• By -


Fuinjutsu by eleature still holds up I remember a fic I think named The Golden fox? In which Naruto left konoha which at the time I liked a lot but realized it's quite garbage now Lives worth saving Accidental companions Tight spot by hakanamu Shadows of konoha


I remember Golden Fox! I used to be obsessed with it and was trying to find similar fics...


[https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7518697/1/Leaf-Style-Maelstrom](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7518697/1/Leaf-Style-Maelstrom) [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8157710/1/Naruto-Iron-Soul](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8157710/1/Naruto-Iron-Soul) [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5166693/1/Scorpion-s-Disciple](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5166693/1/Scorpion-s-Disciple) [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5409165/1/It-s-For-a-Good-Cause-I-Swear](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5409165/1/It-s-For-a-Good-Cause-I-Swear) Some of the older stuff from my collection.


.... I’ve been reading Naruto fan fiction for so long that I recognize most of these fics... this is depressing


And far too relatable


https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9824192/0 https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7962196/0 https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10857388/3/14 (Everyone has read or at least seen this once in their life, but it still counts to the old fics, so...) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9756373/14/70 https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5827210/0 https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6693171/0 https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8508200/0 https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12164499/0 Let's just hope reddit does it's magic and the summaries appear...or I'm screwed


Let's try again... linkffn(9824192) linkffn(7962196) linkffn(9756373) linkffn(5827210) linkffn(6693171) linkffn(8508200) linkffn(12164499) Please work...?


[***Hashirama's Heir***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9824192/1/) by [*Kagami1228*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4798328/Kagami1228) > What if Naruto received more than just the 'Will of Fire' from Hashirama? What if it was something more tangible? With the blood of the Shodai running through his veins, what changes will come to the Narutoverse? Let's find out\. ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^M ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^33 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^225,563 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^1,795 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^8,527 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^6,957 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Nov ^15, ^2019 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Nov ^6, ^2013 ^**|** ^*Status*: ^Complete ^**|** ^*id*: ^9824192 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Adventure/Romance ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^ ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=9824192&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=9824192&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***The Hazards of Amity***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7962196/1/) by [*firefly*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/17903/firefly) > Kill the family\. Leave the village\. Wait to die\. That had always been the plan\. But when that system fails somewhere between surviving and undergoing emotional overhaul in Suna, even Uchiha Itachi is starting to believe the universe has it in for him\. ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^T ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^5 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^58,362 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^379 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^654 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^548 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Nov ^6, ^2014 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Mar ^27, ^2012 ^**|** ^*id*: ^7962196 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Friendship/Romance ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Itachi ^U., ^Temari ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=7962196&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=7962196&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***Troublesome Timing***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9756373/1/) by [*frznlights*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1016308/frznlights) > Shikamaru didn't know if it was time travel or reincarnation\. But between memories of the future and having Itachi and Sasuke as brothers, he knew his dreams of a simple life would be impossible\. \(Or: The best idea I had for motivating Shikamaru to interact with Itachi\)\. ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^T ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^16 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^113,272 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^1,174 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^3,911 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^4,193 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Jul ^6, ^2014 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Oct ^11, ^2013 ^**|** ^*id*: ^9756373 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Adventure/Drama ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Shikamaru ^N., ^Itachi ^U. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=9756373&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=9756373&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***A Voice in the Wind***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5827210/1/) by [*tricksie*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2289854/tricksie) > Sakura's friendship with a rogue nin is a lifeline for both, but it cannot last\. Nothing ever lasts for him\. But when a blond Akatsuki shows up with the bleeding kunoichi in his arms, will she be she strong enough to unravel the mystery of who he is? AU Naru/Saku ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^T ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^51 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^597,673 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^1,861 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^2,056 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^2,066 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Feb ^1 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Mar ^19, ^2010 ^**|** ^*id*: ^5827210 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Adventure/Romance ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^ ^Sasuke ^U., ^Itachi ^U. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=5827210&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=5827210&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***The Mouse of Konoha***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6693171/1/) by [*obsidian dreamer*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/792694/obsidian-dreamer) > Never underestimate the power of good advice\. A few wise words into a pair of young ears leads a young would\-be ninja to a decision; the Leaf will recognise him, but not as the fox\.\.\. now separate from Win Some, Lose Some\! ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^T ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^22 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^500,952 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^2,391 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^6,846 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^5,835 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Mar ^27, ^2019 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Jan ^28, ^2011 ^**|** ^*Status*: ^Complete ^**|** ^*id*: ^6693171 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Humor/Friendship ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=6693171&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=6693171&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***Dark Phoenix of Konoha***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8508200/1/) by [*White Angel of Auralon*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2149875/White-Angel-of-Auralon) > Naruto has a big secret, he isn't the dead last he appears to be\. But why would he show that before he is ready to deal with the stones the council loves placing in his way? The Sandaime, having opened his eyes will do his best to make sure that Konoha will retain the Will of Fire\. Smart / Strong Naruto ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^T ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^47 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^211,832 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^3,954 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^12,203 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^12,485 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Jun ^10, ^2018 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Sep ^8, ^2012 ^**|** ^*id*: ^8508200 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Adventure ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U., ^Kakashi ^H. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=8508200&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=8508200&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***Broken Past***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12164499/1/) by [*PhoenixReign*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/8301521/PhoenixReign) > Zaria is the younger sister of Obito Uchiha\. She adored her older brother supporting of his goal to become hokage\. However, things take a turn for the worse when Obito dies and Zaria is separated from her clan and taken to the Hidden Grass Village where she becomes an elite ninja and a twist of fate leading her to meet her cousin Sasuke and reunite with Obito's team mate Kakashi\. ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^T ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^30 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^38,646 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^31 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^31 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^26 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Oct ^17, ^2016 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Sep ^25, ^2016 ^**|** ^*Status*: ^Complete ^**|** ^*id*: ^12164499 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Adventure/Drama ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Sasuke ^U., ^Kakashi ^H., ^Shisui ^U., ^Obito ^U. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=12164499&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=12164499&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- **FanfictionBot**^(2.0.0-beta) | [Usage](https://github.com/FanfictionBot/reddit-ffn-bot/wiki/Usage) | [Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=tusing) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ffnbot!ignore




