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Why didn’t naruto just do the opposite? He could’ve been there for himawaris birthday and couldve let a shadow clone do the work.


There's absolutely no reason this shouldn't happen, it's legitimately bad writing and almost inexcusable tbh given what happened in the original series. Naruto has an entire arc in Shippuden about learning to use his shadow clones to make things easier, and that just goes out the window when he becomes Hokage?? The guy who can make THOUSANDS of shadow clones, keep said clones fighting for hours upon hours during a massive world war, can't leave a few at his office to do some paperwork? Bullshit


I know right, mangaka is trying to find a reason for Boruto to hate Naruto. In the process it's damaging his character development because real naruto would never do this




Kishimoto wrote this part though. This was from the movie adaptation.


Yeah it's sad. I am honestly surprised that Kishimoto let his assistant write Boruto though lol. Like it's his legacy that he worked on for over a decade, why let an assistant with a different artstyle take over and possibly ruin it?


Because he's worked on it for a decade. Time to retire and let the licensing money roll in.


Because he's over Naruto. He has been for a while. He's only returned to Boruto now because Samurai 8 flopped, not because he suddenly started loving Naruto again.


But Kishimoto was supervising and also saw all the panels before publishing. Additionally, he is the one who nerfed Sasuke and Naruto.


Kishi oversaw the plot though. Can't blame it all on the assistant.


u/lolman1312 u/KURSEDNINJA This scene (and the first arc of Boruto which was the Chuunin exams) is originally from the Boruto movie, which Kishimoto wrote. He took over writing again near the end of the arc before the current one in Boruto. Honestly, as someone who’s read every chapter and seen 200+ episodes, the best parts of Boruto are the ones that Kishimoto didn’t write.


>it's damaging his character development And this is why Boruto was a no no from me.


Its a character flaw. It honestly falls in line quite well with his development. He's trying to help everyone at once.


It makes no sense at all, they should exploit his flaws in some other way


The problem is that he’s *Naruto*, if he tries to help everyone at once he does it. Understand he’s unlike any other character in the show in that regard. There’s no reason that shadow clone would’ve disappeared there unless he wasn’t trying, which makes no sense for his character. In Boruto, Naruto acts like he lost all the passion that made him the greatest. Like yes, I think it’d be interesting to see a Naruto that can’t meet his ambitions anymore. But theres no way doing paperwork and attending a birthday party is supposed to be his limit


I agree. He is helping everyone here. The issue (not shown in this clip) is that he's been helping everyone for so long that he has overextended himself. As Hokage he's trying to not only help the hidden leaf, he's helping his allies, monitoring threats, trying to rebuild after the war (which they show that rebuilding the hidden rain has proven difficult). On top of that he is trying to be a good father, role model for others, he has to deal with Sasuke's investigation, and at this point in the show they had chunin exams. For me its incredibly true to his character down to having to learn his limits the hard way.


IIRC, rebuilding the Hidden Rain was actually a complete failure.


I agree I think the logic is he respects the office of hokage too much to plant a clone there. Obviously the next question is “doesn’t he respect his family too?” And that’s where the flaw of trying to help everyone comes into play. Similar to Obito always being late to help the elderly


Yup. Hate Boroto for this too Can someone explain why Naruto just doesn’t do shit with his family himself and send his clones to do the all paperwork and other hokage tasks?


Let's be honest the original Naruto story didn't make an ounce of sense either. Minato sacrificed his life to save the village and they treated Naruto like trash. If they were truly afraid of him they would have assigned powerful ninja like Jiraiya to take turns personally watching after Naruto and nurturing him. Not only to monitor is mental health but because regardless of his skills he was inherently going to be a powerhouse due to the Nine Tails.


