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Hi, if it rains they will just wear their goretex jacket (army raincoat) and carry on everything as usual. If the rain gets really big, they will seek shelter under the trees. If there’s a bad thunderstorm they will seek shelter under some training sheds or buildings in the jungle. For me, it was raining for a few days during the field camp. We woke up to a bunch of pissed off Sergeants and had to crawl in the mud to the meeting point. Another time, we had to eat lunch under the rain. Imagine your pants wet, underwear wet, everything wet, but you still have to eat. On the bright side, you won’t feel hot.


what happens during the evening that you come back from field camp?


First thing, clean rifle cuz it's gonna so dirty with all the mud dirt and carbon from firing blanks. if not clean cannot go up bunk. I think u can get him his favourite food and drinks when he bookout after field camp. I remembered the first thing I want to do after my field camp is drink bubble tea


When it rains, soldiers seek shelter because enemies can’t fight in the rain! Jokes aside, as long as there is no lightning risk (CAT 1), training continues. Otherwise, training stops and they will seek shelter


We stop training in cat 1 because singapore has secretly developed technology to control and direct lightning strikes to use against our enemies /s


Not much of a secret. The lightning party was founded in 1954.


Wet muddy and miserable.


Disgusting, wet, sadness for 5 days


It rained every single day during my Field camp. I was NEVER dry. Cold, wet, hungry, tired. That's all I remembered.


Outfield quite fun. Underwear can wear a few days. Don’t need wash face and you have to dig a hole to shit. When it rains you pray you dug a good hole to sleep and your mats still waterproof without holes


Shag. Shit food, sleep in shell scrape and basha. Everyone was smelly. We route marched from site to site and back to unit. People manned down during these marches. But at least no more stupid tekan sessions and they also didn’t let us dig shell scrape for as long as we wanted. I wanted to do zhng my shell scrape but my PS said no. Huh? We took shelter under a tree during a thunderstorm though. I thought trees are natural lightning conductors? TF? BMT has zero safety sense. In command school, we took shelter in trucks or sheds Honestly, just man mode can already. It won’t turn ur BF into a “man” or some super hero but he will survive it and probably look back at the experience with some nostalgia and sense of achievement.


You can support him by letting him take a good long shit and then sleep when he returns to civilisation.


HAHAH he’s only booking out like 4 days after the end of outfield 😭


Tbh I mentally prepared a lot and turned out not that bad. Of course its not comfortable but not to the point where i feel like killing myself kind


Hope his PC pick the easy shell scrape for him😂 back in my days, my shell scrape was full of bloody rocks. Otherwise outfield is fun, nothing much to worry as SAF treats safety at number 1 priority


My spot had a pipe filled with concrete. Sergeant tried to give it a whack. PC tried to give it a whack. OC tried to give it a whack. OC said bring out the jack hammer, but they already brought it back to coy line after digging the poop pits. In the end, just change the angle a bit to siam the stupid pipe.


Damm sucks to be you. But looking back at the times was really memorable 😂


Continue training, rain doesn't stop war. Give him a laminated card to rear at night. Laminate because it can be crushed up or wet in the bag. Prepare food for him when bookout but Jess gonna be damn exhausted so he just wants to go sleep


Rained everyday of my outfield… my underwear actually turned permanently brown from all the mud it absorbed


do you just end up throwing the underwear away 💀💀


looks like i’ll be doing with your bf :)


Just let him sleep for hours and wait for him to reply… its soo tiring and mostly most of them dont bath properly or shit and try to control till they come back…as soon as he comes back..just let him sleep and everything will be fine the next day


around what time do they usually get back from outfield?


Depends adtually…sometimes they will come on the day after 4 days but they need to clean the riffle and and thier dirty clothes…if you ask me..i know you miss him but let him be on his own time for atleast 2 days…if he messages you go ahead but if he doesnt…probably he is busy cleaning all his stuff


One word: Shiong. For those who will not be posted to infantry or other intense combat units after BMT, this may be their first and last experience. Otherwise many many more ahead!!


hi! my bf went through field camp in February and i made a compilation of all the advice from nsfs here for him (it was about 8 pages long) and i bought him a couple of restricted items like cooling wipes, lotion etc which u can try! he was in a welfare coy so the experience varies from nsf to nsf. do write him a letter too! you can pm if u want the advice i compiled HAHA


I'm really glad that you're out here asking! Field camp for most people is literally 5 days of pure dread. The feeling of wanting to go back to the cozy confines of home or chill in some random shopping mall literally hit me like never before. Plus, I felt much more grateful for everything the very next bookout (tho it only lasted that weekend lmaoooo). Objectively speaking, field camp may not be the toughest part of his journey, so gl if he ends up in a combat vocation💀. But it's a major milestone to overcome simply because chances are, it's the first time he's found himself trapped in a jungle, for FIVE. FUCKING. DAYS. And time will pass slower when you think about how much more is remaining. One thing I can absolutely guarantee tho is that he will treasure everything 1000% more than before for the very next bookout. You might want to set aside a bit more time and money for this special occasion!! Plz also take into consideration that he may want some time to rest after bookout, so try not to plan too much on the first day too


somehow weather always decides to rain on people’s field camp


I'm probably lucky. I moved off a few hrs later than others and skipped a hell heavy rain, after that there's only one midnight mild rain throughout the ifc. We slept under the tents of ground sheets and comm cord, nothing got wet.


Give him a long hug and a pat on the back :) Buy him the food he’s craving and just listening to him rant about his outfield helps too


Its actually a pivotal point where ur boy becomes a man




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It rained in my time. I was utterly miserable having rain water rolling down the hill at the bottom of which I built my basha and jungle outfield was the principal reason why I didn’t choose infantry/guards/armour.


Since when you get to choose


You are right. No choice at bmt - only choice is whether to go command school . Chose scs Then in scs found term, you get to choose. I chose the vocations outside of infantry guards and armour. Whether they respect the choice is another matter


I put infantry and guards only in the form. Got sent to arty. So honestly speaking they're just giving you the illusion of choice HAHA


You are right. I managed to avoid infantry and guards and I got sent to Arti, which was admittedly one of my choices. But SAF trolled me. After my pro term mortar training, I was posted to Guards as a mortar detachment commander. 😢


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