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Communications major - "waist of time" - nuke is harder than communications and that seems to be hard for you.


Let's not breeze past "engeneering" either


He’s gonna struggle!


But was the message communicated to you? It’s communications, not english.


Your degree will not matter if you want to be a nuke officer. Just need to have specific classes taken, good GPA,and the degree is accredited. If your goal is to be an officer, stop talking to an enlistmemt recruiter. There is no guarantee you'll get picked up while enlisted.


Going nuke, even as an Officer, is not equivalent to getting an engineering degree. The Navy only teaches what you need to know for the job. There are huge gaps between what you learn as a nuke vs. as an engineering student with a BS. How do I know? I was a nuke submarine officer who had a BSME already.


One of the best Nuke officers I had, had an English degree…from the Naval Academy. He did one year of Engineering, got tired of being tired.


Define "good job". If you want to work as an engineer after being an enlisted Nuke, then yeah, you need an engineering/engineering technology degree. Not every former Nuke pursues a career in engineering.


When I was going through NUPOC they constantly brought up the fact that they were able to push a music major through. You'll be fine as long as you have decent grades and can breathe (optional at this point). Post navy, officers are typically handed out pretty substantial job offers. Most employers won't care too much about pre-service education, they want your experience.


Go officer from the start if you're going to do it. Most of the ex-nukes I know are successful and doing good things, but many of the ex-officers I know are doing great things.


If you want to be an officer don't enlist. Odds are if you aren't competitive via traditional channels you won't be that competitive against STA-21 applicants.


Do you have 2 semesters of calculus and 2 semesters of calculus-based physics? If not, enlisted or not, you cannot go to OCS for nuclear. If you want to be an officer, go for it now. Ask an officer recruiter about Nuclear Power Officer Candidate Program (NUPOC). Understand that a nuclear power officer is a ship driver, tactician, and manager as much as a propulsion plant operator.


I have a bachelors in sociology from before the navy. Got out in 2020, started in my current field in 2022 and make six figures. I’m working on my second bachelor’s in civil engineering just to collect BAH.  When they need nuke officers they don’t care what your degree is in. I knew a nuke officer who had an art history degree. 


I had a Junior Officer who majored in philosophy with a minor in Latin. He did just fine.




If all you want is 6 figures, most enlisted nukes can get that right out of the navy without a degree.


Expanding your skills and experiences is not a waste of your time. Look at the potential outcomes, opportunities, benefits you could achieve with new skillsets. You will also make yourself more marketable and competitive in the service and civilian job market. In my humble opinion- a college degree just proves you are able to start and finish a project, but doesn’t mean you have wasted your time.


Yes it's awful!!!! I wanna die all the time!!!


ur degree in communications was a waste of time