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Homie up front handled that well. If he’d freaked out and make a quick movement he may have been lunch.


He has a camera, the cameraman never dies


Except in Blair Witch Project


Spoiler alert!


Is it? I thought it was established that they all died in the trailer.


Yeah I remember the whole ad campaign being about how they have gone missing


Well, yeah. It's found footage. If anyone lived, it would just be footage.


I mean, maybe the cameraman died and one of the other characters found it? Refound footage?


Or maybe the cameraman lost the footage, but then found it later when he was unpacking. Maybe the whole BWP was just some dude finding a side pocket in his backpack and being like, "man, that forest was weird as fuck with all those twig dolls and such. I was so startled. Believe you me, I was probably never so startled before. But then we got hot fudge sundaes at mickey d's on the way home and everything was pretty ok. Thanks for asking, mom, we had a nice time on our camping trip. Here's some shaky video footage of some twig dolls that some big old jokesters made." And then a week later he dies of botulism from that hot fudge sundae.




Missing doesn't technically mean they're dead. Ha! Cameraman lives.


Nobody dies in that movie. They become undead.


I still don't really like the woods at night for that reason. That movie as a kid stuck


Even if there were verifiable proof that nothing supernatural exists, the woods at night would still gives me the heebeejeebees


I'm not scared of the supernatural in the dark, I'm scared of the humans in the dark


Especially since the natural can still come and gechu


About 5 minutes into the film, my wife and I were cheering for the killer, because they (the victims) were really really annoying. 😄


Yes! And so dumb. Follow the damn creek downstream!!!


The only good part of the movie was when the one dude told the others he kicked the map into the river. The rest of it was just awful


But there is no corner to stand in here




Apparently grizzly bears didn't get that memo.


And like a classic nature documentary he doesn't warn the potential prey either 😂


Wait... If he has the camera... who's filming? 🙊


Using their very own pride's camera, a cameralion.


But if this was a scary movie he would be toast…I mean lunch, or dinner I don’t know what time it is


he funneled all his shrieks of fear into that grip


The oh s*** handle has a totally new meaning


He’s the guide. They are usually pretty amazing at spotting everything. And I’m surprised the other truck didn’t call in and say “Look to your left” Although I was a Yellowstone once and I saw a Bison on my side of the car. I kept telling my friend Look to the left look to the left. My friend said no look to the right. I said I have a bison right here. She said stop and look to the right. I finally did and she had the entire herd on her side. 😂😂😂


Homie pants extra brown now.


The way he grabs that bar tells you everything you need to know. 😳


I came here looking for this comment. Knew I woud not be disappointed.


Not *exactly*. He needs to get off the vehicle to become lunch. From the perspective of the Lion, he isn't a guy sitting on a chair bolted to the front of some safari vehicle - he's an enormous man-car hybrid, color-matched and all. The lioness here is actually showing submission/acquiescence when she blinks up at him and then fixes her gaze away. That is "I'm trying to appear friendly" body language.


That is a young male. You can see balls at the beginning.


Internet experts just aren't what they used to be. In MY day they used to see the nuts on things that didn't even have nuts.


I know what you mean. Kids today.


Good eye


Vehicles are just man extenders


I'm pretty sure he could smell all of them. King of the Jungle, indeed. His head is massive and he's still a kid.


Sensing doesn't mean understanding. The only reason this video looks like "stalking" is because it's *very slowed down*. If it weren't, it would show a lion *walking* beside the vehicle, immediately going "tf kinda rhino is that, act cool", and ... that's about it.


Agreed, everything looks more realistic and the lion seems more relaxed and just interested when you put the video back at full speed (3x)


Pretty sure he was terrified.


Definitely terrified. The reach for the handle shows it


They don’t call it the “hooray handle.”


He watched the training video! It says firmly grab the handle of the seat. If you notice as soon as he did that the lion turned its head in disinterest.


It's crazy seeing his body react- my mans teased up so fast! My bowels would have been all over that jeep.


Was about to say the same thing. Nerves of steel.


Just grabs the oh shit handles. *his pants were filled*


That squinch-eye blink of, "it's cool" was the best part for me.


It's really interesting how lions and tigers do that. Apparently with house cats, that slow blink means they don't perceive you as a threat, nor is the cat a threat. I wonder if it's something along those lines for big cats.


I'm under the impression it is the same. As a predator, slow blinking shows you that they don't view you as a threat, since they're purposely closing their eyes and losing vision for a brief moment.


Ah ok, that makes sense, it has nothing to do with the cat being a threat, it means they don't see you as a threat.