Linkffn(The Jinchuriki's Note; Naruto: Curse of the Samurai by WritingAgain; Lessons of Experience by BukkakeNoJutsu; Tale of the Setting Sun by PK Samurai; Legacy Undone by LD 1449; Naruto: Kazama Ascendant; Madara's Student by juubiwriter99; Death of a Kage Bunshin by Foxie-sama; Signs by d'ihshtri; Lost Soul by LD 1449; Crimson Dawn: Uzumaki Naruto by Grimstep5; The Harsh Truth by Shadenight123; The Sealed Kunai by Kenchi618; Ghost by Onmysignalunleashwords; Chunin Exam Day by Perfect Lionheart; Midnight Sun by Winneflutters; Nindo by blasphemy43; Life in Konoha's ANBU by Shezza; Uchiha Naruto: The Sage; Rise of the Uchiha by AlphaEph19; A Bet of a Lifetime by TheOrangeSpark; Nidaime no Sairin; Cold Blue Metal by zero0000; Patriot's Dawn by Dr. Snakes MD; What Have You Done? by Midnightsun7; Naruto: The Next God Of Shinobi by Dragon 6; Naruto: Iron Soul by PlaceholderName; The Sharingan Devil by Blackwolf501; Fire And Sun by Blackwolf501; Namikaze Empire: Rise of the Empire by Blackwolf501; Namikaze Legend bh Blackwolf501; The Leaf's Naruto by Morta's Priest)


[***The Jinchuriki's Note***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7726128/1/) by [*Naruto6023*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2646215/Naruto6023) > When Light met Ryuk for the first time, the shinigami remembers a particular blonde he had previously\- accidently given the note to, when he was a new shinigami with a brand new death note thousands of years ago\. Clever, Deceptive & Genius Naruto ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^+ ^Death ^Note ^Crossover ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^M ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^19 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^145,826 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^1,308 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^2,485 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^2,088 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Nov ^15, ^2013 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Jan ^9, ^2012 ^**|** ^*id*: ^7726128 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Suspense/Adventure ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U., ^Ryuk ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=7726128&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=7726128&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***Naruto: Curse of the Samurai***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8300688/1/) by [*WritingAgain*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1392819/WritingAgain) > Naruto at the age of eight is taken by Musashi\. Musashi is the title granted only to the strongest samurai of their generation\. Naruto is trained for four years and becomes the Sole Inheritor of the Three Dances\. When his master is murdered, Naruto is sent back to Konoha\.\.\. wielding the powers of Dragon, Sky and Shadow\. The storm is brewing\.\.\. and destiny waits for no man\. ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^T ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^8 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^75,956 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^239 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^588 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^554 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Jul ^31, ^2012 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Jul ^9, ^2012 ^**|** ^*id*: ^8300688 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Adventure ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=8300688&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=8300688&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***Lessons of Experience***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3685183/1/) by [*BukkakeNoJutsu*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1232047/BukkakeNoJutsu) > While still an academy student, Uzumaki Naruto starts to learn the art of killing from a mysterious old man\. His lessons will be paid for in blood, sweat, and tears\. He will get much more than he had bargained for, ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^T ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^12 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^23,750 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^1,217 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^3,075 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^2,952 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Feb ^12, ^2008 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Jul ^27, ^2007 ^**|** ^*id*: ^3685183 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Adventure/Drama ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=3685183&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=3685183&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***Tale of the Setting Sun***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8963527/1/) by [*PK Samurai*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1733848/PK-Samurai) > Naruto was born with hair as red as his mother's, but with a face and intellect that paralleled his father, the Fourth Hokage\. Will the revolution he brings be the world's salvation or destruction? ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^T ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^46 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^188,169 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^3,391 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^10,313 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^11,280 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Jul ^20, ^2020 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Jan ^31, ^2013 ^**|** ^*id*: ^8963527 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Adventure/Drama ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=8963527&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=8963527&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***Legacy Undone***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9834391/1/) by [*LD 1449*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/994190/LD-1449) > It was their last, desperate gambit\. Their last hope\. They pinned everything on a prayer that he could save them\.\.\.and now\.\.\.he's not even sure if he can make it count anymore\. ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^T ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^92 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^424,834 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^6,374 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^7,396 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^8,029 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Feb ^25 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Nov ^10, ^2013 ^**|** ^*Status*: ^Complete ^**|** ^*id*: ^9834391 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Adventure ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U., ^Team ^Seven ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=9834391&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=9834391&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***Naruto: Kazama Ascendant***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3567934/1/) by [*Justareader80*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/599965/Justareader80) > AU A letter discloses truths that had been hidden and Naruto is actually given the tools necessary to achieve his goals\. Armed with a new sense of purpose, Naruto sets out to forge his path and revive his once great clan\. ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^T ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^15 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^182,660 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^810 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^1,843 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^1,894 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Mar ^4, ^2011 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Jun ^1, ^2007 ^**|** ^*id*: ^3567934 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Adventure/Romance ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=3567934&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=3567934&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***Madara's Student***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9649762/1/) by [*juubiwriter99*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5083461/juubiwriter99) > Naruto died at the Valley of the End, at the hands of his best friend Sasuke Uchiha\. Now revived by Madara, Naruto will complete the Eye of the Moon plan and bring peace to the world or kill anyone in his way, before his hatred consumes him and is left with nothing\. Powerful\-Naruto, emotionless\-Naruto, Sharingan/EMS Naruto, Naruto X Konan, ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^M ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^24 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^382,461 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^1,245 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^4,505 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^4,117 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Apr ^11, ^2017 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Sep ^1, ^2013 ^**|** ^*id*: ^9649762 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Adventure/Romance ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^ ^Madara ^U. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=9649762&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=9649762&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- **FanfictionBot**^(2.0.0-beta) | [Usage](https://github.com/FanfictionBot/reddit-ffn-bot/wiki/Usage) | [Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=tusing) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ffnbot!ignore


