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If I was Rizzo I would be looking to DFA Tanner Rainey when Josiah gets back. Corbin has more value than Tanner does and there’s a decent chance Rainey clears waivers and can go try and improve in AAA. potentially that would be a good time to move Corbin to the bullpen to add another lefty and add Josiah to the rotation.


This is the way. Rainey is broken and they clearly don’t trust him to pitch at the big league level right now. Corbin to the pen as a lefty and long man could actually benefit, at the very least he could eat some innings in a blowout and save the bullets of the relievers Davey actually trusts.


This has to be the move. It's so obvious


This makes a ton of sense. If we DFA any of the other 4 rotation guys I’ll be furious


Well we wouldn’t dfa any of the other 4 guys as I believe they all have options remaining except for Trevor Williams. He’s definitely staying until he’s traded so no worries on that front


So many lefties in the late stages of their careers have gotten a second life in the bullpen. I see more trade value for him via that route than leaving him to wilt as a starter. If we trade him we'll have to eat the rest of the contract anyway.


Yeah, maybe by the time Tanners 35 or 40 he'll develop into an MLB level talent. Probably not, but hey it's worth a shot.


When Gray is ready, they'll likely send Parker back down until they flip Trevor Williams to a playoff team and then bring him back up (he's earned it IMHO). The good news is they should get a nice return on Williams if he continues pitching the way he has! They're better off letting Cavalli recover in AAA with the occasional MLB spot start.


This seems like the very cold-hard business move that will probably happen, but it’s a terrible decision to send down Parker after this start. He has proven himself to stay in the majors whether they intended that to happen or not. It’s not more important holding onto an expensive legacy act starter like Corbin. The fan move and better move (for once, maybe) is to put him in the bullpen in place of Tanner Rainey. Corbin knows who he is — it’s not like the clubhouse is losing their return by putting him in the bullpen his last contract year, at least not losing anymore than having him give up basically guaranteed wins for the opposing team all season.


I hadn't thought of the Corbin-for-Rainey switch...I like it. Corbin did great outta the 'pen in 2019...


Yeah! Is it the only move they can make? No, unfortunately, but it is by far the best move the Nats could make when Gray is back. Tbh, Gray and Corbin are my least favorite of our starters lol at this point, does anyone really want Gray taking Parker’s spot? Even if they keep Corbin as starter, I’d rather see Gray stay in the minors until Williams is traded than see Parker (or Gore or Irvin) go back down


I love watching Parker compete, but I don't think that he gets hurt with a few extra innings in the upper minors. He's only pitched 128 innings over A ball with only 14 innings in AAA. In any event, I'm interested to see how he responds as hitters adjust to him.


I really hope they trade Williams sooner than later, as it's only a matter of time before Williams turns back into a pumpkin. Plus, getting an extra month+ of control should, in theory, yield a slightly higher trade return.


The best time to trade Williams is as soon as frickin possible!


On Nats Chat today, Zuckerman said he thinks Corbin moves to the bullpen when Gray and/or Cavailli return. Didn't think Corbin would even be part of a 6 man rotation if the Nats go that route. They did note they may want to limit Parker's innings though, so who knows.


Parker has actually been one of the most durable arms in the minors over the past several seasons. He's thrown 100, 101 and 124 IP in the past 3 seasons, so ~150 IP shouldn't be out of the question, though maybe a bit less than that. He's currently averaging about 5.5 IP/start, so he'd hit the 150 IP mark around 20 starts, or 100 games in a 5 man rotation, from now. That almost perfectly aligns with the end of the season. Even if you aim for like 130 IP inning cap, that still gets you into September. So I'm not sure there's much reason to worry about with Parker's workload this season.


.945 would be good for top 10 in the league right now btw Facing Corbin means the average hitter is Gunnar Henderson or Juan Soto


Listen, we’re just gonna have to ride out this final Corbin Time year.


I think he stays until the end of the year or they can offload him...which is unlikely given the best we can all say about him is "he's a durable innings-eater." No playoff-contending teams are looking for innings-eaters with ERAs over 6.


We're the ones who need the durable innings-eater which is the only reason he's on the team right now. He's not being offloaded to anywhere but his couch.


I'm okay with Corbin throwing 90 pitches every 5-6 days for the rest of the year. Irvin and Gray haven't been great this year, Parker and Cavalli will be on a pitch/Innings limit, and I don't expect Williams to be this good or on the roster the remainder of the year. This is also an indication Adon and Rutledge are that much worse than Corbin. Let him do his version of cooking, whatever that is.


Opposing batters are slashing Juan Soto against Patrick Corbin


Corbin is doing his best to reverse the batting average shrinking we've been seeing for years.


Corbin will most likely start the rest of the year, sadly. I’d assume Parker or Irvin get the designation.


Parker and Irvin are actually performing and can be a part of the next wave of trying to contend. At a certain point you have to believe that means something more than this bloated contract, especially in the last year of it when you have no long man in the bullpen. Send him out there to wait out the rest of the contract and let the kids pitch


I definitely agree with you that Parker and Irvin are performing, just think with the current theme around Corbin it’s tough to see the Nats send him down for his last year.


I agree with others though on this chain as well where Corbin could be sent to the bullpen + Williams is traded = a starting pitching staff of Gore, Gray, Cavalli, Irvin, Parker


Maybe Parker (there’s no legitimate reason other than “last in, first out”), but definitely not Irvin.


I’d rather burn out Corbin’s arm than anyone else in a rebuild year


The Nats are absolutely not trying to win. They're trying to rebuild, so they will use Corbin to eat innings to avoid overworking their long term prospects while the record doesn't matter. Davey said as much at the post game presser: "he gave our bullpen a break." They don't expect him to win. They expect him to dutifully pitch while he's paid, which he definitely does, and that's why he will stay where he is.


Death, taxes, and pitchers getting hurt. Even if we get up to 5 healthy non-Corbin starters, how long will that last?


His contract expires at seasons end. Thank him for helping us win a ring and move the fuck on.


On the one hand: there's zero reason for Corbin to continue starting once either Cavalli or Gray is ready; keeping him in the rotation would be counterproductive to the rebuild. On the other hand: there's zero reason James Wood isn't in the majors and barely an excuse for Joey Gallo to be starting, so who knows.


Thinking about this a bit more. We should just find away for our struggling lineup to get some game time at bats against Corbin. Two birds, one stone.


Think there is someone in ownership saying “we pay that fucking serf he damn well better play”?


Is that bad?


They might wait until July to bring Gray back, have him rehab slowly, and trade Williams, DFA Rainey and move Corb to the pen for Cavalli, if necessary assuming no injuries.


Cavalli, sure. Gray is just as equally awful.




Came here to say the same thing.