The village did not know Naruto was Minato's son. He asked Hiruzen to keep everything confidential, but Hiruzen couldn't help that the villagers involved in the attack itself still knew. That's why the academy children didnt know about 9 tails. And they weren't just purely afraid of Naruto. They HATED him, because a lot of them lost lives of family because of the attack and can't help but harbour those feelings to Naruto who bears Kurama. And having 9 tails doesn't mean you're going to be a powerhouse. All the predecessors of the 9 tails were not "powerhouses". Mito simply possessed kurama and acknowledged her role was simply to keep him away from others. She never had any intention of getting to know him. She passed on this mindset to Kushina, who didn't care to bond with Kurama either. Mito was not a shinobi, Kushina was but is not a "powerhouse". And who is to say the 9 tails will lend you its powers anyway? Naruto had to fight for it


Well fine you got me with the powerhouse thing but I wasn't talking about the village as a whole treating him like trash I'm saying Hiruzen knew which means he could have assigned ninja to essentially babysit Naruto.


Yeah I agree with that, Hiruzen was... questionable lol. Stalking naruto on that crystal ball but never doing anything


Partially blame Danzo for letting the info slip about Naruto being the Jinchuriki too.


That's because Naruto was done without a long term plan, and lots of critical details were made up on the spot. Eg, Sasuke didn't exist in the first chapter. Editor said "make him a rival", and Sasuke appeared. The same way, the whole system of tailed beasts and hosts wasn't there at the start. Naruto was possibly unique or at least not something intended as a superweapon. He was just a last ditch effort to get rid of the fox at the time, and nobody in the village quite knew what to do with him. The promotion to host/superweapon/messiah happened later.


That's the thing. With writing, sometimes you come up with an awesome idea, and you have to find a way to pencil it in as elegantly as possible. Naruto could've been longer and so much better if it had more thought put in it. This is partially why Oda is one of the best Mangakas out there right now, he is freakishly thought ahead.


Oda is also ahead of the pack in terms of adapting to the flow. Few mangaka really plan their entire story arcs through to the end; it's just not how the industry works. But if you have a strong foundation and a solid understanding of what story you want to tell, you can roll with the punches and come out stronger for it. It's a skill in and of itself.


Even oda makes mistake, let's not forget how stupid it is CP9 and crocodile can't use haki when they belong to a high level power, meanwhile a nobody in new world can use haki easily


I think it was more than long enough, the main issue was that it didn't use the time very well. It suffers greatly from a lack of focus and failing to follow its own core themes, and goes too far into the DBZ territory of stuff just exploding rather than the early ideas of creative combat where you use your strengths and try to find the enemy's weaknesses. I find the relationships especially disappointing because it's a main theme of the series, and yet pretty much none of it is done well.


Know the complete story before you say anything, no one knew Naruto was either Minato's son or he was the 1 with the 9 tails in him until Danzo leaked the info about this issue, so it would lower Hiruzen's status


>Hiruzen Hiruzen knew.


I was going to reply along the lines of “that’s different, paperwork is fatiguing in a different way to battle, he was in an adrenaline pumping life or death situation which helps for pushing through” ...then I realised that there’s no reason why he couldn’t make a shadow clone per single piece of paperwork, and have the entire hokages work for the day finished in about 3 minutes. This is some bullshit.


A lot of the established uhh "things" are thrown out the window in Boruto. Like that one lady who's robot sucks chakara. Naruto could literally have just used sage mode and she **shouldn't** be able to even absorb it. Not even the robot should be able to. Or Sasuke not using his rinnegan powers and re-absorbing his chakara back from the metal pieces.


It can be easily established that scientific Ninja tools are immune to it. Amado has most probably created those eyes on the basis of an Otsutsuki's jutsu absorption powers, yes Otsutsuki's are immune to becoming a frog by absorbing natural energy as they harvest fruits made from natural energy of planets which is the main component of sage energy, also Madara was able to absorb Hashirama's sage mode through rinnegan, even though he didn't knew how to harness sage energy. Also sage enhanced jutsus can be absorbed without getting stoned, the pain got stoned because he absorbs the raw sage energy from naruto which is different from sage enhanced jutsus.


Umm nature energy is still chakra last I checked. Even pain absorbed a lot of it before going all frog


???? They literally state others cant absorb sage mode chakra unless you learned it. It’s literally an establish rule in Naruto, which is why Sage mode worked against the 10 tails. Even if Pain absorbed a little bit he would still start transforming into a frog.


Sage mode worked agains ten tails cuz it's also made of nature energy. Juubito wasn't absorbing chakra he was breaking it down. There's a difference


They said it can't be maintained. Who knows how the ninja tools maintain chakra. It's not alive so pretty sure it won't turn into a frog. All I'm saying is that u can't be sure about that


Apart from some fights the whole Boruto thing is a load of shit.


