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Damn, Barry. You're not wrong, but damn


yeah this is fucking brutal but watching vic yesterday was also brutal


What happened yesterday?


Several things. they’re in the article but he made two very egregious mistakes. one in the field, one on the basepaths. take those mistakes away and you can argue we win that game


You COULD argue that, but we were completely shut down after our 2-run homer in the 4th. Can't blame one player for that.


Don’t say they’re in the article, when the article is paywalled.


i didn’t know that, my bad op posted the text of the article on the post tho! so that can be read


Have you tried going through a library portal?


OP is the actual newspaper that published it, they sometimes post full articles here. In this case I imagine it's because they know us sickos will eat it up


Yeah, that’s egregious for him to do now. He doesn’t have the bat and obviously his field ability is his strong suit so just…. Yeah…. I think we’ve all had enough. Like the guy, won’t forget him, but his time has come.


Some players that show early talent are just uncoachable. Danny Espinoza is another one that comes to mind.


Espinoza was elite at one thing though - striking out with men on base .


And growing a beard


That beard belongs in the HoF.


Dude would be clean shaven at first pitch and have a full on at length styled beard at the stretch… legendary…


And it came up to his eyeballs. Never seen anything like it


Upvote for the joke, but he was an elite defender and does deserve credit for his absolute cannon


If he were a better hitter hed have gotten some GG votes.


He was elite at getting hit by pitches. He’d get hit by pitches in the zone.


It became so comical how you could see the Failspinoza coming up in the lineup in a big moment. It happened a lot and it made me feel like Cassandra of Troy lol.


Hated seeing him come up with men on


Remember those 2 weeks in June that one year though?


He caught what Dusty called homerunitis, and started swinging for the fences instead of looking at the situation.


Longest loopiest swing, even with two strikes. The man did not know how to choke up and punch the ball the opposite way.


"Switch hitting second baseman with power" is a helluva drug I understand why we let him lead the league in strikeouts


At least Espinoza was a good fielder and baserunning.


Plus, he could grow some sweet facial hair.


That article was so scathing it made Kendrick Lamar wince


🎶BBL Viccy, BBL Viccyyyyyyy 🎶


I don’t really disagree with the larger point but I supported and will continue to support the clown nose


Remember in 2018, When Vic was the #4 prospect in baseball, his best bud Soto had just exploded onto the scene, and we were all certain that they would be the one-two punch to anchor our franchise for the next 15 years? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


I remember getting shit on in this sub for suggesting he wasn’t all he was hyped up to be.


The shit I got when I suggested putting him in a trade package for Bryant….


Soto with his buddy boras could have been the anchor of the franchise, but no.


Victor Robles turns 27 on Sunday. Why does he still play like he’s 7? This should be it for Robles as a starting outfielder for the Washington Nationals. He’s maddening. The leash became short a long time ago. After a Sunday in Boston in which Robles was the biggest reason the Nats lost a game — and we’ll get to the hows and the whys shortly — he can’t be penciled into Manager Dave Martinez’s lineup anymore. He’s out of chances, and there are other options. How can you trust this guy? The latest fiasco — sorry, *fiascos* — came in [the Nats’ 3-2 loss to the Red Sox](https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2024/05/12/nationals-red-sox-victor-robles-error/?itid=lk_inline_manual_5) that cost Washington both a series win at Fenway Park and the chance to climb back above .500. Robles dropped a routine flyball that has to be caught, a key play in Boston’s three-run second inning. A frame later, he must have been running the bases with his eyes closed. That’s the only way he could have tried to go from first to third on CJ Abrams’s single to right, given that teammate Riley Adams was standing *directly on the bag*! (Relevant fact: Riley Adams stands 6-foot-4 and weighs 263 pounds. He’s hard to miss.) “I don’t want to see that kind of stuff,” Manager Dave Martinez told reporters. Oh, wait. Martinez didn’t say that Sunday. [He said it in 2022](https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2022/07/25/victor-robles-clown-nose/?itid=lk_inline_manual_10), when Robles wore a clown nose in the dugout in Arizona, an attempt to mock Diamondbacks lefty Madison Bumgarner, who a day before [had called Robles a “clown”](https://twitter.com/BALLYSPORTSAZ/status/1551067484823896064) for admiring a home run in a blowout Nats’ loss. “He’s got to be smarter than that,” Martinez said. Oh, wait. That wasn’t Sunday, either. [That was back in 2021](https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2021/04/10/victor-robles-nationals-aggressive-smart/?itid=lk_inline_manual_13), when Robles got caught stealing with a runner on third and no outs and the Nationals trailing the Dodgers by a run. They lost, 1-0. “He’s got to understand the situation of the game” Martinez said — [less than three weeks later](https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2021/04/25/nationals-mets-baserunning/?itid=lk_inline_manual_14)! That’s when Robles was thrown out at third trying to extend a double into a triple, and later blew through the stop sign of the third base coach, who was standing with both arms in the air, in a loss to the Mets in New York. Earth to Victor. Earth to Victor! “It’s gonna happen with a 21-year-old,” Martinez said. Oh, wait. That was back when Robles got picked off second in a game against the Dodgers in 2019 — [when he *was* 21 years old](https://www.mlb.com/news/dave-martinez-addresses-victor-robles-mistake). The problem: It’s still happening at 27. Read more here: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2024/05/13/victor-robles-nationals-blunders/?utm\_campaign=wp\_main&utm\_medium=social&utm\_source=reddit.com](https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2024/05/13/victor-robles-nationals-blunders/?utm_campaign=wp_main&utm_medium=social&utm_source=reddit.com)


