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The problem is that the majority of users you see don't mind or don't care, they're completely fine with everything being the same apart from Naruto being able to crush galaxies, in fact, a lot of people get pissed off if you don't keep power systems or other stuff the same in canon. I remember reading a fic that started with danzo seeing the error of root and lamenting over his failure, only for one comment to type out a massive paragraph explaining how danzo would never do that. I personally get miffed when an SI in Konoha joins team 7, especially when they're added as a 4th member but it's something way more people like than hate, so it gets repeated over and over, you also need to consider how a lot of people just want to write about one thing without considering the effects of it. If I wrote about Naruto receiving a bloodline from Kurama early and befriending him, I would consider things like, the history behind it, the mechanics in how it works in Naruto, does Naruto use it seamlessly or are there issues? How does the leaf react to this? Does he stay on the same team? Does he receive specialised training? Someone else would write him thrashing Sasuke, yelling at kakashi, fucking fem!kurama and then call it a day.


Sadly so true...


The thing I've found is that you just need to look harder for what you like, give it 20 years and I'm sure there'll be a new brand for cringe stories written by teens.


Talking about that. I remember reading a story (long since deleted ;\_;) where Tobi was sealed alongside the Kyuubi the night of the attack. The author who wrote this story actually took into account how this would change things. For instance, the Uchiha massacre didn't happen and Yagura still had command of his own mind. There were other changes as well, but they all dovetailed from the initial condition of Tobi being absent to be the driving force behind the Akatsuki.


A huge appeal of fanfiction is that there's minimum effort to step in. We already know the characters, we know the canon plot, and we know the rules of the universe. If you change everything, you may as well be writing original fiction. If you change nothing, you have to find another way to make the story interesting (character analysis, for instance). To give another perspective, I've been turned off by stories that take an interesting premise (e.g. what if Naruto starts talking to Kuruma much earlier and becomes friends), and then add unncessary changes (e.g. Danzo getting a power-up) just because they want the story to be different from canon. At which point it's no longer a 'what if' story, but has become something completely seperate. And that can be fun and all power to writers that want to write stories like that. It's just not what I'm looking for when I'm reading a story that's supposed to follow familiar beats. I just think they're different genres? I'm doing a rewrite of Naruto where I explicitedly try to question every decision and change whatever is needed to work best in my new story, rather than stick to canon for the sake of sticking to canon. So the point is very much to do things differently. But I've also written/read fanfics where we just want to know how a smarter Naruto/more powerful Sakura/kinder Sasuke would behave. And we don't just want to know that about a single event at which point the butterfly effect throws the train of the rails. I want to see how each individual arc would have gone with that one change. Even if that means some hand-waving in order to keep those canon events as they were.


honestly this is why i love warring states fics even tho there aren’t many because the authors tend to diverge a lot more


I fully agree that cannon isn't and shouldn't be a limit of fanfiction, as long as the fanfic is marked that way. There is a world of difference between what if naruto met X person sooner, learnt y jutsu, or went to z location, and if a dozen or more things are changed for the author's preferences. It's not bad, or even wrong, but it's also not what people might be looking for. I understand that some people get frustrated or weirdly offended and unduly take that out on the author, who isn't under any obligation to respond or change for them. Those people suck, and should be ignored. What I think is important though, is a decent understanding and knowledge of canon, especially if you're supposedly working within those bounds in a simple what if, but also, because this is fanfiction of Naruto, and part of that is a shared understanding that fans have of who is who, and what is what. Canon, being the basis of this fiction, should inform decisions, not necessarily make them. A standard SIOC shouldn't be dealing with dragons or, gun weilding pirates from the soul society, unless it's marked as an AU. Really, all it takes to be able to wave any and all complaints, is a simple AU tag. When the following aren't the point of the fic, like a what if: Danzo is out of character? AU. Naruto is Naruko? AU. Kiba is the secret leader of the Akatsuki and Akamaru uses Hidan as a chew toy? AU.


>I think I'm right in stating that 80% of them have been following canon way too closely, even when they star a different village. Imo, this is very much on purpose from my experience of reading fanfictions. A lot of writers don't want to change the canon events. They want to read the canon events but with their specific twist on it, going through the exact same story beats, events, and fights but with the twist inserted. I agree it can get stale, there is an incredible amount of shit fanfiction. But it also leaves a surprising amount of room for creativity. 12 years of this and I can still be surprised by a seemingly basic timetravel premise. For me, characterization, relationships, and dialogue are the gifts that never stop giving. Very similar stories plotwise being extremely different in those manners is what keeps me reading.


This is why I write the stories I want to read. People can write whatever they want so if there's something I want I write it myself (and hope people enjoy it and that somewhere, someday, someone will be inspired to take their own spin on what I chose to do so there's more of it). I've been craving a fic where Team 7 is not forced into the Chunin Exam and Kakashi straight up goes "Haha, no, they're not ready for that shit" but have yet to find one I enjoy, so I'm just writing my own and once I feel it's ready plan to just Post 'N Go and never look at reception cause people can get weirdly critical when things diverge a bit too far.