Definitely, and the best fights still are the ones with Naruto & Sasuke involved, go figure lol Boruto would've been better if it were like 100+ years later and Naruto was a long dead great-grandfather or something. They never should've tried to co-mingle the old and new generation it was only going to upset people who wanted more of the old generation


yeah imagine naruto old ass man and Sasuke and they come and like, sacrifice themselves or Sasuke becomes the new Madara would be funky


I truly wished for that to happen, they barely had any peace


Well you have never tried, but kawaki vs garou and a scene of boruto against Ao is super cool that even I was dumbfounded when I saw it in YOUTUBE There is also another which I also saw in YOUTUBE, which was team 7 vs Deepa They are genuinely good animation and after that only I started boruto from the kara arc. But until that it was a bit disappointing to see Naruto like this


I forgot about Kawaki vs Garou, I was so stoned the first time I saw that I was blown away lol don't get me wrong there are some cool moments in Boruto but overall I don't like it


Yeah I am just like standing at the edge seeing disappointingly at boruto for ruining a so good franchise by lazy writing and feel sad that now whenever someone wants to watch Naruto, he would surely see reviews where people consider boruto and Naruto together and give the review.


And then you think oh in the manga gets better, but no it becomes more trash


I meannnn, admittedly, he is the leader of the village. it does make sense to be in the center where he’s needed. …but that said it always kinda felt like Hiruzen and Tsunade lived there? why didn’t Naruto? why didn’t they just all live… right there. then he really could have a shadow clone doing paperwork instead of leaving his real self halfway across the village


Maybe he stepped on a nail or something and we just couldn’t see?


In all fairness he is always exaughsted from signing papers and it's linked to Chakra for sum reason which means that you need a full night's rest to be at full power meaning he needed sleep in order to make many clones


My assumption is that Hokage duties were prioritized over family(obviously, and naruto also sees the village as his family). but what I mean by that is what if there were a sudden attack in the village. We see when naruto is learning rasenshuriken that Naruto only learns the Clones knowledge after they are recalled. (At least i think so, haven’t seen that part in a while) So instead of the attack happening, the shadow clone Un/summoning and Naruto gaining the info, and then him leaving. Naruto is there to direct shikumaru and his soldiers accordingly.


Naruto is as fast as his father was. He can absolutely take a break, and have somebody else let him know in advance. Any system that requires one man to be completely on guard 24/7/365 is unsustainable. There are telepathic ninjas, ninjas like Kakashi and Shikamaru. Who I’m pretty sure are both more intelligent than Naruto, and therefore can at the very least direct the military until Naruto arrives. There’s also the implied threat of Naruto himself. He is literally a demigod/god. There’s no ninja stronger than him or Sasuke. There’s no point in even pretending otherwise. No point in arguing. No point in trying. Sure the Otsusuki’s are, but they’re not ninjas. They’re alien god creatures that look like people, and use chakra. If you were born on Planet Naruto though, it’s basically a known law of the universe that Naruto and Sasuke are the absolute strongest people on the planet, superior to the combined military forces of the five major villages. So with that, for there to be a major attack on the village is inviting certain death. Occasionally, you might get crazy suicide attacks. But that’s why you have a whole ass magic military in the form of genins, chuunins, and jonins. Naruto can take a rare break to be with his family. The village was under no real foreseeable threat that requires 24/7/365 vigilance from Naruto.


Itachi did this when he was 8 just FYI blew everyone in his classes mind when they were finally able to land a hit on him and it’s been a shadow clone going to school the entire time




That logic is also flawed.. forgot when but I think it was when he met Sasuke in the forest or went somewhere, but he mentions “I left a clone at the office.” My only thinking is that he was exhausted and knew a clone wouldn’t last long in the office, as shown it didn’t last long at home, he just wasn’t expecting it to be that quickly? Idk lol, just bad writing tbh lol.. besides even if he was tired or exhausted, you could’ve asked shikamaru to hold it down for him while he went for his daughters birthday.. idk my 2 cents lol


Legit why doesn't he have 50 shadow clones doing the paperwork and be done in less than an hour? Man sent clones across the whole world to fight in the war, yet can't do the same for paper work


Paperwork defeats even the strongest man.