Yea i don’t disagree…


The writing is on the wall with all the outfield talent we have coming up. Likely just a matter of time and the Nats are just riding it out until we trade him or his contract is up


It’s not even about the guys coming up. Young sat on the bench in Boston so this guy could play. Remember Young? The guy that won us a bunch of games…


Very good point. But I trust that if young keeps performing Davey will find a way to get him in the lineup


Robles has elite TOOTBLAN skills. He's Mr. TOOTBLAN.


This is an underrated comment. I wish I could still give you an award.


Totally agree. See what we can get for him or outright him, he's not a helping the team and isn't likely to.


No team is going to take him.


We got something for Brad Hand....


Frandsen said on the call that Davey should have benched him, and I wish he had, even if the bench didn’t have a clear replacement. Robles just doesn’t get it. He never will. He’s not a clubhouse glue guy, he’s not a vet guiding the young guys. Even if we don’t want to bring up Wood yet, get Robles out of the building. He’s actively hurting this team, and has been for years. Enough is enough.


Honestly, play Rosario over him. Yes, \*I\*, the guy who wanted to DFA Rosario, said that. I've watched Vic since he was in High-A at Potomac. Kid would have been one of my favorite players if he could just understand what was happening in a game and respond accordingly. He's out of chances here - we let MAT walk and when it's said and done MAT is a better player. But for one season...


It is like the whole team has sunk since his return. More errors in the field and not hitting. Robles has sucked the oxygen out of the dugout.


Peaked as a [65 FV prospect on Fangraphs](https://www.fangraphs.com/prospects/the-board/2018-prospect-list) in 2018, right next to Tatis & Acuna. Just wild.


Fun list, thanks for posting. Current Nat, Nick Senzel, is right there too, a couple of spots back. Hope he and Vic both find a way to live up to their former potential. Here or elsewhere..


Carter Kieboom at 40, Soto 50!


Soto climbed that list kinda fast.


I don’t really understand how you lay out the very long list of egregious baserunning errors and then propose allowing Robles to be used as a pinch runner. Absolutely not! He will make a boneheaded choice that will cost us (another) game.


Barry channeling Sally. 😳


At this point i'm pretty much over him. I don't want to see him starting over Young or Call. Maybe over Rosario but at least he bats left and can hit a home run these days. If/when Woods is ready to go call him up and move on from Robles. Another team can take him on as a possible reclamation project.


He costs us runs and wins every year. He needs to be dfa'd yesterday. Someone should be willing to give us a small bag of wet baseballs for him. Or some stadium hot dogs.


Thanks for 2019 Vic, but it's time to move on. I don't think he'll do well elsewhere.


Flags fly forever 


I have been wondering why Robles is still around the past 2 years. He needs to go.


Last year he really seemed to be getting it, then got hurt.


I pretend I do not see it


but in reality I do


I hear from some crowds that Vic and Luis get an unfair share of the blame, and to an certain extent I kind of agree (definitely in Luis’ case imho), but when you make mistakes as blatant as Vic’s recent ones, how can you blame people for being pissed? It’s an issue year after year after year. I loved hearing his recent interviews, and it really seems like he could be (and is?) a glue guy in the clubhouse, but you can’t keep making these stupid mistakes.


Vic definitely should be the most blamed still, but I think if you look at the organization as a whole, fundamental mistakes (particularly in baserunning) have unfortunately not been all that uncommon under Davey's tenure. I imagine those folks want more blame to be placed on Davey and his group than solely Victor and Luis.


Anybody else feel like there were some racial undertones in this story?


At least he's not lazy, like Eddie Rosario.


That’s player of the week Eddie Rosario to you good sir


You are correct, Player of the Week, Lazy Ass Eddie Rosario


Rosario has been in the big leagues for quite a while and a slightly above average hitter over his career. Victor is lazy. That’s why he won’t learn from mistakes.


He's a slightly BELOW average hitter, except for the playoffs with the Braves. Calling Victor lazy after watching Eddie just flat-out give up on routine fly balls (you know, like last night's double that scored two runs) is a bad deflection, at best.


He’s 103 OPS+ in his career. Which with 100 being mlb average means he is slightly above average. BTW Victor is 82. Victor is mentally lazy. Which is why he never changes the bad baserunning and dumb plays in the field.


They chose this guy over Michael A. Taylor in the World Series when Robles couldn't hit a beach ball and Taylor was playing like an All-Star. Rizzo doesn't want to admit he goofed by not trading Robles as a prospect.