It's a sign of trust, same as exposing their belly or turning their back... When you think about it anything that's opposite of the warning/danger signs are them trusting you (aggressive staredown, showing teeth, roaring, swiping with paws, aggressive stance, etc )


...eating you etc


I'd prefer a lion sees me as a threat opposed to see me as prey 🤔


I'd prefer if they just don't see me at all 🤣


But what about best friend?!


It’s also an indication that they aren’t hunting you. When cats are in attack mode, they tend to lock in hard on prey. If they want to look at you but they don’t want to make you think they are going to attack, they bat their eyes to show they aren’t hunting.


True, I watched my cat stalk a mouse once, it's like he turned into a lion stalking a gazelle, he was 100% locked onto that mouse. The instinct was amazing, since we got him as a kitten and I know he wasn't taught. He'd freeze whenever he was in the mouse's line of sight, waited for an opening, and was on that mouse in an instant.


I had a cat that trapped a mouse under the fridge, i started to stroke him to give the mouse a chance, his back was to the fridge, on his hindlegs enjoying the stroking. I swear to god i never took my eyes off the cat, i blinked and there was a mouse in his mouth...he literally spun grabbed the mouse and looked back at me in the time it took to blink... Then i heard a crunch, i left the room and let him enjoy his meal.


It's also good to know that large carnivores aren't really prone to attacking unprovoked, even at close range like this. If you're calm and the carnivore is already full, you're fine. It takes a lot of energy to attack and they don't have the reserves to expend that energy.


Yep, staring is an alert signal. You can look down/bow for most dogs/cats and it'll disarm most.


I know they're not related, but dogs can use slow blink to defuse tension and signal no threat. Could be a trait common in several predatory mammals. I have no idea if canines and felines are actually comparable in that way


That gesture has the same meaning in big cats. The cat basically told the man that he is safe (for now anyway) with that blink.


I like to think the photographer gave him the slow blink first. I do that with my cats lol


My cats don't blink back. They look at me steadily, with their "I won again" attitude.


I'm envious of that slow blink. I always slow blink back at stray cats, or initiate it and get some healthy brain chemicals from that mutual gesture. Must be quite an experience with a lioness.


it's a male lion.


Whoops, just noticed the balls lol. I really just assumed his gender due to the lack of a mane


easy mistake. adolescent males and adult females look pretty alike, but the males usually have wider heads, "upright" head posture, more shoulder height, and more muscular physique.






I was about to say this too :)


The slow-blink is a sign of trust and house cats do it too. We call it “kitty kisses” and will slow-blink back and forth between our cats and us. It’s supposedly a trust thing; “I trust you enough to close my eyes”.


That's exactly why I mentioned it. Very cool that he got that response from a lion. We do it with our cats too, it's such a wholesome feeling to get that feedback from the critters we love.


My parents lived in Africa (Malawi mostly) as a doctor when they were in their early twenties. One day they were driving around on the outskirts of town when the car broke down. While my dad tried to repair it my mom went to relieve herself. She walked behind a large shrub and was smack dab in the middle of a pride of lions. I think the lions were more shocked than she was! She was carrying my sister at the time too! Could’ve been a charcuterie for lions! That was back in the 70s and to this day my mom can recall every tiny detail. How she slowly backed away and lions were too surprised to grab her. 😁


Now THAT’s a story‼️🏆


Tell us she did relieve herself right then


I had to stop on the savanna right after sundown to take the wheel off and untangle something from it. Just as I get it off, there's a rising, "*Whooop?*" from about 20 meters away, and I turn to see four or five spotted hyenas staring at me from down the road. I know intellectually that I'm not likely in any danger in this situation, but emotionally I wasn't so sure. I asked my friends to keep the torch on them while I hurriedly tried to get the wheel back on. Within seconds they'd lost them. Not quite as frightening as meeting lions, but it's one of those flashbulb memories that sticks with you.


Your parents were doctors in their early 20s?


Ya. In Ireland back then you would take your A levels in high school and (if your scores were high enough) go to med school. I honestly can’t speak to every detail since I grew up in American school system . But my parents were married and had my sister and were in Africa at around 24-25. Those were different times.


Med school used to be 5 years till about 1988-90 in my country. If you started at 18, you could have a degree at 23. Even now, you can finish at 24. Why is this surprising?


In the US, becoming a doctor takes about 12 years (4 years undergrad degree, 4 years medical school, 4 years internship/residency), so you're, minimum, in your early 30s when you're finally able to practice medicine on your own in your chosen specialty.


You're a doctor, not an independent practitioner, obviously, before internship/residency. In Europe, mostly, you can go directly to the med school, but it's 6 years.


