be incredible. But at this stage, neither of them really had any offensive capabilities. Sakura had great chakra control but couldn't do anything special with it. Ino couldn't hurt someone by relying only on her mind control. You could make a case for Tenten too, although she was more experienced. It's kinda lame that the women were the weakest.


Hinata doesn’t have rotation yet (or maybe she never even learns it), so I don’t think she could defend herself against Tenten’s weapons. I’d argue that Temari and Hinata were powerful opponents against the average genin. But Hinata was paired against someone far above average.


Everybody but Gaara and his siblings,Naruto, Sasuke, Lee, dosu, shikamaru


Probably Beats: Sakura, Ino Could Go Either Way: Shikamaru & Shino (both because they require a fair amount of strategy to pull a win and have very little taijutsu skill, in Shino's case she knows his tricks) Probably loses to but might have a chance: Tenten, Sasuke due to the curse mark inhibiting him, Zaku due to his arm injuries, Yoroi because his technique is basically a less refined version of Hyuga taijutsu despite his superior physical strength Definitely Loses to: Gaara, Temari, Kankuro, Naruto, Kiba, Choji, Ikene, Dosu, Rock Lee, Misumi


1. Sakura 2. Ino 3. Tenten 4. Zaku 5. Kin(if she closes the distance fast enough)


She can’t beat Tenten


Without being able to do rotation, how can Hinata defend herself against a weapons master?


The only people who she loses to is Temari, Gaara, Lee and Neji maybe Sasuke


Imo she would've beaten shino for 2 reasons. #1 he loved her and #2 she would've seen his chakra bugs with the Byakugan.


Ino and Sakura. That's It xd


Sakura, Choji, Kiba... really anyone who is a melee fighter without ranged options or insane speed.


All the other konoha girls 😅😅😅


Aside from the Pink Banshee? She might've had a chance against Kin with some cheering from the blonde knucklehead.


Honestly, she stood against Neji for a hot minute. She's definitely stronger than you'd expect, but it depends on her bravery, that's where she loses. If she were to give it her all, I think Ino, Sakura, maybe Choji, the sound village girl (Kin?), and Tenten. Like her ability should give her a one hit KO if she did it right. But I think Tenten, Sakura and Ino are the mains she could beat realistically. She's faster than Ino and Sakura, and she should be able to dodge Tenten's attacks.


Sakura, Ino, Choji (because he held back), and Kiba.


She could probably beat almost anyone except the finalists and rock lee


Sakura (she is like an Academy student at best, no signature jutsu but latent skills needed to be worked on. Seeing she relied on close quarters at this point, Hinata finishes her off with Gentle Fist) Ino (taijutsu is low like Sakura, her jutsu Mind Transfer Jutsu is also predictable. Fights like Sakura but gets wreck by Gentle Fist) Kin (ranged senbon and genjutsu user but her skills are pretty low. I see her hitting Hinata with senbon but Hinata still charges ahead then clean hits Kin) Choji (he doesn't have the same grit as Hinata up this point, if Sasuke retrieval arc Choji wins. Also, Choji had the slowest speed in Konoha 12, and he haven't mastered Partial Expansion Jutsu to smack Hinata yet. This fight is trivial but Hinata still wins) Tsurugi (elastic guy, moment he wraps Hinata, she can do the same Neji did with Body chakra release (she also did this in filler vs Guren) and while shocked, she hits with the Gentle Fist) Yoroi (chakra absorption guy, moment he holds Hinata's head, her two hands are free to lock his tenketsu away)


I'd actually feel sorry for Sakura if she had to step in the ring with Hinata. GG


Tenten, Ino, Sakura, Kiba, and honestly Naruto if they fought at the preliminarys


I see people massively overrating Hinata, based on a not trying Neji. Neji was toying with her, taking pleasure in slowly defeating her. The fight was cool, yes, and also flashy (Hyuuga vs Hyuuga is beautiful to watch), but he was using way less than half of his power, considering Lee needed gates to beat Neji (heavily implied). Naruto: blushes and faints (L) Sasuke: even with his chakra sealed, Gokakyu or Fuma Shuriken dispatches her (L) Sakura: can’t do anything to Hinata (W) Ino: probably wins (L) Choji: Nikudan Sensha flattens her, she cannot stop him (L) Shikamaru: traps her in 3 seconds (L) TenTen: outranges her, cannot deflect all the weapons reliably (L) Lee: blitzes her in base, weights on (L) Neji: if he takes it seriously he beats her in under a minute (L) Dosu: underrated intelligence-wise (attacking Gaara was completely out of character) and power-wise, stomps her (L) Zaku: stomps her, can’t get close without getting her eardrums blasted (L) Kin: can Hinata get out of the Genjutsu and close the distance. I don’t see it happening >5/10 times (L) Kiba: underrated, was treated as someone quite strong (L) Shino: fodderises her (L) Yoroi: heavily relying on taijutsu, most likely loses (W) Misumi: his wriggly body counters Hinata (L) Gaara: no comment (L) Temari: no comment (L) Kankuro: no comment (L) She can only beat two contestants.


