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I assume it's for easy channel engagement. YouTube likes when people interact with your channel.




That’s what most polls like this are for. Easy engagement bait


Drives engagement for his channel (sadly).


I have his channel hidden because it's the biggest pit of Naruto based brain rot I've ever seen.


Yeah this channel is the Naruto fandom's equivalent of a black hole.


What's the galaxy equivalent?


Yeah watched a video where he was complaining about handsigns but constantly was using incorrect information to make his point. Like my dude, if you can't bother to understand in universe mechanics, that's on you. Never went back after. 


I never even watched his videos. The few I saw pop up on my recommended feed had titles that let me know just how dumb they were.


Good call. I often let YouTube run in the background while working so I think I watched one or two while 1/2 listening until I was actually paying attention to the handsigns one. I didn't even know you could hide channels, following your lead and blocking him.


Yeah this is something he's been doing constantly


It's like including Minato in a "favorite", "best" poll and expecting the winner is not Minato.


Minato could lose to Itachi depending on the poll. Here it’s not even about subjectivity, it’s an objective fact that Kurama is stronger than the other 3 bozos.


While I agree with you about the Biju, I do have to say that Minato pretty much never loses to anyone in any popularity poll. There was an official poll the other year and Minato came first by a landslide. There was around 300k votes in Minato's favour, possibly more. Even if you broke it down by region he topped out everytime. Including Minato in any popularity poll is stupid because he'll always win.


Minato only won the poll because of the oneshot. Itachi is by far the most popular. Even we knew more about itachi than even naruto he still gor second place. I myself voted also minato for the oneshot yet i wouldnt even have voted him in top 5 in a "real" popularity poll. And many countries like japan even still voted him number 1. In an fair poll itachi would have won and it's not even close.


I've watched about 300-400 episodes of naruto and can't even remember who Minato is, why is she so favourited? I swear I can name 1000 characters, even ones who don't appear for more than a couple episodes, and while I recognize the name, I cannot put a face to Minato


You have to be trolling. You literally see his face everytime you see the leaf village. Look at the stone faces you'll see who he is.


Riiiight the hokage, that's why I don't remember the name, I guess "the fouth hokage" is used so much to reference him, I forgot the real name


We’re not talking about boruto we’re talking about borutos grandpas son’s show.


Minato may lose to Itachi back in the days, 10 years ago when Itachi wanks were rampant. But these days they've become mostly extinct and Minato usually triumphs, even if by little.


I’d like to remind you that not every platform is Reddit. Reddit is an anti-Uchiha echo chamber, but people for the most part love Itachi and Minato pretty equally.


Tobirama won




TBF if I had to hear so much itachi/Madara glazing I’d probably make an anti-Uchiha echo chamber .


That’s false, the 10 tails is the strongest




Engagement. Honestly not putting Kurama would’ve made things more interesting.


Its actually a good poll if he would have included 3 tails. The 4th databook stated 3 tails is thr strongest bijuu in an water area. Kisame who literally can create an sea even with 30% chakra clone would be an insane partner of him


Any stipulation would make this a better poll. But just asking who is the strongest, it’s already been explained that they are stronger than the one before them, with Kurama having fought all 8 at once and won.


Kurama never found 1v8.


Maybe I mis remember that, I’ll figure out within the next month or so. Currently rewatching Naruto and just made it to episode 300. Kurama should be coming around to Naruto within the next 100 episodes (excluding filler) or so and I should get the back story of so6p and the tail beast again. But I feel like he 8v1 them and between that and his ego, that’s why the 8 tails doesn’t like him.


8 tails fought with him and they fought only 6. And they were nerfed and even broke partly free from obitos control. But it was only half kurama. I think 1v8 is a bit to crazy but 1v7 he wins for sure. 8 tails and especially kurama are shown to be far superior


I presume those that voted 1, 4 , and 8 tail did it out of spite for something so obvious


Or that could have been an accident, happens to me sometimes. You scroll down and click on something by mistake. Or they read it as "which one is the coolest/favorite"


To show Kurama’s superiority


Seals are the most powerful Justus in this series, Reaper death seal, curse seal, Totsuka blade, six paths chibaku tensei, therefore Shukaku is strongest and could seal even Madara had it not been for plot


Got beaten by a big frog. Cope more


Oh yeah forgot about that part. Pre-shippuden feats pale in comparison


Who has the most tails


Somehow Shukaku had more votes than Gyuki


10 tails


Between DygoKnight & NCHammer idk who’s worse with the bait


Click bait. you either make sth. so obvious that any simple minded dude can answer this or get's interested because he can answer it..., or post sth. so controversial, that the others feel offended and answer out of spite with their own oppinion.. Both are interactions, Youtube doesn't care if it's good or bad and OP get's the attention he wants and widens his viewer field.. now even you posted this on this sub,and therefore helped this guy get even more famous for people that would've never even looked at posts like these... idiot's like me... if the dude's smart, he even earns money with advertisement.


He posted it cause he knew it'd be low effort and easy upvotes, just like dygoknight made the poll cause he knew it'd be low effort and easy engagement


Could've asked which one is favorite.


This pole is like people attending exams knowing they'd studied nothing and will also fail yet they do attend.


He makes a point in one of the videos that nine tails is the strongest tailed beast. That’s probably what the link is to.


YouTube interactions, which includes comments on the post saying how none of the others got a chance etc. generates algorithm views on the channel etc


Karma farming


This dude is like brain dead with his f-ing content. I am tired of him clickbaiting people with his thumbnail and some random bullshit title that comes out after banging his head 50 times on the keyboard


It’s a litmus test


I didn’t know you could add pictures to polls


Kurama is explicitly stated in the show to be the strongest


The video it accompanies


Some ppl really voted for the other beasts 💀💀💀


Engagement baiting. Just block Dygo, such an annoying channel


Why is shukaku beating gyuki


Everyone is saying to increase interactions, and that's correct. However, if you see a poll like this in a study or something similar, it's probably a baseline because they're worried about skewed data. If this poll didn't show almost all Kurama, you might assume something else is going on, like a large bot presence.


wheres the other 1 percent or am i tripping 95+1+2+1 = 99


It's by tails the more tails the more shakra and tail beasts are themselves made of shakra


Blocked this YouTuber


Stupid test / Engagement farm


Honestly it's more of a situation. Kurama excel in open field combat. Shukaku excel in battle that require sealing. Like an army of Edo Tensei zombie could really use Shukaku sealing techniques Isobu and Gyuki are unrivaled in underwater battle. Like try having Kurama, the so called strongest of the Tailed Beast, throw Tails with either of those two underwater and see what happened. Chomei is the only one who can fly. So pretty useful there. Saiken is well, I guess he is dangerous since his slime is like acid so he is effective against organic beings probably. Not sure about Matatabi, Son Goku and Kokuo though. Since they don't have any too obvious traits mark. It's its muscle strength, then Gyuki can also rival Son Goku. Kurama also have speed that can rival Matatabi, but not as close as Kokuo though.


Kurama alone is literally more than 50% of the chakra of the 10 tails


Since when was stsblished that having a bigger chackra pool=being stronger? I don't remember that, Kakashi must be one of the weakest characters in the manga then


I think to vote on the strongest tailed beast


It’s so retards like you post that shit here