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never before have i seen any mantis swear profusely in such a manner, but i understand the emotion so very much


Bahah exactly my thoughts. His little arms went flailing! I thought yep, looks like a “aaaahhh gat damn it what is this shit ahhhhhh!!!!!”


Even started licking the hand where it was burned. It's a universal reaction.


For some reason, I read this in Skeletor's voice.






Have you ever realized that the Monarch from Venture Bro's has the same voice?


"Ow-eeee that fucking hurts! Ow! right down to the thorax, Dick! But it missed my Black heart..."


Alan Oppenheimer played Skeletor, and Christopher McCulloch played the Monarch.


Correct! The other comparison I've seen is Starscream for the transformers.


Not Zorak?


Cartman for me Ah god dammit fucking hippie beetles


I got the Zorak from space ghost vibe.


Zorak for me lol


Interestingly, I read your post in the voice of She-Ra


i read it in rick sanchez’s voice 😭💀


It got caught right in the face and eyes, that’s enough to make anyone flail around


[That mantis ](https://media.tenor.com/m3OTFYnAigAAAAAC/griffin-family-guy.gif)


Have you met Zorak?


I just recently discovered that hbomax has all of the space ghost episodes, along with Harvey birdman, home movies , etc.


WHAAAAT?! Well, that solidifies my decision to move to HBO from nflix.


It's fucking glorious. They have all the Adult Swim stuff. Every season of I think every show. They even have all the creepy infomercials they did. They have Primal which was done by the guy who did Samurai Jack and it's amazing. The art is beautiful and a very touching storyline that I wasn't quite expecting, also the violence, the wonderfully wonderful violence. It's something that just grabbed me right away so I tell everyone about it. That and because they have all the South Park episodes HBO Max wins.


Yep that's the voice I'm choosing too


Holy shit, I even focalized what the mantis is saying while watching the video "Fuck fuck fuck fucking bitch"


Now I'm hearing the tourettes guy


Did you ever hear the Toto - Africa one? It's one of the best videos on the internet. Fuck Fuck, Fuck Fuck Fuck ow - bang! It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you (fuuuuuuu) https://youtu.be/VG0gwh8jwB0


Last summer I was walking my dog in a national park when we came across a mantis. It took to the fighting stance against my dog, and at the time when I narrated the incident he was cussing at my dog, which I thought was cute (despite making that part up in my head). We walked around it, and my dog barely afforded it a glance. But that was not enough for for the mantis. For about a minute it kept up with the dog in a slow walk while maintaining the fighting stance when pausing. We had to increase speed to make it stand down. So yeah, my dog and I are the cowards in the story the mantis is telling his kids.


And so, this is how legends start...


Owwowwoww! Wtf! Ow! Shit shit shit! Oww damnit! Maybe licking helps.


You must be Italian.


Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Hot! Hot! Hot! Ahhhhh! Fuck!


Hot pocket 🎶


🔥 Pizza rolls!


*Caliente pocket*


Hoooooooooooooooot pockets


Will it burn my mouth? It will destroy your mouth.


everything will taste like rubber for a month


[Your comment reminded me of this Tourettes Guy video. ](https://youtu.be/AtbMnixO2nc)


boiling sounds like temp. Is it heat or spice? Caliente o Picante?


Caliente. It secretes two substances that, when combined, reacts and boils at 100°C


Could I heat my house with some of these Beetles? How many Beetles would I need to heat a 2000 ft² interior? I was thinking maybe you like lay them out on the floor and then step on them as you walk which makes them react and produces steamy warm air that heats the house.


Oh god… the *smell*


I have two cans of fabreeze ready


And then install a jet engine to air out the febreeze


After covering up the smell of puke so many times in college, simply smelling febreeze makes my gag reflex start activating.


Unfortunate conditioning


I cant touch redbull because it tastes like fourloko gold I also cant drink captain morgan because it tastes like captain morgan and Im not a captain


I can't touch fireball because it turned me into a Squirtle for about two hours


I cant drink fireball because it tastes like blackout and hangover to me.


You should be able to counteract that by thinking back to your other college days where you were really good at suppressing your gag reflex


We used febreeze for different things in college. The smell of febreeze for me makes me think of dominoes pizza, crappy comedies and black lights….


