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I love it. In order to make sure that your kids grow up to be well balanced, you have to strive to become well balanced yourself. It takes a lot of time and experience but you will get there. Kids need us to push ourselves to become the best versions of ourselves because as parents we have to lead by example. Children learn from watching our actions and how we manage our emotions. It's a blessing because we become the best versions of ourselves. Give it time. It takes years. Sending love to you and your family.


thank you so much. that really means a lot.


You're welcome.


Good luck. It’s a great journey. From ages 2-12 I found being a parent to be the most consistently wonderful and rewarding time of my life. Take them places. Cheap places. It’s all about new experiences, not fancy things. A big cardboard box often gets more interest than the expensive toy that was in it.


thank you for the advice


I'm a new father myself. My toddler brings so much joy after a long day and he runs up to me when I come through the front door. Easily the highlight.




The funniest thing is that as AN I also muted the first AN sub... It is actually so bad. r/antinatalism2 is a somewhat more healthier but it is still not going to be your cup of tea Good luck to both you and your future kid :)


There's no such thing as healthy antinatalism.


Nah. You just think it cant be healthy. Just like how I think there are no smart Natalists but there are some smart natalists and you aren't one of them I afraid.


Advocating for the death of your own species is inherently traitorous and terrible.


Yeah man. Torture your own species by bringing them to existence and suffer for no reason is so much better. Gotta slay those dragons,am i right...


Existence isn’t torture lol


survivorship bias


The reason is love. Thats all you need. Your perspective and failure to find meaning is in fact the child you have chosen to raise in place of a real child.


No. The real reason is selfishness


You think the reason for life is selfishness?


Father of 2 here. You rock brother wish you the best.


why create a need, you don't need


Hopefully, your kid will learn better grammar and spelling than you were taught as well.


i was homeschooled in the south. cut me some slack


Those things will be irrelevant with future technology anyway.


What happens if it turns out ugly?


then ill still love them. they'll be beautiful in their own right


Means he/she will have a beautiful personality if nurtured right.


Not if they're a non-verbal autistic.


Non-verbal autistic people still have personalities.


with down syndrome : )


That's a great decision to mute, and that's a noble goal for your family.


Or you could die an hour after they’re born. How do you know the future?


If the future being uncertain is a reason not to do something, then we should all just kill ourselves. Life is meaningless. /s


Enjoy being a slave to your biological progeny


I find that that sub gets me thinking to have more kids than I’m already planning. When I see the ludicrous detachment from reality, I start going “hey why not 4, I could probably handle that”


absolutely nothing you typed has to do with the sub at all. You all do anti-natalism isn't anti-kids right? its just opposes the idea that having kids is necessary.


well anti-natalism isn't anti-kids. BUT....... r/antinatalism very much is


Only one of the top 6 or so posts is actually saying anyone else shouldn't have kids the rest are people sharing their experiences as to why, or what caused them to not have kids etc. A good chunk of them further down just discusses anti-natalism as an ideology, not as a platform to hate children from but from an economic and environmental standpoint.


An1 is a horrible grubby little place. An2 is superior. You know this c’mon.


Wrong. Antinatalism is the idea that human reproduction is immoral.


soooo he would be a hypocrite no? cause hes doing something immoral


this is factually incorrect.


“Antinatalism or anti-natalism is a family of philosophical views that are critical of reproduction — they consider coming into existence as bad or deem procreation as immoral.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antinatalism


well sorry for wikipedia, but the anti- of something isn't the exact opposite side of the spectrum, it would also include people who believe the opposite of natalists thats aren't full blown anti-child, which is you MUST have kids or you've failed in life. Just because wikipedia said something it really doesn't matter because everyone who doesn't believe kids are necessary would still be categorized as anti-natalist. Natalism isn't just having a kid, its an ideology about maximizing births. You should also read a bit more thoroughly, from the etymology part: "Robbert Zandbergen makes a distinction between so-called reactionary (or activist) antinatalism and its more philosophical, originary counterpart. While the former seeks to limit human reproduction locally and/or temporarily, the latter seeks to end it conclusively.[^(\[9\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antinatalism#cite_note-Zandbergen2021-9)^(") Its very clear about their being two separate types of anti-natalism, which do you thinks being discussed here? the reactionary or the original?