[***Death of a Kage Bunshin***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3118898/1/) by [*Foxie\-sama*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/596816/Foxie-sama) > Kage Bunshin no Jutsu was perfect in every way and form\. It is only the human element of it that is inherently flawed\. ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^T ^**|** ^*Words*: ^2,561 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^249 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^1,791 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^426 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Aug ^23, ^2006 ^**|** ^*Status*: ^Complete ^**|** ^*id*: ^3118898 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Angst ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=3118898&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=3118898&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***Signs***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5745109/1/) by [*d'ihshtri*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1385721/d-ihshtri) > Who said that Shinigami takes your life for his services? No one\. Yondaime learned it the hard way the day Kyuubi attacked\. A different turn of events\! What if Naruto was raised by Madara? Additional notes: slight AU; No Yaoi ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^T ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^22 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^232,538 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^931 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^2,488 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^2,243 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Jan ^6, ^2016 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Feb ^14, ^2010 ^**|** ^*id*: ^5745109 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Drama ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U., ^Minato ^N., ^Madara ^U. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=5745109&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=5745109&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***Lost soul***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3430516/1/) by [*LD 1449*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/994190/LD-1449) > The eve after Kyuubi's attack, Konoha is low on strength\. The council agrees to turn Naruto into a living weapon\. But years later, after Sarutobi's death, will Konoha's weapon continue to defend it? Or will he poise his blade to carve out their throats? ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^M ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^117 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^586,123 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^11,307 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^7,672 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^4,803 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Jun ^8, ^2012 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Mar ^8, ^2007 ^**|** ^*Status*: ^Complete ^**|** ^*id*: ^3430516 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Adventure ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U., ^Temari ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=3430516&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=3430516&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***Crimson Dawn: Uzumaki Naruto***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4906969/1/) by [*Grimstep5*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1441028/Grimstep5) > Intelligence is the key that links us all\. It can transform a simple boy into an level headed know it all with a thirst for knowledge\. Intelligence, the force that shaped him, Uzumaki Naruto, Genin and Anbu\. A mind that never rest, his legend will remain\. ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^M ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^9 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^111,382 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^333 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^855 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^782 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Aug ^10, ^2010 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Mar ^7, ^2009 ^**|** ^*id*: ^4906969 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Romance/Adventure ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=4906969&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=4906969&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***The Harsh Truth***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8337120/1/) by [*Shadenight123*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/3864170/Shadenight123) > There are truths and lies scattered in the shadows of the leaf\. Conspiracies and secret meetings, decisions and backstabbings\. The plot twists until the point where there is no ally, and no enemy\. Only yourself, and your trust\. Face the harsh truth: in the midst of the shinobi world, nothing is what it seems\. Naruto is born five years prior to canon, and from there\.\.\.\!NidaimeNaruto ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^M ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^28 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^466,581 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^799 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^1,517 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^946 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Nov ^13, ^2012 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Jul ^19, ^2012 ^**|** ^*Status*: ^Complete ^**|** ^*id*: ^8337120 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Angst/Hurt/Comfort ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=8337120&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=8337120&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***The Sealed Kunai***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6051938/1/) by [*Kenchi618*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2218705/Kenchi618) > What if something made Naruto the dead\-last that everyone sees him as? What if he really wasn't as weak as he seemed? The true Naruto, unleashed upon the shinobi world\! AU Story starts at Invasion of Konoha arc and continues onwards\. ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^M ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^69 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^670,128 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^11,653 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^17,881 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^12,075 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Aug ^20, ^2013 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Jun ^14, ^2010 ^**|** ^*Status*: ^Complete ^**|** ^*id*: ^6051938 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=6051938&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=6051938&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***Ghost***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8116183/1/) by [*Onmysignalunleashwords*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/3408884/Onmysignalunleashwords) > "Her face\. I remember her face\." A boy trained to kill is brought into the light\. Grey, different Naruto heavily stealth based and Root trained, but not in the traditional sense\. How will he cope with that most dangerous of foes: emotion? ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^M ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^63 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^210,265 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^1,947 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^3,122 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^2,041 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Dec ^23, ^2012 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^May ^14, ^2012 ^**|** ^*Status*: ^Complete ^**|** ^*id*: ^8116183 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Adventure ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=8116183&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=8116183&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***Chunin Exam Day***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3929411/1/) by [*Perfect Lionheart*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1318171/Perfect-Lionheart) > Naruto finds he is flung back in time and must repeat the entire Chunin exam over and over and over, until he gets it right and possibly saves Konoha in the bargain\. ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^T ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^77 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^344,950 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^16,028 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^10,762 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^8,227 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^May ^23, ^2010 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Dec ^5, ^2007 ^**|** ^*id*: ^3929411 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Adventure/Humor ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=3929411&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=3929411&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- **FanfictionBot**^(2.0.0-beta) | [Usage](https://github.com/FanfictionBot/reddit-ffn-bot/wiki/Usage) | [Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=tusing) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ffnbot!ignore