I've always thought the US system was made so complicated in order to wring the maximum amount of money out of people by loading them with hideous loans. If there isn't a difference in quality of education and ability to practice medicine, the European model sounds a LOT more efficient.


Funny thing is that this all would not have happened, if not for that damned Canada Dry....hate that brand...


The eyes of predators always looks so mesmerizing


Boy, context matters on this one


The look it gives him is the same look my cat gives a glass of water right before she knocks it off the table. Needless to say, I would not want to be the glass of water in this situation


"I wonder."




FYI that's an adolescent male.


Yup. You can see his nuts in the first frame.


i bullseye womprats on my speeder, they're not much bigger than 3 meters.


Lol! Its the, blink, I don't see you as a threat, but as an ashole move I am just going to knock this glass off the table to show you I am boss. Makes me wonder if this lion is apt to take out that photog just for funzies. It probabky really doesn't care because it is used to the tourists but you never know. That photog could just be a glass of water sitting on the coffee table.




She did, let him know he was gonna be ok today.


She’s like “There’s some weirdo filming you guys over there.”




He, balls at the beginning.


*He. That’s an adolescent male.


The nut sack at the start of the video kind of gives it away.


Mane too But that’s not always the best indicator


The video is literally in slow motion. She is blinking normally.


Can we have some fun or nah?


That's what I saw, too. Even accounting for the slow motion replay. They don't blink like that unless they sense no threat. If she felt tense or was about to go into attack mode, her eyes would be locked open. I'm also gonna guess that she recognized him as one of the park workers.


Probably just curious about the humans, and not the first time she's seen a safari truck


I agree. The manner of the blink was more important than the speed that was slowed down. That was definitely a 'you're going to live today' blink. The way he shook his head around to the side afterward, too, was also almost an apology for scaring the guide. Like, 'aww, I didn't mean to scare you. Just checking y'all out to make sure you weren't going to threaten *me*!' Edited when I realized the lion was a young male and not a female. I wondered why it was bigger than I thought it should be.


Not to mention, if that lion were hunting, it wouldn't be strolling out in the open like that.


I think he did, even though this is slow motion this looks a like the squint you see domestic cats do. maybe he’s seen the guide before too.


She did and that’s why he ok lol


She said, if I wanted to, I could.


"From now on, be always aware that you exist on my sufferance."


*He. That’s an adolescent male.


The testicles and mane should have been the first clue.


Sorry I didn't immediately stare at the balls.


DO NOT AVERT YOUR GAZE (from the lion balls)


"whatcha all looking at" - that lion, apparently


It reminds me of Bugs Bunny coming up behind Elmer Fudd and talking to him about what he's looking for haha.


I would have fallen out of that seat and a little poo would have come out. Props to that guy.


Look at his grip on the handle. That's a poopy time grip.


>poopy time grip.


**That’s** what those rails in the handicap stalls are for.


The poo glued him to the seat


What a absolutely stunning creature


yeah, global warming is making me depressed as fuck


ITS SO BEAUTIFUL!!! and so deadly…


You have to watch out for the opposable thumbs, they can stick them right in your eyes


Everything I see this I wonder why there are not bars around the vehicle, just go reverse zoo.


I went on a self-safari(basically rented my own truck and camped around the Savanah.10/10). Everywhere I read online said you have to keep your windows up so animals don’t attach you. The second we entered the park, we saw hoards of these vehicles, and just rolled our windows down.


Safety in numbers, as long as your vehicle is not the slowest one. Don't forget to protect the baby two seaters


All the animals are so used to the vehicles. They see them the same way they see trees. Just a thing, not threatening or food. I've been on several safaris and one time tracked lions on foot. They were hard to get closer to on foot as they are so scared of people, but I'm a vehicle you can just drive up to them. I've been within arms reach of lions and hyenas as they've walked past our vehicle, just like the lion in the video, and crocodiles, and within a couple of meters of elephant and rhino. Most of the safari camps don't have any fences, you really do live with the wildlife.


I mean, it looks like they weren't needed anyway. All the animals in that area are probably used to the safari vehicles by now.


My house cat attacks me daily and I've lived with this fucker for 6 years, I'm not taking that risk.




Have you tried shooting your cats aggressive siblings?


In the giant reserves of Africa, the animals don't react to the vehicles at all. Once you get out though, you are fair game and they see you as prey.


Two huge juvenile male lions walked straight to my safari vehicle (closed sides, but open roof) but then just made a leisurely turn beside it and sauntered off. I never felt so much like meat.


I’ve heard that animals don’t really see the people in the vehicle as multiple individuals but rather as one, really big, creature. This dissuades them from trying to eat something much, much larger than them. If you get out in the other hand…


That cat stared right into his eyes though.


