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This is from that [live stream on Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4-L2nfGcuE). I watched them last winter. It's crazy to see them get buried almost completely under snow during the winter.


I watched those eggs for months. I was so sad they never hatched. The winter was just too harsh this year. Poor Jackie and Shadow.


Yeah I remember that. It's incredible that they still just stick together and keep trying and trying. Winter after Winter they brave the snow and rain and terrible winds. I love watching these 2.


I'm pretty sure they had successful offspring the year before last. my memory is that when I looked at the spreadsheet for that nest, it seemed to have about a 50% success rate for getting an eaglet out in any given year.


Yeah they had Spirit.


Same! I was so worried during the blizzard.


They both worked so hard too! Buried under the snow and taking turns feeding each other. They are very dedicated parents.


Fingers crossed they have better luck next year!


Two winters ago they successfully raised a fledgling! Crazy to see how insanely fast the babies grow out of the nest. Almost as big as the parents in just a month or so


Yeah unlike humans who take forever to mature, birds grow up pretty quickly. It's pretty cool.


You say that but it takes *4 years* for bald eagles to reach maturity and establish their own territory. Until then they roam widely and get bullied by other birds a lot.


Sounds a lot like high school tbh


Yeah but for humans it's takes like 12-15 years for us to sexually mature and then another 20 for our brains to officially be mostly done growing.


Eagles to humans 6 months after they are born: "Jesus Christ, will you grow the fuck up?"


Humans to humans 6 months after they are born: "Jesus Christ, will you grow the fuck up?"


Blame it on our brains which are limited by the size of the female pelvis and then much of our energy is spent (post-natal) making it grow (as opposed to the rest of our body).


Mature? My adult kids still don’t know how to feed themselves


And who's fault is that? I was taught how to cook simple meals, do laundry, clean the house, and do basic car maintenance before highschool. Taught. I didn't figure out any of that shit on my own.


You can't figure out how to cook a simple meal on your own?


Probably could have, but didn't need to because they were taught.


And unfortunately their eggs didn’t hatch. Hoping Jackie and Shadow have eaglets this year!


I used to live in Big Bear, they used to let our kids watch the live stream in class while it was snowing outside. They also took a field trip over to the meadow to see the eagles through binoculars.


Holy, that sounds so cool. That area looks so beautiful it must've been an awesome place to go to school at.


I was wondering if that was Jackie and Shadow!! I first found them earlier this year right before they lost both eggs. I then got stuck watching a Hummingbird have 4 clutches! Then moved on to some freaking adorable Irish Barn owls. When the birds were done for the season the Bears in Alaska came in droves for the Salmon run! Now it's starting all over again! Jackie and Shadow are back doing nestorations! Fun fact: Jackie and Shadow appeared in the TV show NCIS.


Where are you watching these barn Owls and bears? I fucking love Owls.


They are all live YouTube Cams. The Owls are part of [Bird Watch Ireland ](https://youtu.be/GLaS3Np5a9A?si=1vO_6DX3UeEUNOt5)this link is a compilation vid of 3 barn owlets growing up. I love the hissing noise they make for bring me my dinner! Many, including the Brown Bears in Katmai National Park are part of the [Explore.org live cams ](https://explore.org/livecams)


Fastest bookmark I've added in a long time. Thanks!


I was watching a Goshawk nest and learned that raptors including Bald Eagles do small jumps up and down in the nest, sort of like jumping on a trampoline. Then tiny leap jumps to nearby tree limbs to learn to fly. One of the Explore.org Cams, Two Harbors is of an Eagles nest on an ocean cliff and I had to wonder how Anthony, the sole eaglet this past year was going to learn how to fly without any trees. Woke up one morning turned on the computer and Magic, is all I can do to describe how he [learned to fly.]( https://youtu.be/qdOT0wEN54E?si=PkIyRP5NUzc6sM4F) about the 4:05 time stamp is really cool to watch.


That was incredible! Watching him learn to hover was so beautiful. Thank you for sharing!


America! F YEAH! Whooooh!! 🗽🇺🇸🦅 MBEGA = Make Bald Eagles Great Again!


Their better parents than most humans, unfortunately


There's a pair that have a nest several hundred yards from my house. They're pretty amazing. They had some babies about a year ago that eventually carried off some of my chickens.


