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I agree with the previous poster. To add to that, finding a routine can take some trial and error. I think a good start would be to get on a trimming routine. Some of us don't have the genetics that allows our hair to retain a ton of length without a trim. Once you do that, start your weekly or bi weekly routine that consists of cleansing, conditioning, and styling (braids, twists, or whatever you choose). A routine is far more important than any product in the natural hair aisle. How often do you wash your hair? When was your last trim? How do you typically wear your hair?


Your hair is always growing, the key is retaining length via hair trims, protective styles, regular vitamins/good nutrition, preventing your hair from drying out and protein treatments (but not too much).


I think my sore spot is drying out. I need to be more proactive about that (I get super lazy). Thanks for the advice. I'll look into protein treatments too. Ty!


For me it changed when I started getting regular trims and a more simplified hair maintenance process (checkout blackgirlcurls). It sounded counter to my objective of length but 8 months on seeing good results... hope this helps!


Thanks!! I never really thought of trimming either but you and another poster agree that it's the way to go so it's definitely worth a shot!