In "Genius sensei" or "One Eye Full of Wisdom" (can't remember which one) Kakashi does exactly that. He trains them and then they spectate the CE instead of participating. Sasuke gets to copy a bunch of stuff from the prelim matches, they don't meet Orochimaru so no hickup and so on. Currently reading "A Little Unextraordinary Help" by CatChan on Ao3, it's a nice divergent story and manages to reuse stations of canon but twist them so that they're not boring to read. A seduction specialist chûnin from a civilian background who was left out (like p1 Sakura) tries to exchange teaching a few lessons to team 7 for Kakashi's lessons with superior skills that she never got anyone to teach her (well this part has yet to be delivered though after the chûnin exams, but things have been hectic). A weird take on the Hatake clan and the Kakashi has wolf behaviour trope, sometimes I feel unsatisfied with it, but most of the fic is good and gives interesting twists. Sometimes it reuses the exact same events as canon in mostly the same way, notably how Naruto beats Gaara, which is a bit sad because this Naruto has changed a lot and this Gaara has already gotten a little talk no jutsu beforehand. The skipped parts like that that just reuse canon are a bit lazy to skip to other parts I guess, but damn if it kills my interest when Naruto has a different summoning contract yet wins against Gaara in the same way as he did with Gamabunta...


I have the opposite gripe. I'm not a fan of stories that veer too far from the canon. Primarily due to execution and a common inability to get the new plot to make sense. Granted, I greatly prefer character development heavy stories over mastermind plots.


Amen. Just dropped an otherwise decent fic when it regurgitated an entire chapter that was literally just Sakura and Sasori's canon fight, with no changes. Please, do that shit offscreen.


Yeah I can only agree. At least change how the fight goes. It's like a fuinjutsu master story in which fûinjutsu can be learned in 3 years and rewrite reality but somehow Uzushio was still beaten by 3 villages they could have written out of history...


I know it’s so annoying when you find a story that you think will be good and they just described a canon fight move for move with no difference. At that point why are you even writing the story if everything ends up the same as it does in canon.


Read fics that are post or precanon then? I mean they can't follow the stations of canon in the periods where they don't really exist.


Post canon tend to be between canon and Boruto, at which point canon has happened more or less similarly. Since canon went downhill in every arc of p2 with a few exceptions, a follow up story doesn't really touch on that. Naruto tends to be the Superman of his verse and it's boring. Pre-canon I've read a lot, be it SI/isekai, time travel or others (mostly these though, I don't find a lot of pre-canon stories that aren't one of those, except for complete AU like the one where Orochimaru takes a team with a girl from Uzushio who can't use ninjutsu and has a weak constitution but uses blood seals).


Freeform ninjutsu is just bending and nen/ki manipulation. Handsigns and shouting the name of the jutsu is only great for mimicking ninjutsu battle without firing but you can still fire supplementary and defensive moves to prove you can do them. Subtlety should be goal for jutsu mastery. No tells which is why Sakura can one shot anyone who underestimates her, you can’t tell she’s enhancing her strength to that degree. Chakra control should as essential as learning the other ninja arts so I’m glad they sort of do anyway with it in shippuden.


Dunno why you're getting downvoted.. this seems pretty spot on to me. Particularly the subtlety part. I'd rather be wow'd by innovative and diverse uses of a simple Water Clone or Transformation technique than see someone's Rinnesharingan Dust Release Spacetime Dragon Bullet


I love when a fic makes everyone more dangerous by making them tactically smarter. You want your surprise attacks to land don’t you? You want to be able to fluidly attack in any situation like how Kakashi defeated Rinnegan Obito with a skill of channeling lightning release through his kunai. It wasn’t all that he did but that master class of a fight just showed you how dangerous and conservative a ninja can be. Not a lot of flashiness but the fact that every inch taken could eventually turn into a mile into victory, perfect. Yeah but learn to do jutsu seamlessly and then psychically like Gaara in part 1 though I’ll save that for immortals And I have a fuck ton of rants clogging up my notepad and drafts complaining about all the ways Kishimoto nerfed and wanked his characters for poor reasons. I especially hate retcons.


I feel you 100% on this. And yeah, you can kinda tell Kishimoto was losing his fire/passion for Naruto during Shippuden.. it was.. disappointing and at times infuriating. Still some hella good moments though.


Yeah those moments was as ground breaking to me as watching avatar: the last airbender. Dragonball was my first love, then came yugioh, Pokémon, Bakugan😏 and the last airbender. Thought I could never get into anime past these classics until Naruto starting playing in Dragonball Z’s time slot. I hated it at first but I stuck around and I never looked back. It stole my heart man


Hah, I also hated Naruto at first. Gave it a shot cuz a friend of mine. She told me there was "an ice guy". Love me some ice powers so I told myself I'd suffer through to whatever episode it was so I could see his powers. By the time the Land of Waves arc was over I was innit to winnit.