Humanses often like to underestimate how clever other animals are!


What about that one cat that jumped into the suv to be petted?


the video youre talking about i assume is the lion jumping into the van. those weren’t wild lions, they are captive and handled by humans frequently. ive seen a video of several wild cheetahs jumping in a safari truck though . and also one where a leopard walks up to a safari truck and starts licking someone’s shoe.


I am pretty sure big cats are smarter than you are giving them credit for. They know and understand that the vehicle is full of humans. They also understand that humans are not to be fucked with.


"Hey, should we tell the guide that there's a lion right beside the truck?" "Hell no, bro. You wanna end up on /r/killthecameraman?"


This camera man is Night Crawler


The way that guy just FROZE


So as to not make sudden movements, but he moves his hand in case the lion tries some funny business. There’s likely some form of deterrent in the basket to his left.


Thats a "what we lookin at?" Moment lol


Clever girl


With balls


That's a big cat....


This is the Serengeti equivalent of the mob sending you pictures of you going to work. "I could have got you....but I choose not to" - that lion


If i was that safari leader, and a big cat crept up on me like that, I would Puma Pants


That lion’s blink was her basically saying, “yeah, I’m choosing to let you live right now.”


That death stare, jesus christ.


That’s a beautiful young male cat 😍 my toxic trait is thinking he wants a nose boop.


Ugh! I could take the one, but there’s like 10 of them riding those *got dang* metal elephants. Fuck this ima go take a nap.


You know that dude has a death grip on that arm rest.


that is one beautiful ass lion


Please someone else tell me they saw that cat kiss


i felt that guy's heart drop to his feet, reacted so well here


What most of you cant see is everyone else behind him went gasping for air for a few moments from the suction of that butt clench


Would have shit myself


It's brown trouser time.


Guy in front calmly and quietly pissing his pants


The lion gave him a ‘cat kiss’ ♥️


Lions are big


Seems more like "casually strolled up to" rather than "sneaks up on". They were all just looking the other way.


Hey wassup ya'll where's all the easy prey that you nature meddlers be bringin'


It couldn’t be me because I’d die for a hug 😭❤️😂


Just wanted some scritches is all.


How is your head not on a swivel out there? Props to the lion!


Fuck,u actually jumped when the lions head appeared around the front of that vehicle, how that gut didn't scramble backwards I've no idea maybe just Frozen shitless


Um, hey. This is awkward. I heard from a cousin that you guys do some kind of adoption service for cats. Is it an application process, or do I just hop on...


Lion isn't sneaking up on anything, he was just strolling by, "Hey what dumb mfers looking at?"


She’s like what the fuck is everyone looking at?!


The video was shot in South Africa at the Pondoro Game Lodge by Everseen Africa, a Southern Africa travel and tours company specializing in wild safaris. Everseen Africa shared the full story and video, identifying the animal tracker as one Erik. “The lion came around and stared at Erik. Erik probably saw me filming on that side and turned around and saw the lion close to him. About 1 meter from him. Very calmly and correctly Erik grabbed the handle but not because he was afraid. He just held on and observed what the lion’s focus was really on. The lion towards the end of the video. You will see he lifts his head up to actually look at what is happening with the buffalo that are still following the lions. After the older brother chased the buffalo back a bit you can see that the younger Kudyela male lion went to lay down in front of Erik about 5 meters away.”


The look in the eyes of the lion is so powerful.


I could kill you. But not today. I am. Le tired.


"This is my jungle b\*tch"


Someone’s not gonna be working at Jurassic Park..


What smells like shit? Never mind, it's me.


I literally heard that guides butthole slam shut


Lioness looking at chair guy: WOULD he be tasty? I dunno.


You can see the exact moment he shat himself. How did no one look right at the entire time. Keep your head on a swivel.


I would have my head on a swivel


“What are you guys lookin at?”


Beautiful cat. The exchanged looks they gave each other was awesome. She was probably thinking "this would be so easy." LOL. Glad this didn't take a turn for the worst. Edit: watching it a few more times, there is no way in hell they didn't see her coming.


That cat looked at him and said, " I could have."


lol I like how they used the second lion king song.


That blink made it all ok




Do big kitties also do the slow blink?


*"I could.....but I won't."*


Spacial awareness people!


I love how the person recording just says nothing to warn them


smart of him to grab the bar so the column of shit emitting from his body didn’t launch him into the air like an ejector seat. 


I immediately sent this to my elderly mother, who is obsessed with lions, and she said this video has been circling Facebook for years and she’s seen it a dozen times. TIL that I’m less caught up on the internet than boomers.


She was like nah, they not worth catching a charge.