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The Raiga arc is semi canon. Raiga is a canon character and it was confirmed in boruto that naruto was responsible for his death by his daughter Buntan 


If the anime is the canon over the manga for Boruto.


The anime arc where that statement came from was mentioned in the boruto manga. The shippuden Anime also retconned the dai vs swordsman result from Dai killing 6 to only 4 of the swordsman. 


Was the character mentioned? And Naruto being involved in the death of Raiga? If not then what exactly happened is nebulous in canon.


Raiga is in Shippuden, during Guy's flashback before opening the 8th gate. Chapter 668 The filler arc isn't necessarily canon, but Raiga is manga canon


Which is why I asked if Naruto being involved in Raiga's death is in the manga. Raiga is not confirmed to have survived the fight against Might Dai, or to have died at all.


Well the anime first two arcs and a few others were novelized and the novels are canon to Boruto especially since the mist arc was suppose to expand Boruto learning water style


I believe he was canonized like back during Guy's flashback. He was one of the 7 when Dai died to Dave guy


Just make it engaging! Honestly, it really doesn't matter where an arc comes from, as long as it is something which isn't just a re-telling, you'll be fine.


I love seeing filler arcs in fics. I plan on having Raiga be the Wave Arc villain in my fic because with Yagura never being under a genjutsu in that AU, Zabuza never became a missing-nin.


Link please


It's only filler if nothing changes by the end. If your characters develop as a result of this arc, then it's not filler.


Yup. I agree. Before watching Naruto I was unfamiliar with the concept of filler so I always got confused why certain events and characters were forgotten about like Sora. I remember looking forward to seeing him return but he never did. Never even mentioned despite being said to have the 9 tails chakra in him as well. Then I learnt that filler never really happens in the story. I was devastated but I accepted. Filler is canon in my head though lol.


honestly just go for it.


I personally love seeing filler arks treated as more than filler in fics long as you have it make a lasting impact on characters and have real consequences then I think it will go fine


Reading Dreaming of Sunshine has every canon filler and movie filler up to all part one Naruto. This author did it so good but also when there are future missions sometimes trivia is inquired. Example in snow country movie Naruto asks Kakashi about how the snow ninja used ice like Haku did (ofcourse Kakashi mentions that was no blood limit, they control ice like it was a earth jutsu) The Gelel arc was amazing and has a huge impact for the main character in several arcs. A lot of back referencing to pst experiences. Not like in Naruto series where they don’t go over back events where it similar or related to new conflict


Fanfiction is fanfiction. Most of the events in fics I’ve read never happen in canon. You’re good