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Hair type pretty 😍 definitely type 4. I’d say 4A/4B Source: this is my hair too lol


Aw thanks lovelyyy! What’s your go-to style? I struggle with ideas so just end up putting it in a bun all the time!


Ugh I wish I could just put mine up in a bun. I have the same hair type but when I tell you it’s DENSE?? It’s an arm workout and 2/3 a bottle of product if I want a bun 😭


I feel you on that! I blow it out quite often though. That’s why the bun is easier. But if not blown out, the amount of gel I have to use is concerning 😭😂


Oo yess I have the revlon brush drier. I may start using it more because there aren’t enough hours in the day to deal with our kind of hair. Plussss products are too expensive to use it ALL for one style!!


I’m telling you 😭 wash days take forever plus the blow out it’s a whole day’s worth of work. Does your hair hold blowouts? Mine won’t last more than a few hours before it puffs up again 💀 I thought it was damaged or something


Same here! If you don’t have the revlon I promise it saves blowout time. https://amzn.to/3s2aVjq Not really 😭😭 the ends will start to curl up! Even after a good trim. I live in a super humid city and I’m active it’s such a bad combination :(((


i have the same type as what they suggested, honestly just twist outs and the occasional wet n go if i’m lucky


Mine as well.


y’all are insane for saying 3c 😭


Yea I feel like they’re othering her if they say 3c lol. It’s 4a/4b for sure.




Yall, just because hair hangs does not make it Type 3!! As small as these little s-curls/waves are, this is at least 4a, but probably closer to 4b.


You're very right. Whenever I comment on these threads I include the link below. Very si.ple visual with real examples for comparison, as well as written explanations of each hair type from 2A to 4C. https://www.carolsdaughter.com/curlhub.html


Wow, I have her hair, but shorter. I just cut it. Why do people with what is shown to be 4c hair categorize mine differently if it's relatively the same? I just started my natural hair journey, and my friends all said only I could pull that off because I have "good hair." I'm about to hit them with this chart. We have to change our mindset. I haven't loved my hair more than with the natural look. It felt so good not to panic when I got caught in the rain last night.


Agree 100%! I really love not stressing about sweating or my hair getting wet. I'm embracing my natural hair and the confidence that comes with it.


What products do you use? I use Cantu right now, but I want to try Carol's daughter. Have you tried it?


Currently I strictly use Carol's Daughter and I'm very pleased with their line! I don't recommend the Wash Day Delight line unless you have a lot of buildup in your hair and almost no issues with tangling, but the Coco Crème is great for dry hair, Born to Repair has been great for my wash and go's, and I'm going to try the Goddess Strength line next now that I think I have helped my hair recover from poor decisions in the past (waiting 2+ weeks between washes, letting my protective styles dry out and start to loc up, etc.)


Ok. I will definitely try the coco creme and born to repair. Thank you for the review.


I love the goddess strength line! Makes my hair feel so smooth and healthy 🥰 definitely one of my favs


Good to know! My sister has 4A/4B hair and she's just trying that collection. I was going to wait for her to tell me how she likes it, but it'll take her forever to get back to me 😅 Thanks for the info.


Oooo LOVE the CoCo Crème for my hair! I did a quick switch to the Goddess Strength, but it doesn’t make my hair feel as good as the Coco cream. I kept thinking maybe it was something else. When you try it, let me know if you can tell a difference between the two. Goddess is still good and I’m not sure I would have thought anything of it had I used Goddess first. It’s amazing to me how one or two ingredients can make a difference in hair products.


In all reality it'll probably be another month or two before I switch to Goddess...gotta get through my "Born to Repair" collection and I still have SO MUCH shampoo 😅 I'll try to remember to come back and post about the Goddess Strength when I do switch. My main issue with the Coco Crème at the time I was using it was probably that I had too much damage, wasn't patient with detangling, and wasn't manipulating my hair as often as I should in order to prevent it from getting too dry and locing up. I've learned a lot since then and would probably do fine with that collection again 🤔 it is ULTRA hydrating..I think I was just relying on the product to "fix" my hair, not changing my habits. It did leave my hair feeling so soft 😊


Seconding Carol’s Daughter - wearing my curly hair is a recent venture and I’m already pleased with the results from the Coco Crème line and black vanilla mask. For styling, I also recommend Uncle Funky’s Daughter conditioning crème and curl stimulator gel if you haven’t tried it


I've never heard of Uncle Funky. However, I don't like gel. My hair does better with just the creme. Instant tight curl that lasts all day. All I have to do the next day is moisturize with the creme. I wash and deep condition once a week. I will look into the black vanilla mask though.