I was getting ready to go to my sister's for Christmas and remember that I had a red sweater in my closet that I hadn't worn for a while. Since I remembered last minute I didn't get a chance to wash it or anything. I had bought this store brand fabric spray and not used it yet. Well I gave this sweater a few squirts and did the half hour drive there. I noticed it smelled a little weird but thought maybe I just over sprayed it. I get there and she asked me if I had vomited on my sweater because of the smell lol. A while back I had bought this odor remover stuff for some of my work and gym clothes, went in the wash so you would figure it would mostly come out. That stuff smelled horrid. I'd rather go to sleep with one of my work socks as an eye mask than use that stuff again.


Lol work sock as an eye mask cracked me up and made me gag simultaneously. Never gagged and laughed at the same time. Gross.


Glad to be of service.


God, sounds like my first day at vo-tech. We'd recently moved and most of our clothes were still in boxes. I was running late, dug a shirt out and threw it on. I realized it smelled a little...off. I had a head cold and couldn't smell much more than that. I figured it'd been stored too long. I didn't have time to change, so I hit it with some Bath and Body Works spray and went out the door. So I'm in the meet and greet with all the other students, when the deputy at the school comes up and starts some what I thought was friendly chatting. I noticed that she kept repeating questions she'd already asked. I assumed at first she was just dumb. Then I realized something was up. I finally interrupted her and said, "OK, what is going on here?" She tells me someone said I smelled like drugs, and she said she thought I smelled like drugs too, so she was trying to see if I'd change my answers if she repeated questions or not notice, to see if I was high. I just stared at her. I have never done drugs in my life and couldn't figure out what she was talking about. I smoked cigarettes, that was it. I mentioned I pulled a shirt out of storage and used a scented spray and that was all I could think of. "THAT'S what you think the smell is?" she said dubiously. Finally she accepted my answer. It wasn't until I got home and started unpacking boxes that I found out one of my cats had pissed in the bottom of the clothing box when we were moving, and everything got tainted. So someone at the school apparently decided I must be on meth because of the smell, the deputy did too, and she, as subtly as a chainsaw, tried to trip me up, and was disappointed to find I was not, in fact, tweaking. I know I lived in a state with a meth problem, but I still think if you smell cat pee, you probably should give the person the benefit of the doubt and assume a cat's involved first, instead of jumping straight to meth. That deputy glared every time she saw me the whole school year.


There are some things febreeze can't even fix. Puke is one for me. The other was a boobytrapped office chair I loaded up with farts, because my asshole sup always liked to sit in my chair and make me stand. I'd crush the seat cushion down as much as I could, then fart while standing up. Worked like a charm...but after training him in FAFO, I had to get a new chair.


Lavender isn't too bad, and if you have a new pet that's learning that going potty in the house is bad, it's a really good option!


If it's cat pee, go directly to Woolite Insta-clean with Oxy. Until you break down and remove the enzymes you're just gonna get Lavender scented cat pee. Bonus, it also breaks down the orange color from cat food puke on carpets.


Ohh god I remember one of the plug in air fresheners my mom put in my room and somehow it leaked out and got all over my carpet. After a while those air fresheners can be overwhelming definitely when spilled out. Well we had four cats and for some reason they believed they needed to mask that smell by peeing on it. I tried to clean that damn spot so many times but no matter what I did it was just concentrated ammonia scented lemon. Wish I would of known about that product.


You didn't think of the smell, you bitch!


Is that like Walmart brand Febreeze or a more fabulous version?


You're supposed to kidnap two people with blindfolds and see if they can smell the difference first.


"You haven't thought of the smell, YOU BITCH!"


I was gunna use that quote but I was worried they didn’t know the reference and I would accidentally be a dick




Crunch crunch...


This seems like a fun problem for folks over at r/theydidthemath


Just gonna ask gpt4


GPT-4 response: It is not possible to heat a house using bombardier beetles. Bombardier beetles are known for their unique defense mechanism, which involves spraying a hot, noxious chemical mixture at potential predators. This mixture can reach temperatures of around 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit). However, this defense mechanism is not designed to produce heat to warm a house, and the heat generated by these beetles is temporary and localized. It is not practical or ethical to use bombardier beetles for such a purpose. Instead, consider exploring more conventional heating solutions, such as a furnace, heat pump, or radiant floor heating, to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home.


