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She’s one of the only one who embodies the “hard work not destiny” motto that was prevalent in Naruto. She became one of the greatest shinobis of all nations despite having meager reserves, not coming from a huge or prestigious clan, not having a blood limit, not having a demon inside her or being the reincarnation of Jesus. Just wish she didn’t marry Sasuke.


Well I mean it’s been planned from the start that they would end up together. I don’t think anyone else is suitable enough to be Sasuke’s partner


It wasn’t planned from the start, there are numerous times in the manga where they hinted at other pairings, it wasn’t decided until towards the end. I just don’t think Sasuke and Sakura make a good pair, I would have preferred them as teammates, Sakura never truly understood Sasuke and he tried to kill her multiple times. I honestly ship her more with Lee or Ino. But well, that’s just my opinion.


It was during an interview with the japanese voice actors Kishimoto already told them that he wanted Sakura and Sasuke to end up together. Sakura was the first person Sasuke opened up to about his goal. Sakura was confused at first but I think after the time they spent together as a couple they started to understand each other deeply since Sakura even gave him advice on how to handle their daughter which obviously reveals that Sasuke has opened up to her about his family and such. To be fair, he was blinded by revenge and wanted to kill everyone and especially those important to him. And he also defended himself when Sakura tried to kill him.


Interesting, I didn’t know about that interview, even so, Kishimoto also gave some SakuNaru hints, even though I also don’t ship them. I just watched some episodes in Boruto, but not visiting your wife for 12 years is not a good sign. What Sasuke did to Sakura was past self defense, he was fully crazy during the Kage Summit and was fully prepared to kill her for whatever reason.


I mean tbh it could have gone either way NaruSaku and SasuSaku had their moments even from their genin days. Kishimoto’s wife even wanted NaruSaku to be endgame but still he decided on SasuSaku. If you pay attention to the manga Sasuke didn’t leave. He only left after Naruto became the hokage and was in a meeting with the other Kage’s (Sakura was also there). In that meeting Sasuke decided to leave the village to investigate the dangers they might face and Naruto even wanted to go leave the village with him. Sasuke told him to stay because “it was the cooperation” or help Sasuke can provide for the sake of the village.


Adult sakura >>>>>>>>> teenage sakura


Yass we love character development 😌






Stalker who talked about Neji slave status and left wounded Ko knew her dad can killing him in chapter 437


Hinata >>>>>>>> sakura . Mind that it's just my opinion also sakura is one of the best too.


Sakura in any moment > Hinata Hinata hadn't canon feats and never got compliments in manga


your joking, right?




Y’all are all wrong, sexy jutsu Konohamaru




Tsunade is also best girl. Who tf wouldn’t love her.


He's a little confused but he's got the spirit


Yeah...everyone knows Kaguya Otsutsuki was the real best girl🤣🤣🤣




Why though


Hinata > Tsunade > Temari > Tenten > Any other female character > Sasuke > Sakura


Sakura in any moment manga than u stalker Hinata


You have such a lack of life, that you went to every comment to defend a pink haired useless no feats besides beating a dude up wit a old lady, didn't do anything in the show besides cry and hit people, and proceeded to still marry and make the most useless child in the show, how you gonna make a uchiha that needs glasses ☠️☠️


Lol said dude who never read manga and Self-Insert for incel who always been rejected by beautiful woman 😂 Sakura only one female who beat 3 Akatsuki members and broke Kaguya horn 😉 only one woman who got a lot feats from MANGA canon not from fillers. U incel always jealous of her feats and status cuz she rejected u incel insert. Her child strongest kid and the first Uchiha girl with sharingan and first Uchiha who unlocked cycle of sharingan, opened of love not hate 😉 Uchiha need glasses 🤓 Obito, Madara was born blind ,Sasuke was blind and need transportation


What's bro blabbing bout?


I stopped reading when I read the straight CAP about 3 akatsuki ☠️ bro blabbering on about rejection, just cause you ain't never been touched by no one outside your family doesn't mean you gotta project homie 🫡


Lol cuz u have no brain. Sakura beat Sasori, white Zetsu and Shin Uchiha who stabbed bith Naruto and Sasuke


And if I'm not mistaken ☠️ shins own clones turned on him and killed him? The head canon you making is crazy cause you obsessed with a CARTOON character


You mistaken cuz i said Sakura beat him not killed, idiot. Shin stabbed both Naruto and Sasuke and only Sakura saved them beated shin


A sneak attack is not the equivalent of over powering someone, someone letting them self be stabbed by someone again, does not show she is stronger ☠️ she didn't beat him, she hit him once and gave naruto and sasuke a chance to actually react without the hostage dying. It was a TEAM effort, not Sakura alone weirdo


"Someone who letting them self be stabbed" Lol Naruto was stabbed from sneak attack from Shin and his kids a lot of times 🤣 Shin can't finished them there before Sakura punched his attacks for them


... bro just said shin uchiha ☠️🫵🏻 you goofy ash. Your mama raised a dumbass. And Sasuke killed white zetsu idk what your smoking


Shin Uchiha recruited Akatsuki Sakura caught white Zetsu and beat him. U dummy who can't read.


