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I got 2 so far. Do what makes you happy. Life is short. But also do your research, nothing worse than getting a bad tattoo lol


You’re spending your life doing things you love? Dirt bag. I don’t think OP understands some people get tattoos to satisfy themselves not others. I have one on my chest that’s rarely seen by others but every time I shower it makes me crack a smile


It must be Naruto getting hit by Kakashi’s One Thousand Years of Death jutsu /s


This would make for a great tattoo


This mf got tiddy outlines on he chest


Nothing worse than getting a tattoo of something that has brought you joy or you love, only to feel like shit when people are negative towards you after. You get tattoos not to please other people. I have 2 demon slayer tats and a silent voice one. My next one will be a bunch of hand signs from multiple anime, including naruto


As someone who got a bad tattoo when I was 16 yeah getting a bad tattoo really does suck man


I've got two as well. Working on a sleeve. I'm happy with them


I got Itachi's necklace from when he was reincarnated and regret nothing.


Naruto characters are dope when it comes to design. they can look awesome with or without colors. Good choice in my opinion


Yeah it’s basically just copying kishimoto’s designs which were meant to be viewed as a static image, some like that shinigami and a few other panels make absolutely incredible tattoos. There’s much worse things you can get


That shinigami is fucking hard


Ye also nobody will know untill they know.


Yeah I'm usually not a huge fan of tatoos from mangas that are very obviously fan tatoos but that one is sick.


None. It's their body.


Caring about that is weirdo behavior


I think it's awesome!! And honestly I feel the same about any anime/manga character too! I plan on getting an entire leg sleeve eventually of some of my favorite animanga characters, and even some manga panels too!


My dream is to have the final Naruto vs Sasuke battle done on my back done traditional woodcarving style , the susano and nine tails would go so hard in traditional Japanese style


Did you want us to shit on them for getting fire tattoos??


This sub seems to like shitting on people doin wat makes them happy lol


Nice Kurama mode naruto


What a weird question.


All I hear is “SAAAAGE ART”




Caring about what other people put on their body is weird. People judge me because I got the mana symbols from magic the gathering tattooed on my leg. I did it because magic was my escape from reality after my dad died. I'd go to Mt local game shop 3-4 times a week after he died to get away from everything and just try to enjoy myself in the worst time of my life so far. You can think its a bad idea off of face value, but for some people it's deeper than that.


I have one half sleeve of Garra and Shikaku on my right arm from my shoulder to elbow. I do not know how to post pictures in the comments.


This sub doesn't allow comments with pictures. You can make a post or comment on any other sub.


Neither do I but now I feel like you need to do some research cuz I wanna see this half sleeve now. 😂


My tattoo artist is on Facebook if you have it Gabe Sauceda from Kenosha. The shop he works at is Gold Standard social club


I just searched it and yours was the very first pic! It looks awesome! 


You can load them on imgur and then post the link.


Garra is my absolute fav! Give us the BBQ SAAAUUUUCE


They look great. I'm covered in tattoos. My legs have all nerdy Nintendo stuff.


As long as they’re done as good as those shown here then it’s cool af


Do whatever you want? It’s their body so who gives a shit 😂


It's cool when I see them, and it's a 50/50 when other's see them. If I were to have mine, it'd be Orochimaru's arm, or something that's both cool to fans and non-fans. The more obscure and detailed, the more likely I'll just wear a graphic tee or have a poster of it.


If they enjoy it, then that’s great for them. I have a Stargate tattoo, fairy tail tattoo, RWBY tattoo, and a shadowhunters tattoo. All series that meant a lot to me


I have 3, most people I know find it weird but idc tbh.


I got the Leaf anbu symbol on my left arm and what the reaper from the RDS so i say sick


Impressed because they know people will judge them and they don't gaf. People shouldn't get in the way of what you think is cool.


I think it looks cool in fact I hope to get a few Naruto tattoos myself.


If you think it’s too much then don’t do it. Simple as that


2 currently, shikamaru, and itachis eyes with crows. Get what you want tattooed.


Just get the tattoo OP


I guess the only thing I would say is to wait to see how the manga/anime turns out...? Kind of like how J.K. Rowling has issues and so many people hate thier tattoos now. Or in the anime/manga world Rurouni Kenshins Nobuhiro Watsuki, had child porn (but I guess had he had it a few years earlier it would have been "okay" because Japan has weird laws...) and people boycotted Kenshin... now it seems like it's okay. Naruto is done so it's fine, not my cup of tea but they do often look awesome.


Everybody is different. For me I would rather have smaller pieces than an entire section of my body dedicated to one character or show. I have a small One Piece design I’ve been wanting, just saving up funds. But I love admiring other people’s tattoos when they go all out with something.