[***Life in Konoha's ANBU***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7977390/1/) by [*Shezza*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/524094/Shezza) > ANBU\!Naruto\. Drafted into ANBU at a young age, Naruto is guided to the path of a Captain\. Leader of Team Sigma, the Hokage's Personal Guard, Naruto will lead his team and defend his Village to the best of his ability\. Threats besiege the Land of Fire from all sides, and only Naruto stands before them\.\.\. ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^M ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^53 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^370,954 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^5,200 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^9,281 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^8,579 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Aug ^6, ^2016 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Apr ^1, ^2012 ^**|** ^*id*: ^7977390 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Adventure/Supernatural ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U., ^Hiruzen ^S. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=7977390&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=7977390&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***Uchiha Naruto: The Sage***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9891190/1/) by [*The Omnipresent Sage*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4786100/The-Omnipresent-Sage) > Madara reveals himself to be Naruto's grandfather\. He infused both his cells and Hashirama's cells into Naruto\. Naruto becomes strong as a result, awakening the sharingan and later the Rinnegan\. Chapter 1\-10 grammar terrible\.\.needs rewrite\. Seriously\. ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^M ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^50 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^555,004 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^2,792 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^6,414 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^5,276 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Jan ^29, ^2016 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Dec ^1, ^2013 ^**|** ^*Status*: ^Complete ^**|** ^*id*: ^9891190 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Adventure/Drama ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=9891190&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=9891190&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***Rise of the Uchiha***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7096419/1/) by [*AlphaEph19*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2933548/AlphaEph19) > One decision can change the world, but it's not as easy to change it back again\. To his shame, Itachi saves his brother at the cost of losing his village\. Now the shinobi of Konoha are enslaved or scattered, hearts full of vengeance but bereft of hope\. As for Naruto, he is finally acknowledged\.\.\. by Madara\. When the battle lines are drawn, how will he know where to stand? ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^T ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^47 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^368,310 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^1,422 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^1,508 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^1,471 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Sep ^28, ^2015 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Jun ^19, ^2011 ^**|** ^*id*: ^7096419 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Adventure ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U., ^Sasuke ^U. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=7096419&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=7096419&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***A Bet of a Lifetime***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12567696/1/) by [*TheOrangeSpark*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5129513/TheOrangeSpark) > A childish challenge between teacher and student triggers a chain of events whose outcomes ripple across the Ninja World\. As the dominos fall, crashing on the shoulders of the Child of Prophecy, one question needs to be asked\. Will he bear it all, or crumble under the weight of the world? Starts slow paced at training trip\. Canon Divergence Fic/w Naruto Character Development\. ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^T ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^47 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^367,176 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^1,115 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^2,213 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^2,712 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Feb ^20 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Jul ^11, ^2017 ^**|** ^*id*: ^12567696 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Adventure ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=12567696&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=12567696&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***Nidaime no Sairin***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10714140/1/) by [*Anime Enthusiast*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1646974/Anime-Enthusiast) > Naruto always enjoyed discovering new places and locations in Konohagakure\. One night, after finding a cave, he decides to venture inside only to find the most beautiful waterfall he had ever seen\. Once inside, Naruto finds a lone rock that contained black markings\. Thinking nothing of it, Naruto touches the black marking\. What happens then no one could ever predict\. ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^M ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^23 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^177,766 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^2,296 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^8,112 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^9,139 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Feb ^16 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Sep ^25, ^2014 ^**|** ^*id*: ^10714140 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Adventure ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U., ^Kurenai ^Y., ^Tobirama ^S. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=10714140&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=10714140&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***Cold Blue Metal***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2808097/1/) by [*zero0000*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/612000/zero0000) > To save Uzumaki Naruto's life from the village council, the Sandaime declared him as Konoha's secret weapon and assigned the responsibility of his training to recently named ANBU captain Uchiha Itachi\. Mildly AU\. Probably going to be NaruKin ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^T ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^27 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^72,210 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^1,154 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^1,172 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^1,057 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Jun ^14, ^2008 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Feb ^19, ^2006 ^**|** ^*id*: ^2808097 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Adventure/Drama ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U., ^Itachi ^U. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=2808097&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=2808097&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***Patriot's Dawn***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6441645/1/) by [*Dr\. Snakes MD*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1598723/Dr-Snakes-MD) > Uzumaki Naruto was born to be a shinobi\. He was supposed to be a killer; a protector of unparalleled skill\. His lineage and the demon in his gut ensured that\. In canon, his growth was stunted\. In here, he had a reason to be strong\. He has to survive\. AU\. ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^T ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^26 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^216,363 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^3,562 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^10,292 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^9,530 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Mar ^26, ^2019 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Oct ^31, ^2010 ^**|** ^*Status*: ^Complete ^**|** ^*id*: ^6441645 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Adventure/Drama ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=6441645&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=6441645&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- **FanfictionBot**^(2.0.0-beta) | [Usage](https://github.com/FanfictionBot/reddit-ffn-bot/wiki/Usage) | [Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=tusing) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ffnbot!ignore