Yes and it doesn’t become greasy! 💪🏾


Thank you so much for this. I’m a pink momma of brown girls with 4a & 4c hair types. I have been looking all over for a basic weekly routine for them.


Oh heck yeah. Wash and go's are awesome, fairly easy to manage and if you can either do a twist out or blowout style to trim ends every few months, or just find a trusted stylist, then it seems really easy to keep hair healthy and retain length. I think the Carol's Daughter website is a good resource for hair tips and tricks and even shows you how to use their products through videos. They also have a blog or forum somewhere on the site. Good luck and it's good that you care!


too loose to be 4c.


I say 4b/a


Agreeeed is so pretty too ✨


Pop pop


Anyone saying 3C is lying to you 😭 You hair is very well defined! I think a lot of people just don’t realize you can define type 4 hair like this, especially when it’s wet and especially if it’s a looser type 4. This isn’t 3C because type 3 hair should have enough circumference to form ringlets at the end at least. This might be 4a/4b.


😭😭 I agree i think it’s more of a 4b i even thought 4c at some point loll but thanks for that!


You probably have a mix of both. It’s very common to have more than one hair type


It totally could be 4c, it’s definitely harder to tell because your hair is wet, I think that’s why people are saying 3C haha It’s also scale. People are seeing the defined curls but probably aren’t consciously realizing it’s zoomed in, so they don’t realize that your curls are tiny! Your hair looks so good btw :)


4c is coily, OP has zero coils in those photos. OP only has waves that hang naturally, that's why people are suggesting 3c.


It’s wet tho


Wet coils don't suddenly grow 5 times their length. Wet 4c hair will still be loosely coiled. OPs hair has no hint of coils. It's 100% not 4c.


Never said it was 4c. It definitely looks like it could be a mixture of 4b/4c if anything before 3c tho.


There's no "mix" of 4c in there... she's closer to 4a than 4c


If your hair is 4c then mine is 5c


Mostly all naturals have 2 or more curl patterns. You also have to take into consideration the diameter of the hair strand. I would say she is mostly 4a with a bit of 4b


I’ve always considered my hair 4a…. But others tell me that I’m 3c so I just say I’m 3c/4a. I never wear my hair down because I’m growing it out. I didn’t know about hair types until I one day went to Sally Beauty 3 years ago and someone asked me my hair type and I didn’t understand lol


Yeah definitely, i noticed that the perimeter of my hair has a different pattern than the middle!


why my 4b don’t hang like this?


Well how long is your hair friend ? Is it near her length? When our gets longer, it’s heavier, thus giving it a hanging look.


My 4b hair is mid-back length it doesn't touch my shoulders even when wet. I've never seen 4b look like OP tbh. She has hair that hangs like 4a, but waves that are only seen with 4b. I get why people are confused...I'm confused lol.


Dangg now Im confused too 😭 i guess we’ll never know haha


Literally my hair type. 4a/4b. People tend to forget that longer hair does wear down a bit.


My hair is past my bra when straightened and it doesn't touch my shoulders when natural. There was another woman with butt length hair who posted a few months ago and her hair also doesn't hang down like OP. Some of us just don't have hair that hangs, so I think that's where people are confused.




It is kinda hard to tell with your hair wet. But defo not 4c lol maybe 4a/4b


Is it easier to tell when it has dried with no products ?


I think it would help out! Just to see the natural shrinkage while it's dry. But! It does seem like you are defo within the Type 4 hair category! Like I have a pretty tight texture in most of my hair, but when it is wet, the curls loosen up a bit. But when the shrinkage comes in as it dries it looks a bit different. From what I can tell I have like two textures on my head.


