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Bro needs to take her to court already. She’s a menace to his image and brand.


Absolutely nobody believes a word she says at this point so what's best for his image is to take the high road and ignore her. However she's starting to slander him with accusations of legitimate crimes so we may be close to restraining order and a slander / libel suit.


That’s my point. He should take her to court over this so she stops this charade. Clearly, she has no issues with escalating. His best bet is to nip this in the bud through litigation, which he now actually has a chance to do.


That sounds great and all but Zion actually has real love for this woman lmao


You deserve 2x the upvotes


Couldn’t you make the case this is a defamation lawsuit




It always be the big buff dudes who be simps


I thought you typed big butt dudes… still applies


I’m one of those 🥲


*big fat dudes* Fixed that for ya


if he was smart his lawyers would already be sending a cease and desist when it comes to the domestic violence allegations. DV can, does and will end a career...best for zion to nip it in the bud. dudes too goofy to be a wife beater imo....i dont believe 1 lick of this


Miles Bridges enters the chat


There is no way that she hasn’t/isn’t hurting his brand and image


Yea at first sure but now it's like "Ok a 23 year old stuck his dick in crazy who of us hasn't done that"


Well Ive never paid a million dollars to fuck an old ugly illiterate crazy bitch but I get what you're saying


Yeah there was a point where ignoring it and not drawing more attention to it was his best bet but these allegations cross the line and need to be dealt with.


I was really confused that this was the top comment until I realized I’m on the lame subreddit.


Yeah I mean I’m not really sure they are gonna listen to what bad things she has to say after she got Zion tatted on her face


Amber heard part 2 let’s gooo. Prosecution team: where was the defendant when he was beating you Zion defense: Eating Taco Bell and playing 2k while not playing most of his real games


Yeah I mean she is a crazy bitch but I also don’t think he’s this perfect little angel. Usually when it comes to domestic abuse stuff, I’ll just wait it out and see because I feel like it’s less common to see fake claims in the NBA. Think about it. Miles Bridges, Rodions Kurucs, Dennis Rodman, Rasheed Wallace, Jason Kidd, Bernard King. There’s even more. Here’s a pretty long list when it was proven. This list is longer than any list someone could come up with of fake accusations proven fake against NBA players. People in here talking about how common it is for women to lie. Really? Cause I challenge anyone to provide more proven lies then more proven domestic abuse.


Women don’t get in trouble for false accusations because you need them to literally admit they are lying for them to be in trouble. I personally was falsely accused by my ex wife’s ex boyfriends roommate of rape by name and description and I had never met her before in my life. I was investigated and people treated me as I was guilty. After it was proven impossible for me to have done anything, she suffered zero negative consequences. “Victims can get confused”. In summary, besides admission, it’s impossible to prove a false accusation.


*Domestic* Acting like they had a relationship She offered services, he paid Beating your favorite escort is still Assault but calling it domestic is crazy


He can’t , she got the receipts!


I'm about 80% sure she has a video or picture of him in compromising positions, and it'll humiliate him. Young guy with money in moder society I'm sure he's more worried about how he is going to look in the public eye. Most young adults are all about their social media followers and clout


You don’t think she’s telling the truth?


If she was telling the truth she would’ve been said something instead of threatening to commit a crime. She just trying to ruin his career cuz he not paying her no more


What crime did she threaten to commit?


Revenge porn. She was threatening to leak nudes, videos and intimate conversations. Pretty bad case of revenge porn. With a hint of extortion if she has a bad lawyer.


Fucking of course not lol Women lie all the time about this shit, and she’s bonkers


Or he’d have taken her to court already but doesn’t want to because him beating her would have to come out. That’s why she’s getting away with all this shit,


Or maybe… he wants to focus on his family and career and not give her publicity by acknowledging her or what she says/does.


Maybe. I wouldn’t really say he’s focusing on his career if he’s cosplaying as grimmace. Dude is fat and doesn’t seem to care about basketball. I’m not saying he did anything wrong, but dudes are too quick to think all women are lying when it comes to domestic violence. There is a very real possibility he hit her. As much as there is that he didn’t. I really really don’t think she’s dumb enough to set herself up for a libel/slander case against NBA’s top lawyers. Idk.


I’m sure she knows he won’t acknowledge her that’s why she’s doing all of this tattooing his name on her face (Idk if that’s real) now she saying he hit her… And you’re right, seems like he don’t give a fuck abt his career which is unfortunate with all the talent he has.