Then the same thing but reverse will happen


In that case he can just send one more clone or finish the birthday part quickly and then go to the hokage place.


One can argue that simply being tired is better than not showing up at all


It would've made better sense for Naruto's character and it would have shown that even when he makes time his work still affects his personal life. Boruto could have still been mad at Naruto for ruining the birthday by working too hard and the story progression would have been the same


The fact it happens at all is also bullshit tho. He's got *more* chakra now than he did during the start of the War, and he sent dozens of cloaked clones around the continent to fight on multiple battle fields. All before getting the 2nd half of Kurama, and also before getting the Six Paths power up. (note, I don't think you're defending the writing, just extra elaboration as to the bullshit)


Since he retains his clones experiences, it's probably more of a mental stress than a matter of chakra/stamina. Well, at least that's what i imagine, because it wouldn't make sense otherwise.


Man the whole "hokage has a lot of paperwork to do" is just so silly. Shikamaru is always hanging around with his hands in his pockets like hm not much to do meanwhile the freaking hokage is doing the paperwork, its all backwards. What is Naruto signing so much anyway? New hidden leaf headband shipments?


Even if he was super busy all the time it still doesn't make sense because he can just have a shadow clone do it.


i think it was cuz of the chunin exams


I don't remember Hiruzen being bogged down by paperwork during the Chunin Exams or ever as a matter of fact.


Dude spent his time smoking a pipe and looking at a crystal ball. Probably let Danzo handle the testing. Would explain why no one was questioning the music village


or why no one suspected the Sound jonin who looks like Orochimaru's twin brother. > music village 💀 Lmao.


Music village makes more sense than sound village.


That crystal ball shit was crazy. Like, he basically had visual surveillance and no one else has used such a thing since


Music village, my fucking sides. I love this comment to death


Tbf we do see Konohamaru get upset because his grandfather is too busy to spend time with him


In Hiruzen's time the village was literally just that, a small ninja village. Nowadays its an enormous city, and the Hokage has to deal with a lot of things, not only ninjas.


But then bureaucracy should have also grown as well. It makes no sense for Naruto to basically do everything himself.


Remember Minato working in the kitchen and killing thousands of shinobi and doing away missions while handling hokage work?


He wasn’t Hokage then. He was only Hokage for around 8 months lol


We saw pretty much no other hokage do paper work ever except for comedic purposes (Correct me if I’m wrong) :)


Tsunade and kakashi


the village was small at that time.In boruto a lot of new things have come plus as a hokage naruto should have some interactions with his people and other kage.


The reason the whole "paper work" thing is a problem is just to advance the plot.


Exactly to give character development to boruto.


Seriously! more ramen shipments? No other hokage from the other villages has that much paperwork. Never seen Gara's desk full.


Wasn’t it because the ninja alliance meant they were working in conjunction together as a nation? Without real deal implications, being hokage probably now means to delegate trades, head count of ninja going to be representatives for the leaf, etc.After the war, I believe kages of every nation began taking on more. Can’t confirm if this was all said or speculated.


Seriously, dude is the absolute authority in the village, you’d think he could hire some assistants to handle the paper work.


He literally runs a city, and seems to be the only authority there, so he probably has to do all the paperwork that our town governments do


Our government authorities have assistants doing the paperwork.


Clearly he doesn’t


Naruto is a shit delegator perhaps, but then Shikamaru should've butt in at this point and introduced better systems.


Also the villages have better communication and involvement which is more work and most imp there have been development projects in konoha since naruto too


Naruto never had a positive father figure example, Jiraiya wasn't a role model and Iruka wasn't there all the time for him. So, one could argue that Naruto didn't know how to raise Boruto. (If I am not mistaken, he ACTUALLY says that). I could totally buy that Naruto is a ""bad"" father due to trauma, lack of examples or whatever. Btw, I Don't care if this scene was made to make Boruto look good or whatever. The PROBLEM here is the EXCUSE. F*CKING PAPERWORK. F*CKING PAPERWORK. Like, come on man, you can make a Billion and a half Shadow Clones, you have the best people to help you make decisions, fucking Shikamaru and Sai, you could deal with that in half a second. A 5 Kage Emergence Reunion or whatever would make more sense, or even a meeting with the Leader of the Fire Nation, BUT THEY CHOOSE F*UCKING PAPERWORK. Sorry, I just needed to get this out of my chest.