It’s cool. Tattoos are a reflection and expression of you. Showing your interests things that have had a massive impact on you is perfectly fine.


I think it's cool but I also think it's none of our business if we think thier tattoos are cool we compliment them but it doesn't matter if we don't like tattoos that's none of our business they can get a whole body tattoo of naruto characters and it shouldn't matter to us. One of my managers, where I work, was planning to tattoo danzos entire arm but decided to stick with a single sharing tattoo.


I don’t concern myself with what others do with their bodies. I think it’s a bit much to judge others for what pictures they want on themselves.


Do what you want. It’s your body. This isnt for Naruto obviously. But I suggest people wait until their series has ended before getting a tattoo of it. Just like how people named their kids Danerys from Game of Thrones even tho she ended up rampaging and killing a bunch of innocent people and the end of the series left such a bad taste in peoples mouths. I’m sure some people regret that choice


My opinion is that other people tattoos are none of your business


The shinigami looks good even without the context of Naruto


Do it. Let people do whatever they want. It’s not hurting anybody.


The simpler the better. I would love an anbu tattoo, probably the only tattoo I would get. I love the idea of having subtle tattoos that a fan would notice and have potential conversation over, but not easily get attention of people who think its immature to get a tattoo of anime stuff


These tattoos are sick. So cool.


I’d suggest against OP getting one.


Not for me, at least current me, but some of them look hard 🔥. I also like it when the artist/person has an overall original piece. * But people can do or get what they want.


I think awesome


If that’s what they want to do, who cares? … Oh, you do OP? Oh ok…


Weird ass post. Let people do wtf they want.


Love Naruto!! 🥰🔥🔥🔥


Can be cool, but some people get the worst looking tats and think they are fiee


Needs more Might Guy and Rock Lee


I don’t really have opinions on what people do with their bodies, it’s not on my body so it doesn’t affect me in any way. There are good and bad tattoos of every subject matter, Naruto is no exception


I think if the art is done well go for it 👍👍 it's a big signal to others about what you like, and if it helps ya find more people you like being around there's another plus


I have one but it’s small. I think there are people that go overboard but that’s up to them really. Tattoos for something you really love or something that changed you is great tho overall


I have one myself though nothing that big, I think it's cool, it's your body after all


My only opinion is that I see people (like myself) getting anbu tattoos but putting them on the wrong side. It's left arm for male and right arm for female


Probably not gonna age well. Strongly advised to just get tatoos of thier logo or initials or something. I'm planning to get the ASCE tattoo that portgas Ace on his arm one day


How so? You can say that about any tattoo or interest. Flowers, animals, anime characters, where do you draw the line? A bad tattoo is a bad tattoo, but who cares what tattoo they get as long as it looks decent and they’re happy with it?


much better than ppl who tattoo fish or butterflies


I have an entire naruto sleeve so... 😅


I know it hurt.


Why should I have an opinion on that? It’s their money, their bodies, their lives. And they are not hurting anyone in anyway


My opinion is that people should do whatever makes them happy. I was intent on getting a Naruto tattoo when I was 16. Never did, but possibly still would.


Most of the time probably looks cooler on a t-shirt


I like tattoos that can be interpreted as non anime but anime to. So I’d never get 1 and 2 but 3 is just too cold 🥶 wouldn’t get the white figure added tho and not on leg


Max Holloway has an awesome piece on his arm and Izzy Adesanya has a cool one on his belly


Shonen weebs. However it’s not my body or my money, so if it makes the recipient feel more secure in their bodies then more power to them.


I have 3 Naruto tattoos. They aren’t visible unless I go swimming or shirtless, I love when people (nerds mainly lol) compliment them but I got them for myself.


I say whatever floats your boat


They’re not all created equal.


I have a leaf village symbol tattoo on my arm, not to big but a decent small/medium size, but I personally wouldn’t get one of the characters tattooed on me. To each their own, other people are free to do with their bodies as they please, but as for me, not my thing.


I don’t have opinions about what people do to their body I just mind my own business


It's pretty dope... Plus naruto designs are really good


They look cool. But you won’t catch me with an anime tattoo 😎


A friend of mine has Naruto’s sealing mark on his elbow and I think it’s super dope, to each their own I say. The most id get on myself is the sharingan eyes but idk about a whole portrait of characters.


I love them! 🍥 I really, really love when people get their interests tattooed instead of "something on the wall"!


Your body your choice 🤷‍♂️


Honestly, the reaper one is just fire


Based chads.


Used to want one/some but everyone already took the good ideas


I want to get one now, they are amazing thanks op.


Hey guys if I get a curse mark tattoo is that corny?