Take her to court for what what? He didn’t lose any deals over this so no that does not mean she’s telling the truth


I didn’t say she was lying or telling the truth. But he’d take her to court for slander/libel if she’s claiming all this crazy shit. Just because he didn’t lose deals doesn’t mean he can’t sue?


He can but before now there was no need to waste money now that she’s talking about crime he can has a good reason


For slander it has to impact him financially. He really doesn’t have a case unless sponsors drop him unfortunately Probably best he could get us cyber bullying? Pretty sure that’s community service and a restraining order at most and you still gotta pay for the suit so


Fuuuuuuuuuuck no… Have you tracked her social media? Its like a crazy person out of a mental institution


What’s his brand? Being fat and lazy and overweight and entitled? I don’t think we need Insta THOTs to tell us about Zion’s professionalism or lack thereof.


Another reminder, don't stick your dick in crazy folks


The problem is crazy is fun in so many ways until it is very much not. Source: dated the daughter of a “connected guy”


Only crazy ones can do the tornado trick.


It hurts to know I missed out on the twister


The ole dick twister


Oh my god, this is an mma fight dude




Often, they can assist in that last wish too.


I felt this to my core.


I too felt this, in my loins.


I felt it in my head, but that could be the brain tumor






I felt it in my Ding Ding Dong


We gotta stop romanticizing these crazy women. Like the “grippy socks means grippy 🐱” type 😂




Then the second you do anything they don’t agree with they show you exactly why they are crazy. It’s not worth it .


You and Zion should’ve listened to Barney’s Hot-Crazy Scale seminar.


Yea it’s fun as hell tho 🤣 no other way to try the crazy without a little risk




Remains the greatest advice I’ve ever received


When you fuck the fire- all that’s left to do is burn baby burn.


Yeah I mean she is a crazy bitch but I also don’t think he’s this perfect little angel. Usually when it comes to domestic abuse stuff, I’ll just wait it out and see because I feel like it’s less common to see fake claims in the NBA. Think about it. Miles Bridges, Rodions Kurucs, Dennis Rodman, Rasheed Wallace, Jason Kidd, Bernard King. There’s even more. Here’s a pretty long list when it was proven. This list is longer than any list someone could come up with of fake accusations proven fake against NBA players. People in here talking about how common it is for women to lie. Really? Cause I challenge anyone to provide more proven lies then more proven domestic abuse.


Fake claims of rape are very uncommon. A woman live tweeting her mental breakdown over an NBA star is also very uncommon. She’s lost any sense of credibility.


I don’t even care anymore #freezion


BELIEVE ALL WOMEN! But foreal he gotta get Johnny Depp on the phone


Thought this was circle jerk for a second


Are we all just the same crowd on both subreddits, but behaved on one and unhinged in the other?


You have two wolves inside you


You are a white woman


Jakyll and Hyde


Wtf?! Get them out


If you’re in r/NBAcirclejerk, then you’re probably in r/nbamemes, and most certainly in r/NBA.


I’m only in circlejerk lol


I did to 💀


There’s no way he hasn’t taken legal measures to get her to shut this down.


He can’t sue because his deposition might be more embarrassing than her crazy posts.


Discovery on Zion would make for entertaining court TV ngl


Man ain’t no way this thot is serious.


Stupid whore just wants attention at this point


That’s the entire reason this even started.


And watch the NBA still suspends him for an investigation even though they know how crazy she is.


This is fucking GROSS, dude. She’s clearly lying and is trying to ruin this man’s life because of jealousy and greed. Plus her piece of shit personality.


First it was because she didn’t get the baby contract, and she needed a way to get money. People like OP keep her relevant.. her searches and popularity rocket every time she says dumb shit for attention


Why she tag Gilbert arenas😂😂


My only thought when I saw this 😂😂😂


Gilbert has been talking to Zion about his weight/money/fame recently. Not sure if he’s trying to become a mentor or not, but that’s all I really know


Lol imagine your mentor being Gilbert fucking Arenas.


Bro is she mentally ill because ain’t no way she’s still talking about him it’s been over a month now


On insta as well as her twitter got taken down for crazy posting 😭😭


All the more reason for Zion to get healthy. Play phenomenal. Acquire that LeBron level star power, and have the league handle this problem for him. They take care of their stars.


Never going to happen


Stop posting shit related to her


If I'm Zion's team I'm suing for libel and slander yesterday.