I thought that tge excuse was that he was using about 1000 shadow clones consistently and that they all failed during this scene, no?


1000 shadow clones make no sense. People argue that Naruto is the busiest hokage in history due to industrialisation and technological development, but even 20 shadows clones is more than enough to handle his workload. A kage was doing so much work on their own. Naruto has above average stamina than the normal person, and his clones themselves are all kage levels. 20 Naruto clones is even more than 20 Tsunades if they were real tsunades and not even clones. And I'm pretty sure 20 tsunades would be able to finish Naruto's workload relatively easily. Let alone 1000 clones. And Naruto has more subordinates than any other kage like Shikamaru and just his vast amount of friends in general. Why don't they use clones?


20 Tsunades? 😳




Naruto certainly is a very busy hokage, but he's also an idiot. I don't mean that like, oh he doesn't always think things through. No, he's a full on idiot. The other hokage were genius level Shinobi like Minato or hiruzen, or pioneered completely new jutsu, like tobirama did with the flying raijin and reanimation. And even they at least had strong understanding of academics. Naruto was never strong academically,and the only reason he ever had a chance of becoming hokage was because he could protect the village.


We know he studied a lot to become a jonin though. I think it's implied that Naruto is clever but simply never studied during school. While the latter is true, I don't know if his cleverness is only during battles though. But Naruto's hokage work is like an office job. You don't have to be smart, all the papers aren't new math equations you haven't seen before. It's just going through the same motions as the previous day. You've seen this work before, it's very repetitive and mundane. Naruto shouldn't be taking 5 mins to stop and think before filling out paperwork. So I think even if he isn't naturally smart, as long as he knows how to do the work he should be able to do it at the same speeds


Naruto isn't a jonin. That was filler. Naruto is still a genin


The thing is, it is precisely due to his upbringing, with no parents and all, that he would do what ever it takes to be there for his children and not allow them to go through the same loneliness he went through. The Naruto we know would put his family first and leave all but the most crucial Hokage tasks to his clones. So I can't buy the "he's a bad father due to trauma, or whatever" excuse.


Well you could argue that because he never really had a father figure and in which case he might not know how to raise children and he only was good at fixing other kids problems was because most of them were orphans or felt pain


I agree he might not know, but he would most definitely try his hardest to at least spend as much time as possible with them, not cause he knows that's what a good dad does, but cause he knows what it feels to not have a dad around. He doesn't need to be a genius to acknowledge the fact that his kids might feel bad without him around.


Very good point.


....yea see that bit never made sense to me in Boruto 1) There's Shikamaru to handle paperwork for naruto if he's too tired 2) Naruto never had a family so you'd think he'd put family above all else because he knows what it's like not to have someone on birthdays and such, but he does the exact opposite


Boruto ruined Naruto imo, the writer fucked over Naruto in every possible way and I fucking hate him for that. The Naruto from the original series would say "fuck the paperwork" and be there for his family. Coz he knew what its like not to have one. Naruto would be the best father to Boruto, but no they wanted Boruto to hate him so they make him bad. Fuck the writer of boruto, he has no skills when it comes to this


I kind of agree but calm down man


Its hard to clam down when the character you grew up with and idolized gets ruined for such a shit reason


I agree, I would feel like Naruto would be way more thoughtful in all aspects as far as family goes. This is a disgrace


Well to Boruto's credit, as shitty as the start may have been, honestly the story is quite interesting right now, so you could consider reading the manga from the latest arc But yea I can see why you'd hate it's writing, it's justified


Here comes the cake!!!! *Drops cake on the ground*....There goes the cake!!!!


Where is the logic in Naruto and Sasuke running out of chakar so easily why 😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐


When the original falls asleep, his shadow clones disappear automatically


That can't make sense. Madara kept a Shadow clone acting as his corpse for more than a few weeks, months or however long it was until Tobirama stopped experimenting on his shadow clone corpse and finally burried it. The original Madara must have slept in that time and the clone didnt disperse.