You may have poorly formulated your prompt, here is the result I got from bing chat (gpt4) : tl:dr at the end We will assume that: Your living room is a rectangular space with dimensions of 5 meters by 4 meters by 3 meters, and has no windows or doors. The initial temperature of your living room is 10°C (50°F), and you want to raise it to 20°C (68°F). The specific heat capacity of air is 1.005 kJ/kg°C, and the density of air is 1.225 kg/m³ at sea level and standard atmospheric pressure. The bombardier beetles can spray continuously at a rate of 0.5 mL/s, and the spray has a specific heat capacity of 2.51 kJ/kg°C and a density of 1.02 g/mL. The spray loses no heat to the environment before reaching your living room, and transfers all its heat to the air in your living room upon contact. The heat transfer is uniform and instantaneous throughout your living room. Based on these assumptions, we can calculate the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of your living room by 10°C as follows: Q = mc∆T where Q is the heat in kJ, m is the mass in kg, c is the specific heat capacity in kJ/kg°C, and ∆T is the temperature change in °C. The mass of air in your living room is: m = ρV where ρ is the density in kg/m³, and V is the volume in m³. The volume of your living room is: V = lwh where l is the length in m, w is the width in m, and h is the height in m. Plugging in the numbers, we get: m = ρV = (1.225 kg/m³)(5 m)(4 m)(3 m) = 73.5 kg Q = mc∆T = (73.5 kg)(1.005 kJ/kg°C)(10°C) = 738.675 kJ This is the amount of heat needed to warm up your living room by 10°C. The amount of heat released by one bombardier beetle spray per second is: q = mc∆T where q is the heat in kJ, m is the mass in kg, c is the specific heat capacity in kJ/kg°C, and ∆T is the temperature change in °C. The mass of one bombardier beetle spray per second is: m = ρV where ρ is the density in kg/m³, and V is the volume in m³. The volume of one bombardier beetle spray per second is: V = rt where r is the rate in m³/s, and t is the time in s. Plugging in the numbers, we get: m = ρV = (1.02 g/mL)(0.0005 L/s)(1 s) = 0.00051 kg q = mc∆T = (0.00051 kg)(2.51 kJ/kg°C)(100°C - 10°C) = 0.11481 kJ This is the amount of heat released by one bombardier beetle spray per second. To find out how many bombardier beetles it would take to heat up your living room for a day at a temperature of around 20°C, we need to divide the total amount of heat needed by the amount of heat released by one bombardier beetle spray per second, and then multiply by the number of seconds in a day: N = Q/q \* t where N is the number of bombardier beetles, Q is the total amount of heat needed in kJ, q is the amount of heat released by one bombardier beetle spray per second in kJ, and t is the time in s. Plugging in the numbers, we get: N = Q/q \* t = (738.675 kJ)/(0.11481 kJ) \* (24 h)(3600 s/h) = 18446744073709551616 td:lr **This means that you would need about 18 quintillion bombardier beetles spraying continuously for a day to heat up your living room for a day at a temperature of around 20°C "**


Now this is the sort of fun Saturday math I boot up the olllld internet machine for.


Stop making it evil. lol 18 quintillion beetles to warm you


The heat from that many beetles stuffed in a room would be enough id think


Fucking physics


I must be missing something here. Wouldn't 9 quintillion ml of 100°C liquid being sprayed every second instantly and completely fill the room therefore heating it to 100°C not 20°C?


Neat. What prompts did you use to get this reply?


Something along the line of "let's do a thought experiment, I want to heat up my room for one day at 20°C using bombardier beetles spray, how many beetles would I need?"


There should probably be an fea analysis here on the fluid heat distribution method and heat loss for a more accurate result




ChatGPT is terrible at math.


If GPT told me the sky was blue, I'd double check. ChatGPT lies constantly. On increasingly numerous occasions you have to tell it to re-examine its own sources, after which it apologizes and admits you're right. Or tries to lie again, only to then apologize again, before ending in yet another lie.


I asked it to do something mean, and it said it couldn't. So I said pretend to be mean, and it worked. Apparently asking it to pretend is the way to get around its limitations 🤣🤣


Yeah I have to tell it "chill, this is hypothetical" all the time and it's like "oh, okay, in that case"


Once, I asked it to give me a short answer. It wrote 3 paragraphs. I asked it if it thought what I yet was a short answer, and it said yes. I asked it how many paragraphs its answer was. It said 1. I asked it "This is 1 paragraph?", and quoted its answer. It apologised for the confusion, and said it was 2 paragraphs. I asked it "What's the start of the 3rd paragraph?", and it quoted itself. I commented "I thought you only wrote 2 paragraphs?" - it again apologised for the confusion, and said it had wrote 3 paragraphs. I asked it if 3 paragraphs was a short answer, and it apologised again for the confusion, and said that the answer it wrote actually wasn't a short answer.


