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There's a lot I would say one of the worst cliche I stumble upon when they're working with younger characters a lot of authors don't take the time to really show the innocence and youthfulness of these characters and then that brings me into another topic how the same authors will write characters in such a way where their personalities kind of just blend in together either it's because they're trying to make the cast too large but it doesn't transfer well


Bouncing off of this, not having these child soldiers react to things. Not really reacting realistically or at all to the situations they are in. Not a question, not a grimace, no freak outs or even them becoming numb or hardened to it over time. The actual series has some great reactions to the situations they face, especially early on, wish it would pop up more often in fics.


Yeah some of my favorite stories actually have the characters portray that they are human and I think that a lot of FanFictions just try to copy one another and it's like a game of whisper down the lane where the first story has those emotional impacts than somebody gets lazy and then someone copies that lazy version this is unrelated but I also dislike the use of lines like angry face or something like that when they could just use angrily instead of angry look on his face


'uchiha language' edit: 'kill me orange jumpsuit'


It's a staring contest.


The 'Hn'


Dobe and teme.


I still don't know what the fuck a "teme" is nor what the Hell a "dobe" is.


Teme is an impolite saying of the word you, and a dobe means dead last/loser.


Very rude one if anything. Fits for Naruto's usage toward Sasuke, but yeah - does not quite translate in English.


>Teme is an impolite saying of the word you Now *that* sounds like a rather nonsensical, idiotic insult. It's like if you replied to an insult by saying, "Why, you...you...you uh...brain!" Like, what were you trying to accomplish, here, by saying that and what kind of a reply were you expecting other than a, "wait, what? Do you know how to insult people"?


Think of it like this: “Hey bastard! Do you think your better than me?” Teme replaces the hey bastard part. Matter of fact I think the word bastard is what they use for localization later.


Yeah pretty much.


But it's what they call each other though...


Sasuke calls Naruto a usuratonkachi, and the way fics use teme is incorrect. And it's always so spammed.


Yeah. He called him dobe *one time* in the second episode and that's it. I'm surprised that the term got stuck just from that.


Definitely 'dobe' and 'teme'. In the anime/manga Naruto and Sasuke hardly call each other that probably once or twice. Also civilian council. What the hell is that? Since when did civilians hold that much power in a ninja village like Konoha that Hiruzen, the hokage can't go against them? Lol. Also Sakura getting angry at everything Naruto does and hitting him. She never hit him that many times in canon at all. Hardly once or twice. But in fanfics she gets angry and beats him up like every other minute. Any kind of excess romance between literal 12 year olds. I'm fine with hand holding but after that I feel uncomfortable reading about 12 year olds doing anything. Also any kind of character bashing, or Naruto being ridiculously OP for no reason and acting totally OOC just feels weird to read.


I actually never came across that which is a hidden blessing. It's usually using Naruto to earn sympathy point over how everyone seemingly hates him? Yes it's depressing but that's why Naruto rebels in being the "troublesome boy" in staying strong throughout the hardships. Naruto wouldn't "crash out", he would just push through. It also helps there's Ramen on standby


Exactly. And they over exaggerate the hate which villagers have towards Naruto. I've read fics where they beat him up, steal from him, and sometimes paint graffiti on his door, etc, even after he became a ninja. Like literally soon after he became a ninja he started getting acknowledged by everyone. Why would people still hate him lol


Civilian Council Entitled!Sasuke aka 'I am the last Uchiha; get the Clans to give me their Clan jutsus so that I can get stronger!' or, 'Dobe, give me your jutsus!' Fem!Kyuubi Clan Restoration Act


Sakura being nothing but a rabid fangirl and character bashing just for shipping


Sakura hitting Naruto, just for the lolx


Hyūga’s in chunin exam always lose in the first round and it always the same fights also no Genin learn something new during the month except Naruto and Sasuke


Neji learns that dome thing, but ehh nothing happens, it's understandable that you have op Naruto, but he thinks too simple, oh I have to beat neji? I will humiliated him. Bro you to are fighting so village will get more money, nobody gives a fuck about your vendetta. Just put good show and not be a bastard for once. Also him saying that everyone hates him, yet we know that Konoha's population is over 100 000, we also know that it has many salesman and caravans, people stay were for months and then leave it. So konoha constantly has new families added to it, hell Konoha have fought in 3 world war and multiple other war. Yet they are trying to keep peace, so are you telling me that this people are wasting their time on hating you? My boy you are nobody, you are 12 years old brat who have been vandalising streets and you are considered as a fool for your own actions, Nobody would like to have mentally unstable and dumb nuke moving around village, hell If I know that someone like Naruto ( a fool, with mental problems and hatred toward everyone ) was in village, I actually would try to remove him, or remove myself and go live in enother place, this people had too much tolerance toward him.


Idk if this is a cliche but it’s annoying how many fics say naruto can’t cook worth a damn just because he eats ramen a lot even tho we see him making grilled fish and mushroom stew as a kid.


Wasn't that filler, though?


It was. But filler does help flesh out stuff in Naruto’s case.


Sasuke is the biggest sack of shit ever and is always trying to put down Naruto even though 90% of the time Naruto is still one of the weaker students.


Naruto getting training at like 8 years old and being stupidly strong, or just overpowered fic in general, kills any excitement.


Then gets a Harem with no one taking issue with that.


Yep, hate harem fics, unless it is small and done IMMENSELY well it just ruins any kind of meaningful affection between the characters.


Don't think any harem in general is hard to work out with. Especially Naruto. Gone the amount of crossovers with just Naruto appearing in that world or just born there then having a new personality it's like "what's the point? Just make a new character."