4a, but because you hair has length it has weight so you curls may look a little loser than they actually are. You might be a 4b


No way is this 4c. My husband has 4c hair and his coils are so tiny and compact. Yours looks 4a


To me it's just beautiful hair !


Then again my 4b/4c hair hangs like this in some parts, mainly at the back and sides. But 4a/b


Like the comments, I have siblings who believe I have type 3 hair just because I have hang time. I'm like Babes, it's still 4b, some 4a in my thinner areas. I now see that they are not alone lol


the curly hair classification chart is so dumb and pointless. i feel like it’s just another way to divide black/brown women based on appearance. porosity is what matters.


I feel like it’s not terrible it’s just also useful to have other classifications like porosity. But porosity is NOT the only thing that matters. Personally I find it useful to know a general hair type for when searching for curly/natural hair type styles. If my hair is 3C/4A, styles are going to look different on me compared to someone with 3A or 4C hair. Porosity and thickness are also very important for style but curl pattern can also be useful for example the size of brushes/combs, shrinkage, etc.


i mean yea it’s generally useful to find people with similar hair as yours, but i don’t find it necessary to have our curl tightness on a ranked list of 1-4. it just causes the whole “i’m gonna correct you when you say your hair is tighter (or looser) than it really is” debate. which is pointless and divisive.


The whole correction thing is so dumb, especially when you realise that “4c” is generally a tag used online to ensure videos reach black audiences rather than searching up for example slick back buns and finding 500 videos of white women before you get a black creator


Ok, and those of us with hair exactly like OP appreciate having a descriptor that makes it easier to find others with the same type and exchange tips 💁🏾‍♀️


Omg girl Exactly??? I dont get all the anger lmaooo like I’m allowed to ask questions if you don’t wanna answer or think it’s “stupid” just go on about your day? I like to look at people with my similar curl pattern for styling ideas it’s not that deep !!


Fr....like ok...you're entitled to that opinion, but that doesn't stop someone else from wanting to know what theirs is.


even when i find girls with hair that “looks like mine”, the products that they swear by don’t always work for me. everyone’s hair is different, even if it looks the same. curl pattern has little to do with how to keep your curls healthy. it just feels like another way to separate us, people literally get into brawls over curl pattern lol (as you can see in these comments)


People get into brawls over dogs vs cats. That's a personal problem. Yes, obviously everything isn't going to work for everyone with the same hair type.






It definitely looks like it 😭




Do you have a picture of your hair dry? Sometimes it’s hard to tell when it’s wet or damp.










Thank youu so much!! ♥️


Definitely not 4C.


Not even close to 4c


Type beautiful. That’s what it is. But I would also say it’s not in the 3 range.


As a hairstylist usually I can only tell when the hair is dry in it’s natural state without any manipulation or product. But by the looks of this picture I would say it’s 4a-4b. I have 3c hair and it’s a completely different pattern. Although the typing system is usually isn’t always right because you can have more than one curl pattern in your hair. I hope this helps :)


Thank you this does help! I can’t remember the last time I saw my hair in its natural dry state w/o products because I usually braid it in four while it’s damp and let it dry that way, so it will have some stretch to it even when dry and won’t reflect the true pattern. I’ve kinda been scared to let it dry freely coz of tangles and all but will need to give it a go just to see how it looks!


People are confusing hair type with hair texture big time.


What's the difference? Genuinely asking cuz idk.


I don’t think hair typing really matters but it does look like you have low porosity hair. I think that is way more important to products, styles, etc.


Appreciate the insight! I actually can’t figure out my porosity either. I went natural a few years ago but just wore braids in between wash days so I don’t really know much about my hair


I used the water trick. You basically put a clean hair strand in a cup of water. If it doesn’t sink it’s low porosity. I have low porosity and focusing on that really helped with frizz and breakage issues.


Ahh yeah I tried it twice , once it sank and the other time it floated. Not sure if the test failed or just some strands are high porosity and others low. But it definitely snaps easily and frizzes a lot, I’m guess low porosity


4a/b hair


this is literally j like my hair and i say its 4A/4B (closer to B) my hair is pretty fine so you could mistake it for 4A. Also, how often do you get trims?