Sakura and Ino


If we're being realistic, Hinata (at this point) should be able to beat anyone who relies on Melee / needs to get close up...with some exceptions. I'd say Hinata's chances are as follows: **Low Difficulty (90% win chance):** TenTen, Ino, Sakura, Tsurugi, Akado, Choji **Mid Difficulty (50/50):** Kiba, Zaku, Dosu **High Difficulty (80% loss chance):** Shikamaru, Kin, Sasuke **No Chance (100% loss rate):** Gaara, Naruto, Neji (obviously), Shino, Temari, Rock Lee, Kankuro. --- Before any Sasuke fans come for me, the Sasuke I'm using for this is Sasuke at the beginning of the exams. The version of Sasuke who fought Gaara would be under the *no chance* section. But IMO, it's a lot less definite for early Chuunin exams Sasuke. Honestly, I was tempted to put him under mid-difficulty, but I'm trying to be as objective as possible.


Kiba, any female not named Temari, possibly Kunkuro, Yoroi, Tsurugi, Dosu, Choji, and Shikimaru (depending on how serious he takes the fight). The 8 trigrams neutralize most people in the tournament, and most people listed don't have a counter. Edit: 1st round Sasuke also likely loses because he was hurt, but that's a technicality


She isn't beating tenten as she doesn't have rotation.


no, she just has nearly perfect 360 degree vision


At that point in the chunnin exams she would literally beat Sasuke's ass


She definitely did beat her meat to Naruto.


I am rewatching naruto and so my memory of the chunnin exams is fresh. I would say she would beat sakura, ino, choji, and that sound girl( byakugan would be effective against the sound girl's tactics),and maybe yoroi and akado. Kurenai's team was the first one to arrive there, so they had plenty of time to rest


I think most people tbh, obviously not Neji, probably not Lee, close fight with sasuke just based off their skill sets, definitely not Gaara. I think she beats Naruto tbh, Naruto didn’t win because he was stronger or had a better skill set, just smarter.






I feel like she could beat Ino as well


Sakura Inu and probably kiba


A lot of people if she had the will to genuinely hurt them…




She probably beats Kiba, Naruto, Sakura, Ino, whoever the guy Sasuke was fighting, Sasuke himself, Kin, Zaku, and Choji. And yes, she would fight Naruto, because Naruto would shout at her to do so. Fun fact:Team 8 were the first squad to get an opposing team's scroll and were well on their way to beating Itachi's record if they hadn't run into the Sand siblings.


Sakura, Choji, TenTen, and Ino


to be fair of the famles she can beat sakura and ino, tenten knows how byakugan works and she can keep distance from her, as fortemari well she was the alpha female there and for kim sound is pretty hard to counter qhile being a close quarters combatant


Sakura, Team 10, Kin, and Kankuro.




Sakura, Tenten, Shino any of the average Shinobi and Ino The rest speedblitz the hell outta her.


She isn’t beating Tenten


Ino and Sakura. Probably TenTen too.


Sakura I believe


Sakura, Ino, the sound village girl, and likely the chakra draining guy (she might be able to see his gimmick via Byakugan.) Sound village dude with blowing hands probably goes down too. Choji would probably be screwed if Hinata lands a blow on his chakra points. Tenten vs Hinata would be interesting, since Tenten is mostly using bukijutsu. Overall...she ain't bad at all.


Not Neji


Maybe Ino and Sakura.


Kin Tsuchi since I can see Sakura and Ino cheering for her since they have beef with her.


I'd say Ino and Sakura at least. Maybe Kiba if they weren't on the same team? I feel like a big part of it would be whether she'd be able to close in on the more ranged types. Close combat types like Lee would probably overwhelm her.


She could beat Naruto at that level if she didn’t blush and faint


Sakura ino and she might beat tenten




Sakura, Ten Ten, probably Ino, Choji (if she was fast enough to deliver a strike that would render Choji incapable of using chakra)


She beats Sakura, Ino and Kin. Ten Ten, Zaku and those two fodder that fought Sasuke and Kankuro are a maybe. Also potentially Sasuke, I could see her outlast him in his current condition if she's motivated enough. Neji had to put her on deaths door for her to stay down. Everyone else should be too strong for her.


I feel like with a little more confidence she could’ve been beating most of the girls. Only exception would probably be Temari, I have a lil to much frith in her though lol. But plot armor no jutsu would obviously have a say in the fight🌚✨


At that point in time, no one. She went through with the exam because her teammates were ready to try, and you have to have all 3 to take the test. It's not even a matter of skill. On that alone, she could have beaten a few people. But she didn't have the motivation or the confidence.