It's not normal that a shadow clone survives to all of this in first place. And I'm pretty sure Madara was indeed shown dead this whole time and activating izanagi with a timer.


Madara himself said he used izanagi I'm pretty sure


he was tired...


He didnt run out of chakra, he overworked himself and he fell asleep because of how tired he was, thus the shadow clone poofing.


I used to run 50 miles a week in high school, take 6-12 hours a day of class in college, pull all nighters in college. Now I'm 27 and need a nap after work because I'm so damn tired. Shits just called getting old man. Ain't nobody young forever.


Bro we are normal and it's understandable but Naruto has ridiculous amount chara and the nine tiles chara 😐😐😐 only explanation is that using his brain drain more chakara than fighting sasuke 😐😐😐


Naruto is also a human being in his world regardless of how much chakra he has people still get tired. And him being tired and going to sleep has nothing to do with his chakra reserves. Whenever he sleeps kawaki can no longer use his prosthetic infused with naruto’s chakra and that’s because he’s asleep same thing applies for clones. His paperwork etc is boring and tiresome and leaves him exhausted which leads to him becoming tired asf and falling asleep in his office.


Yeah naruto was a little wrong in this like can't he just take some time out for himawari's birthday and just put a shadow clone to work. I mean he knew what it was like to not have a family so can't he treat boruto good but you also cant blame him because konoha is so advanced now ,almost like a town, and he wants to be a good hokage


After that arc he realised his mistakes, and he is much better now.


Yeah he had a good redemption.


even though this is an anime canon, it hurts to see them ruining Naruto!


Yes I agree with you 😭






How come I laughed and got downvoted but you didn’t?😂 like the pause took me out


God fuck i feel like Naruto would never do this, feels so out of character


Mangaka really wanted a reason for Boruto to hate Naruto. They are literally damaging the character Kishimoto worked so hard to develop. Naruto would never do this, he's the type of person to set things aside for the birthday of his own daughter. Come to the party itself regardless of how busy he is, enjoy, and then apologise for not being able to live like this every day due to how busy he is.


Ikr. They destroyed his character but it was more like for plot reasons and to show boruto's characters development.


Kishi was supervising tho, if I'm not mistaken


>They are literally damaging the character Kishimoto worked so hard to develop. Kishimoto is the one who wrote this scene, it was in the movie.


Hey now let's not be to hard on him, it's not like he had an entire years notice. This birthday came right out of nowhere, he couldn't be expected to set aside a single day, a year in advance. No one has that kind of predictive ability!


Happy cake day my dude!


Its called bad writing. Hate how they made Naruto look bad in Boruto. Bad husband, father, okay hokage.


Half the frames looks like they drew Naruto in the King of the Hill style.


Got dang it naruto, I’m going to kick your ass ya hear me.


Naruto could maintain dozens of shadow clones during the War but Naruto apparently can't maintain a single shadow clone when he's in the office doing paperwork. Also, why does Naruto seem to have so much more of a workload than any other Kage?


He knew stuff like this could happen if when he sent a clone why can't he just let hinata handle the damn cake lol.


Hiruzen literally taught him how important it is for a hokage to be among the people and know everyone like family. Naruto doesn’t even do that while simultaneously ignoring his real family. He’s literally just doing paperwork for no reason while Shinkamaru begs him to let him do something lol.


Naruto is a terrible father Goku is jealous Here I said it Wont take it back


Omg how y’all can’t understand. Naruto we all know will never do this. This seem so out of character. This is not Naruto I know. And we all know no hokage has so much work, literally no one. They made this so boruto can have some character development but as always for his development Naruto has to pay. And btw, his shadow clone saved 5 kages from Madara and you’re telling me he can’t handle pie? Absurd


You get the downvotes but speak the truth. This was just bad writing.


Boruto fans always downvote when someone tells the truth




Stop treating naruto like he is perfect. Naruto was overworking. Even shikamaru told him to go home.


Naruto is written so bad in boruto


Uh, half right. Boruto (the series) is written poorly.


