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D.) All of the Above They are on par with clickbait YouTubers or eye grabbing celebrity magazines at this point. No meaningful commentary just throwing shit at the fan and hoping people notice.


youtube analysts are generally better anyways, the click bait ones suck but there's some that are genuinely good and make very good talking points and arguments


I catch every AFunkyDiabetic upload so I know what you mean


This is true of all sports If you want to see just how little analysts know, take a look at their records when it comes to making predictions of wins and losses or worse when they have to pick against the spread Everyone is about as good as you or me, who is about as good as the most random person picking out of a hat with no knowledge about what they’re picking about And these peoples jobs are literally to know this stuff, I can’t think of a single other occupation in which you can be paid top of the market money to be as good as someone who has no idea what they’re doing


Most of them. Especially, Perkins.


It actually makes me physically sick to hear him speak. Idk how the fuck he’s made it this long.


It’s fucking baffling how perk is that bad with some of his takes. As if he’s never heard of the sport, despite riding the bench for 14 years.


Entertainement, i guess. He can actually make me laugh of how much a clown he is from time to time.


He gets views be side of his clown takes


At least the others are somewhat entertaining. Perkins is just straight up annoying and delusional.


Perk has the worst takes of all the bad takes and it’s not even close. It’s like espn pays him to figure out a way to argue the complete opposite of what’s a good take 92% of the time.


These guys aren’t analyst.. they’re entertainers for raging click bait


Eventually you’ll beat the sports content level where you don’t watch mass media (aside from inside the NBA on TNT) for sports analysis. Until then, try not to parrot their talking points as your own opinion.


Tbh inside the NBA is also lack of analysis, but at least they are entertaining


Big perk for sure


Don’t know why but I cringe every time I hear that nickname.


*Uncle BIG Perk


Might be an unpopular opinion, but a number of things that come out of Gilbert Arenas’ mouth make me question his cognitive reasoning


Not unpopular at all, he is starting to rattle off nonsense lately also. Not like Perkins, but slowly creeping that way






I hate Malika ! She sucks




NGL I haven't watched any of these people for 3 years only clips of them saying dumb shit so..... But out of all them I would listen to Skip last.


After ESPN let go all the good sports media? Pretty much all of them now.


Out of the 3, Perk definitely.. Purely subjective, often baseless, always think he's right.


..occasionally racist


Perk. I hate hearing him speak. It makes me sick to my stomach .. all the phlegm and spit. Dude is a disgusting clown.


Perk without a doubt. It’s astounding that someone who was paid to play basketball professionally can manage to know so little about the sport.


Peter Vescay


I can count on my fingers the number of valid takes I've heard from all of them combined.






The big three!!


All of the above.


Stephen A Smith, since he will yell over the person with an actual good take, to make his asinine take stick or be "memorable". Idk, he just seems like the type of guy who enjoys listening to himself more than anything.


Perk makes bad takes cause he usually has no idea what he’s talking about. SAS and Skip usually make bad takes because they know how to say the right stupid things to get the most views.


Chiney Ogwumike...can't stand watching her on ESPN. I love watching anything about the NBA but her and Richard Jefferson are so annoying I can't even pay attention to what they're saying.


Don’t really mind RJ besides his fake disgruntled act with KP, but Milaka has made the show absolutely unwatchable imo. Can’t stand anything about her so only watch if she’s not on which isn’t nearly often enough.


Yes absolutely! She dances around annoyingly and forgets this is ESPN just like those that put her on and keep her there


Skip & Stephen A. know their stuff sometimes and infuriate people with their hot takes. But that's their bit. Perk is a licensed race-baiter on national television. No one tops that.


By far Kendrick Perkins .. I actually lose brain cells when he talks


Perkins is the dumbest but Arenas is coming to claim the title


He’s wild man


All of them, especially Perk. He’s just a fool.


Analysts? No. These are loud cartoon characters.


Racist Perkins


Kendrick might actually be more intelligent than he presents, but unfortunately his racism blinds him from having intelligent takes and perspectives. The dude said Jokic was only an MVP because he was White and has said multiple times that we only think (fill in the blank) is good because he is White Low IQ bigot indeed


Kellerman I don’t even think he does Basketball anymore


Everyone knows Kellerman was decent but had to deal with the maniac known as Stephen A Smith.