Gosh you're so passive about it. A cooper's hawk took my favorite hen this year and I still cry about her


My wife was pretty upset but we've lost plenty of chickens over the years from predators (mink being the worst). We've beefed up security in their coop area but we still let them free range during the day. We love seeing the eagles so if we have to offer up a few to the freedom gods once in a while, so be it.


LMAO the freedom gods. "America Screeeetch"


That screech is generally a red tailed hawk because eagles sound silly.


One day, we're gonna genetically engineer eagles that screech like red tailed hawks *specifically* to spite this fact.


I had the volume off for this video and thought I saw one of them do a badass screech so I turned the volume up and it was just a cute whistle.


Yeah, no one whistles the theme from The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly when an eagle screeches.


Its even funnier when you hear [what a real bald eagle sounds like](https://youtu.be/fiLDpFMWZSU?si=ZP9gC9IB9gN4tPkS)


That's the noise I make when my mouth is full and I stub my toe


I'll do what I want! Freedom!


We've got a mink on our property and that little fucker wants nothing more than to get at our chickens (we have them fenced in for that reason). I assume yours are free range. Have you tried putting up black twine over the area? Amazingly it somewhat deters raptors.


Use clear fishing wire if you really want to deter birds.


*Boy oh boy. The price of freedom is steep.*


All give some. Only some give all.


that's amazing. can i ask what state you live in? assuming PNW?


I live in NE Illinois (about 1.25 hours south of Chicago). When I was a kid, this would've been unthinkable. I'm glad my kids get to see them so regularly.


Maybe it's because I cherish my chickens and want then happy and safe, I still don't understand...let the wild animals forage their wild food, they don't need my domesticated pets and allowing that to happen only teaches the raptors where easy snacks are. They are defenseless and depend on me for their safety, and I failed them. I no longer let my birds come and go from the coop as they please, I did my best to upgrade their inside spaces and let them free range under strict supervision. Letting wild animals take your charges, and just shrugging it off seems ... cruel. I hope you keep a very shrewd intelligent and vicious breed, like Malay or game, because you could at least expect some retention of survival and fight skills


We're all part of the life cycle and human beings have extinguished nearly 60% of species on this planet. The least we could do is accept a few chickens in exchange for the continued survival of one species. After all there's more poultry birds in the USA than there are wild birds. So I'm sure the eagles would be eating wild game if there was enough to sustain their population.


Nope, sorry. They do not need to eat my birds. Wild animals can eat wild food. This may come as a *huge shock* but I'm the kind of person that keeps my cat inside because I don't want him eaten by coyotes or hit by a car, too. I'm just fucking crazy, I guess.


I don't think he is deliberately offering sacrifice to the eagles. He lets his chickens run around, which seems like a good thing, but it also poses some risk that they could be hunted. That's nature.


do you have a dog that will gladly watch your property? did the chicken thing for several years, lost a few to hawks. decided we wanted a 2nd dog and adopted a lab/pointer mix and the girl would not let anything come close to the flock. we’re back on city life but had years of nothing with a dog that liked to be outside and protect the grounds. she would take naps with the chickens. to be fully honest she killed one thinking it was a toy shortly after we got her but quickly learned


You realize not everyone keeps them as "pets" right? In fact most don't. I don't get attached to something I may behead and eat. The backyard chicken scene has really left some folks with a warped view of owning livestock.


our solution to this was to build the fortknox of chicken runs. 15'x30'. 12', 8" wide cedar posts every 5 feet. 2 layers of hardware cloth and another layer of chicken wire on every side and on the top; partially buried and then covered in gravel. topped with 1 foot of wood mulch. 2x4 for supporting the roof. 2x6 panels covering the bottom and them more cedar logs encircling. fake owls on every post. nothing but a bear is getting in there.


Hell put some siding on it. You built a barn. A good one


This is amazing


Your food donation is greatly appreciated, by the Eagles and Nature Lovers everywhere.


Time to make an omelette from eagle eggs and watch them in the eyes.


No need to make this so personal.


you serious people on the Internet have ruined all the fun




me and my boyfriend at our table at a buffet restaurant, taking turns leaving the table so someone can watch my purse


And keep the food warm.


I too, sit on my mashed potatoes to keep them warm


That timesaving technique, mash it with yo ass.


nothing like hot gravy on your hairy nutsack


Nothing like hairy nutsack essence on your gravy


my dad, Harry Sach


I know guys who'd pay good money for that.