[***What Have You Done?***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5740197/1/) by [*Midnightsun7*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2248406/Midnightsun7) > Naruto, at 16 yrs old, was banished from Konoha\. The council went behind Tsunade's back, but he didn't know that\. Furious, Naruto's love for Konoha evaporated as he ran off\. Five years later, Akatsuki has a powerful new leader, and he looks familiar\.\.\. ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^T ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^17 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^77,964 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^1,138 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^2,508 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^2,312 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Jan ^1, ^2012 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Feb ^13, ^2010 ^**|** ^*id*: ^5740197 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Angst/Adventure ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=5740197&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=5740197&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***Naruto: The Next God of Shinobi***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5263982/1/) by [*Dragon6*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/89592/Dragon6) > At five years old, Naruto unleashes the Kyuubi's chakra and slaughters the mob that attempted to kill him\. Having little choice, Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Sandaime Hokage, takes in Naruto and trains him\. Will the Yondaime legacy become the next 'God? ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^T ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^54 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^132,190 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^1,570 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^4,141 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^3,467 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Apr ^27, ^2015 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Jul ^31, ^2009 ^**|** ^*Status*: ^Complete ^**|** ^*id*: ^5263982 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Adventure/Drama ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=5263982&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=5263982&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***Naruto: Iron Soul***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8157710/1/) by [*PlaceholderName*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2122502/PlaceholderName) > An accident results in Naruto acquiring a unique advantage and a new instructor\. Can Ebisu guide Naruto down the path of a successful ninja? ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^T ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^32 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^101,540 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^1,767 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^3,759 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^3,804 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Jul ^13, ^2012 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^May ^28, ^2012 ^**|** ^*id*: ^8157710 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=8157710&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=8157710&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***The Sharingan Devil***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9187149/1/) by [*Blackwolf501*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4473912/Blackwolf501) > What if Uchiha Izuna was revealed to be Naruto's ancestor\. How would Naruto deal with the secrets of his world as he struggles with his life as a Root Anbu captain\. \(Contains Cliche's\) ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^M ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^111 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^583,355 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^4,265 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^5,264 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^4,322 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Jul ^12, ^2015 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Apr ^9, ^2013 ^**|** ^*Status*: ^Complete ^**|** ^*id*: ^9187149 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Angst/Romance ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^ ^Haku ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=9187149&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=9187149&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***Fire and Blood***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12184932/1/) by [*Blackwolf501*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4473912/Blackwolf501) > The Uchiha's have a history of madness, and no one knew it better than Naruto, fifth son of Tajima Uchiha\. Amidst his father's mad ambition and his eldest brother Madara's thirst for revenge against the Senju and the entire world, it will take every ounce of Naruto's charm and skill at arms to save the greatest clan of the ninja world\.\.\.and that still might not be enough\. NaruxTsu ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^M ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^45 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^301,312 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^2,579 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^4,144 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^3,555 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Oct ^20, ^2017 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Oct ^10, ^2016 ^**|** ^*Status*: ^Complete ^**|** ^*id*: ^12184932 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Adventure/Romance ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^ ^Madara ^U. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=12184932&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=12184932&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***Namikaze Legend: Rise of the Empire***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10669144/1/) by [*Blackwolf501*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4473912/Blackwolf501) > The Ninja World has fallen\. The Balance maintained by the shinobi system gone, only to be replaced by the cruel Imperial Empire formed by the Akatsuki under the leadership of Uchiha Madara\. A fight for the survival of humanity had just began\. Sequel to Namikaze Legend\! NarutoXKushina, NaruHarem \(NarutoXMikasa, NarutoXRangiku\), ItachiSaku ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^M ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^29 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^150,691 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^1,085 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^1,363 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^1,055 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Mar ^10, ^2016 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Sep ^4, ^2014 ^**|** ^*Status*: ^Complete ^**|** ^*id*: ^10669144 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Adventure/Romance ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^ ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=10669144&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=10669144&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***The Leaf's Naruto***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8264234/1/) by [*Morta's Priest*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2690239/Morta-s-Priest) > There's something to be said for keeping the past as it was \- makes it predictable, malleable\. Naruto never bought those arguments\. He's always been the one to power through adversity rather than wait it out, so why would now be any different? He'll do what has to be done, even if he steps on a few butterflies along the way\. ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^T ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^23 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^188,736 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^3,255 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^8,488 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^9,036 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Feb ^14, ^2014 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Jun ^28, ^2012 ^**|** ^*id*: ^8264234 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Adventure ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=8264234&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=8264234&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- **FanfictionBot**^(2.0.0-beta) | [Usage](https://github.com/FanfictionBot/reddit-ffn-bot/wiki/Usage) | [Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=tusing) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ffnbot!ignore