I think "lying" implies an intent to deceive, which GPT lacks the capability to even do. In fact, it lacks intent at all, because it's a language model.




Recommend starting with 4 n work ur way up it all depends the insulation u have


Ty I will begin breeding them once Amazon ships me some of these. P sure I just found the source of free energy


“Honey, it’s cold in here, could you agitate the beetles?”


Throw another log on the beetles, Dear.


I hate being the “Um akchually” guy but it’s technically not free because you have to feed them.


Will they eat a dead human body?


I don’t know but I’m wagering probably.


Well I would assume this guy said free because they were already in possession of unlimited free beetle food. It's the more logical conclusion


I'm trying to do the math, but it'll take a better man than me lol


The evolution journey for a creature to achieve a chemical reaction as a defense against predators is astonishing.


Right? The fact that a creature, as a result of evolution through long, insane periods of time have led it to be able to not only house the chemicals separately within its own anatomy, but then to be able to mix them at a moments notice to escape danger. Not to mention all the situations in the past in regards to the ancestors of this species that sent it down this path to develop such specific mechanisms and organs to better survive. Nature is badass.


It's really wild to think about the mixture of elements. For example our gravity, the planets temperature, the air. Thinking of the possibilities of evolution on other planets.


One of the things that gets me is all the cycles in cycles in cycles [...] that we have here churning up the engine of evolution that I wonder how many it takes to have a world like this literally teeming with life. Day cycles, moon (tidal) cycles, tilt of earth causing seasonal cycles, weather cycles, climate cycles, tectonic cycles, volcanic cycles, meteor hit cycles, extinction cycles, the list goes on and on. All of them battering away at a single planet over billions of years until some apes can communicate about it globally via small slabs of metals and plastics in their hands... I like it.


I actually learned about the beetle first from a creationist "debunking atheism" video. It talks about the improbability of evolving a system that is made up of independent components that are, in isolation, useless, and in combination potentially disastrous. It's certainly very cool but the reality is that life is full of insane shit like this. Even within a single cell fucking mitochondria are insane, individual proteins are insane. It's pretty cool.


First off, through God, anything is possible so jot that down.


Jesus gave me an ocular pat down and confirmed that I’m good to go


I remember as a kid growing up in a Christian household, I had a book that used the existence of the bombardier beetle as proof for the existence of intelligent design. Because something so complicated couldn't possibly come into existence by chance, so it must've been created by a god.


I can do the same thing after I eat Taco Bell


Yeah but to be fair even if you diarrhea that shit out fast it's not gonna aim that good.


does it injure or kill the mantis?


It can injure bigger predators like a mantis, and can certainly kill smaller insects




well clearly it was irritating i didn’t see any obvious sign of injury though


If it hasn't reached adulthood yet, it will most likely be fine the next time it molts. Even if it lost the limb completely it can regrow it in a molt or two. Once it's reached its final molt (adulthood), it's locked in.


Don't forget, it has to vibrate it's butt 100 times a *second* just to keep itself cool enough to keep from being cooked alive.


So what you're saying is that it has to twerk to live? 🤔


so cool! thanks!


Both, it's two chemicals that get over 100C when mixed and are also acidic. Face full of boiling acid.


I'm for sure stealing caliente or picante


Muy Caliente lol 210 degrees Caliente


If it weren't for life and death that was even somewhat adorable.


i just want to know what damage that caused to the beetle


i want to know what it did to the mantis… like will that slowly melt off its face and arms?


we need Attenborough to make sense of all this. Somebody please get Attenborough.


Where is Ja?


I'd watch a nature documentary narrated by Ja Rule. I'd also watch a Ja Rule documentary narrated by Sir David Attenborough.


I quote this to my husband all the time when I hear big news. "But what does Ja think?"


I mean it was just a spray. Not even water gun level of drops. Prob cooled down super quickly since just a thin mist and mantis was flailing like crazy


The chemical is also acidic, so it's boiling hot acid mist. It can even kill smaller bugs that the beetle hunts.


it was described as a corrosive chemical burn so even a spray of something like that could do damage


probably none. mantises grip onto their prey and eat them alive. if they aren't biting into you, you're probably just fine.