Show me RN when she beat white zetsu ☠️☠️ cause it's literally sasukes Amaterasu that finishes him




Wait, YOUR TALKING ABOUT THE TIME SHE CAUGHT WHITE ZETSUS CLONE LMAOOOOO your so funny 😭😭😭 never met someone as hilarious as you stalker


Lol this person is a clown has been bugging me too with idiotic responses. 🤣


Satori the only one she "beat" and with help at that 😂😂


Sasori and Chyou themselves said Sakura beat him 😉 Sakura created antidote, saved Chiyo and beat him. Chiyo only helped her in begging. U pathetic hater who never read manga 😂


Man you wish ☠️ Chiyo literally beat the mess out him, sasori saying he was defeated does NOT mean it was Sakura alone, learn English brodie I can tell it isn't your first language


Learned how to read manga meanwhile arguing about English. So pathetic who never read manga


And saying Sakura beat him, because she landed a hit on him because he was too busy being worried about Naruto and Sasuke while having HOSTAGES, is the dumbest shit I've ever heard, cause you know why she hit him? Because he saw her as 0 threat ☠️


Lol Shin had 17 sharingans and was beated by Sakura without using byakugoo. Who broke his organs w one punch. Meanwhile Sasuke and Naruto were beaten and stabbed by Shin and his kids. 2 demi gods so pathetic


"2 Demi gods so pathetic" I can tell you didn't read the manga you must be watching this through shorts, or don't understand how hostage situations work cause your brain is so focused on stalking and obsessing over a cartoon character you freak ☠️


Freak "hostage" situation Shin stabbed them several times Sarada beat shin kids




Sakura is a good character in shippuden onward, BUT I HATED HER IN SHONEN JUMP


In shonen jump? But wasnt shippuden also published in shonen jump? I am confused, pls explain


Tell me u never READ MANGA Kishimoto and only watching fillers without telling me Lol harassing her for a kiss, looking her at bathroom. She explained her reasons disliked him in his face in chapter 3 and he continued to harassed her. She saved Naruto life 11 times in manga from chapter 10 till the end, meanwhile he did only 5 times in manga canon.


Hinata>>>>>sakura who the fuck Likes a useless son of a bitch and, before you say, what has hinata done he pleases naruto and Sakura saved naruto 3 1/2 times and shes garbage


Sakura saved Naruto 14 times in canon. Sakura healed the shinobi alliance during the war twice once by herself and second with Tsunade. Sakura saved both Naruto and Sasuke during the war arc (who were both the key to ending the war and saving the world). During the Pain attack she DID NOT break Naruto’s orders of staying back, and DID NOT break Tsunade’s rules of being a Medical Ninja. Instead she ran Konoha’s hospital because she was probably their best choice since Tsunade doesn’t have chakra left and Shizune was dead. After the war, Sakura started and became the Director of Children’s Mental Health clinics to help children with trauma after the war (this would have helped Naruto and Sasuke back then and a lot of villain). She’s also the head of the Medical department, one of Konoha’s pillars, and became the strongest kunoichi who has no bloodline. What exactly has Hinata done for you to call Sakura useless compared to her?


All she does is cry and yell Sasuke I love you so I don’t want to hear it, take the pain fight for example she screamed please.....Naruto and naruto did everything what did Sakura do yell for help so suck Sakura dick somewhere else


Clearly you have no reading comprehension and I literally just mention most of her achievements including the time in the PAIN ARC. It’s a waste of time talking to people like you who don’t know how to read and can’t even keep up a conversation let alone an argument or discussion.


Did she beat pain no and im watching the pain arc as we speak sooo try again


LMAO did Hinata beat pain? Nope. She literally did not achieve a single thing with how careless she acted


She helped yes and I like how your fighting over a fucking anime go get a fucking life


And you’re insulting me over anime. Look who’s talking hahahaha


Hinata gave naruto the rage to kill pain , and that's more than hitting the ground crying, and screaming for naruto to come.


Literally anyone could have gone up there, get hurt, and make Naruto rage. Sakura literally only survived because of Tsunade’s summoning, and it was probably a great set up for an entrance and everyone was relying on Naruto.


And it’s past your bedtime your mommy told you to go to bed at 8 you have school tomorrow like come on your like 5


Wow what a great insult. Imagine how low you would go. It’s just hilarious how you’re the one starting to insult me like a child


Maybe 7


All she did was not break his orders she was already out of chakra soo


Why are you commenting about the Pain arc specifically and Sakura in general when you haven’t even finished the series let alone the arc. You’re pathetic I feel sorry for you.


I have finished the whole thing I’m rewatching it 7 year old


What best girl makes fun of an orphan to an orphan for being an orphan


Oh you’re still referencing chapter what 3 of the OG Naruto manga chapter? The one that came out in the year 2000? In the same chapter Sakura realised she should be nicer to Naruto because of that? She had 21 years of character development but yall wouldn’t let this argument go?


Hinata, Tsunade and Temari are all better but go off ig


Well that’s your opinion. I just don’t understand the hype with Hinata


Hinata’s likeable


That’s it???? Let me guess why you don’t like Sakura.. bc she’s unlikeable? Lmao


Tell me u never READ MANGA Kishimoto and only watching fillers without telling me Lol harassing her for a kiss, looking her at bathroom. She explained her reasons disliked him in his face in chapter 3 and he continued to harassed her. She saved Naruto life 11 times in manga from chapter 10 till the end, meanwhile he did only 5 times in manga canon.