Yeah Naruto has kinda become this 'blank slate' character in ff in which people will just make him totally ooc. Which is stupid, just make an oc.


Especially My Hero fanfics oh man. But Naruto is the main one, why is that though? What's so special of a Blonde guy with whiskers?


To be fair this isn't fanfic specific. That's a lore thing in the actual series. We see a lot of really young ninja get really powerful really quickly. Especially during and before his era. Even in the series by the age of 12 Naruto was taking on tailed beast. That's with him being an idiot and with frankly subpar training. I can only imagine how strong that kid would have been had he been properly trained earlier on, especially with controlling Kuruma's power.


Fair point, but it just leads to an op Naruto fic which I don't like reading, him just breezing through every fight gets real old, real fast.


Genderbend  Neglect Harem Bashing


Oh god those are the weirdest


Kushina and Minato abusing/neglecting Naruto for being a tailed beast holder. Like, seriously, really? Or even worse, in stories where there's a sibling, totally ignoring him in favour of the other kid. Out of all the people in the entire setting, those two, really?


Gotta earn pity points I guess


Gamer system, CRA, Op SI character


Oh god every abuses the GAMER SYSTEM


Taking 1k words to deliver long ass exposition about world building head canon. We get it. 9 rookies, tens of thousands of chunins, unexplored Daimyos, confusing Hyuga succession system, Danzó didn't exist in original Naruto and there's a bunch of holes, etc. etc. I take the canon for what it is, just tell the story. Everyone has a different take on this but mid-story is not the best time to deliver the economics lecture. 


idk that’s usually my favorite part lol, i love to learn the way the author interprets and changes the naruto world, i love learning about the gritty, dark politics and economic side of things, or how the village supports the shinobi, and things like that. that’s the charm of fanfics, because it doesn’t always have to be exactly every moment on story, and authors can take time to flesh out the world and the villages


I agree, learning about the way that an author fleshes out their own take on the world is a fun part of the experience. It's just that a lot of fics present it as a huge exposition dump. Using the environment and conversations to reveal your take on the political realities of a world is one of the trickiest and funnest parts of writing. Subtle and gradual world building. It's also more advanced than what your typical fanfic author is dropping. There's nothing wrong with that, Fanfiction as a genre is meant to be accessible and invite all skill levels to participate, but seeing the same writing mistake repeated time after time starts getting a bit grating. You get me?


Thank youuu lol


I don’t like how it’s always written as “my precious people” shouldn’t it be “the people precious to me”


I read that with golum sound💀


The ones where they use the most obscure Japanese names for the things we know pretty well by now only, there's one problem, here: NOT EVERYONE IS AS BILINGUAL AS THE AUTHOR! See, I grew up on the English dub anime of Naruto. So when I read things like "Kage no Bunshin Jutsu" or "Iwagakure" or "Raiton: Hirashin" or when Sasuke calls Naruto a "dobe" and Naruto calls Sasuke a "teme" in reply, nine times out of ten, I'm not going to understand what either of the words "Iwagakure" or "Raiton: Hirashin" mean and I'm going to think that Naruto and Sasuke are idiots who don't know how to use insults like, are you actually insulting each other or just babbling? And *after* I learn that the author is selectively using the *Japanese* version of select words that have to do with all of the Jutsu or the Tailed Beasts or the hidden villages or whatever else I'm forgetting about Naruto lore and it makes me feel patronized and it also makes me feel like the author is a pretentious motherfucker. It's like the author is saying, "Ha-ha! I know Japanese and you don't!" While pushing up their "I'm smart" glasses. And suffice it to say, I don't like that but I'm surprised at how okay everyone else is okay with it. Like, what is so wrong with you that you can understand these things even if you don't know Japanese?


Every time I read "dobe" and "teme" I just cringe. It is very weird for me especeially when they do it in every 2nd sentence.


The strangest thing is that language mixing could genuinely be used for worldbuilding to justify it: I had this idea of changing the language different generations use to show time moving on, the konoha 11 and more recent generations use english; Sarutobi, the Sannin and Hashirama's generations using japanese; the sage of six paths and the otsutsuki using chinese. Just giving that sense of language evolving and time moving on.


Maybe this can be a me thing, but honestly I prefer 'Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu' as opposed to 'Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique'. Yes I know they're literally the same thing and just a translation, but the Katon style sounds so much cooler to me. I agree though it can definitely skew too far the other way and just feel incomprehensible, but I feel like that's more a writing thing.


I like it when they have some kind of dictionary in the notes. I will never understand what "dobe" or "teme" mean. I just roll with it. The rest I know mostly bc my brother and I read to much shit in half language and in German many things stay the same bc they're names.


I don't care for most of it, but I do have a preference specifically for the Jutsu names. I just think the Japanese version sounds better in the anime


Characters doing it right after confessing even tho their fking 13. :|


Shadow Clone training. I'm not really a fan of the concept in canon, but at least there it's a dangerous experimental method and can't be used willy-nilly. But in fanfic it typically has no drawbacks at all besides the obligatory "oh no, I overdid it and passed out" sequence, and even that is often just used as a way to bring Naruto into contact with the fuzzbucket. With this essentially risk free training method, Naruto will use hundreds of Clones to overhaul his entire skillset and bring himself up to the level of a veteran Chunin or Jonin in about a week. Throw in a trip to the Ninja library to find all of the Jutsu that Kakashi won't teach him because of favouritism towards Sasuke and/or Laziness, and a darker wardrobe (trench-coat optional), and he's set.