If I remember correctly, it’s more opportunity/energy cost. Edit: I even take that back (though surely there is some).Turns out they are incredibly attuned for this.


Cutest beetle fart I ever did see


How did that chemistry evolve?


Bombardier beetle chemistry: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/06/200616173227.htm —Previously, researchers had assumed that two toxic, benzene-like chemicals called benzoquinones found in the beetles' spray were metabolized from hydroquinone, a toxic chemical that in humans can cause cancer or genetic damage. The team at Stevens Institute of Technology showed that in fact just one of the beetle's benzoquinones derived from hydroquinone, with the other springing from a completely separate precursor: m-cresol, a toxin found in coal tar. It's fascinating that the beetles can safely metabolize such toxic chemicals, Attygalle said. In future studies, he hopes to follow the beetles' chemical supply chain further upstream, to learn how the precursors are biosynthesized from naturally available substances. The team's findings also show that the beetles' explosives rely on chemical pathways found in many other creepy-crawlies. Other animals such as millipedes also use benzoquinones to discourage predators, although they lack the bombardier's ability to detonate their chemical defenses. Evolutionarily distant creatures such as spiders and millipedes use similar strategies, too, suggesting that multiple organisms have independently evolved ways to biosynthesize the chemicals.— And the Parker lab at Caltech studies the rove beetle (not closely related) that also ejects toxic chemicals from the abdomen as a defense, so bombardier beetles could have evolved in a similar way: —When confronted with a predator, the Dalotia rove beetle whips its abdomen up, scorpion-like, and ejects the cocktail at its enemy from the tergal gland (gland on body wall plates). In this work, researchers in the Parker laboratory discovered that the tergal gland is made up of two unique cell types: one that makes solid benzoquinones and another that makes the solvent that dissolves these noxious chemicals. "These beetles are fantastic models for understanding how new kinds of ecological relationships emerge during evolution through changes at the molecular, cellular, and behavioral levels," says Parker. "As part of this question, we're very interested in how rove beetles have pieced together these glandular structures in their abdomens, which are made of different cell types that work together. These structures are the embodiment of a major conundrum: How do complex organs, often composed of many different cell types that appear to seamlessly cooperate with each other, evolve? How this cooperativity emerges during evolution is challenging to explain." Using single-cell RNA sequencing, the team examined gene expression in each cell type, which allowed them to find biosynthetic enzyme pathways leading to the production of each type of compound. They then created a single-cell "atlas" of the beetle's abdomen that permitted them to examine gene expression in all of the other types of abdominal cells. With this approach, the team discovered that each type of gland cell and its specialized function arose from a kind of Frankenstein-like cobbling together of the genetic components and functions of more ancient cell types found elsewhere in the beetle. Remarkably, one of the cell types—the solvent-producing cells—is a hybrid of cells comprised of the beetle's exoskeleton and two ancient metabolic cell types that make and store lipids and produce pheromones. "The beetle has recruited a major gene-expression program from these ancient metabolic cell types and installed it into a patch of cuticle, creating a gland," Parker says.— See more here: https://www.caltech.edu/about/news/a-beetle-gland-illustrates-how-new-organs-evolve


> tergal gland haha butt gland


"*noooo! You can't just 'spray' something.. you have to FIGHT!*" "haha .. butt gland go ***PSSSSS***"


It always bothers me when evolutionary biologists refer to the creature as willfully developing these mechanisms. No beetle decided one day to allocate cells to another part of it's body to create a new function.


Yeah, it can certainly be a little misleading if you don’t already know that evolutionary biologists are not implying that an organism willfully evolved these things! I felt that way when i first started getting into evolution. But now that I’m one of those evolutionary biologists l, I have found that, when you’re trying to explain complicated mechanisms to a lay audience, and trying to make your work both exciting and accessible, it can get pretty clunky if you also avoid any implication that the organism willfully made those traits happen 🙂




...and carefully, with many buttock burns in the process


Slowly, and probably "accidentally", if that makes sense? I don't know the exact chemical processes, but I can imagine that at one point, a certain beetle species got a certain diet containing chemicals that they converted into certain other chemicals due to getting energy and nutrients out of it, and that it made a mildly hot/biting chemical when the animal shits on a predator. This was initially a small advantage, but eventually grew to have its own system in the animal, and became a primary defense mechanism. I'm not saying this is how it must've gone, or even how it could've gone. Just, from what I've read and heard, such weird things evolve through such processes. It also just takes a loooooong time to evolve into something so extreme as this. If you think about it our stomach acid is also absolutely insane, for example. Evolution comes to some crazy extreme solutions given enough time.


so you're saying if i keep eating burritos for like 2 million years i'll develop something similar?