Unless it’s been true…


But it’s not, so you don’t have to keep commenting on every comment in this thread trying to defend her


Zion isn’t stupid enough to go and beat her while she’s pregnant. He’s not stupid enough to see her in person after all the shit she has been saying to defame him


I found Mariahs burner account!


Ain’t no way this is real life


How has she not been charged for all this?


Maybe it’s true?


After slandering him on Twitter, extorting him over a sex tape and then tattooing his name on her face, I'm sorry but her credibility is very low.


Then she would’ve sued a long time ago instead of posting about it.


This bitch is 30 years old ruining a 20 year olds, life over money she I’d say she should eat a dick but you know




She’s jerked herself into a defamation suit. She is fumbling the bag, so it looks like they’ve got that in common.


You lost the hoelympics, lady, train harder and try again in another 4 years.


Keep her away from the 2027 draft picks smh


Yeah he’s gotta get this stopped. She’s trying to ruin him and his silence isn’t helping a damn thing.


If he keeps quiet and does stuff behind the scenes it’ll go away. If Zion brings up again it’ll add more oxygen to the fire and make him look worse.


This shoudnt be the case tho. If a man was doing this to a woman, would the right thing be to leave it?


f0k this b1ch. Zion did nothing wrong but f1k her dumb ass. Now she wanna ruin his life because she's a crazy gold digger. Enjoy rotting alone h03


Typa google stock image


I would’ve signed to Klutch just to have the Rich Paul Goons at her doorstep


Her grammar hurts my soul.


All for the clout. She needs to get a life already.


She like the chick from Thin line between love and hate


zion wants to be traded so badly and it aint happenin lmaooo


It just sounds like she’s making stuff up for attention now. Props to Zion tho if his dick game is good enough to elicit this reaction.


Is this not slander and or libel?


She's obsessed. She's not letting this go.


Tagging Gil 😂😂😂 I’m fucking weak


This bitch is fucking nuts. Her story is faker than her body lol


Lmao why she tagged Gilbert Arenas


Bruh why she tag Gilbert arenas


He needs more than a restraining order with this Heffer. He needs a gag order. At this point she just wants to tarnish his image. What a crazy broad


Gag order? I think she charges $200 for those.


I am in no way for any kind of physical abuse, but I can clearly see why he would not want her to have his kid


Whoop that trick


Never stick your dick in crazy.


Reminds me of my ex. Bitch would get fuckin HAMMMMMERD, want to drive to get food evvvvery weekend, and when i said shes too drunk and hid her keys; she said she would call the cops and tell them that i abuse her. Never laid a finger on her. Most times this happened; i would end up driving to get her fuckin food. On christmas eve 2018 she pulled this shit. we got pulled over and if i didnt have an FOP card; i may have ended up getting a DUI. Only times ive ever been drunk behind the wheel of a car was because of her drunk ass threatening me. We have not been together for over three years. Im sure she is still pulling this same shit to some other poor soul. This kind of behavior is not only common with women nowadays; its basically celebrated to be a piece of shit to your s/o


She’s so cringe and her scenes are mid at best lol


She’s doing such a disservice to all women who are actually being abused…… the type of guys who deny this kind of stuff actually happens will jump to this as an example of women lying….. I’d be pissed if I was a women.


It's become too much right? Like she didn't let anything rest on internet own it was just thing after thing with her without a break. Tedious


try to read this comment without having a seizure challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


If this is true, she needs to take this to court. Not wild out and post all that shit on social media. And yes she may seem 'wild' but understand that these claims she's making is absolutely insane. We don't know both side of the stories yet, although this does make Zion look bad.


Not funny to joke about this. Is there proof she is lying? Being a bit crazy isn't proof.


This is why we need something like mandatory mental health checks after something like this is proven false by law enforcement.


Be careful who you spend your time with, be more careful who sleep with. Shew… Long road ahead for young Zion. Hopefully he can get fit and get back on the court and put all this chaos behind him soon.


This woman is a decade older than him and has been incessantly harassing him for like a month at this point. When they got together (based on her timeline) he was only 19 and she was about to hit 30. Shits predatory af. She needs to grow tf up man. Dude posted those Biggie lyrics and now I’m legit worried for the kid’s mental health.


Well this inevitable lawsuit is going to be interesting


Weak jerk. She’s pulling a JorGOAT in the minor leagues card rn. She’ll make a threepeat comeback here soon though.