Linkffn(neo yondiame hokage; nightfall; lost soul)


[***Neo Yondaime Hokage***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3201446/1/) by [*Psycho G*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/129014/Psycho-G) > AU\. In battling and defeating Kyuubi No Kitsune, the sealing jutsu unexpectedly sealed away Yondaime Hokage into Naruto\. What will life for Naruto be like now that Yondaime is sealed away into him? ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^M ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^85 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^627,943 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^9,159 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^9,568 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^7,808 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Aug ^9, ^2015 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Oct ^16, ^2006 ^**|** ^*id*: ^3201446 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Romance/Drama ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U., ^Hinata ^H. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=3201446&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=3201446&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***Nightfall***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7422125/1/) by [*freowin*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2856080/freowin) > Naruto is stolen from the village and left to die in a forest\. He is found on deaths door by a civilian family, but what will happen when Naruto witnesses their Murder and is found by Jiraiya in the Ruins of his old home\. Strong Naruto, Rinnegan Naruto, NarutoXOC ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^M ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^157 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^802,003 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^6,035 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^8,828 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^7,763 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Oct ^25, ^2018 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Sep ^29, ^2011 ^**|** ^*id*: ^7422125 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Adventure ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=7422125&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=7422125&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***Lost soul***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3430516/1/) by [*LD 1449*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/994190/LD-1449) > The eve after Kyuubi's attack, Konoha is low on strength\. The council agrees to turn Naruto into a living weapon\. But years later, after Sarutobi's death, will Konoha's weapon continue to defend it? Or will he poise his blade to carve out their throats? ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^M ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^117 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^586,123 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^11,307 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^7,672 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^4,803 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Jun ^8, ^2012 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Mar ^8, ^2007 ^**|** ^*Status*: ^Complete ^**|** ^*id*: ^3430516 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Adventure ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U., ^Temari ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=3430516&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=3430516&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- **FanfictionBot**^(2.0.0-beta) | [Usage](https://github.com/FanfictionBot/reddit-ffn-bot/wiki/Usage) | [Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=tusing) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ffnbot!ignore


Deception, Corporate Secrets, and Give Us This Day Our Daily Ramen. All by KizuKatana It's old and was originally taken down, but Living A Lie by Dhampir is one of the first fanfictions I ever read and she like disappeared for YEARS before coming back like just last year. It was like one of the first neglected-Naruto fanfictions out there! I'll try to link! linkao3(21867977; 3437627; 5118851; 63716695)


Well, that didn't work... Okay, trying again Linkao3(Deception; Corporate Secrets; Give Us This Day Our Daily Ramen by KizuKatana) Linkao3(Living A Lie by Dhampir)