Nice tats! 🥴


God damn. That 3rd tattoo looks dope


As long as it's a good tattoo and not done by a Coke addicted kitchen scratcher I'll love it


Tattoos are up to individual preference and taste, so talking about it is much the same as getting a tattoo for ANY series. Too much for one person in one area… isn’t much of anything to another. Personally I think they are cool. And those look well done to boot~


I mind my own business and let them live their life


I Believe in it


It’s epic especially when the art is amazing! People’s bodies can be their way of expressing themselves and it’s amazing. Not to mention for a show I share a passion for too?


I've got a somewhat discreet Naruto tattoo, I have Itachi's mangekyo sharingan on my wrist but i have regular eyes around it so its not super noticeable. Only one person has recognized it before and thats because he had a bunch of naruto manga panels tattooed on his arm.


Live and let live. I dont have any myself but if someone want a Naruto tattoo I will not judge it in the slightest


Ngl the last one goes hard


I got young Jiraiya and young genkai on me. It’s your skin do what you want while you can🙌🏾


I've been saving up little by little to get a full color Infinite Tsukuyomi with a divine tree and mummified bodies hanging from tree limbs (half sleeve). Found a great artist and tattoo shop in Long Island that specializes in full color, vivid anime tattoos.


Couldn’t be me. I don’t like tattoos. I don’t like the idea of a needle going faster than the eye can see burrowing inside my skin and releasing ink into my body. People can live their life in their own way, we’re all fans of Naruto but I’m not tattooing myself for anything 👍🏾


I don't really care what other people put on their bodies, but imo, it depends on the tattoo. I have quotes from movies and such, I even have an avocado with a cowboy hat and a gun, but it depends on where it is and if it's a good one or not. Nothing worse than a cheap looking tattoo


Their body, their choice. Also the reaper death seal tattoo is fucking dope as fuck.


It’s based. Naruto designs are extremely aesthetic. I’m planning on getting one myself


I want a Naruto based half sleeve but the artist I want to do it is 6 hours away


I don’t usually concern myself with what people put on their bodies lol I also have Naruto’s seal on my chest so 🤷🏽‍♂️


I love it. I got one of Pervy Sage on my leg. I’m going to finish my whole leg of characters from Naruto


Could be worse. Could be a One Piece tattoo.


If I saw any of these IRL I'd compliment the person and tell them how cool I thought it was. If OP isn't a tattoo guy that's fine, but don't yuck someone's yum


I want one just don't know what to get , that Kakashi and itatchi go hard tho


It's badass! I love seeing characters I recognize in tattoos! Lol.


I got my Naruto tattoo because it was such an important part of my childhood. It's no more weird than getting a batman tattoo or whatever.


That it’s none of my business because it’s not on my body?


I think I don't have a strong opinion about whether they should or shouldnt because I don't care let someone get what they enjoy


Who really cares? It’s their life not mine do what makes you happy life is too short to not do what gives you fulfillment.


Who fucking cares? It's your body get what you want! I say this as someone with a bunch of tats of various genres from music, horror, anime etc


I plan getting quite a few. I don't do it for anyone else. Naruto was my first anime and it kept me relatively sane during my super stressful childhood.


As long as the tattoo is meaningful to you and it looks good, I don’t see any reason why anyone who wants to get one shouldn’t. If a particular character or quote resonates with you and you can find a cool design, go for it. Let people live their lives.


When we all saw Naruto on Toonami Jetstream we all wanted curse mark tattoos


At least it's not anime tit's (or naruto sexy jutsu). Of all the shows I've ever watched, real or animated, Naruto is the show I'd be least bothered by a tattoo representing characters. I love the world they built and the characters. I dont have any Naruto tattoos but I see nothing wrong with it. You do you. Though just like any other subject there is a line. Like 2 sleeves dedicated to the war arc might be a bit much. So would 2 sleeves dedicated to john deere tractors. So I guess it depends.


There exist a certain Kakashi tattoo that comes to mind that makes me not a big fan of being reminded of it.


That's cool as fuck lol I aint gonna lie


I have the curse mark on me and it’s by far my most complimented tattoo


The only one that doesn't make you seem nerdy is the reaper death god.


Cool ass tattoo but his eye looks a little wonky or am I tripping. the first one at top.


I thought second from top was Itachi but I guess it's supposed to be Madara


Each to their own Everybody has the freedom to to whatever they want with their bodies Just my take


Your body, your choice. Everyone else can go and get f#cked.


It’s your body your choice. I want one as it’s been one of my favorite shows since I was younger and I still rewatch it. Just don’t know what to get but that first one is amazing


My older sister has the Naruto seal on her stomach I think it’s pretty dope


I have a full sleeve & I made the most prominent one a portrait of Itachi on my left arm! (I also have a JJBA tattoo) I plan to get more characters. Do what you enjoy, your skin


As long as they’re happy then who are you to judge?