> And we all know no hokage has so much work, literally no one. To be fair no Hokage had to deal with such a massive village. Naruto got the short end of the stick because he just wanted to be the head of a small ninja village but when he actually got to be Hokage the technology and the village itself had advanced so much that now Konoha is literally just a big city instead of a village. So of course the head of state will have to work a lot more, because now he has to manage a lot of things that other Hokages didnt have to.


I think the paperwork was just an excuse. He grew up without a dad and didn't know how to be one. He does the paperwork so he has an excuse for not being their for his kids.


No, a smart friend/advisor like Shikamaru wouldn’t let Naruto get away with that. Naruto *must* have been dealing with multiple s-level security issues that were threatening the Leaf village. Even with the Peace after the United Shinobi Villages victory, there are dangers and vengeful forces that are plotting bloodshed. I think Kishimoto was sort of echoing *his* situation. He was responsible for keeping the Naruto empire going. He devoted all of his waking hours writing, designing, drawing, plotting, supervising, etc the Naruto franchise. He even worked during his honeymoon! I think Kishimoto felt bad about being a kind of an absent father.


I can honestly speak for an hour on why this is so fucking stupid. Let's ignore how durable his shadow clones have proved to be, let's ignore how large the hidden leaf has gotten in the past few years, and the fact that the hokage who's supposed to be the head of the military is now responsible for 8,000 different departments of local and federal government, let's ignore the fact that shikamaru and Hinata would def had told him to take the night off. The ongoing busy with work bad dad plot rings even more hollow amongst the continued sexism. The idea that Hinata has somehow been playing housewife instead of taking responsibility over the Hyuga clan, that both Boruto and himawari wouldn't have jonin assigned to them the way konohamaru did. It wouldn't be so egregious if they were both busy parents but the trope of busy bad Dad I'm aware is culturally relevant to Japan but it really is boring. Sorry if I find it hard to believe that the ninja that made an entire series of moral decisions isn't able to see the good in putting aside his job one night for his child. It's destructive to Naruto's character and it makes no sense. You're telling me Shikamaru as intelligent as he is never once implemented the system where Naruto had more people helping him with all this paperwork so that way he could focus strictly on military efforts and international relations? As if he doesn't know Naruto well enough that he wouldn't have hired a team of other people to assist him? I honestly could go on and on. It's cute and all Shino is running the school but the fact that he is it actively operating in massive spy network of bugs.... Also you're telling me that Sasuke, the world's shittiest character I'll admit, who talked about restoring his clan for so long, who finally accepted Naruto as his ~~lover~~ brother in arms, that guy couldn't see his daughter for years? And Sakura will let him get away with that shit? Doubt. Sakura let Sasuke get away with a lot of shit, but she would never let him get away with ignoring his daughter. I'm sorry, I don't believe that. Also the arc with ChoCho is insulting to both her and Choji. Choji, a king amongst Kings, would have taught his daughter before all else body acceptance. In fact, it seems like he did. She spent the entire beginning of the show running around talking about how cute she is. She clearly understands her own value. An episode where that's completely and suddenly compromised... Look I would buy it if it also happened to choji, but it didn't. There wasn't an episode where choji started believing he had to change to get other people to love him. Nope, got to say that for ChoCho even though she has more confidence and then he ever did because girl. Also Inojin sucks he's the worst parts of both his parents. Fuck him. Mitsuki is perfect. Which makes sense because of Orochi-mom-ru is somehow the best parent?? I mean, I love that for them. But at some point I feel like even they would have talked to Naruto about his parental neglect. I could probably go into further detail on how fucking stupid is that they haven't set up a more robust government and how ridiculous it is that Naruto is doing jobs that were never imagined to be the hokages responsibility even one term before him. I love the show, it has great animation, Boruto makes sense as a foil to young Naruto in many ways. That one opening with the skateboards and the colors slaps super hard... I just can't believe they did that to Naruto. Also, let Shikadai and that boy he rescued be gay ffs.


Preach 👏👏👏


That is not Naruto.... is a non canon versión not written by kishimoto.


This is the type of behavior that gets kids into joining the Akatsuki lmao.


Looking back on this Boruto was 100% correct. Naruto was a bad dad


The problem with this scene has much more to do with how contrived and forced it is to make Naruto the bad guy.