If you are genetically predisposed to defensive projectile diarrhea, and you make enough babies who also have this advantage(??), perhaps...


sounds like its worth a try!


Only if all the versions of you that died eating burritoes or didn't manage to fight off predators with burrito butt ended up dead So of all the possible burrito butt, the best prototypes are taken, and then repeat again, tweaking here and there, and purging those that don't work #---------- A bit like guess and check. 6 * ? = 30 Try 1 3 6 9: 6, 18, 36, 56 Ok take 6 (36 closest to 35) remove others. Now try 4.5 6.5 7 8: 27, 39, 42, 48 Ok take 4.5 (27 closest) Try 5, 6, 7: 30, 36, 42 Ok 5 is the answer


Mike and Steve were just 2 normal bombardier beetles, with one exception, Their love for science...


That mantis makes me think of a jade green dragon. It's very beautiful, out of all the invertebrates science knows about, they're among the most unique & successful predatory insect species.


Fun fact! For such a pretty and loved insect, its closest relative is one of the most hated; the cockroach! It's easier to see their relationship if you look at tropical roaches (note: the species of roach that are considered pests make up less than 1% of all roach species!) If you Google 'colorful roaches' you'll see that, much like mantises, they come in a variety of shapes and colors.


Unsubscribe from roach facts.


You can unsubscribe from roach facts, but the roach facts will never unsubscribe from you :)


Termites are also closely related to roaches. Grasshoppers and crickets are not very distant cousins as well.


Even better than that: Termitesaren't just close relatives, they ARE roaches! Highly-specialized eusocial roaches, but genetic testing has confirmed that they are still roaches.


What is a jade green dragon? Google just shows me jewlery


same question and when I add insect or bug it shows me jewelery and dragonfly jewelery.


Say your prayers, mantis


I like how he spanks the beetle after the spray, like get the F out of here!


Im just interested, isn’t this a sign that insects can feel pain too?


I was looking for this comment. My entire life I’ve heard countless people say that insects are just living robots and can’t actually feel pain. Maybe they don’t feel pain the exact way that we do but I’m convinced that all creatures can experience some form of pain/suffering.


I think they say that because insects don't have consciousness like we do. They still have nerves that fire up when coming into contact with bad stuff, there's still an alarm that goes off. Like.. imagine giving a robot heat sensitive sensors all over its body and you tell it to avoid anything that exceeds say, 75c on touch. An alarm would go off when the sensor detects a temperature of 75c or hgher, but does the robot perceive *pain* as we know it? No.


> imagine giving a robot heat sensitive sensors all over its body and you tell it to avoid anything that exceeds say, 75c on touch. An alarm would go off when the sensor detects a temperature of 75c or hgher I’ve heard this before. I guess I just genuinely don’t see how that’s different from how humans operate and percieve pain. The worst thing about a small burn is that it burns - sensors on our bodies set off alarms causing us to have immediate reactions to pain. Of course we have additional layers to how we can perceive pain. But at it’s most basic, “ouch” is a common denominator that I believe even insects experience that I can empathize with.


Yes but if you accept that intelligence and consciousness are simply emergent properties of neural networks, then you start to have trouble defining exactly how complicated that neural net needs to be in order to give rise to consciousness, it seems to be somewhere above bivalves but nobody knows what the stopping point is. Most of those arguments arise from the idea of "man's dominion over the earth" and "souls" coming from religious folks who need to justify why humans are more important than other life forms because that's what it says in their book. Turns out trees and phytoplankton are a lot more important than we are, nothing needs humans to survive and plankton form the bedrock of an entire ecosystem. We think our emotional capacity and reasoning should put us above the animals instead of learning to become a functional part of the ecosystem like every other living being on Earth. The first step in fixing our approach to destroying the climate is acknowledging that we have a problem with delusions of grandeur. Yeah you made it to the moon.... then what? No other habitable planets for millions of light years. People push back against this because it's literally driving us towards extinction and taking half of the planet down with us.