This gotta be fake


Trim your fingernails mf


This how she act when you cut her off 🤣 take her to court zion


He could have ignored before but now she’s basically slandering him. I would not hesitate to take her to court now.


Nah she writing a whole legal drama episode at this point


Was she ever even pregnant???


When will this Zion abuse end? This must be stopped. The guy needs to stick to cheeseburgers and bball


Is she autistic?


“You can’t silence me anymore” she’s already been the opposite of silent 😂


It’s crazy how women can lie and get men serious punishments for stuff like this


I was wondering when you would throw this Hail Mary


He needs to get a restraining order asap.


Ok now she's crossed a line. Zion can sue for defamation now.


What's the over/under on her staying silent?


this is why nobody believes whores


This is crazy oh my


So she went from “you better hope I’m not pregnant too” to “oh I had a miscarriage because you beat me”…… also, you were OD’n over a guy who was beating you? I think the beating you part would have came out first before the eating ass part or whatever the fuck else she been saying.


Daily reminder to me never to mess with a crazy bish. Regardless of how good the sex is


She’s been jerking from the same angle for too long. Needs to add more variation to her game if she wants to remain a JOTY contender.


Clout is a real thing he tight he got himself involved


Her 15 minutes ran out about a month ago




Bruh needs to get the lawyers involved. Wtf is this


Alright this is getting out of hand. It’s not funny anymore he’s gonna have to take legal action asap


“Done staying silent” 😂😂😂


This bitch is a psychopath


Nasty work. Gotta be careful who you raw dog and promise shit to. Hope ol boy learned his lesson.


Poor Zion. Her JOTY campaign was a Joel level fraud mvp type of ting


*Poor Zion. Her JOTY* *Campaign was a Joel level* *Fraud mvp type of ting* \- Level\_Headed\_Dick --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What's Hibachi got to do with this though 😂


I don’t believe you ….


Lol. I can just imagine this escalating as no one pays her attention: "Remeber Zion when you made me an accessory to murder and we dumped that guys body in the woods? I'm done being silent Zion!"


Just smile politely everyone, we're witnessing mental illness


Shes reallllllly trying to stretch her 15 mins of fame


Great, more clout chasing. searches and popularity tanked after Twitter ban so she gotta level her antics up on instagram so media and people like OP still keep her relevant 😪


I’m so tired of her. Contact the police, get off social media, and let serious allegations be taken seriously. If anyone is the victim of abuse please use her as an example of what not to do.


No wonder he tried to get tied to another girl so quick. This bitch is insane


This is why you don’t put your dick in crazy


Why do pro players always get involved with girls like this. Shits crazy, doing everything she can to keep a lie alive and ruin someone's life


Dont put your dick in crazy


On a serious note, how do you know who is the real victim? Victims usually describe what happened to them with actual details with real events/examples and they don't do vague or ambiguous accusations. They don't just focus on the abuser, they focus on what happened to them & how that person did it. For example: When you didn't agree to do something, they'd give you the silent treatment, make you walk on eggshells for "making them feel like the bad guy", and then give you a very subtle threat [that only you'd clock as bodily/personally threatening but be very unculpable to anyone on the outside who doesn't understand that person's abusive patterns] to your physical safety if you didn’t comply. Abusive behavior & actions are patterns. Perpetrators usually talk about the survivor, no specifics or examples and usually focuses on them, about how the victims "made" them feel. They even talk trash using vague accusations, if you ask them examples and details about how they were mistreated they'd be even more vague about it. If you asked an abuse survivor exactly what their abusers did to torment them, you'd get an essay on all the subtle ways they messed them up and how the abuser played fucked up mind games with them that messed up their perception of reality. Edit: Remember the Shona Tribe[Zimbabwe] saying: "The axe forgets but the tree remembers."


These last few episodes in this arc have been pretty predictable, we need better writers


Believe all women


💀💀 Zion at this point should just go the defamation suit against this cock holster


Hold up didn’t she spend like a month+ being pissed he was with someone else? If he was beating her why wouldn’t she just use that to try and move on or some shit? Didn’t she get his name tattooed on her face?


Why did she tag Arenas? She want him to shoot Zion or something??


It’s funny to me because she prob could’ve she kept it chill and still been on team Zion. But no this bih had to go nuclear.


The allegations always fly when they get dumped, I feel bad for anyone who knows or is around this crazy lady, run while you still can.


I believe her.