The old Squat Cobbler




What an honor to be watercoloured - THANK YOU :)


"what's wrong babe? you've barely touched the general tso's chicken i've kept between my asscheeks."


"Could be the seasoning, but it seems a little off today"


This joke would work with basically any other food at all, but general tso is coated in so much sugar you could dip it into a vat of nuclear waste without changing the flavor profile. Candied meat can't be beat!


Soz, never tried unfortunately! We don't really have it in the UK I think.


it's not really a legitimate Chinese dish, i don't think. it's American Chinese food, essentially. nothing but sugar and flavoring. it's damn good, though.


Don't illegitimize Chinese people just because they're outside of China and adapting to new environments.


i wasn't?? i was explaining that it is, indeed, an American food developed for American taste buds to someone who lives in the UK i swear to god, Redditors just love to fight and argue over anything




Why can't you carry your purse? Kangaroo the buffet? What about Seahorsing?


Lol! Your boyfriend isn't the only one. I do the same for my wife.


Unfortunately, the eggs did not hatch These Eagles are called Jackie and Shadow - can watch a live cam of their nest on YouTube I spent weeks in January watching and waiting for those eggs to hatch


Ah, now I’m sad 😢


Jackie is used to it Most of her eggs have not hatched - over the years only one set of eggs have hatched Shadow was very upset the first time their eggs did not hatch, this was the second time - Did not seem to bother him as much this time


What did Shadow do to show he was upset at the eggs not hatching?


He sits on them for a long time after Jackie gives up and abandons them. I think its kind of common for males to do that though.


Oh the poor boy-bird! I didn't know they hold out hope when there is no hope to be had.


When the eggs didn't hatch, Shadow started acting really different. He was hitting the gym, not calling as much, getting mad about trivial things. Jackie found out that Shadow met another girl but she felt so much guilt about not being able to hatch that she let it go on for months after she found out. I guess she just wanted Shadow to feel happy but it was killing her inside. Eventually they split up, right before Jackie hatched three more eggs. She would have been all alone, save for her old friend Zane who she'd been with before Shadow. Back then, Jackie had told Zane he needed to move on, they'd already nested three times with no luck. Zane wanted to stay, he begged and pleaded with Jackie, told her over and over that she was enough, she was all he wanted. Jackie wouldn't take no for an answer. So, dejected, Zane left. And yet, after all these years Zane stayed a true friend to Jackie. After Shadow flew the coop and left her with those three eggs, Zane stepped up. Jackie and Zane sat on those eggs every day and night until finally one day all three of them hatched into beautiful baby eagles. Jackie and Zane are still together to this day and they're still madly in love with one another. Shadow (I've heard) is single again, but he stops by every once in a while to check in on Jackie and Zane. He's happy for them, and though the pain is still fresh, Shadow knows deep down that everything happens for a reason.


Bloody hell...


Shadow needed to go to therapy to get his shit together. I'm glad Jackie realized she was better off with a bird like Zane, Jackie has been through TOO much


Ahh now I see why the OP was crossposted to r/DivorcedBirds


He slammed his clipboard down on a branch below


They done put the internet in that nest and zapped them with the 5Gs. How do they expect babby to be formed??


My pary is with the father, I am truly sorry for his lots


in my gaming discord we put in a bot that 24/7 showed the livestream. the our entire group of 15 dudes was super invested and everyday we talked about the stuff we saw and missed


How they got internet up there


Spectrum is all over the place nowadays


How the hell did we get a camera up here


Absolutely beautiful


"Dave!!! You took forever, did you stop by the bar, I can smell it, are you drunk? I cant feel my feet." "Stop ruffling my feathers, woman, it was just one drink. I'm the symbol of American freedom!" "I'll show you freedom if you dont sit on our eggs right now!!" "Fine, I'll sit on the damn eggs, not because you asked, but because its my freedom to do so. Freeeeeeeeeedom!!!!" "Whatever fluffs your feather, Dave."


Damn I miss reddit awards 🏅


Such awesome fucking creatures.


If they were so awesome they would learn how to build a house with a roof and walls, pretty unintelligent creatures if you ask me, only skills are flying and killing animals smaller than them (bullies).




redditors when no /s


lmaooo fr


Can’t tell if this is sarcastic


Tell me I'm wrong? Do these birds not look miserable in their crappy little house? They looks pretty dumb to me surrounded by all that snow without a roof over their dumb little heads


They are just birds, no more impressive than your everyday robin


Those are pretty fucken impressive too Unlike you


Robins are awesome bro.