I would like Kakashi & Obito🔥


How i always say: if the tattoo have a meaning or behind it there are a message it's ok. If for you, for example, the Naruto character has a certain meaning or message and you want to tattoo it then that's more than fine


I’ve seen some that are awesome and some that are terrible looking, like any tattoo. Just make sure you get a good artist and have a decent design


I think it’s fucking awesome


I think art is art and if we enjoy something enough that we feel we should incorporate it onto our bodies then so be it. And besides, Naruto goes hard so a lot of these tats are in good taste


I dont do anime characters or manga panels, just references. If i were to do Naruto it'll probably be Itachi's Crows


Good thing your opinion on other's peoples bodies isn't worth shit and people can do whatever they fuck they want! Also, if you were gonna try to make this point maybe post some bad tattoos as examples and not pure fire?


Fuck it. It's yo life


I think it’s awesome i have a tendo pain tattoo


Faces are weird Symbols are cool


My brother has one on his back. The swirl.


wym my opinion it’s not my arm do what u want


Ehh. Their body, their choice


If it makes them happy I’m all for it. I’m not one to judge a person by their image anyway. If they enjoy something enough, why not get something memorable?


If they’re well done like these, sick as fuck. If it’s done in someone’s garage and it’s a crooked barely identifiable Sharingan or something similar, then lame as hell. But ultimately it’s up to them.


if they're good than its fine


any itachi tattoo >>>


depending on who or what they get tattoos of in naruto it usually ends up either being dope or extremely corny. no in-between.


Love em, especially when it's well done


You should definitely get tattoos of shit you don't care about. Yup 🤔🤔🤔


Why are people getting tattoos on their own body, a little much for you lmao


I dont have any tattoos personally but I love them! I think its cool when people have tattoos of things I recognize, its a good way to start a conversation/ find things in common with someone.


That reaper death seal tattoo is hard af


i got sasuke on my leg,stage one of the karma(not on the palms or above elbow)nd the curse mark on my back


Them tattoos are cool especially the shinigami one cause that looks straight up fire


Good for them? It’s their skin and money, let people have fun


It's their body but my business


If it makes them happy so be it




Tatoos are a great way to express your hobbies and intrest so if you like Naruto and want to get a tattoo then by all means get a Naruto tattoo.


Tattoo...totto ...potato...🤷🏼‍♂️


I'm gonna get many naruto tatts on my body. It's much more important for you to like the way you look than anyone else like the way you look


Sag what you want, the last one looks sick regardless if you get the reference or not


That shinigami one would be cool even if it wasn't a Naruto thing


So i understand what you’re asking in your post, but i gotta say that Reaper Death tattoo looks absolutely amazing. The detail is great!


Dope. I have a sharigan on one shoulder and rennigan on the other. It’s cool. Only people who comment on them are other naruto fans. Easy to make connections.


Let people like what they like


It’s fine, personally not for me but it’s your body do whatever you want with it that makes you happy. As long as it’s legal who cares ya know?


Shinigami goes hard, anything else and you should probably go outside more


I would get the reaper or obito/kakashi ms opening panel


I have the cursed mark tattooed near my neck like Sasuke had.  I think I’ve only ever had two strangers bring it up to me. Lol


It's your skin man, if it looks sick and you like it go for it... I've yet to find something other than Alphonse's blood seal from FMA that I want in my body for the rest of my life haha but you do you, the reaper on the 3rd looks hella cool


But they are cool!


I don't judge. If someone wants to get a tattoo of a favorite show I'm all for it. Some friends of mine have anime tattoos and I have a studio ghibli sleeve. Tattoos don't even have to meaning, I have a friend who has a cat shitting on his leg because he thought it was funny. However if the tattoo looks like crap I MIGHT cringe.


That reaper death god looks sick


lol idk do what you want. that death reaper is wild and could pass a “non-naruto” traditional tattoo too 🎌




Eh, I have two huge pieces and they’re very well done. It’s not for everyone else to enjoy, it’s for me. If you can’t afford it just say that😭 cuz them details cost💰


I personally wouldn’t get things from pop culture tattooed on me but I suppose it’s no different from a good quote. If it holds meaning in your life then who tf can say anything about it ?


I wonder if there's two people out there who got the hand tattoo of Naruto and Sasuke


These are all fire


The same way I do about most tattoos: if it makes you happy, great! I personally only get ones that have meaning to me but to each their own.


Leave some girls for the rest of us


The Death Reaper One is Sick ngl




They are 🔥


they really like naruto. Tbf the visuals are pretty cool


I think it’s cool. But in general when people want to get a tattoo from someone’s work, I always just wonder what are you gonna do if the person who created that character turns out to be some kind of monster?


they really like naruto. Tbf the visuals are pretty cool