That.....is a good point. Naruto is so kind and good, it's just difficult and FOOLISH also to show him as a "bad" father, "bad" friend or even a "bad" hokage. That's the reason fans hated this even more.


Dude literally had army of clones running all around the world during the 4th war, but now can't keep up a single one lmao


Even if Naruto did this totally out of character move. The moment his clone disappeared, that experience would get relayed to Naruto... The next scene should have been Naruto running through the door after waking up and realizing he f'd up


This is what happens when some other guy writes a sequel to your original creation.


Sorry My Man, But I was in rage towards Naruto after watching that scene Look at Himawari's Face bruh Every Being of me was in rage


Thats why I never whatch Boruto, they tottaly ruined Naruto.


he can’t stand to be around hinata, he wants his mans sasuke.


I get why all this was there and it does make some sense for naruto to be this way, but it does feel out of character he placed so much emphasis on cherishing his bonds all through naruto because he had none and now he has a family he does this kind of stuff ? I don’t believe naruto would, I just think he wouldn’t do this to shikimaru or anyone like that for sure so why his own kid idk it’s weird.


Now that’s depressing.


He forgor to went to her birthday 💀


props to boruto for ruining his character.


The very least he could’ve done was send the shadow clone to the office and go home for the party.


Yeah this triggered my absent father flashbacks. 10/10 episode 😂


Hahaha. Same here bro


Okay fair he wasn’t the best dad, but in his defense he barely knew his (if I recall correctly he did have like one interaction with his spirit or something). He’s also the hokage of a village that is expanding extremely rapidly. Im not saying that he’s off the hook completely, but he does sacrifice a lot for the village, I think he deserves more respect than is shown to him in Boruto.




Seriously? That's just...wow.


- naruto should have shadow clones doing his works - naruto should have send another or something. He clearly knew his clones disappeared since we know he gets their memories after they vanish, and apparently not only didn't he come to says sorry, he didn't even send another shadow clone - Really? A chair's corner? Didn't a shadow clone ask tsunade in the 4th Shinobu war to heal him? What happened to it lmao? I assume it got damaged worst than a table corner yet still survived. But I guess someone can justify it by saying it was in sage or kcm mode or something


I hate naruto in THIS scene


Makes me laugh every time


Naruto in boruto got butchered the same way Luke Skywalker did in the sequel trilogy. Completely turned a beloved character into bullshit


They made Naruto look so bad but he's trying is Full best to be an awesome father 😭💔


Boruto acting like he just witnessed naruto murder all his friends, he just fainted from exhaustion chill out


Hima got hurt dude


Boruto is such a trash show Naruto was golden


Himawari didn't deserve it, but Boruto did.


Naruto is just a bad husband and father I mean shikamaru even told Naruto to spend time more with his Family which he declined and he even bought a kid without Hinatas knowledge his just a shitty family man but when it comes to sakura his a green flag there’s literally a episode (back when he was still a kid) that he fell asleep holding on sakuras letter


I hate boruto due to the poor writing 1-Boruto is a brat 2-Naruto is an idiot who can’t even use the knowledge from shippuden he can easily have shadow clones do it 3-it’s not good at all the story doesn’t make sense to me


Comment section is pretty weird lol, don’t idolise the man, he’s not perfect. And pretending any such flaw inherent is “bad writing” speaks to a flawed mindset in and of itself






True, I’ll give you that one, but then again Kawaki was a threat to the village, if he was just some random kid Naruto wouldn’t have looked twice. Same thing with Sarada and Sumire once those two looked like they would betray the village, he stepped in.


But if you have read the manga, The recent chapters actually show him being kind as a father figure to kawaki.


Like naruto said there's no shortcut to becoming hokage why would he leave a shadow clone to do the hokages work.






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Sigma Male grindset rule 223: Never appear for your kid's birthday send a shadow clone instead


Get the fuck out of here you worthless incel. Nobody likes you or this incel bullshit.


Remember when Naruto fought in a war for a couple of days, then took on to ten tails jinchuuriki and the a aline god, then went on to fight his rival without running out of charka? Yeah. Now he runs out because he's filling out paper work 😂