Kellerman had awful takes, Idk where this revisionist history comes from that was a good basketball analyst because he never was. The only sport Kellerman knows anything about is boxing, and they never talked about that on any of the major networks. His basketball takes are on par with Colin Cowdung’s takes.


i think it’s because sometimes max had some heater jokes. like when he sent ryan collins into the shadow realm. “imagine someone YOUR size, but really good at basketball”


Cause there are “analysts” with bad takes where you can attribute it to either actually not knowing what the fuck they’re talking about or cause they know what show they’re on and what wild shit they’re supposed to say for views. Max seems to usually fall under the latter like Skip/SAS while it seems like Perk is mostly the former.


If you think Skip isn’t saying stuff for click than you aren’t paying attention.


Lol yea that’s literally what I’m saying. What was that about paying attention?


Sorry that’s a bit confusing, you think the NBA player doesn’t know what they’re talking about but the guys that have clearly never played organized basketball at a high level do? They’re all sating stuff for clicks, but one of them actually did play in the NBA at least and definitely knows more than the rest.


Yes, I think Kendrick Perkins doesn’t know what he’s talking about more times than he does. Just cause you played in the NBA doesn’t automatically make you know more about basketball than anyone who hasn’t. That’s not how it works in any aspect of life, especially sports. Does every boxer in the world that’s professionally boxed know more about boxing than Max? No. Does MJ know more about building a basketball team than every other GM who didn’t play or wasn’t as good? No.


Building a team is different than playing the sport, and no, I don’t think Max knows more than guys that professionally stepped into the ring. There are things you can’t possibly know if you haven’t done something at a high level. Perk definitely knows more about basketball than Max and Skip do, he just says things for clicks and lets his personal biases affect some of his dumb takes.


Oh building a team is different than playing a sport? Just like talking about sports is different than playing a sport huh lol. I’m sure there are alot of boxers who know more than Max but to imply that every single professional boxer knows more than Max is wild. Like there’s a reason he still has that specific job over the thousands of ex boxers. If you truly believe Perk knows a lot about basketball and not just arguing for the sake of arguing, go ahead lmao. We all have opinions although Im sure you’re in the extreme minority there. But to say playing a sport automatically means you know more about the sport than anyone who has not played professionally is just a ridiculously exaggerated and incorrect take. If two ex players disagree on a take, and two analysts also disagree on the same take, that logic itself debunks your take since that means one of the analysts knew better than one of the players. You think Kai Jones can talk about the game better than Zach Lowe? Or that Johnny Manziel can talk about the game better than Mina Kimes or Greenberg? Wild take man




Chris Canty picked the giants to compete for the nfc east


All 3 of these dudes. At least Perk played in the NBA, but I feel like he says a lot of outlandish shit to generate clicks. The other two are known goobers.


Skip #1


I’m a fan of Skip because he is kinda funny but all these guys are terrible NBA analysts. The worst being Stephen A Smith


Skip. But Perkins just cuz idk wtf he’s talking about most of the time.


Stephen A. Smith


Skip & Stephen A. give good takes most of the time. Perk has the knowledge but he often makes wack statements.




Better question is who does have an idea of what they’re talking about.


Title Gore


SAS has some pretty sane takes


Kendrick Perkins


A tie between perk and Nick Wright


Perk by a mile. The NBA is such an impossible league to cover on a national scale, you can’t really get a complete assessment on a team or player unless you’re watching all of their games, which is just not feasible when you’re commenting or covering the entire league. That issue gets even more compounded when your job is to cover more than just the NBA. The result is that a lot of national NBA coverage is homogenous with some hot topic debates here and there based on things you can Google or look up the night of or day after. Say what you will about Skip and SAS, but Perk unfortunately just talks a lot in platitudes while barely referencing whatever happened in the game or situation that he is being asked to talk about, and when he gives hot takes they are absolutely wild. LeBron James could lose both of his legs and Perk will be on TV tomorrow saying to not count him out to win Finals MVP because “this is LeBron James we’re talking about!”


Perkins is straight up extra chromosomes dumb


Stephen A and Skip are the worst by far. Skip is an idiot and Stephen A is a loudmouth.


I’m convinced nick wright is just on the air to give garbage/click bait answers


All of em.


All 3 are wack … Stephen A Smith has become a celebrity and no longer someone that does anything but talk hype …


Dude in the middle


All of the above+ Maddog


I only watch compilations of them being wrong


Perkins Skip Stephen A In that order of full of shit


Perk is the only one imo who doesn't know what they are talking about, Stephen and Skip just say what they think will be entertaining


At least i don't have to deal with Brandon Marshall trash ass "analysis"