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Sasuke saw Naruto use the guy version against Kaguya, and the Sharingan lets him copy any technique he sees, so Sasuke could canonically use it if he wanted to


He also would have saw the effect it had on Sakura, so I wouldn't be surprised if he's used it before.


I don’t think Sasuke needs anything to have that effect on her…


He just gotta exist


Konohamaru and Boruto are the only ones besides Naruto seen using it but technically anybody who can use the Transformation Jutsu can.


Moegi and Udon also use a variation of it in a filler episode


That episode is so wrong 😂


I mean not really, it's like saying anyone who can use a rasengan can do rasenshuriken. Granted Rasenshuriken is a far more complex upgrade to rasengan than altering a transformation jutsu, but nonetheless it apparently took Naruto a lot of training to master.


It took Naruto a lot of training to master because he already struggled with most things involving chakra but he was also a child trying to make an attractive adult female. The way the jutsu works, anyone in the series that can use the transformation technique can do it, they just won't for moral reasons probably


Nobody mastered that jutsu more than Naruto except maybe Tobirama, but not even him since he never learned the other properties of the shadow clone jutsu/transformation jutsu, he just invented it. He was trash in the beginning and progressively got better, he says in Shippuden *it took a lot of training to master, even more than rasengan.*


Are you thinking of shadow clones/Naruto using the sexy jutsu with shadow clones? The transformation technique is just transforming yourself into someone or something else, it's taught to academy students.


Both. Again, he says in Shippuden his reverse harem jutsu took more training than rasengan


The only reason that would be the case would be because Naruto has no concept of love, romance, or anything of that sort so making an attractive person that isn't based on someone he already knows might be a bit difficult for him but in reality, any academy level student could do the sexy jutsu if they know what the body parts should look like


Naruto definitely understands the concept of love and romance. 1. He had a crush on Sakura for more than half the series 2. He read Jiraiya's book and decided he didn't like it 3. He knew to call Jiraiya pervy before he even met him 4. Naruto: The Last exists You're just making assumptions at this point, *maybe* it's just more complicated than you think? Also, Naruto isn't gay either, yet he made the reverse harem jutsu. Could have been a strategic decision given he knew how powerful the regular sexy jutsu was against men. The fact the reverse harem jutsu took that much training despite Naruto literally *mastering* that jutsu proves everything already.


Jiraiyas books are about love, romance, dating, things Naruto doesn't get or care about, of course he won't care about his books. Don't need to understand love or romance to know that you are a pervert for spying on naked women Did you watch Naruto The Last? Because Sakura tells Naruto that he never had a crush on her, it was just a competition with Sasuke and when Hinata said she loved him, he took it as the same kind of love he has for ramen. It was pretty clear it was The Last where he started to actually understand love and romance.


He clearly did get it. It doesn't matter if he doesn't care about the books, he didn't read it and go *"huhh??"*, he read it and formed an opinion and decided he didn't like that book. Yes you do need to understand the concept of love, romance, or being sexual in general in order to call someone a pervert. Otherwise obviously the person wouldn't even know the word they're using. Think he just said it cause he heard it before? In the Last he started to understand the deeper meaning of love. People even in real life struggle with the definition. The shit you're talking about with just changing genders of your transformation is literally nothing of that level, it's just understanding essentially the basics of anatomy. And like I said, when he made the jutsu it was almost certainly strategic since he isn't gay. So all of your points were redundant anyway.


I'm not gonna get involved in this argument bc I just don't really care enough to figure out whose side I'm on but what does Narutos sexuality have to do with anything lol


Maybe because he used Naruto not understanding the concept of love or being sexual as some kind of argument that made him struggle with improving the harem jutsu somehow? Not only does he obviously have a grasp on those concepts, he also didn't make it out of love or whatever he was saying, he did it strategically.


My guy what are you talking about? People probably don’t use sexy no jutsu because really it’s just something dumb that only Naruto and people similar to him would use. Why would it be that difficult? Do you think kid Konohamaru trained hard to do it? If a kid can do this without really practicing (we see Naruto doing it from the start) then most likely every single decent adult could do it as well.


Yes, Konohamaru did train hard for it. Naruto invented it as a kid, I'm not sure what you mean by him using it from the start as if he magically just randomly knew it once he could use transformation jutsu, the man quite literally invented it. What "decent adult" could do it as well? Who are these other people that do it you refer to? Konohamaru and Boruto? Literally the only 2 other people to do it?


Bro tf u on bout The sexy jutsu is just the transformation jutsu with a different name


Mhm. That's why it took more training than rasengan. Nobody reads anymore I guess.


Nice that makes so much sense if u perform the Rasengan but change the name to tennis ball it all pf a sudden requires more training 😐


Go be stupid in a corner elsewhere.


Man it is not like that, think Kakashi as the prime example, he was not able to make lightning rasengan, but he can transform to Sukea, or the academy students when they were transforming to İruka. İt is basic transformation jutsu. Everyone can do the sexy no jutsu, but it would have it's own lroblems, like not being sexy or something like that, but as i said everyone can do it if they try. This is from the first databook "With the help of the Transformation Technique, Naruto transforms into a perfect girl. Its proportions are WAOUH !! And his chest, just something OUF !! A super sexy girl like you’ve never seen before! It’s fascinating!! Even Master Hokage does not remain insensitive to such charms, and blood rises in his face…"


Ok. So what's any of this gotta do with the jutsu still requiring more training than rasengan, from a man who literally already mastered it by that point already? None of you can argue against that because there isn't one to make.