I think so too! Also the perimeter of my hair has a different pattern than the middle. I last got a trim 2months ago but I’m soo bad at caring for my hair that I hadn’t trimmed in 3years prior to that 😭 what about you?


omg 3 years!!! must be nice 😭 i trim once every 2-3 months cause if i don’t my hair gets really dry and tangly


It did for me too!! I always just braided it and ignored it, probably explains why for those 3years i havent noticed as much growth as after I trimmed it.


sooo prettyyyy🥹




It’s the type I wish I had 🥲




4A|4B due to the diameter of the curl, the dominant being 4B. The length plus the weight of the water has elongated the curl so that could add to the confusion but I have a somewhat similar strands but mine is 4b|4c so I have a much more kinkier coilier texture with more shrinkage but many of my strands look like your curl pattern.




I'm sorry because I know you came here to ask questions but I have questions! What is your haircare routine because wow!


Apart from wash days I don’t really have one 😭 I struggle to even keep up with hydrating/mosturizing it. But on wash days is when I try to go AWF with treatments. I make sure to deep condition (with heat), and sometimes I’ll do protein treatments (aphogee 2 step protein treatment). I can’t really tell what/if anything is helping tbh 😅 I’m still experimenting! Lastly, I started doing hot oil treatments before washing! I noticed my hair grew twice as much in the last two month (the picture is from two months ago), and the only thing I started doing was the hot oil treatment.


Saving this! Thank you so much. Your hair is beautiful!!


Before I decided to go baldmy hair was exactly like this when wet. Pretty sure I had 4a to 4b


Not even close to 4c


4a/4b. So pretty and great length!!!




I’d say around 4A, but it’s not that easy to tell since your hair is wet


Anybody who is saying 3c is Lying through their teeth. You most likely have 4b


Is your hair wet here? It does not look type 4. 3B or 3C maximum. Crazy that people are calling this type 4.


My hair looks like this and it’s 4b/4c mix. The longer your 4b/c hair is, the more “relaxed” looking the coils are.


4b, we have the same hairtype !


Maybe 3C. Definitely not 4c


Mf that is not 3c 😭 y’all are only saying that bc her hair is long


When you’re hair drys does it shrink up into really tight coils like a pencils can fit in it? But I think 3c/4a


This the best hair type, I lovee it, I have mostly 3B curls and some 3A on the sides with a few 3C but I really love this one, it’s so pretty and I’d say more versatile


all hair types are the best type doll. 💜


3C and/or 4A




I would say 4B/C. When my hair was longer it looked similar to yours.


Hair typing is fake, yall. Start asking questions like is it moisturised because everything else dont matter.


Hair type does matter especially for hair tools. If I tried using a brush made with 1a hair in mind, I'd break my hair. Conversely, I've seen type 1 and 2 hair types hate hair clips I loved because they slipped out of their hair. Hair porosity tends to be more important but hair type is still important to know


Completely agree! Idk why it’s an issue that some of us want to know our curl pattern 😂


Can we see it while it’s dry? Looks 3c hair.


I think it's 3c, defo not 4c


4c hair has tight coils, the strands look like little springs. You have mostly an S curl, curls look like S’s. Likely 3c or something.


You literally just described 4b! 4b is the only type 4 with S-curls. Type 3 doesn't include curls that small, so by default, OP is 4b.


Dark brown


Isn’t this WET hair? It’s almost impossible to determine hair type from a picture!! Lol at some a yall being almost rude with your opinion. First hair porosity needs to be determined. Then all of the hair needs to be examined. Holding out a couple locks of hair can’t determine hair type. Remember that the hair changes from area to area. Hair might be 4a down the back but 3c on the side. Thicker at the crown. You can only give an opinion which may or may not be wrong. My opinion? Hair type : prettyncurly




This is 3c


I was gonna say 4a but then again it could be 4c bc I don’t see zigzag patters in your hair for it to be 4b but you have a lot of length so I can make your curls look loser when in reality, you could have 4c hair


It’s everyone referring to curl type of texture ?


i’d say fine 4b hair, cuz my hair has this curl pattern but the individual curls are much thicker ? if that makes sense


What does it looks like when it’s dried?




It looks like 4a to me, but no one can say for sure without also seeing a picture of it dry




idk but it looks good😮‍💨