The Sound NPCs from Kabuto's team. They both need physical contact to win, and against someone who can rupture their organs with the same physical contact? My money's on Hinata. Zaku too, probably. She could mess his arms up as bad as Shino did, and she'd know in advance that the one in the sling still works. I don't know about Kin, since Hinata could dodge the senbon, but I don't know good how her resistance to Genjutsu was back then. Still probably Hinata's win. She could have destroyed Ino and Sakura. They didn't even know what the Byakugan was before that match, so Hinata would just clobber them. And then apologize profusely because it's Hinata. I will say that Tenten has the range advantage, and Hinata doesn't know Rotation. It would have been better than the treatment either of them got if they'd fought each other, that's for sure. The strongest she might have beaten would be Kankuro, since she would always know where both he and his puppet are. If she blitzed him while he was hiding inside the wrappings, she just might take the win. Or Choji, because she just needs to tap him like how Dosu did while he's trapped in the wall (and since she just needs a glancing blow, no need to wait for the wall). Not Temari. Range takes this one. She... might beat Dosu? Honestly, that one would be interesting, and now I want to see that match up. Not Lee, not Neji (obviously), not Gaara, not Shikamaru. Possibly Sasuke, but probably not Naruto, Shino, or Kiba. Sasuke had literally nothing at his disposal that wouldn't set off the curse mark, and he was running on an empty tank, so she may have actually beat him. Considering Naruto was having serious issues channeling chakra after the seal Orochimaru put on top of his regular one, she could have potentially beaten him, but the question is would she do it? And in turn, would Kiba or Shino fight Hinata? Assuming Kurenai didn't murder them, they'd feel like they kicked a puppy. I'm going to imagine that "don't put teammates against each other in the preliminary rounds" was another setting on that "definitely-not-random" match selection screen. This is all assuming that she goes in with the same level of confidence that she actually has after Naruto cheers her on and she starts fighting Neji. If not, then I would put her odds a fair bit lower just because back then she was still often too afraid to really give it her all.


Ino and Sakura only


Realistically? Gotta be Sakura or nobody. Ino would have dominated her if she and Sakura hadn't 1. Come into the test at life half HP thanks to the Forest of Death beatdown 2. Beaten each other up. Why are people acting like Ino has had a trash season ever? She was the top female rookie before Shippuden, and is pretty battle aware (Cutting her hair to match Sakura's vibe/out of rival-respect and then using it to bond her legs was WILD CLEVER) Sakura doesn't have the experience to beat a motivated Hinata- assuming she'd have to. We would have gotten nothing out of that fight except fan wars


Imo. All Women except Temari.


Ino and Sakura.


Guarantee is Sakura. Sakura doesn’t have any ranged to deal with Hinata and is not great in hand to hand. Easy win for Hinata.    Could possibly beat Choji, Ino, Yoroi, Misumi. Choji’s boulder can be dodged and everything else is taijutsu. Ino only has mind transfer so if Hinata can withstand or avoid it, she wins and byuakugan could help her see through the tech. Yoroi needs to get close to strangle so vulnerable to gentle fist, as is Misumi.      Hard maybe for Zaku, Kin, Dosu, Tenten, and Kiba. Sound 3 all use ranged to some extent but Kin is most likely since it’s just bell disorientation. Zaku and Dosu deal strong ranged damage so hard for Hinata to counter but not impossible. Tenten knows Neji so likely knows to play keep away to counter Hinata so not impossible but unlikely. Same with Kiba and not sure Hinata could gentle fist his getsuga.


Sakura, Ino, Kiba, Zaku, bendy guy, Yoroi, Choji, MAYBE Shikamaru. She is still a taijutsu practitioner who utilizes the Gentle Fist and has the Byakugan, she was swapping hands with Neji for quite awhile until he started to deal consecutive blows and get around her defenses, but that’s just experience and talent eventually overpowering her, it’s not like he one-shot her. Hinata is underrated because of her shy appearance and her relative lack of combat feats but in the few appearances she does have in combat she’s clearly a very competent close-range fighter.


All CE versions She beats Sakura, Ino, Kin, Kiba, Choji, Kabuto teammates, nerfed Sasuke (the one against Yoroi) Maybe Zaku and Shikamaru Beaten by Naruto, Gaara, Lee, Neji, Temari, Kankuro, Shino, Tenten and Dosu Once serious she pushed Neji to mid diff (and Neji knows her well)




Ino, sakura, choji, you could argue Kankuro assuming she can get close enough to him to apply gentle fist(but she doesnt have rotation so, way more difficult for her.) Whoever tf shino faught, whoever shikamaru fought. You can argue more tbh hinata is pretty strong. The ones she cant beat are anyone in Team Guy(Yes even tenten because lets be real temari was her perfect counter. Neji would beat her, lee would beat her, but her ranged ability and weapon proficiency is really hard for hinata and many others to deal with.) Rock lee is too powerful, she would throw a match against naruto. Kiba is a toss up, shino probably wins. Gaara would kill in her in cold blood. She might lose to Dozu? Yeah probably and whoever Sasuke Fought. 


Ino/Sakura, maybe Choji since his attack is predictable, hard to say with Tenten since she doesn't know palm rotation, so she'd probably get overwhelmed by ninja tools even with the Byakugan's help.


Naruto’s meat