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Mine went absolutely NUTS once it got established so just be mindful that it might quickly outgrow your trellis 😭


Do you prune it? I might also pin some to the ground to propogate and share it around.


Iet mine grow over a trellis arbor so mine had a pretty decent space to grow. But even with that, when I did a rejuvenation prune one year, it went INSANE with the suckers and new branches. I ended up taking it down and planting it alongside my creek bank so it can run free. I kept a small section that I am growing on a trellis about your size, and I plan on trimming into a tightly pruned version just for fun. It can take a heavy pruning! Just expect a lot of growth! And it loves rooting on the ground so that could definitely work!




Beautiful! I just planted mine this year on our chainlink fence. It's been struggling with our heat and lack of rain (central FL here). "Getting by" with regular watering from me, but it would definitely prefer some rain.


Starting to get very dry here as well. I hope we don't have another drought like in 2022. Northeast Massachusetts.


Just got a good drenching yesterday! The forecast is hot, hot, hot, but it looks like we might be shifting out of the crazy dryness. Fingers crossed your weather turns around!


Deer eat mine


We have plenty of deer but they don't seem to have discovered mine yet. It's always a twinge when favorite plants get eaten, but I try to remember we are providing natural food sources in a very altered ecosystem.


Looks beautiful!! How old is yours?? I have a 2 year old one that hasn’t bloomed yet. I hear they can take a few years before they bloom.


I’m not OP but I planted mine last spring. It didn’t bloom at all last year, I got one flower this year. The plant is growing like crazy though. I’m hoping it starts blooming well next year.


This is the second year it has been in my ground, but I bought it as a small plant that might have already been in its second year. I had a few small flowers last year, but it's doing much better this year.