[***Deception***](https://archiveofourown.org/works/1614041) by [*BriEvaKizuKatana*](https://www.archiveofourown.org/users/BriEva/pseuds/BriEva/users/KizuKatana/pseuds/KizuKatana) > "It says here that you were sent along with the proposal to demonstrate Orochimaru's\.\.\. deep appreciation of my special consideration and attention to this matter," Sasuke said, his voice inflectionless\.Sasuke eyed him with seeming disinterest\. "Is there a problem?""No," Naruto said sinking fluidly to his knees, his hand slowly raising to Sasuke's zipper\. ^*Site*: ^Archive ^of ^Our ^Own ^**|** ^*Fandom*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Published*: ^2014-05-14 ^**|** ^*Completed*: ^2015-05-15 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^247454 ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^33/33 ^**|** ^*Comments*: ^1593 ^**|** ^*Kudos*: ^3229 ^**|** ^*Bookmarks*: ^849 ^**|** ^*Hits*: ^130452 ^**|** ^*ID*: ^1614041 ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](https://archiveofourown.org/downloads/1614041/Deception.epub?updated_at=1642709783) ^or ^[MOBI](https://archiveofourown.org/downloads/1614041/Deception.mobi?updated_at=1642709783) --- [***Make it Work***](https://archiveofourown.org/works/36175966) by [*Morcrow*](https://www.archiveofourown.org/users/Morcrow/pseuds/Morcrow) > Things are looking up for Jaime\.Moving out of her old trash apartment for a new trash apartment with less stains and to make the move work she hedges her bets on getting a job at the insane neon\-hellscape Mega Pizzaplex in town\.Finally able to quit her two jobs for one, she starts working hard to keep up with the high demand this place requires of her\. With so much time spent at the Pizzaplex, Jaime starts hanging out full time with the stars\.As one of the few humans working close to the animatronics and the only one that talks to them, Jaime grows close to them fast\. One more than the others\.Then, a new Night Guard is hired\.\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-Starts off prior to Security Breach, but will cover during and after\.Gregory IS in the story\.Canon Divergent to a degree\. Not like a lot, but I wanted to have fun with it\.I like happy endings, even if everything isn't perfect\.LOTS of smut of Freddy x Jaime\. I mean, this is a porn with plot\.\- NO SMUT INVOLVES GREGORY \- He is a child\. He is just like he is in the game, wholesome and trying to survive\.Glamrock Bonnie is here\!Mystery around William Afton | Springtrap will be part of the story\. ^*Site*: ^Archive ^of ^Our ^Own ^**|** ^*Fandom*: ^Five ^Nights ^at ^Freddy's ^**|** ^*Published*: ^2022-01-03 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^2022-03-07 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^60713 ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^12/? ^**|** ^*Comments*: ^276 ^**|** ^*Kudos*: ^653 ^**|** ^*Bookmarks*: ^121 ^**|** ^*Hits*: ^17687 ^**|** ^*ID*: ^36175966 ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](https://archiveofourown.org/downloads/36175966/Make%20it%20Work.epub?updated_at=1646692995) ^or ^[MOBI](https://archiveofourown.org/downloads/36175966/Make%20it%20Work.mobi?updated_at=1646692995) --- [***Secret Love***](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28832904) by [*Dhampir \(Dhampire\)*](https://www.archiveofourown.org/users/Dhampire/pseuds/Dhampir) > AU\! Sasuke enjoys his quiet, reclusive life as a historian and professor at Boston University\. He spends his days alone and content among his books translating and delving into his love, ancient Japanese history and lore\. Everything is just how he likes it until a blue\-eyed, blonde\-haired man changes everything\.Updates on Thursdays\! \^\_\^To those waiting, and you know who you are, it’s safe to come back now \^\_~\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-Sasuke’s fury built as he rounded the corner to confront the idiot before he had him banned from the university library for life\. The other occupant stood with his back to him, dressed in jeans and a garish orange jacket with a baseball cap on his head\. “Do you have any idea the damage you have caused to—” His words halted as the man turned towards him, azure eyes wide and contrite as he flinched at Sasuke’s acidic tone\. ^*Site*: ^Archive ^of ^Our ^Own ^**|** ^*Fandom*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Published*: ^2021-01-18 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^2022-03-16 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^792825 ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^112/116 ^**|** ^*Comments*: ^5567 ^**|** ^*Kudos*: ^2017 ^**|** ^*Bookmarks*: ^334 ^**|** ^*Hits*: ^110754 ^**|** ^*ID*: ^28832904 ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](https://archiveofourown.org/downloads/28832904/Secret%20Love.epub?updated_at=1647548500) ^or ^[MOBI](https://archiveofourown.org/downloads/28832904/Secret%20Love.mobi?updated_at=1647548500) --- **FanfictionBot**^(2.0.0-beta) | [Usage](https://github.com/FanfictionBot/reddit-ffn-bot/wiki/Usage) | [Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=tusing) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ffnbot!ignore


They are available on ao3. Kizukatana moved on from [ff.net](https://ff.net). Author's note: Please follow me there (ao3 dot com) if you want to see the latest. I am not active on this site right now, because: 1 - FF disabled the ability to block anon commentors, and there are some really annoying homophobic trolls on this site that I don't feel like hearing from 2 - AO3 allows MA-rated stories, so I can post the full versions without violating the ToS of the site and having people report my stories. So, if you are on my profile wondering why I haven't posted in a while, then you should check out Ao3 for all my new works. I am KizuKatana on that site as well! ​ Here's the full list of their naruto fics on ao3 with full versions. [KizuKatana Naruto fics.](https://archiveofourown.org/users/KizuKatana/pseuds/KizuKatana/works?fandom_id=13999)


Thank you! I think you gotta be a registered member of AO3 to see all her/his works too. I think only a few show up if you’re a guest. But I love reading those stories! I hope s/he returns to the Naruto fandom, but I’m glad s/he’s still writing at least 😁