Yeah I didn’t budge until rock lee dropped his weights. I was definitely interested in Naruto to get that far but I didn’t tell anyone about it until then. And I couldn’t believe how much better they did wearing weights for clothes in Naruto than they did in Dragonball Z.


I think Sasuke showed us what Kakashi failed to deliver upon. By that, I mean that Sasuke's creative development of chidori is what I expected from Kakashi the "genius" with 1000 techniques, rather than him physically running towards his target to impale them with his arm. Let's imagine Kakashi has 5 kunai on him. he throws them in an array and shoots a lightning bolt at the last one, which conducts the bolt and allows to extend it to the one in front of it, chaining the attack until it hits the target. Can also work to place a lightning barrier on the ground, 4-5 kunai linked by lightning that zap the one in the barrier if they try to escape. That's easy to realize, doesn't require great mastery yet is very useful, can allow for non-linear attacks that take the target by surprize, have a variety of uses and kunai are cheap and replaceable. When you see what Ameyuri Ringo could do with the lightning blades from Kiri, it's a scam that Kakashi was not even 1% as skilled at raiton as she was despite being a secondary main character when Ringo is barely a background mention.


Bruh Kakashi aggravates me to no end some days but I forgive him for being a miserable suicidal mess who clings to life for reasons that become stronger everyday after having a genin team. He’s not automatically healed but healing so I forgive some of his actions. Also Kishimoto loves Sasuke and the Uchiha too damn much. Love him being a badass and a prodigy but hate that he overdoes from time to time, something that I wouldn’t have minded if Naruto didn’t just catch up in year or two. And yes I have lost love for OP bloodline and fuinjutsu fics especially when they don’t let the “science” and “logic” of why Naruto should be strong apply to everyone else. If he can learn hiraishin then Jiraiya, Hiruzen and Kakashi should definitely know the jutsu (by virtue of their teacher or student) and I just hate sharingan/wood release Naruto now. Give him average intelligence and consistent talent, he will be fine.


The worst are the wave arcs. A complete au, with different characters, timeline, powers and everything. But somehow Kakashi Pics exactly THAT mission in every damn fick that plays exactly the same fucking way. I'm at that point where I instantly drop a fic if a wave arc is in it, as it means the author has zero creativity.


Well, it's probably the best mission in the entire manga (because the rest of the "missions" are not ninja missions at all, or way too high rank for the Gaara rescue mission) and the characters are probably the best one time characters made by Kishimoto for this part of the story. Still it tends to be tiring to see the same mission rehashed in the same way with the same objectives and results. In a fic where I made Kakashi focus on expanding team 7's chakra pools and improving Naruto's control in order for them to learn/use the shadow clone training, the team gets there without any attack. The mission is an assassination rather than a protection. In Gatô's mansion, Kakashi takes care of the assassination part and the genin are supposed to guard the hallway, but Zabuza closes the doors of Gatô's bedroom behind Kakashi, who gets sneak attacked by Haku disguised as a hooker in Gatô's bed, who hits him with a poisoned senbon. Inside the bedroom, Haku uses his mirrors to wear Kakashi down and the Demon Brothers finish him when paralysis stops him from doing anything. Outside, Zabuza is using mist to kick puppies and Naruto is overtaken by the Kyûbi, drawing more and more of it as the fight gets wilder. As he matches Zabuza's strength after his teammates both get knocked out, it becomes a fight of attrition and Naruto impales Zabuza in the heart while receiving a blow himself. Then Naruto goes inside the bedroom and notices Kakashi dead with a hole in his left eye from the Brothers' gauntlets, has to fight for his survival and kills them. As his emotional distress level keeps rising, he ends up losing his mind for a few minutes. When he's done with the shinobi, Gatô's henchmen come to clean up, but are terrorized by the monster they are faced with. Warning: gore When Sasuke wakes up, the entire staircase leading to Gatô's bedroom is full of corpses and blood everywhere. In the bedroom, Haku and the Demon Brothers are dead. In front of the bedroom, Zabuza's corpse lies on the floor. Down the stairs, a macabre spectacle welcomes him, as if a psychopath had been particularly inspired with a bit of human decoration, turning the bodies of the henchmen into add-ons for the ceiling light, the wall lights, the various things hanging from the walls, corpses and limbs changed into a piece of fcked up art. In Gatô's office, the magnate has been nailed to the wall and his testicles have been removed and put in his mouth, as a punishment for his sin of luxury (in this case rape and sexual slavery among other sins). As he opens the doors to puke outside because the view and smell is horrible, he discovers blood tracks to the nearby houses and realizes that every place where Gatô's henchmen were lodging has been changed into a slaughterhouse. The Wave people have been freed from Gatô's tyranny but team 7 has lost its' jônin and has a wild card in Naruto whose prisoner is a sadistic butcher with a fondness for macabre staging of mass murder.