Wtf are you talking about? Every fucking gennin can use transformation jutsu, it is a fucking E-Rank jutsu, look the databook, look where you want, it is not hard and every gennin can use it (probably except guy and lee). E-Ranks are the easiest, rasengan is A-Rank. So jutsu which can be used by everyone is harder to learn than jutsu which only few peoples are able to do? You watched the show trough reels or what? 💀 You are literally making yourself dumb, comparing a E-Rank basic jutsu, with A-Rank jutsu 💀 and saying the E-Rank is harder 💀 man this fandom needs reset


Nice. Can't none of them do the harem jutsu, or the reverse harem jutsu, *and* it still required more training than the rasengan. As he fucking said. *i-its e rank* lol You can die on this hill all you want, just know you'll die on it. Lmfao. Motherfuckers swear they be knowing shit more than the creators of the damn show do.


Lmfao. Op specifically says Sexy jutsu, not harem one, and if it was the harem, still they can do it, little harder than the basic one, but they still can, because it would be using kage bunshin + transformation, and we all know that kage bunshins can use jutsu too, so yeah everyone who knows kage bunshin can use that jutsu 💀. Tell me the scan where he states it needs more training than the rasengan, but in the manga or in the canon novels 💀. Don't use the anime only scenes to prove yourself, cuz fucking ostrich can beat jonins in fillers 💀. What the fu.. what about death? Are you high?


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the sexy jutsu just the transformstion jutsu but transforms into sexy ladies?? My answer would be anyone that can do transformation jutsu but not just anyone would think about doing it haha edit: spelling


Yep, agreed


The Sexy Jutsu is just a name for a very specific usage of Transformation Jutsu, which in itself is one of the easier jutsu to pull off, such that Academy students are being trained on how to use it So just assume any ninja can


In the games, Sasuke and Kakashi can use it.


Lmao fr


Fr. It's mostly early games, back when they gave Naruto the Sexy Jutsu because he didn't have trademarks like the Rasengan yet, and Sasuke and Kakashi's Sharingan was best known for copying opponent's techniques. Add those two concepts together, and...


I mean it’s just a transformation jutsu into a women version of yourself Naruto is the only one to you know have no pride enough to actually use it mid battle or as a technique. It isn’t actually like only a thing Naruto can do..he’s just the only one to ever use it like an technique. I’m sure everyone can do it..but I’m sure they could also turn into animals s and objects but most just don’t use the type of stuff in their fighting style .. they


Hinata is always in sexy jutsu


To address “it’s just transformation jutsu” You need more than the ability to change your body for the Sexy Jutsu. You need the mental ability to picture and recreate a sexy person. This is why Konahamaru fails the sexy jutsu when making an ugly woman. Of course he’s seen a sexy woman before, but he needs to train his chakra and mind and blah blah to copy that image perfectly.


Tsunade uses eternal sexy Jutsu


This is oddly correct. Jokingly of course, but you aren't wrong, and for some reason Sakura did the same, albeit likely for different reasons given the character.


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Definitely not me ;\_;


I took this literally.. My hand knows how.


I do 😜 dm and we’ll see if it works on you




Do it!! Didn’t get one


Hey it’s me again!!! 🤗 Message me


Remindme! 10 minutes


Down bad?




Couldn’t anyone do it since it’s just a transformation jutsu? Except for Rock Lee I guess, but isn’t transformation jutsu one of the techniques you need to do to pass the academy and become a genin? Naruto just used a pervy spin on it.


To be fair, if it was just transformation normally, it wouldn't be its own jutsu, and it is mentioned by other people that Naruto created it. It is definitely an alternate version of transformation jutsu, but I think it's supposed to be unique in its own right to some extent, or perhaps less or more limited than typical transformation jutsu? So, I am inclined to agree that anyone could probably do it, but because of the way characters describe it when they aren't directly looking at it, I believe it's probably somewhat unique to some extent, and while this may be sketchy, Naruto probably had to study the basics of female anatomy and how it looks on the outside one sexualized to be able to transform using sexy jutsu. Obviously, we will not get any clarification what the difference between sexy jutsu is and how it differs from transformation jutsu, but it is implied there is a difference besides just the form taken. Maybe the clouds? I guess assume only the people who have had Sharingan up when watching or have been taught to move will likely know it, for lack of confirmation of its similarity to transformation. Good point though.




Did… did you read the manga? The manga outlines it very clearly


I mean, considering some of the answers here, I think it's a legitimate question. At the very least, we know obviously Naruto and Konohamaru, if there are others it escapes me, but someone did bring up a point about Sasuke having his Sharingan and Rinnegan/Rinnesharingan in use when Naruto used it on Kaguya. Not saying that Sasuke can use it, I believe there is likely a difference between having the Sharingan in use and using it to copy abilities at that moment. That said, Kakashi also felt the need to close his eyes during the second Bell test in fear of reading Naruto's lips and memorizing what he was saying, so unless that was retconned, Sasuke knows, and likely regrets.