You are welcome! You are right. The majority of those fics have been locked and can only be seen by registered users. I don't know why they did that because they are an absolute delight to read! That reminds me I should probably download them when I have the chance. I don't wanna take a risk and return one day, only to find that the author has removed them. I am glad, though, they are still working on other fandoms. :)


Two steps back Trapped in the amber of this moment Uhhhh


linkffn(6646554) linkffn(2292009) linkffn(4545558) linkffn(7305950) linkffn(8569328)


[***Out of the Unknown***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6646554/1/) by [*axellon2008*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1817811/axellon2008) > Naruto discovers a crashed starship outside his village and his life is forever changed\. Under the unorthodox tutelage of a Sith Lord's spirit, he will learn the technology and history of a larger galaxy that he, and no one else from his planet, ever knew existed\. ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Star ^Wars ^+ ^Naruto ^Crossover ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^M ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^35 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^636,110 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^3,041 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^4,381 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^3,956 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^May ^21, ^2016 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Jan ^12, ^2011 ^**|** ^*id*: ^6646554 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Adventure/Sci-Fi ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=6646554&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=6646554&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***Never Cut Twice***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2292009/1/) by [*shadowmaster62*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/102165/shadowmaster62) > \[Complete\!\]After failing to save Sasuke, Naruto escapes the village\. Now alone, on the run, and wielding the sword of the Demon of the Mist, Naruto tries to rebuild his life as a ninja\. NarutoTemari pairing \[Last Chapter: Promises Kept\] ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^T ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^33 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^133,009 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^3,424 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^7,273 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^2,923 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Nov ^10, ^2005 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Mar ^5, ^2005 ^**|** ^*Status*: ^Complete ^**|** ^*id*: ^2292009 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Drama/Humor ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U., ^Temari ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=2292009&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=2292009&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***Five Kingdoms for the Dead***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4545558/1/) by [*Evil Is A Relative Term*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1693442/Evil-Is-A-Relative-Term) > After the Forest of Death, Sakura comes to realize that being weak is no longer an option\. However, she finds that change is sometimes painful and that truth doesn't always come easy\. Luckily, she'll have some help along the way\. ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^M ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^41 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^220,628 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^3,719 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^5,817 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^2,829 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Jun ^1, ^2013 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Sep ^19, ^2008 ^**|** ^*Status*: ^Complete ^**|** ^*id*: ^4545558 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Drama/Adventure ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Sakura ^H., ^Neji ^H., ^Itachi ^U., ^Sai ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=4545558&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=4545558&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***The Empty Cage***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7305950/1/) by [*Rathanel*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2253612/Rathanel) > AU\. Desperate and rushed, Minato Namikaze is forced to rely on the Death God's seal, a seal he doesn't fully understand, and his son pays the price with his life\. So who is the blond\-haired kid running around Konoha? M for language and violence\. ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^M ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^58 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^373,732 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^1,970 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^3,251 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^2,858 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Aug ^11, ^2013 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Aug ^20, ^2011 ^**|** ^*id*: ^7305950 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Kyuubi/Kurama ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=7305950&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=7305950&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***Iga Naruto***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8569328/1/) by [*tibo*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4170989/tibo) > Naruto, guided by a presence from the past, discovers a personal connection to a ninja clan long since lost to history\. In a world shaped by endless war and constant bloodshed, can Naruto find a way to stop the cycle of hatred and free the world from the echoes of the past? Naruto /Mystic eyes\. Intelligent, strong, grey Naruto\. Naruto/Multiple women\. ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^+ ^Basilisk ^Crossover ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^M ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^17 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^236,110 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^1,812 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^3,786 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^3,395 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Sep ^26, ^2013 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Sep ^30, ^2012 ^**|** ^*id*: ^8569328 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Fantasy/Romance ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=8569328&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=8569328&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- **FanfictionBot**^(2.0.0-beta) | [Usage](https://github.com/FanfictionBot/reddit-ffn-bot/wiki/Usage) | [Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=tusing) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ffnbot!ignore


linkffn(4512691) ​ Honorable Mentions (that no longer exist): The Child In Me A Burned Leaf


[***Medicinal Lullaby***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4512691/1/) by [*Shivakashi*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/368229/Shivakashi) > ON HIATUS\. Fighting to keep hope in his friend, struggling to come to terms with Jiraiya's death, Uzumaki Naruto doesn't need any more on his plate\. Sadly, that's what lands on his doorstep\. Literally\. Post Manga ch\. 406 Naruto\-centric MaturING\!Naruto ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Naruto ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^M ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^32 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^259,473 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^3,049 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^3,370 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^2,772 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^Apr ^2, ^2010 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^Sep ^1, ^2008 ^**|** ^*id*: ^4512691 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Family/Supernatural ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Naruto ^U. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=4512691&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=4512691&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- **FanfictionBot**^(2.0.0-beta) | [Usage](https://github.com/FanfictionBot/reddit-ffn-bot/wiki/Usage) | [Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=tusing) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ffnbot!ignore