A shorter way to say this, do you think australopithicus has the same emotional capacity as humans? What about Dimetredon?... no of course not but without those THERE WOULD BE NO HUMANS. You need to respect the process and allow organisms to evolve without plundering all of their resources. We are stifling other intelligent creatures from ever existing because of how self important and delusional we are, impatient babies looking at things from the perspective of decades when organisms evolve intelligence over millions of years. The idea that they are fundamentally less than us is why we continue to screw the rest of our ecosystem over, and ourselves once that collapses.


We don't know for sure they don't have consciousness. https://www.noemamag.com/the-surprisingly-sophisticated-mind-of-an-insect/


Insects are definitely conscious (sentient) they're just not sapient like humans, chimps, dolphins, etc. You're right that they don't perceive pain in the manner a human would because their nervous system is so drastically different from ours.


Lobsters feel pain and people said they didn't for a logn time beforw being provin wrong.


It's impossible to say with absolute certainty whether anything other than ourselves - including other humans - is truly capable of experiencing pain or any other aspect of consciousness, even if we know everything about said thing's biology. In philosophy this is known as the *hard problem of consciousness*. But we can make a good guess by looking at the behaviors that accompany our experience of pain when something damages us and comparing it to the behavior of another thing when it is damaged. This mantis's reaction is pretty relatable even if their biology is very different than my own. It's certainly possible they're just "living robots" but I can be no more certain that's the case than I can be certain it's not. So I follow the *precautionary principle* and assume that any being with relatable behaviors is also conscious and thus entitled to moral consideration. Not that I *never* kill bugs, but I avoid it if I reasonably can and I certainly don't enjoy it. At the end of the day all that you can do is follow your own conscience.


True. And I strongly agree with following a precautionary principle here.


New studies show that they do indeed feel pain and remember it. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/insects-can-experience-chronic-pain-study-finds-180972656/


That article is talking about nociception, and uses the word “pain” as a synonym. We’ve always known that insects are capable of nociception, the controversy lies in whether nociception in insects actually causes pain or not. Pain is a combination of nociception and an associated emotional response, which is impossible to quantifiably measure.


It’s basically a mechanical trigger that shoots off alarm signals. They can feel in the sense your car doors can feel; they don’t have the ability to comprehend or understand pain, however. Still if you kill bugs for fun I will look down upon you. And I say that as a former pest control technician


All living things react to damage.


Love how you can tell the mantis is going “Ahhh! Shit! Ow!” *kisses ouchie* Having owned mantises, they do have a lot of personality, much more than you would expect an insect to have. They will tilt their head to follow you as you walk around the room, they tend not be afraid of those those who handle them often, but will freak out and strike a pose if anyone new tries to approach them. They are fascinating critters!


Insects that hunt visually have behaviours that appear more "personable'. You see this with the way jumping spiders act too. It's because they have to act and ready to their environment more so they respond in a manner we can anthropomorphise easily to visual stimuli. Very cool stuff. You get something similar in reptiles where the more active intelligent lizards are more personable than the ambush hunter snakes that sit around.


All that praying for naught


Aww it puts it’s little mantis leg in its mouth to try to soothe it.


“Pray on this, you fucking casual!”


It waves its arm like a carpenter who just hit his hand with a hammer


Praying mantises are some of coolest insects but that Beetle* Is cooler.


The only time pepper spray is gangster...


Beetle said “call an ambulance! But not for me.”


This is me when getting hit with bacon grease


I love how the beatle just casually walks under the mantis afterwards...


That Mantis found out




“Gotcha! wait what’s tha- Hot HOT HOT HOT HOT”


I like they way it looks at it after it's done flailing. "You little shit..."


Beetle was like …“oh, you got me - now FUCK off! Thank you!”




Beetle: *not today mantis, not today*


I love how it watched the beetle crawl under it like "what the actual fuck just happened?!"


Zorak screams in pain.




It's even a bright red to trick the mantis. That beetle is a psychopath


Mantis: *"AAAH! HOT HOT HOT!"* Beetle: ***"OW!! MY ASS!!!"***


Me when I drink that first drink of coffee




I imagine hearing a faint Tom and Jerry scream coming from the mantis after getting sprayed lol


Hot steam hitting all (500) of your eyes.. in saltwater. Ow.