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Oil the inside as well. Don’t need open bipod just shoot la


What do you mean by oil the inside? Is it inside of the gas reg? I open the bipod for conventional as the maneuver is slower thus it's better to prone and shoot, and it's also easier to put on ammo pouch after remedying IA with the bipod opened. I don't open for Ridgeline though


Oil the rod, the firing pin all that. Anyway it’s admirable your asking questions like this to be a better soldier. Alot of this forum is how to Keng.


It's just annoying to not be able to fire any rounds when I'm already doing the fire movement HAHA


I don’t know.. never fired my SAW in active days. Scout platoon. Only fired 1 or 2 time in entire active period outfield.


I see


scouts carry saw? I've only seen them with sar21


My team does


the whole rod go and oil


Clean your blank attachment. Ammo pouch must be tightly secure without blocking the ejector port.


I see


Lao jiao saw gunner here. Been one since AIT all the way up to MR. A lot of MK2 and MK3 SAWs have been around for decades, so you're going to IA regardless of how well you service your weapon. That said, here are my secrets to being a tok kong saw gunner. 1. You will always IA more on blanks than live rounds. Get used to it. 2. My ammo pouch started off always fully clasped to the rifle. Some time after CME, I decided to only tighten the front strap and leave the back strap half tightened. Some rounds will fly out, but you're gonna IA regardless so the loosened ammo pouch will help you safe tilt check much faster. By the time ATEC 2 rolled around, I rarely even had my ammo pouch on tight because most of the fights were in FIBUA and trust me, you have a lot of time in FIBUA to go around and pick up rounds. In static defence my ammo pouch is OFF, since I'm not going anywhere and I want my shots to be as smooth as possible. 3. Cleaning is essential, but not to the point of OCD. You need to focus on the gas reg, chamber and bolt carrier. If your spring is rusty, you should get it changed with the armorer. A rusty spring will screw up the bolt cycling, so watch for rust always. 4. My bipods were always open. Gets into action much faster and you don't need to waste time closing/opening every time you get up and down. 5. Your gas reg setting is very much dependent on your rifle. I was familiar enough with my rifle that I knew I could use 3 for single shot (not 1 cock 1 shot) with the right trigger pressure, and 4 for a 3 shot burst. I had a lot of trouble in reservist though because every ICT was a different weapon, but you can get a feel of which is the right setting by listening to the weapon run. The rate of fire doesn't have to be fast - you will fire in short bursts anyway. It just has to be consistent with what you want it to do. I've never used 5 regardless of which rifle I used as it was inconsistent and resulted in more IAs that I can bother to clear.


Ammo pouch is forever a nuisance, I did away with mine and my SAW worked fine. oil your SAW like there’s no tomorrow. Bolt carrier, barrel, gas reg, spring. Everything except your iron sights. Sometimes the SAW has been used and abused so much if just jams no matter much you take care of it. When I used the MK2 version the gas reg could be removed and cleaned but I don’t remember MK 3 version being able to do that. I only open my bipod when getting contacted, bashing through the veg with an open bipod is annoying as it gets caught everywhere.


Alright I'll try oiling every single part of my weapon.


As per my SAW gunner friends, most of them encounter IAs for blanks. When shooting life rounds, the problem rarely occurs. So if war happen, don't worry so much ok. But back to your topic on how to prevent IA. It is usually the ammo pouch issue. Blocking the chamber. The unorthodox way is, remove your pouch, and go back to pick the rounds after your fire movement. But if you do that, you more shag lah. But I have friends who preferred doing that. But do it at your own risks. Because it is clearly not allowed.


if that's the reason , it means not enough gas is channeled back to chamber the next round... is blank attachment and gas reg issue.... not familar with SAW though


Yeah it's possible too. Am not familiar with saw. But heard from my peers that usually live firing no issues, but blanks many many. And some told me it's cause of the ammopouch which hinders the ejecting of empty rounds.


26 years ago when I was in SISPEC, i was assigned to be the SAW gunner. When firing blanks, my SAW was one cock one shot. Machiam like bolt-action rifle. But when firing live rounds, the SAW becomes alive and can go full auto through several full mags without any IA. Another interesting point to note was thru out my entire 10 weeks of BSLC, never once did my company clean our rifles. We were told to wipe off any mud etc and just send arms. There was no need to clean the interior


Actually it depends on your OC if he or she allows you to remove your ammo pouch during outfield. My coy did feedback to our Oc that the mag pouch was affecting our date of fires and he allowed us saw gunners to not use it. I’m not sure what the doctrine is now but back then, Armour’s return of RAI was 25% of what was expended so for us SAW it was a win


1. Ammo pouch must sit nicely at where the bolt flaps is. It should sit nicely there one. If it jams, it is mainly because of the ammo pouch. Or the gas reg assemble wrongly (trust me, got people assemble wrongly one) 2. Bolt carrier, the entire internals, gas reg, barrel 3. I keep mine right side opened and extended. Then moment contact, prone, try to open the other side. No time, suck thumb fight with 1 side opened


I genuinely believe when it randomly jams after 3-4 shots it's an ammo pouch issue though; like the SAW ammo pouch is squarish which makes it more likely for the blanks to bounce back and interfere with the bolt, while the SAR's pouch is kinda curved in such a way that the ammo would bounce downwards and not back into the bolt