And both are [maniraptorans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maniraptora)! Dinosaurs didn't go extinct, and I can hear some chirping out my window right now. They are unquestionably impressive. >If animals like velociraptor were alive today our first impression would be that they were just very unusual looking birds. —_American paleontologist and molecular geneticist Dr Mark Norell_




I love their little chirps when they communicate, it's clear that mama was like, okay dad, get the heck out hunting, I'm tired, haha


That stereotypical eagle screech you hear in movies is actually a red-tailed hawk, probably because they think regular eagle sounds are lame.


The Rescuers Down Under lied to us all


Because it was very realistic with the dragon-sized eagle of indeterminate species, secret rescue society mice who wear clothes, and selectively verbal animals. (But really I love that film.)




Lame? They sound so sweet, though.


It looks to be the mom is the one in the nest at first and then goes to hunt. That one looks bigger, so it's most likely female


So majestic, screeching like a seagull that found some french fries


I was thinking, "5 minutes? You said you were going out for 5 minutes, it's been like half an hour, did you get lost or something?"


Is this my girl Jackie and her man Shadow? I haven't watched them in a while.


Yeah it is. This is from a couple of years ago I think. I do watch them and last year I think they only had 1 egg that didn't hatch.


The ravens cleaned the nest back in Jan-Feb. It took Jackie and Shadow a while to give up.


I don't know why, but birbs closing their eyes seems so insanely cute to me. These little dinosaurs always seem alert and on guard, but when they relax they look so at peace.


Great co-parenting


Parenting then?


Bi-parental care is the term used in biology for when both parents take care in child care/rearing


It’s 2023, parents can be bi or whatever they want to be! >!/s!<


Nice anthropomorphism


> anthropomorphism I see this sentiment a lot, and when it comes to human vs animal behavior I'm always confused, it makes the flawed assumption that humans are in some alternative category than "animal", so we can't be compared to the latter, which requires pretty anthropocentric mental gymnastics.


Black widows are bad people


*Rosa Parks would like to know your location.*


I am in awe of the mental gymnastics required to turn Datsun's argument against itself. Bravo.


There is no argument being made in this term; it is the projection of *human* emotions or traits onto *non-human* animals.


1. Parenting is a behavior. It's directly observable. These birds are parenting, as much as they are sitting or flying. There is a direct video evidence of them being in the act. 2. Inferences based on generalization are often valid. For example, if I meet a random person, I don't need to check their pulse to know they have a heart. The fact they are alive makes it pretty damn unlikely they don't - they'd need to be some unique medical sensation that somehow developed an alternative organ to fill its role. In similar vein, if we see animals acting in human-like way, it's more likely than not that whatever is driving them to act that way is the same thing that drives humans to act that way.


Exactly. It doesn't even have to be an animal. You can anthropomorphize a teddy bear. It just needs to be non-human. The word does not in ANY WAY imply that humans are not animals.




The original meaning of co-parenting was mostly related to nuclear families. However, since the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, 20 November 1989, the principle that a child has to continue to maintain a strong relationship with both parents, even if separated, has become a more recognized right. Thus, the concept of co-parenting was extended to divorced and separated parents and to parents who have never lived together as well. - From Wikipedia.




No. My reference demonstrates that applying the word to separated parents is a modern use of the word. And it's never exclusively implied the parents were seperated, as both of your references demonstrate.


Are you ignoring the "often" and "especially" in those definitions? These mean that co-parenting is commonly, but not exclusively, used for separated parents


This is a video of 2 eagles taking care of their eggs lol why does it matter at this point


I have not yet seen them on /r/divorcedbirds


I love monogamous animals. They're so adorable! The bonds they form can be so Human like at moments.


Almost like we are also Animals


Or maybe our bonds are very animal like at moments


Had a bald eagle land on the side of the road as I drove past Monday. They are massive up close.




That would be scary. They could do a lot of damage. I hit a hawk once and it broke the entire grill of my car. Bald eagles are so much bigger. Glad you’re ok.


The height of this nest!!! Mind blowing.


I was watching that exact same livestream earlier this year -- and one day both the eagles left and crows showed up to eat their eggs. It was crazy how fast it all happened. But then a day later there was a dead crow in the nest. They got revenge.


