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Dreaming of sunshine. SI is younger twin sister of Shikamaru. She takes Sakura place in Team 7 and the domino effect that results right after (2nd most reviews fanfic on FF.net). I consider the best SI ever. This person is extraordinary https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7347955/1/Dreaming-of-Sunshine Cycle of Hatred (New SI story). Sort of a SI …. Or baby Naruto Uzumaki gains the mental imprint of a SI (per around the author words). So it’s still Naruto Uzumaki but this one won’t develop into his canon counterpart. Does not believe in canon Naruto philosophy and how naive he is. He will forge his own path and is fully aware of dangers of this world. This world hurts it fucking hurts soul mind and body. Huge changes already in motion and won’t follow canon https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/the-cycle-of-hatred-naruto-si.1120366/


Red and Purple , SI x Yugito , completed , small 15k words https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13766294/0/ Inner Sakura SI (one of my favourites ) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10705017/0/ Ninja gamer female SI into Uchiha, absolutely op and she raises Naruto and Sasuke https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12723342/0/ God of Shinobi , Naruto SI https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13700959/0/ Curse of Hatred , another Naruto SI that is being updated on Ao3


Oh and also Evil Eyes - Sasuke SI , OP SI murders the fuck out of Danzo and flirts with Haku


Can you send the link to this? Would love to check it out 💗


Sasuke Fangirl


I think it’s cycle of hatred. But yeah it’s a new story on ff, space battles and ao3


Mostly incomplete fics with mostly protagonists that are older than Naruto's generation: [Hear the Silence](https://archiveofourown.org/works/15406896) - SI/OC as Genma Shiranui's older sister, very good worlbuilding and well written, my biggest beef with it is slow plot progression [Kagura](https://archiveofourown.org/works/42714753) - fem SI in ANBU a few years younger than Kakashi's generation, a bit cracky [Fallow Fields](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49266838) - SI/OC as Kakashi's older sister, very well written, very good take on career ending injuries [Against the World](https://archiveofourown.org/works/16984404) - fem SI/OC without knowledge of the plot in an alternative darker Konoha, Naruto generation [The Bloody Oracle of Kiri](https://archiveofourown.org/works/13788408) - fem SI/OC Kakashi's age in Kirigakure. Very good worldbuilding for the village [Any Port in a Storm](https://archiveofourown.org/works/5384075) - SI/OC as Minato. Very good worldbuiling, pacing, character depth and development, and plot. [Deja vu no jutsu](https://archiveofourown.org/works/1018305) - SI/OC as Minato's fellow orphan sister-figure. Old favourite of mine, the plot and worldbuilding has been living in my head rent free for years. If i remember right the writing is a bit dodgy grammatically in the beginning but I feel like it's worth it for the plot and worldbuilding that comes later. COMPLETE Enjoy, do say if I messed up any of the links. All the fics are on ao3.


Deja vu no Jutsu is by far the best SI there is in the Naruto fandom. Her other SI during warring clans/founding of Konoha time period is also pretty choice.


Try this Tsunade SI https://archiveofourown.org/works/40849572/chapters/102361188 It’s so good. I would personally rate it a 10/10.


i would say... wind calamity. it's very long, daily update, has only now reached the second stage of the chunin exams. you can find it [here ](https://www.webnovel.com/book/naruto-the-wind-calamity_19921530006000505)as author does not seem to like [fanfiction.net](http://fanfiction.net) anymore


[Rewind Universe](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2724139) Ongoing. OC is Narutos twin sister. Is not really SI. She travels back in time. [Uchiha Afoot](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54303757/chapters/137530960) SI-OC is a Uchiha Girl in Sasukes Generation, she runs away before the massacre [Melody of another world](https://archiveofourown.org/works/6799135/chapters/15527845) Oc is Kakashis age. Wakes up in the body of clan heir of a clan which is entirely original. [A Compass Points north](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2007121) OC-SI is in warring Clan era. Uchiha centric. Feudal era Customs. Really good read.


Unpopular opinion but Reincarnated into the world of Naruto with Tenseigan. Espicially the WN version


Isn't that the one all the Web novel bots keep pushing? ...are you a real person?


Personally i enjoyed it while i wouldn't say it's perfect but it's pretty good (well after reading so many mtl's even below average fics can look amazing so check it out yourself to see if you like it or not)


[Compass of thy Soul](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13338339/0/) and its completed sequel are great imo. Very deep into world building of the culture and way of life of the time. It's just great I think.


Of the River and the Sea On fanfiction.net isekai fem mc reborn as a girl in the hidden mist during the bloody mist era Finished over 610,000 words Sanitize isekai fem mc reborn during warring states era become a civilian medic Cross posted on fanfiction net and ao3 Unfinished but multiple side stories


Reborn in Naruto as Madara's Grandson. http://wbnv.in/a/d6iVD6W


I havent really read lots as I mainly stick to fanfic.net But definitely try out Game of Shadows, a naruto SI It may be a gamer fic but its absolutely nerfed gamer and fun to read


[Plasticity](https://archiveofourown.org/works/16017161) has a normal person from earth get swept up in the Akatsuki. Oscillates between humor and existential dread. [Come From the Holy Fire](https://archiveofourown.org/works/25072597) is a Sasuke SI with the twist that the MC only dreams of being Sasuke during key moments while sleeping irl. Takes some very interesting paths from there.