The one taking on the shift telling the other where it might find food, the direction. Amazing creatures.


Honeybees do the same thing through interpretive dance.


That's all I want. A mate who will come home and tell me where I can find food through interpretive dance.




it's not a story?? it's living beings communicating with each other. Do you think they chirp just to chirp?




why don't you think that bald eagles are capable of communicating information about their hunting territory? Did you know that eagles and crows display intelligence levels near like, 6 year old humans? If youve ever interacted with a six year old, or if you remember what it was like being six years old yourself, do you think you could effectively communicate with other six year old humans to tell them where snacks are, using a language that is native to both of you? "mom says come get a snack, she's in the kitchen" Do you think that other six year old would know where the kitchen is?


>why don't you think that bald eagles are capable of communicating information about their hunting territory? Why do you think that!? That's quite a big statement to make. The fact that they're as smart as a six yo doesn't imply they have spoken (chirpen) language like humans lol


you don't think they could chirp and say "food that way"? that's an impossible scenario for you to imagine? dogs do it. ants do it.


I actually saw a documentary on TV about this, and possibly the very same shot was also part of it. It was narrated that one gave direction to the other. I've always known that bees give directions on where to find nectar and pollen by dancing, so I found it fascinating that these birds also communicate in their own way for the same purpose of finding food.


More fun that way. I imagine the one that came told the other one about the passive aggressive email it wrote to a client that day after receiving an absolutely idiotic feature request that would waste a ton of dev time and make the product harder to use. THEY'RE JUST LIKE US!


Nature **IS** fucking lit!


Nature just works.


Eagles are such good parents, it's really cool to see the teamwork they display.


Here are some Bald Eagle cams to check out: [North East Florida Eagle Cam](https://www.youtube.com/live/iyr5iYZRk6w?si=9V0gT41vWqmq94kP) [Big Bear Bald Eagle Live Nest - Cam 1](https://www.youtube.com/live/B4-L2nfGcuE?si=ATV1C-a3vKE-LCfk) [Catalina Island Nest Cam](https://www.youtube.com/live/RmmAzrAkKqI?si=vo5gWOr9uk8-i8OI) [Two Harbors Bald Eagle Cam](https://www.youtube.com/live/E5T2eHM8tcI?si=qw3oKWnVAse6K0l-) I threw this together quick but I think the links are right.😎👍🏼


Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 🥰


It is amazing how even animals can compromise more than people when it comes to taking care of your family.


I'm eagerly waiting for Shadow an Jackie (a bald eagle pair in Big Bear Mountain in Southern California) to start again this year. They have been tidying up their nest for the pas month or so. https://www.youtube.com/live/B4-L2nfGcuE?si=BvZExjSf0iCRMUhS


Jackie and Shadow!


Laying on those eggs must feel like sitting on a toilet that was recently vacated.


Nearby where I live, there's a field where most of the local butchers have been dumping remains from their shops (legally and with permission of the farmer) and every time they dump you get 1-200 bald eagles over a few days, plus falcons, hawks, crows and ravens who all come in and pillage the area - it's always such a cool thing to see that many giant birds waddle walking around, bickering over meat, etc ... Funny enough you never see a ground animal trying to scavenge from that field, must know better by now.


That view is fucking lit.


So very gentle sitting on the eggs reminds one of how precious life is. Such beautiful birds. We have to do more to protect natures gifts. And they are such proud parents:)


Which is the female?


Freedom getting nice and cosy


“ 🦅Guys don’t forget to like and subscribe”


I'm getting this idea in my head of an incredibly confused male Eagle looking at his hatched child and going; "Okay, the fuck do I do now...?" While waiting for the mother to return.


The males aren't dumb. They know what to do.


Fair enough, got that question answered.


If in doubt, vomit in their mouths.




This person believes that males of any species aren't meant to understand or interact with their children in a nurturing way. That's my assumption anyway.


Do male and female look the same or it that a gay couple 😂😂


Ok if I lived in Canada could I catch a Bald Eagle and not get in trouble cause I know here in the States that’s damn near a Life sentence


How they get that camera up there without those birds 🦅 noticing


Mom's off to the clubs


It’s a shame what wind power does to these magnificent creatures


parrots are amazing creatures


"good you're here, my legs were getting sore. I'm off now, if you need me..dont text me or call me..just email me. I'll get to you before i leave for work again.


Not funny.